Foreign Fishery Developments Note: Unless otherwise credited. material in this section is from either the Foreign Fishery Information Releases (FFIRl. compiled by Sunee C. Sonu, Foreign Reporting Branch. Fishery De­ velopment Division. Southwest Region. NMFS. NOAA, Terminal Island. CA 90731, or the Inter­ national Fishery Releases (IFR) or Language Ser­ vices Daily (LSD) reports produced by the Office Papua New Guinea, Japan of International Fisheries, NMFS, NOAA, Okay Fisheries Agreement Washington. DC 20235. to purchase the first 10 vessels. Chan said that the optimum annual yield for Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Japan agreements. Appl ications for fishing tuna inside the PNG 200-mile zone has concluded a provisional agreement last licenses are handled by the Ministry for been estimated at 150,000 metric tons year permitting Japanese fishing in the Primary Industry. (t) and that PNG-based vessels were 1 PNG 200-mile fishing zone , excluding catching only from 20,000 to 40,000 t Fisheries Policy the Torres Strait and the 12-mile terri­ (Table I), leaving a sizeable potential torial sea. The agreement, the only On the eve of declaring PNG's new harvest for foreign fishermen. The foreign fishing agreement concluded to 200-mile fishing zone, Julius Chan, majority of tuna caught in PNG waters date, was effective from I May 1978 to PNG Deputy Prime Minister and Minis­ will be processed in joint venture proj­ 31 January 1979 and provided for Japan ter for Primary Industry, stated that his ects with foreign investors. Toward to pay a lump sum of 260 million yen Government, for the time being, would this end the Government of PNG also 2 ($1.2 million ) for access to the PNG encourage foreign interests to operate contemplated a joint venture with a fishing zone. in the new fishing zone. The Govern­ U.S. tuna company to develop a major In addition, each vessel was charged ment's long-term policy is to harvest fishing port on Manus Island which a quarterly entry fee of 7.5 kina the country's fishery resources with a would include an ice plant, freezing ($10.503 ) per meter of vessel length (30 national fleet within 10 years. Foreign facilities, a fish meal plant, and a can­ kina per year). Japanese vessels were fishermen would eventually be phased nery. That construction was expected to allowed to call at the ports of Rabaul, out from PNG waters. cost about $28 million. Kavieng, Madang, and Port Moresby. The Government also planned to ask The initial PNG ownership would be There were no restrictions on catches or the Asian Development Bank for funds 40 percent of the total number of number of vessels allowed to operate within the fishing zone, suggesting that Table 1.-Papua New Guinea fisheries catch, 1972-76'. the PNG government was more in­ Catch in metric tons terested in revenue than in conservation Species 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 of resources. Further consultations be­ Fish tween the two governments to reach a Tilapia 9,000 10,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 Giant sea perch 400 89 300 longer-term agreement were held later Anchovy 1,000 750 '950 last year. It is estimated that Japanese Tuna Mackerel tuna3 250 30 100 vessels catch approximately 50,000 t of Skipjack 13,100 28,500 40,350 15,884 24,379 skipjack a year in PNG waters with Longtail 30 20 20 Yellowfin 1,420 1,743 8,556 large yearly variations. Tuna, total 13,100 28,500 42,050 17,677 33,055 Licensing Procedures Other marine Ii sh 16,000 19,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 Fish, total 38,100 57,500 58,450 44,516 61,305 While the PNG Government has ap­ Crustaceans parently not developed a permanent Shrimp licensing procedure pending compila­ Freshwater 100 100 100 100 100 Banana prawns 300 100 422 297 551 tion of more definitive catch statistics, "Kuruma" prawns 11 8 it is reasonable to assume that the Greasy back prawn 100 162 68 169 Tiger prawn 35 35 75 32 144 PNG-Japan fishing fee arrangements - - Shrimp, total 435 335 770 497 972 will set the pattern for other such Mud crab 350 450 450 Spiny lobster 340 265 290 Freshwater crayfish 3 --12 Crustacean, total 435 335 1,560 1,212 1,712 I PNG established a 200-mile fishing zone on 30 March 1978. Grand total 38,535 57,835 60,010 45,731 63,029 2 At the 30 June 1978 exchange rate of US$I = lSource: Papua New GUinea, Fisheries Department. 221.3 yen. 