Selected Bibliography Index AUDUS, LESLIE J., 1996. Spice Island Slaves. Alma: Wiltshire. ISBN 0951749722 1 RAAF Fighter Wing, 57 Adek camp, 137, 144, 149 Banton, James Henry ‘Jim’, 213, 219, 242, 251, 261, 293- Camp No.3, Kyushu, 263 1 RAAF Squadron, 21, 121 AHQ, 17, 19, 59, 167 14, 60-62, 130, 152 294, 297 Camp WN, 139 BAXTER, F. JOHN. 1995. Not Much of a Picnic. F. J Baxter. ISBN 0952545519 1 Squadron, 290 airstrip, 75, 104, 120, 156, 176, Barnett, Ted, 270 Bofors gun, 4, 8, 23, 33, 60, Camp X, 138-139 DARCH, ERNEST G., 2000. Survival in Japanese POW Camps with Changkol and Basket. 2/3rd AIF, 290 179-180, 182-183, 188, 190- Bartlett, Capt, 30 291 Camp Y, 138-139 2nd Loyals, 29 192, 194, 196-197, 199-200, Barton, Peter, 8, 125, 141, 155, Bolton, Ben, 64 Camp Z, 138-139 Minerva Press. ISBN 0 75411 161 X 3rd King’s Hussars, 225 203, 205, 216-218, 220, 233, 239, 277 Bombay, 9, 10, 14, 16, 167, Campbell, Hugh (Jock), 269, DULM, KRIJGSVELD, LEGEMAATE, LIESKER, WEIJERS, 2000. Geïllustreerde Atlas van de Japanse 5th Indian Division, 289 236, 317 Barwick, H., 99 277, 293, 318 319 6th Australian Infantry, 69 All Saints Anglican Church Bastin, Cliff, 316 bombing, Allied, 21, 57. 59. Canadian Pacific, 3, 5, 102, Kampen in Nederlands-Indië 1942-1945. Asia Maior: Holland. ISBN 90 74861 17 2 7th Australian Infantry, 69 Jakarta, 312-313 Batavia, viii, 3, 8-9, 11, 13-14, 191, 195, 199, 204-205, 213, 308 DUNLOP, E.E. 1986. The War Diaries of Weary Dunlop. Nelson: Australia. Penguin ed. 1991 10th Battalion NEI Army, 136, Allen, Lt, RAF,180 17-18, 21, 23-25, 27, 32, 40- 216-217, 228, 238, 242, 253- Capetown, 2, 7, 8, 10, 14, 97, 195 (barracks) Allen, Lt G. K., RA,168 41, 43, 46-47, 56-59, 62, 64- 254, 273, 275, 298 167, 318 ISBN 0140128611 11 ABOD, 30 Allerdyce, Capt 30 66, 68, 70-73, 75, 81-83, 90- Bonnes, Cpl Alan Hedley, 43 capitulation, Allied, 18, 152, FARNDALE, GENERAL SIR MARTIN, 2000. History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery: The Far 12/6th HAA RA, 10 Almanzora, 120, 297 91, 94, 97-98, 102, 111, 114- Boocock, Bob, 275 277 15 Squadron, 95 Amahei Camp, 99, 194-195, 115, 118, 121, 127-129, 134- Booth, W/O ‘The General’, Carbon Carborundum works, East Theatre 1939-1946. Brassey’s: London. ISBN 1 85753 331 3 15/6th HAA Regt RA, 13 196-197 141, 144, 149, 153-157, 159, 233, 235, 297 64, 245 FLETCHER-COOKE, JOHN, 3rd Edition 1994. The Emperor’s Guest. Pen and Sword. 15th Infantry barracks, Dutch, Amani, Lt/Col, 315 161, 172, 182, 195, 203, 218, Bowden, F/Sgt, D.S., 228 Carlile, S/Ldr John, 163 153, 162, 318 Ambassador, British, 247 224, 239, 261, 283-284, 297, Bowen, Harold, 280, 305 Carlin, Cpl Joseph Ernest, ISBN 085052346X 18th East Anglian Division, 3 Amboina, 65, 182 309, 312, 316, 318 Bowman, Jock Mel, 180 169 FRANKLIN, WILLIAM A., 2003. Through Adversity to Attainment. Trafford: Oxford. 