INDIAN BUREAU OF MINES MINERALS DEVELOPMEMT AND REGULATION DIVISION MCDR inspection REPORT Hyderabad regional office Mine file No : AP/NLG/LST-5/HYD Mine code : 38APR14007 (i) Name of the Inspecting : RK13( ) A.V.Ramesh Kumar Officer and ID No. (ii) Designation : Assistant Mining Geologis (iii) Accompaning mine : V SUBRAMANYAM CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER(MINES) Official with Designation (iv) Date of Inspection : 28/10/2017 (v) Prev.inspection date : 12/03/2017 PART-I : GENERAL INFORMATION 1. (a) Mine Name : SAGAR - I (b) Registration NO. : IBM/825/2011 (c) Category : A Mechanised (d) Type of Working : Opencast (e) Postal address State : TELANGANA District : NALGONDA Village : PEDAVEEDU Taluka : HUZURNAGAR Post office : METTAMPALLY Pin Code : 508225 FAX No. : 08683-247029 E-mail : [email protected] Phone : 040316571/316572,08683-6703 (f) Police Station : MATTAMPALLY (g) First opening date : 18/08/1984 (h) Weekly day of rest : SUN 2. Address for : PEDDAVEEDU VILLAGE,MATTAMPALLY MANDAL, correspondance SURYAPET DISTRICT TELANGANA STATE 3. (a) Lease Number : APR0067 (b) Lease area : 143.67 (c) Period of lease : 20 (d) Date of Expiry : 4. Mineral worked : LIMESTONE Main PAGE : 2 5. Name and Address of the Lessee : M/S SAGAR CEMENTS LTD H.NO.8-2-472/B/2 ROAD NO.1 BANJARA HILLS HYDERABAD TELANGANA Phone:040-3351571,0403356572 FAX : Owner : SAMMETA VEERA REDDY H.NO.8-2-472/B/2 ROAD NO 1 BANJARAHILLS HYDERABAD TELANGANA Phone: 04023351571 FAX : 04023356573 Agent : N.KRISHNA REDDY M/S SAGAR CEMENTS LTD MATTAMPALLY VILLAGE & MANDAL NALGONDA TELANGANA Phone: 08683247029 FAX : 08683247041 Mining Engineer Name : P MANOJ KUMAR REDDY,Full Time Qualification : Appointment/ : 27/01/2011 Termination date Geologist Name : MD.NAYEEM,Full Time Qualification : M.SC(GEO) Appointment/ : 24/12/2007 Termination date Manager Name : V.SUBRAHMANYAM Qualification : DIPLOMA IN MINING & FIRSTCLASS MINES MAN Appointment/ : 02/03/2005 Termination date 6. Date of approval of Mining : Mining Scheme rule 12 MCDR1988 17/01/2001 Plan/Scheme of Mining Modif.of approved Mining Plan 07/12/2003 Renewal under rule 22 MCR1960 26/03/2004 Modif.of approved Mining Plan 12/09/2008 Modif.of approved Mining Plan 03/08/2010 Mining Scheme rule 12 MCDR1988 23/05/2014 PAGE : 3 PART - II : OBSERVATION/COMMENTS OF INSPECTING OFFICERS Exploration : Sl.No. Item Proposals Actual work Remarks 1a Backlog of No Though there was no The lessee has previous year exploration proposal for carried out a was proposed exploration,the lessee cumulative of 67 duirng the has carried out 06 Core CBH and 44 DTH at year 2016-17. Bore Holes duirng the 150x150m grid year 2016-17. interval. 1b Exploration over --- The entire lease area is None lease area for covered underG1 & G2 geological axis 1 scale of exploration. or 2 1c Exploration -- An expenditure of None Agencies and Rs.50000/- was incurred Expenditure in towards the exploration lakh rupees carried out duirng 2016- during the year 17 1d Balance area to -- -- Entire lease area be explored to is covered under bring Geological G1 &G2 scale of axis in 1 or 2 exploration. 1e Balance reserve --- 40.571 Million tonnes None as on 01/04/20 1f General remarks --- The entire lease area is None of inspecting covered under G1 & G2 officers on scale of exploration. geology, exploration etc Development : Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks 2a Location of It is proposed The actual workings were None development to develop the observed to be as per w.r.t.lease area mine with two the approved document. pits which are presently exisitng. Eastern side:N9905- 10750 &E 10975-11600 Western side: N 10030-10255 & E 10450- 10695. PAGE : 4 2b Separate benches There are no It was observed that None in topsoil, proposals for duirng 2016-17 no OB was overburden and making benches handled.However, the minerals (Rule in topsoil generated is 15) topsoil.Furthe being used for r no OB was plantation in the lease. handled duirng 2016-17. 2c Stripping ratio 1:4.265 No OB was handled duirng None or ore to OB 2016-17. ratio 2d Quantity of 16560 Cu.m 21230 Cu.m None topsoil generation in m3 2e Quantity of 161500 tonnes Nil None overburden generation in m3 2f General remarks -- The overall development None of inspecting of the mine is as per officers on the proposal made in the development of approved document. pit w.r.t. type of deposit etc Exploitation: Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks 3a Number of pit Two pits It was observed that the None proposed for mining is being carried production out in two pits as proposed. 