'The estimated weight is based on average net weight of a buckef of 2.3 kg. 3At the August 1978 exchange rate of I kina = 'In FAO statistics this is given as "Kawakawa" (Euthynnus affinis); the figures also US$I.4. include Auxis thazard catches. January-February /979 77 shares. The U.S. tuna:';company would caught commercially are shrimp and I) The fisheries' pol icy mu st be adapted have the other 40 percent, while the spiny lobster, Panulirus ornatus, in the to exploit the marine resources poten­ International Finance Corporation Gulf of Papua. Freshwater fisheries, tial; 2) be developed in the light of its (IFC) of the World Bank would hold the principally for tilapia, as a relatively significance for certain areas of the rest. The Government plans to eventu­ inexpensive fish for domestic consump­ country; 3) be guaranteed comparable ally acquire majority control by pur­ tion for which a potential annual har­ income levels with other industrial sec­ chasing the IFC's 20 percent of shares. vest of 20,000-30,000 t may exist, are tors; and 4) also, that the catches are The new plant, employing approxi­ becoming increasingly significant. explotied in such a manner as to ensure mately 1,000 persons at full capacity Most of the tuna and crustacean catch optimum coverage of the world's nutri­ will be capable of processing 60 to 80 t is exported. Nearly half of the total tional needs. The most difficult task in of raw tuna per day. Tentative plans amount of fish consumed domestically, the domestic fisheries pol icy is to en­ were also being made for building pro­ however, is imported (mostly canned sure the balance between the fishing cessing plants in New Ireland and East mackerel from Japan) at a cost almost fleet's capacity and production, and the New Britain. equivalent to the fishing industry's ex­ available resources of fish. These two Chan also wants to develop an effec­ port earnings. regulatory measures must run parallel, tive surveillance and enforcement cap­ notes Norinform. South Pacific Regional ability, improve fisheries data collec­ The Norwegian Government was to Fisheries Organization tion and processing, and increase the appoint a committee to examine all as­ coordination between national and pro­ PNG Government has played an ac­ pects of the concessions policy in the vincial fisheries agencies. The Gov­ tive role in the establishment of the fisheries in order to obtain a full view of ernment will have total control over South Pacific Regional Fisheries Or­ these problems and to seek the best so­ fishery resources, but will encourage ganization which aims to facilitate, lution. particiaption and cooperation of the promote, and coordinate cooperation The establishment of a 200-mile provincial governments. and mutual fisheries assistance among economic zone by Norway and other coastal states in the region. Member­ countries whose sea areas are contigu­ Fish Catch ship in the organization will also be ous with Norway's, has, in many ways, Skipjack and yellowfin tuna are the open to distant-water fishing nations clarified the situation for this interna­ main species caught in PNG waters (primarily Japan and the Republic of tional industry and has created a better (Table I). Other significant species Korea). The organization will conduct foundation for both national and inter­ research studies, provide technical ad­ national fisheries policy in the years vice and assistance, propose conserva­ ahead. Although the provisional"gray tion measures, and coordinate licensing zone" agreement with the Soviet Union Japan's 1977 Fisheries and surveillance arrangements. Mem­ has its disadvantages, the transitional Landings Set New Record ber nations who claim their sovereign period provides a viable basis, both for right to explore, exploit, conserve, and carrying on fishing operations in the Japan's annual landings in fisheries manage the living resources in their North, and for conserving the fish and fish culture for 1977 totaled 200-mile zones including highly migra­ stocks until a permanent solution can be 10,698,000 t, an all time high, but near tory species will be required to go on reached, says Norinform. the same level as the 1976 figure, ac­ record with the organization to this ef­ Later, at a national meeting of the cording to data released by the Ministry fect. An Advisory Committee on Norwegian Fishermen's Association in of Agriculture and Forestry. That Highly Migratory Species may be es­ early September, in Trondheim, the Di­ marked the fifth consecutive year that tablished under the new organization. rector of Fisheries, Knut Vardal, annual Japanese fish landings exceeded warned that the basic stocks of many of 10 million t. Landings by types of Norway's fisheries would be far less in fisheries are shown below. (Source: NORWAY EYES ITS 1980 than was originally estimated FFIR 78-10.) FISHING FUTURE when the present long-term plan was drawn up. The Director warned that The Norwegian Prime Minister, shortfalls must be expected with regard Japan's annual fish production, 1976 and 1977. Odvar Nordli, stated at the August 1978 to previous estimates concerning Nor­ Landings (1,000 t) b~~; Labour Party meeting at Kvalsund in wegian-Arctic cod, saithe, capelin, and Fisheries 1976 1977 1976 Finnmark, that there are limits to the mackerel, with the greatest divergence Marine fisheries future expansion in the fishing industry, between prognosis and final figures oc­ High seas 2,949 2,643 90% according to the Norwegian Informa­ curring in the case of cod.
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