21 RAAF Squadron, 22, 24 Ambon-Liang camp, 181 Battle for Palembang, 286 Boyer, Pte, 281 Carpentier Alting Stichting 23 Squadron, 219 Ambon, 27, 32, 62, 75-76, 79, Batu Lintang, 9, 216-217, 218, Bradshaw, Harry Edward, School, 71, 239 ISBN 0412060044 26 Fighter Wing 2 90-96, 99-105, 108, 118, 132, 287 246-247, 319 Carr, Bernard, 73 GRIFFITHS, BILL, 2005. Blind to Misfortune. Pen & Sword: Barnsley ISBN 184415372X 27 Squadron, 22, 24 134, 158, 161-162, 173, Baxter, Harold Wm, 182 Braid, Bill, 55 Carter, Alfred Charles James, 34 Squadron, 19 180,182-185, 188-192, 195, Baxter, John, 135, 170, 254, Braithwaite, Doc, 237 307 GYLEE, T., 2003 Rice Time. Tucann: Lincoln. ISBN 1873257309 36 Squadron, 28, 167, 307 197, 199, 203, 208, 212, 315- 255-256, 312 Brandon, Russell, 176 Casely, William Henry ‘Bill’, KELLY, TERENCE, 1977. Hurricane over the Jungle. Pen and Sword: Barnsley. 48th LAA, RA, 3, 4, 7, 8, 59- 316, 317, 318 BBC, 18, 74, 153 Bray, Peter ‘Junior’, 49 268, 319 60, 70, 110, 139, 141, 155, Amor, Len ‘Chippie’, 141 Beale, AC Roy, 11 Brewster Buffalo, 19, 21-22, Cason, J. E., 55 ISBN 1844151980 162, 169 Anami, Lt/Col, 104 Beard, L/Bdr J.A., 282 24, 64, 245 Cassidy, Bernard, 244 KELLY, TERENCE, 1997. Living with Japanese. Kellan Press: Folkestone. 52 Wireless Interception Unit, Anderson, Sgt 30 Beaty, Maj, 140 Bristowe, F/Sgt Ronald Percy, Casswell, Derek, 208 177 Andes, 5, 12 Beaufighters, 21, 216, 287 28 Cat, Jap guard, 247 ISBN 0953019306 54 Squadron, 56 Antenor, 57, 150, 308 Beaufort, 140 Broadhurst, P/O G. T., 55-56 Catalina, 43, 55-57, 85, 217 KELLY, TERENCE, 1985. Battle for Palembang. Robert Hale: London. ISBN 0709023782 62 Squadron, 19, 33, 40, 68-69, Aorangi, 16 Beaumont, Cpl Geoffrey Brooke-Popham, ACM, Sir Catherall, Alan Edmond, 317 76, 91, 153, 318 Aquitania, 10, 16, 318 Keith, 169 Robert, 2, 167 Catt, F/Lt, 64 MACCARTHY, AIDAN, 1979. A Doctor’s War. Robson Books: London. ISBN 0 86051 047 6 77th HAA RA, Royal Welsh Argent, Douglas G.C., 111 Beaver, Pte D., 281 Broome, 56, 71 Cavanagh, Jim, 155 MICHNO, GREGORY F., 2001. Death on the Hellships. Naval Institute Press: Annapolis, Regt, 42, 122, 135, 140, 142, Argyll & Sutherland Beck, James Reginald ‘Reg’, Brown, 115 Cave, W/Cdr Norman, 133, 182, 195, 229, 236, 312-313 Highlanders, ix, 30, 83, 176, 12, 240, 267, 270, 289, 319 Brown, John & Co’s, 3 167 Maryland. ISBN 1 55750 482 2 79/21st LAA RA, 134 213-214 Bell, Bob, 77, 78 Brown, Len, 270 Cavill, Danny, 97, 277 PALEY, TONY, 1991. The Sparrows. The Self Publishing Association Ltd: Worcs. 