GIBB Public Disclosure Authorized JORF LASFARPOWER PLANT '/( ILl..~~~~~~ ~~ ~ S .* t ASH DISPOSAL SITE DEVELOPMENT Public Disclosure Authorized Ye 1 - . ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - N. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~*.~~~~ Public Disclosure Authorized PHASE 2A -DESIGN OF INTERMEDIATE SITE DESIGN REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized * DECEMBER1996 J96291B CMS GENERATION CO. & ABB ENERGY VENTURES INC. JORF LASFAR POWER PLANT ASH DISPOSAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2A INTERNIEDIATE SITE FINAL DESIGN DESIGN REPORT NONVEMBER1996 J96291 B Revision I JORF LASFAR POWER PLANT ASH DISPOSAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2A INTER-MEDIATE SITE FMAAL DESIGN DESIGN REPORT CONTENTS Section Description Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 2 GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 2-1 2.1 RegionalPhysiograpny and Geology 2-1 2.2 Geology 2-1 2.3 Hydrology 2-3 2.4 Hydrogeology 2-4 2.4.1 GroundwaterElevations 24 2.4.2 GroundwaterChemistry 2-4 2.5 Groundwaterand Site Sensitivity 2-5 3 CLIMATOLOGY 3-1 3.1 Rainfall 3-1 3.2 Temperature 3-1 3.3 Wind 3-2 4 WASTE STREAM 4-1 5 LANDOWNERSHIP 51 6 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 6-1 6.1 General 6-1 6.2 Landformand Voidspace 6-1 6.3 Settlement 6-2 6.4 Site Preparation 6-2 6.5 Filling Sequence,Infiltration and Drainage 6-3 6.6 Site Accessand Facilities 6-4 6.7 Site Restoration 64 6.8 Monitoring 6-5 7 DISCUSSION,CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7-1 8 REFERENCES 8-1 J96291 8 December 1996 T1GEOUOhSUORF-LAS%WHSE72AREPORrAEVWMWOfit2ADES1O0 0DC Rev I FIGURES 1.1 Intermediate Site Location Map 2.1 Distribution of Materials at the Intermediate Site 2.2 Particle Size Distributions of Quanry Waste Matenals 2.3 Particle Size Distributions of Fumace Bottom Ash 2.4 Groundwater Elevations 2.5 Piezometric Contours and Electrical Conductivity Levels 4.1 Ash Stream 51 Restoration Surface 5.2 Extended Restoration Surface 6.1 Cell Layout 6.2 Typical Section Through Intermediate Site 6.3 Perspective View of the Intermediate Site Before Disposal 6.4 Perspective View of the Intermediate Site After Disposal TABLES 2.1 Geochemical Summary 3.1 Monthly Total Rainfall For Safi 3.2 Mean and Maximum Temperatures for Safi PLATES 2.1 Intermediate Site 2.2 South-westem Margin of Intermediate Site APPENDICES A Regional Desk Study B Jorf Lasfar Desk Study C Piezometric levels in boreholes S1, S2 and S3 D Water levels and electrical conductivity measurements for local wells J6291B December196 TioF0CRevSe MePo DEI-Io OOC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' GIBB Phase 1 studies recommendedthe Coastal Site, located adjacent to the Jorf Lasfar Power Plant, as the preferredlocation for the intermediatedisposal of ash from the Plant. A desk study, topographicalsurvey and groundinvestigations have been carried out at this site, togetherwith laboratorytesting of soil and water samples. Interpretationof the data has been completedand conclusions,along with a detaileddesign for the ash placement,are presented in this report. This report, in conjunction with the Preparatory Works Contract Specification and the OperationalPlan, constitutesthe Final Designpackage for the IntermediateSite. We considerthat the site is feasiblefor the short term disposalof ash to land by the haul and tip method. The site is not consideredto be particularly sensitive with respectto potential groundwaterimpact. Disposalto this site will be a significant improvementover the existing sea disposal system, providing that limited engineeringworks are undertakenand certain operationalcontrols are put in place. The site will be able to accommodatethe CMS/ABBminimum requirement of three years of ash disposal. Certain adjacent private land could be acquiredto maximise the benefits of disposalat the site and increasethe lifetime beyondthree years. Phasing of ash placement at the site is proposedin a manner which would enable the site to be filled and restored irrespectiveof whetherthe additionalland becomesavailable. A layout of the IntermediateSite and restorationdrawings are included in this report together with design details. Detailed layout drawings are provided with the Preparatory Works ContractSpecification and OperationalPlan. There is an urgent requirementto establishcontrolled land disposalof the ash at the site. It is consideredfeasible that, from the time CMSIABBtake over operation of Units I and 2, ash could be immediately placed in a temporary area within the Intermediate Site which could subsequentlybe incorporatedwithin the final landform. J962918 December 1996 T7 EJOSOgS 4ASL2EPORrAEswoto ADei-Roo Ray 1 I INTRODUCTION This report is preparedfor CMS GenerationCo. (CMS) and ABB Energy VenturesInc. (ABB) in accordancewith Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners Ltd's (GIBB) faxed proposalof work for a final design for ash disposal at the