FOR}I B BUIl"DING MASSACIiUSETTSHISTCRIC.\L CCM\II55 iON on, IiA 021C8 x\ Newburypor*- - TA< S 1o-12@ toric Na:rre Lowell- House r: Original Re*dence present Residence :rership: E Prrvate indil,'j'duai Private organization- .-, Drrhlic I" Original owner Edmund ilreet:leaf iSCRIPT]ON: location in relation to nearest cross streets and cther buildings ot geograPhicai features ' ttOUld - r.-rrrriv..5-4v- ar r- NeWbUfy" Indicate north. Source St,vle Colonia l. Architect Unknown I ts Exterior wal1 fabric Asbestcs Shinqles ,ii \J I Outbui-ldings D Ter-4 P(E $4te'f $ (with dates) }t Major alterations addition nr u,1 at rear (date unknown Moved YeS Date L77L Approx. acreage 3,512 sq. ft. residenti-al area of lSth Recorded by Ilary Jane Stirgwolt Sctrino i-n .i and 19th centurlz houses' adjacent Oroaniv4<e.rriEe3v.. :ati on llln€f I I(:Hna tllnf 1-nmm:rn.iI rrllrlrrrr,rt, 1-rz\. DeveloPment to central business district. Date R-2q-Rn (Staple additi.snal sheets here) _ .-:_ and ARCHITECTUMLSiGNIFICANCE (describe irnportant arehitectural features evaluate in terms of other buildings Hithin cornnunity) the eighteenth This house was built during the fi-rst quarter of as a smaller house' century. It was probably origiially constructed in tire possibly of fsur niys, ytln an add.ition made later clapboarded but now ha-s a covering UEtlLs!J.aan.Frrr-rz The building *"i-originally with a roof of asbestos shingles. This holse has an Larly form Eambrel l-ittle detail and and a symmetricai facade. The present d'oorway has wheir the door altereo since ttre turn of the twentibth centurli has been Accoroing was flanked by Doric pilasters supportinE a simple entablature' in a parrel over one to John J. Currier there was at one time a painting., in this house. It depictld a "ministerrs meett"?^^::U, of tire fir"pi"c"s / state historytvvrru' HISTSRICALSIGNIFICANCE (explain the role ownets played in IocaI or and how the building relates to the developrnentof the cornn':nity) conveyed to on May 23, 1726, Thomas Brown, Jr. yeoman and.butcher, Newbury' Tlrs l,oweli, a'house, barn, and two acres of land in John ' by Edmund narr:el on Fj-sh (now State) Street had previously been owned house l-ater acquired Greenleaf. Greenleaf is-"tfpo="d Lo hive built the by John Lowell. from Harvarc Lowell was born in Boston in L704. He graduated John mir:ister and at the oi lwenty-two ne was ordained the first in 1721 parish woul-d the Third parish -9.of N-wbury.' Estal-lished in i72o. ti:is of tire as"The First ReligioiLs Society of Newburyport't after be known house of Newbutfi;+ Ln L754. Reverend r,bweli lived in the incorl:,:ration son John street until hil death in l-767, At that time L'rrve1l's on state L77L norrneel lor-at-law occupied ihe house and continued -ucido so until Thg ycunger when it was sold to Patrick Tracy, merchant of Newburyport' - as the Lowell-' Lowell then built. a targe-fto*. oi-t'ffigi. Street novr known Johnscn hcuse. a hrrick house in l-??1 state street was widened and' Tracy erected The garnbrel naw. the public Li-brary on the site of the Lowell hsmesteai' roofed holre was mo\/ed to Temple Street at ttrat time Fitz was a In:851 the LOweIl hOuSe was ovrnecikry George FLn-z' the house until- I an,i owned several houses in th;t: a::ia" fitz owned eocpeJ: who also the 1i370's, It was later owned b:'Greenleaf Dodgee a Calpenter on Ferry ownei sernerai houses in the south End. Dcdge had a business lvnarr " BIBIISGI-V.Piilani.'cr REFERENCES Newb-qry: Eioqrapi'rical Sketches, Boston J " *', Cur::i.er, Oglq |j,pt"t*g! *:3 :'-8)5. society of An ,jsgocrJr'uRecollections of Temple streei", lts. ltiscc::ica1 O:c Newb[rY, \]eltburyport, Mass' 1B5l PIan of *ewburyport. lviass" H. iYcintire and Co' lg?a }iap.c,f rn" CiiV'c'f \ie,^'buryport, Mass. D. G. Fee:s iE5i,' 1894 Cj-t1r Direct'rrieg "i-i?1, 2A\4-2/8A .:8S1.Atlas cf Essex Countvf C;. H' Hal'lse: Cc ' irr"*ffi €coEs ffitiTgsr IlryFllip$Y.lpnu FqryTINpdllo'tt. .sl{Lsq ty: I FormNo: 375 !1455,1#{ISETTSHISTORI CAt CCl.{rfiSSIC$l Newburyport | Office of tlre Secretary, Boston Nm: Lowell House 10-12 Temple St. Irdieate eacb item sn inventory fo:m uhidt is being csfltinr€d, beLcrr. ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE ICON"INUSD) a mountai"n scene. Unfortunately, this panel was removed. from the house and sent to James Russell LoweLl in Canbridge, Mass" The house itself remains an exceptional example of NewburlportIs Colonial architecture,.
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