CARITAS Caritas: Serving Christ in Our sisters and brothers in need in our local community and beyond COLUMN The St Vincent de Paul Society which works to support the Day for Life is needy in our town meet next on Wednesday 4th July at 6.30pm in the day in the the presbytery. Church’s year dedicated to The Bereavement Group next meets on Tuesday 17th July at raising 6.30pm in the presbytery. awareness about the On Friday 22nd June Carol Hartley is running a Tombola Stall at meaning and Heywood Market—all profits will be shared between the Belarus value of hu- Fund and the SVP projects for children and families. The man life at Belarus Fund was established by Carol to support children and every stage families still affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1988. and in every condition. The WORD: GROWING WORSHIP; MEETING JESUS theme for this IN WORD AND SACRAMENT year’s Day for IN FAITH; KNOW- ING Life is human Congratulations to the chil- OUR trafficking. dren who received Our FAITH Lord in Holy Communion In his latest for the first time this week, Apostolic Ex- RCIA/ and those who received hortation, Gau- Journey in the Lord last week. dete et Exsul- Faith con- tate , Pope tinues on We will hold our time of pro- Francis calls on WEDNES- longed prayer in front of all Catholics to see the holiness in others by recognising their dig- DAY 20TH the Blessed Sacrament nity: “Our defence of the innocent unborn, for example, needs to June at 7pm. IF GOD IS (Quarant’ Ore) from Friday be clear, firm and passionate, for at stake is the dignity of a hu- CALLING YOU TO THE 6th July to Sunday 8th Ju- man life, which is always sacred… Equally sacred, however, are CHURCH speak to Fr. ly. Please put these dates in the lives of the poor, those already born, the destitute, the aban- Paul or Fr. The next Baptism meeting is Sunday 29th July at your diary so as to be able to doned and the underprivileged, the vulnerable infirm and elderly Michael. 6pm in the Presbytery. Please speak to Fr. Paul or Fr. spend some time with the exposed to covert euthanasia, the victims of human trafficking, Michael before coming. Lord in the Blessed Sacrament new forms of slavery, and every form of rejection”. that week. On 17 June, in England and Wales, there will be a Day for Life mandatory second collection. Proceeds will go to the Anscombe Least of all Seeds by Malcolm Guite Mass on Saturday of this week A Sonnet for today’s Gospel Bioethics Centre and other Church supported life activities. In (Heywood 1940’s Day) will be Least of all seeds; a singularity, 2019 Caritas Salford Anti-Trafficking will be bidding for grant mon- celebrated as it would have been ey from the collection to resource much needed human trafficking celebrated in the 1940s) at Complete compression of the infinite, awareness raising in churches, schools and elsewhere. 9.30am. Still point containing all polarity, Sown in the field of being by your love. In Salford Diocese we are giving out cards, with the signs of hu- Sw. Msza w niedzielę Simplicity begets the intricate; man trafficking, to every parishioner who attends Mass on June 1 lipcu o 16:00 A coming cosmos, waiting to explode, 17. We are also offering Medaille Trust prayer cards. Other re- Flings out this whirling world in which we move, sources are at www.dayforlife.org. Please note that Friday 29th Brings us to birth within our own abode. June is the Solemnity of SS On this day for Life, we pray for the victims of human trafficking, Peter and Paul and is a So too your kingdom comes: a single seed that their dignity is respected, and that they may be helped to re- Holyday of Obligation on Too tiny to be seen, sown in the womb, build their lives. We pray that we, as the Church, will continue to which all Catholics are defend victims of human trafficking and promote the dignity of obliged to attend Mass. And then sown deeper still, to meet our need, each human life . A second sowing in the stone cold tomb. CAFOD CORNER Till in your spring and growth, alive and free, Together with time, talent, treasure; WITNESS; EBOLA CRISIS IN THE DEM- You raise us to the branches of your tree. becoming not congregation but com- sharing our Faith— Ministers for 23rd/24th June OCRATIC REPUBLIC OF munity Speaking up for the Gospel CONGO: What has been the international response 6.30pm 9.30am 11am to date? Would everyone going on the Reader: P Sherry P Bell P Greenall Thank you for your kind support: GiftAid The current lack of funding is seriously hampering the abil- trip to Walsingham Friday Reader: J Sherry L Killoran N Skrzypiec £516.03: Loose £733.65: Developing World ity of local and international aid agencies to urgently assist 10th—Sunday 12th August EM S Fitzsimons S Skinner G Hennon Fund £41.37: SVP £284.89. Congolese people in the greatest need. Last year the UN Humani- please pay the balance by the EM M O’Neill L Mather D Dodd This weekend, being the Day for Life, there tarian appeal was only 57 per cent funded. In response to the end of June. Anne (364670) EM J Matthews S Robertson L Armstrong is a retiring collection for the Anscombe dramatic deterioration of the humanitarian situation, the UN called Maureen (369750) EM E McGarry Centre and its work, with the Church, in a Pledging Conference in Geneva (April) hosted by Netherlands, EM J Horrocks support of the Gospel of Life. United Arab Emirates and the European Union. EM G Casey Pope Francis on Marriage and Family Life(AL15 -7) We read Pope Francis’ Exhortation on the Call to Holiness in today’s OUR LADY & ST. JOSEPH, HEYWOOD - Every form of sexual submission must be clearly reject- world Gaudete et Exultate (Rejoice and Be Glad) (GE12 3) partner with St. Joseph’s, Numan, Nigeria ed. This includes all improper interpretations of the pas- The “genius of woman” is seen in feminine styles of holiness, which are an Fr. Paul Daly, [email protected] sage in Ephesians where Paul tells women to “be subject essential means of reflecting God’s holiness in this world. In times when Fr. Michael Deas [email protected] women tended to be most ignored or overlooked, the Holy Spirit raised up to your husbands”. This passage mirrors the cultural St. Joseph’s Presbytery, Mary St, OL10 1EG Tel: 369777 categories of the time, but our concern is not with its saints whose attractiveness produced new spiritual vigour and important re- www.catholicheywood.com www.dioceseofsalford.org.uk cultural matrix but with the revealed message that it forms in the Church. We mention St Hildegard of Bingen, St Bridget, St Cath- conveys. As St John Paul II wisely observed: “Love ex- erine of Siena, St Teresa of Avila and St Thérèse of Lisieux. I think of all un- Date Mass, Services, Events Time known or forgotten women who, each in her own way, sustained and trans- cludes every kind of subjection whereby the wife might formed families and communities by the power of their witness. 17th June 2018 Mass 9.30am become a servant or a slave of the husband. The com- This should excite and encourage us to give our all and embrace that THE ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN First Communion Mass 11am munity or unity which they should establish through marriage is constituted by a reciprocal donation of self, unique plan God willed for each of us from eternity: “Before I formed you in ORDINARY TIME which is also a mu-tual subjection”. Paul goes on to say the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you”. MONDAY Exposition of the Bl. Sacrament 9am that “husbands should love their wives as their own bod- From the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC1400 -5) When, in the Mass 9.30am ies”. The biblical text is concerned with encouraging Ordinary's judgment, a grave necessity arises, Catholic ministers may give the everyone to overcome a complacent individualism and TUESDAY Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9am sacraments of Eucharist, Penance, and Anointing of the Sick to other Chris- be constantly mindful of others: “Be subject to one an- St. Romuald Mass 9.30am tians not in full communion with the Catholic Church, who ask for them of other”. In marriage, this reciprocal “submission” takes their own will, provided they give evidence of holding the Catholic faith re- WEDNESDAY Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9am on special meaning, as a freely chosen mutual belonging garding these sacraments and possess the required dispositions. St. Alban marked by fidelity, respect and care. Sexuality is insepa- Mass 9.30am In an ancient prayer the Church acclaims the mystery of the Eucharist: rably at the service of this conjugal friendship; it is RCIA/Journey in Faith, Presbytery 7pm "O sacred banquet in which Christ is received as food, the memory of his Pas- meant to aid the fulfilment of the other. sion is renewed, the soul is filled with grace and a pledge of the life to come is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9am Rejection of distortions of sexuality and eroticism THURSDAY given to us." If the Eucharist is the memorial of the Passover of the Lord, if by Mass 9.30am should never lead us to a disparagement or neglect of St.
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