81 Repair and Salvage Unit, Armitage, Sir Michael, 97 Bell, Clephan Wm H., 111 Brunskill, Ronald Robert Chadwick, Lt, 225 203 Armstrong, Capt Sydney, 231, Bell, LAC Albert, 218 ‘Ron’, 176, 319 Chambers, John, 214, 218, 220 ISBN 1 85421 145 5 84 Squadron, 50, 53-55, 59-62, 236, 295 Bell, W/Cdr ‘Tinkle’, 87 Bryer, A/C Ronald Edwin, 110, Changi Badge, RAF, 178 PARKES, MEG, 2002, ‘Notify Alec Rattray...’, Kranji Publications. ISBN 0 9541428 0 2 97, 107, 120, 145, 189 Asari, Mr 245 benjo, 79, 143, 187, 201, 213, 112 Changi Jail/ Gaol, 29, 176, 99 Squadron, 228 Athlone Castle, 5-6, 11, 17, 22 220, 239, 265, 268, 271, 274 Buckhorn, Max, 117 178, 279-280, 314 PARKES, MEG, 2003, ‘...A.A. Duncan is OK’, Kranji Publications. ISBN 0 9541428 1 0 100 Squadron, 28, 57, 167 Atlantic, Battle of the, 307 Benkoolen, 14, 44, 46, 48, 69, Buitenzorg, 25, 40, 58, 65, 126, Changi, 9, 29, 40, 61, 75, 82, PEACOCK, DON, 1989. The Emperor’s Guest, The Oleander Press: Cambridge. 122 RA, 108 Atlantis, 1, 2 94, 224 142 88, 90, 97, 103, 127, 176- 151 MU, 28, 41, 55 atomic bomb, vi,178, 183, 199, bento, 254, 262, 274 Bukit Tanjong Kupang, 16, 23, 179, 182-183, 218-219, 236, ISBN 0 906672 55 4 153 MU, 74, 219, 231, 236 236, 277, 279, 290-291, 294- Benzie, S/Ldr Douglas Gordon 34 280, 297 PHILPS, RICHARD, 1996, Prisoner Doctor. The Book Guild Ltd: Sussex. 205 Squadron, 55-57, 87-88 295, 297 E., 145, 147 Bukit Timah, 165, 278, chapel, 59, 65, 83, 122, 160, 206/69th LAA, 4 Audus, Leslie John, viii, ix, 16, beriberi, 75, 90, 92-93, 95, Bull, Sgt, 281 168-170, 174, 178, 295, 312, ISBN 1 85776 098 0 211 Squadron, 50, 55, 57, 66, 22-23, 34, 57-58, 96, 120, 102, 116, 121, 128, 135, 182, Burgoyne, LAC, 88 313 SEIKER, FRED, 2002. Lest We Forget. Bevere Vivis: Bromyard. ISBN 0952698722 88, 120, 145, 149, 180 132-134, 136, 143, 168-169, 191, 205, 234, 238, 251, 269, Burma-Thailand railway, see Chapman, Robert ‘Bob’, vii- 225 Bomber Group, 50 187-188, 194-195, 201-202, 290 railway viii, 11, 18, 23, 27, 31-32, 41, SHORES, CHRISTOPHER, CULL, BRIAN WITH IZAWA, YASUHO, 1993, Bloody Shambles 226 Fighter Group, 50 207, 209, 212 Berrecloth, Ken, 1, 78, 154, Bushido, 150 47, 50, 64, 66, 68, 78, 80, 90, Volume 2. Grub Street. ISBN 0 948817 67 4 232 Squadron, 2, 31, 64 Aulds, Sgt J.V., 281 184, 188 Butler, 111 98, 115-116, 130, 132, 137- 241 Battalion, 73 Australian War Memorial, 42, Berry, Bill, 56 Butler, A/B Rupert Arthur, 139, 167, 174-175, 187, 194, SILVER, LYNETTE RAMSAY, 1998. Sandakan: A Conspiracy of Silence, Sally Milner 242 Squadron, 2, 44, 64, 77-78, 46, 136, 166, 217, 317, 320 Berry, F/Sgt Albert, 317 291 204-205, 233, 238-239, 241- Publishing Pty Ltd: NSW. ISBN 1 86351 244 6 82, 94 Automedon, 1, 2 Bessant, John ‘Jack’, 218-219 Byron, Cpl Billy, 204-205 242, 245, 247, 250-251, 253, 250 AMES, 232 Avenger, 228-229 Betts, Wm Edward ‘Bill’, 180, 256, 259-262, 266-272, 284, STUBBS, LES AND PAM, 2002. Unsung Heroes of the Royal Air Force. Barney: Grantham. 258 Squadron, 2, 64, 160, 245 194 Cable & Wireless Ltd, 291- 294, 298, 306, 312, 315, 318 ISBN 1093172217 452 Squadron, 57 B-17, 71 Bibai (Bibi), 61, 88, 280, 287 292, 312 Charlton, F/Lt Wilson 457 Squadron, 57 B-29, 183, 217, 242, 272-273, Bicycle Camp, see Cycle Camp Calder, F/Sgt Paddy, 20 Hodgson ‘Bombs’, 88 TETT, DAVID, 2003.
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