3b Quantity of ROM 2.25 Million 1.56 Million tonnes None mineral tonnes production proposed 3c Recovery of Nil Nil Nil sailable/usable mineral from ROM production 3d Quantity of Nil Nil Nil mineral reject generation 3e Grade of mineral Nil Nil Nil rejects generation and threshold value declared. 3f Quantity of sub Nil 3684 tonnes Nil grade mineral generation. PAGE : 5 3g Grade of sub Nil Sio2 -16-18% Nil grade mineral generation 3h Manual / No proposals Entire ROM is consumed None Mechanised made for in captive cement plant method adopted seggregating of lessee. for segregating from ROM from ROM 3i Any analysis or Nil Nil Nil beneficiation study proposed and carried out for sub grade mineral and rejects. 3j Provision of Yeas, It was observed that None drilling and provision has blasting and drilling is blasting in been made for being carried out by way mineral benches drilling and of wagon drill of 115 blasting in mm dia and blasting as mineral proposed in the approved benches. document. 3k Provision of Yes a It was observed that None mining provision has HEMM like dumper,Back machineries in been made in Hoe are being used for mineral benches the approved carrying out mining document for operations in the utilising the mineral benches. HEMM in the mineral benches. 3l Whether height It was The same was observed None of benches in proposed to duirng the inspection. overburden and maintain width mineral suitable and height in for method of the mineral mining proposed benches at 7-8 in MP/SOM meters height and 10-15 meters width suitable for Mechanised method of mining. 3m Total area -- 84.605 ha as on 1.4.2017 None covered under excavation/pits 3n Ore to OB ratio 1:4.265 Nil No OB was handled for the pit/mine duirng 2016-17. during the year. 3o Total area put -- 84.605 ha None in use under different heads at the end of year PAGE : 6 3p Production of 2012-13-2.70 2012-13-1.54 million None ROM mineral million tonnes tonnes during the last 2013-14-2.28 2013-14-1.38 million five year period million tonnes tonnes as applicable 2014-15-2.25 2014-15-1.53 million million tonnes tonnes 2015-16-2.25 2015-16-1.64 million million tonnes tonnes 2016-17-2.25 2016-17-1.56 million million tonnes tonnes 3q General remarks -- There is no production None of inspecting of mineral ovar and officers on above the proposed method of mining quantity. etc. Solid Waste Management - Dumping: Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks 4a Separate dumping Proposal was The topsoil generated None of topsoil, OB made for duirng the year 2016-17 and mineral stacking of was stacked along the rejects (Rule topsoil and lease boundary within 32,33) dumping of OB lease towards Western duirng the side duirng 2016- year 2016-17. 17.Further area has been earmarked for dumping the OB duirng the year 2016-17,However no OB was handled duirng 2016- 17. 4b Location of For topsoil It was observed duirng None topsoil, OB and along the the inspection that the mineral reject western lease topsoil generated was dumps boundary and stacked along the for OB on the proposed leasy boundary Southern side on western side.No OB of the lease. was handled duirng 2016- 17. 4c Number of dumps -- One Dump Within Mining None within lease lease and no dumps area and outside outside lease area. of lease area 4d Location of It was However it was observed None dumps w.r.t. proposed to that no OB was handled ultimate pit dump within N duirng 2016-17. limit (Rule 16) 10635-N11200 duirng 2016- 17. 4e Number of active One active One active dump None and alive dumps. dump 4f Number of dead None None None dumps. PAGE : 7 4g Number of dumps One old dump It was observed that one None established. being old dump is being stabilised. stabilised. 4h Whether -- Yes retaining walls and None. Retaining wall garland drain was or garland drain constructed around the all along dumps dump. are there. 4i Length of -- 100Meters of retaining None Retaining wall wall and 1.8 KM of or garland drain garland drain. all along dumps 4j Number of One One None settling ponds 4k Specific -- The overall solid waste None comments of management dumping as inspecting proposed is being officer on waste carried out. dump management Solid Waste Management - Backfilling: Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks 5a Status of part There is no No area was backfilled None or full proposal for duirng year 2016-17. extraction of backfilling mineral from duirng the mined out area year 2016-17. before starting backfilling. 5b Area under -- -- None backfilling of mined out area 5c Concurrent use There was no Topsoil generated was None of topsoil for proposal for not used for restoration restoration or use of topsoil of mined out area duing rehabilitation generated for 2016-17.
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