preferred Interrnediate (Coastal) Site, reference SDC/A11O/P3678of 11 September1996. GIBB undertookto produce the following documentationconstituting a Final Design for the IntermediateSite: PreparatoryWorks Contract Specification * Operational Plan * DesignReport This documentis the DesignReport. CMS/ABB require an Intermediate Site for permanent ash disposal for a period of approximatelythree years prior to the availability of a long term site. The IntermediateSite operationis to have an environmentalimpact no greaterthan that of the existing sea outfall ash disposalsystem. The Coastal Site was recommendedas the best option for the short temn disposalof ash in GIBB report Phase 1 - PreliminaryStudies, October 1996 (J96291A Rev. 2). The findingsof this report are based upon the following: - desk studies of available information on the project area (Regional Desk Study September1996, and Jorf Lasfar DeskStudy, October 1996) - a topographicsurvey of the site undertakenin September1996 - an engineeringgeological reconnaissance of the site undertakenin October 1996 - monitoringof water levels at three rotary cored boreholesdrilled in the floor of the Site in October 1996(See Figure 1.1). • Monitoringof groundwaterlevels and electrical conductivitiesat seven well locations to the East and South East of the site (Figure 1.1). - Chemicalanalyses of groundwatersamples from two boreholesand one local well. In addition, samples of existing sand and gravel depositsand fumace bottom ash have been tested to assesstheir potential for reuse as base and cover materials. The results of the regional and local desk studies and recent ground investigationsare included as appendices to this report. The final design of the Intermediate Site has been developed on the basis of these investigations and is outlined in this report, including layouts, voidspace calculations and restoration plans. Details and drawingsof the site preparationand operationare given in the PreparatoryWorks ContractSpecification and OperationalPlan, respectively. J962918 December 1996 T GWEO6S'OAF-LAS EZ2AREPOREVIWASWOO2taMDE1RO OCM Rev 1 1-1 2 GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGYt AND HYDROGEOLOGY 2.1 Regional Physiography and Geology The Jorf Lasfar PowerPlant and Port is situatedwithin the El Jadida Province,which extends inland from Azemmour,15 kilometresto the North-eastand Safi, 110 kilometresto the South- west of the plant. The northem boundarycoincides with the River Oum Rbia, which rises in the Middle Atlas Mountains,and is tidal near Azemmour. The Province is characterisedgenerally by a series of broadplateaux varying in elevationfrom 125 to 200 metresabove NivellementGeneral du Maroc (aNGM). Jorf Lasfar is located along the coastal margin of the El Jadida Plateau to the South-westof the town of El Jadida. The western edge of the plateauexhibits a typical karstic terrain at an elevationof 50 to 60 metres aNGM some 2 to 5 kilometresinland. This terrain comprisesmainly beddedlimestones with only a thin soil cover, due to extensivewind erosion. Further west, the ground level falls gradually towards the Atlantic Ocean. A relatively steep slope is developed about 0.5 kilometresfrom the shorelineand representsa former cliff line of Plio-Quatemaryage. The regional geologyof the El Jadida Province,which is outlinedin Appendix A, comprisesa folded Pre Cambrian/LowerPalaeozoic basement overlain successivelyby Mesozoic,Tertiary and Quatemarystrata. The basement,which outcropsin the South of the Province, includes schists, dolomites, siltstones. granites and rhyolitic lavas. The succeedingTriassic basalt lavas and Jurassicsandstones outcrop mainly alongthe banksof the River Oum Rbia. The Cretaceousstrata are subdividedinto a lower division of Neocomianage and an upper division of Cenomanianage. The Neocomianis representedby red calcareousclays which occur north east of Safi and west of Mechra-Benabbou. The Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous)strata are confined mainly to the El Jadida Plateau. The strata comprisea local basal conglomerate and an overlying sequence represented by calcarenites, marly limestones,marls and quartz sandstones. The Tertiary strata occur as a broad NE-SW trending strip up to 20 kilometreswide which broadens in the vicinity of Safi and comprises mainly sandy marls and red clays. The succeeding Quatemarydeposits predominateto the east of the Tertiary outcrop and also occur as a thin strip along the coast. The deposits include uncemented and.cemented calcareousdune sands,together with alluvial sedimentsalong the permanent river courses. The karstic terrain is also characterisedby a thin surficial layer of tufa which has been precipitatedon much of the limestoneoutcrop. 2.2 Geology The proposed southem boundary of the site coincides over some of its length with a prominent break in slope trending NE-SW (Figure 2.1). Above the crest of this north-west
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