MOKSLAS – LIETUVOS ATEITIS K. ŠEŠELGIO SKAITYMAI – 2015 SCIENCE – FUTURE OF LITHUANIA K. ŠEŠELGIS’ READINGS – 2015 ISSN 2029-2341 / eISSN 2029-2252 http://www.mla.vgtu.lt 2015 7(1): 40–45 Vaizdų technologijos T 111 http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/mla.2015.706 Image Technologies T 111 TYPES OF PLANNING STRUCTURES OF SMALL HISTORIC TOWNS OF UKRAINE Ievgeniia ZAPUNNA Urban Development, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The present article exhibits the results of systematic analysis on structure and planning of fragments of urban envir- onment. The results have been obtained by looking into the prerequisites of formation of urban environment, specifically the impact of the Magdeburg Rights on urban culture. The study covers the small towns in Ukraine, which retained their historical background to a greater extent. 70 towns in Ukraine that had the Magdeburg Law have been analyzed and their historic, ar- chitectural and planning capacity investigated. The most valuable urban fragments have been classified in accordance with a number of criteria, such as the form of the plan, planning composition, etc. Based on the conducted analysis the author presents further generalized proposals for comprehensive development of historical and architectural heritage within the socio-cultural and tourism infrastructure of the Ukrainian towns. Keywords: urban development, planning structure, towns of the Magdeburg Law, typology, historical nucleus, historical and cultural heritage. Introduction Nowadays, the preservation of historical and architectural interconnections. It is clear that adaptation techniques may heritage and its adaptation to the modern urban environment vary depending on a particular town. This creates a need to is becoming more and more important, which leads to the organize available urban planning information about histor- search of patterns for harmonious development. It is a mis- ical towns. The main criterion for choosing the Ukrainian take to believe that the adaptation is connected solely with towns for analysis and their classification on the basis of the object-space component of the environment. Adaptation architectural and planning features has been their belonging has to include a number of other fields, such as socio-cultural to privileged urban structures, i.e. the Magdeburg Law. The field, natural landscape, engineering, transport and so on. In decision has been made based on their large percentage in addition, the “historic town” must preserve its unique struc- the Register of Historic Urban Settlements. In the future, the ture, while having a positive, nonverbal impact on people. chosen study subject will enable to disclose the logical inter- Historic environment should affect emotions, mood, cause connections of subject-spatial environment and its genesis. inspiration and thirst for the study of national history and identity. Main content The main elements of harmonious urban environment are the following: consistent and logical planning, func- The research on architectural and planning features of historic tional interconnections between structural elements and at- small towns in Ukraine has been carried out in 3 consecutive tractive, proportionally aesthetic content. Almost all efforts stages. The first stage – the search. Archival sources were ex- of scientific theorists and architects were focused on the amined in order to confirm that certain Ukrainian settlements abovementioned issues (Barhin 1986; Lynch 1986, 1982; belonged to the type of towns with the Magdeburg Rights. Shebek 2008; Vechers’kyj 2003). Therefore, creation, de- It has been discovered that the total number of such towns velopment and research of integration methods of historical in Ukraine was 185 (Kravcov 1993; Kryp’jakevych 1962; and architectural heritage into modern urban object-spatial Sas 1989a). It is important to note that the Magdeburg Law environment are relevant issues. A necessary precondition for phenomenon took root in the German city of Magdeburg, as development of effective integration methods is analysis and the embodiment of the socio-economic and political liberal- typology of the components of urban environment and their ism during the 13th – 19th centuries, and was adopted in most Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by VGTU Press. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The material cannot be used for commercial purposes. East European countries, including the territory of modern that the “German Law” in Ukrainian lands is characterized Ukraine. Each town followed its own way of development, by the national authenticity, it is possible to figure out the which led to demographic and territorial diversity. Currently, genetically rooted compositional and planning features towns differ by a number of objects of preserved historical that can be found in any city with these privileges. Thus, and architectural heritage, population, area, year of establish- the center of cultural, political, economic and social life ment, and year of adopting the “German Law”. This is why of the town was central (market) area with trading stalls the author suggests choosing towns with the population of and a town hall, usually surrounded by a perimeter of less than 50,000 for further research1. buildings that had visual and planning axis, with religious There are 70 towns of this kind in Ukraine. The buildings on its corners. As a rule, such a tight frame of the sampling strategy of towns has been confirmed by the mentioned buildings was implemented in a regular plan- fact that the small towns were less affected by the inva- ning network, from which transport lines to the entrance sion in their architectural and urban structural identity in gates were constructed. In general, such towns had fea- comparison to the big cities. It has been estimated that tures of a castle-fortress. It is confirmed by the existence 57% of such towns are located in three regions of modern of fortifications and defensive walls (Kobylec’kyj 2008; Ukraine: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil regions. Other Kryp’jakevych 1984; Mogytych 1993; Rybchyns’kyj towns are located in 16 regions of Ukraine, as shown in 2000; Rychkov 1996; Sas 1989b). Figure 1. Considering the abovementioned structure of a town The Magdeburg rights were actively adopted on the with the Magdeburg Rights, i.e. a kind of space-planning right bank of Ukraine, which was at first in the Grand framework, the second analytical phase of the study has been Duchy of Lithuania, then in the Polish–Lithuanian initiated. The research focused on the towns with the highest Commonwealth, and later in the Russian Empire. It in- possible historical, cultural, natural landscape potential, as fluenced not only legal and economic aspects, but also well as on the aforesaid preserved components. The ana- particularly the urban planning culture. Despite of the fact lysis has revealed that there are 22 such towns: Berestechko, Volodymyr-Volyn, Lyuboml (Volyn region), Ostrog, Dubno 1 The upper limit of urban population that fall under the cate- (Rivne region), Bar (Vinnycja region), Novgorod-Siverskyi gory of “small town” in Ukrainian town planning regulations (Chernigiv region), Kremenets, Terebovlia, Berezhany, (DBN 360-92**: 2002). Новгород-Сіверський Глухів Чернігів Кролевець Любомль Ковель Батурин Овруч Борзна Володимир-Волинський Ніжин Остер Коростень Луцьк Торчин Олика Козелець Клевань Тучин Варяж Острожець Дорогобуж Рівне Сокаль Квасів Гостомель Белз Перемиль Прилуки Угнів Дубно Київ Рава-Руська Вел. Мости Берестечко Щуровичі Гадяч Острог Немирів Добротвір Славута Станівлавчик Житомир Коростишів Магерiв Кам'янка-Бузька Пирятин Жовква Краковець Кременець Левків Васильків Буськ Олесько Броди Нов. Яричів Почаїв Фастів Харків Мостиська Переяслав-Хмельницький Білий Камінь Лубни Городок Львів Гусаків Сасів Підкамінь Миргород Судова Вишня Глиняни Золочів Нове місто Винники Крукеничи Гологори Залізці Краснопіль Комарно Раковець Перемишляни Староконстянтинів Поморяни Хирів Добромиль Рудки Біла Церква Щирець Зборів Стара Сіль Самбір Бiбрка Свірж Чемеринці Сквира Миколаїв Збараж Красилів Канів Вибранівка Тернопіль Старий Самбір Полтава Івана-Франка Розділ Бережани Великі Бірки Буцнів Берездівці Підбуж Богуслав Ходорів Рогатин Скалат Хмільник Дрогобич Жидачів Микулинці Меджибіж Хмельницький Букачівці Вікно Корсунь-Шевченківський Підгайці Теребовля Черкаси Турка Стрий Бурштин Журавно Гримайлів Більшівці Соколів Летичів Тетіїв Войнилів Сатанів Яворів Сколе Яблунів Літин Галич Болехів Ярмолинці Крековичі Калуш Бучач Вінниця Сміла Копичинці Долина Гусятин Єзупіль Устя-Зелене Чортків Чемерівці Коропець Бар Чигирин Рожнятів Тисмениця Язловець Сидорів Смотрич Івано-Франківськ Тлумач Золотий Потік Товсте Скала-Подільська Торунь Ляховці Устечко Борщів Кам'янець- Шаргород Брацлав Добротів Городенка Умань Ділятин Подільский Мукачеве Коломия Печеніжин Снятин Чернівці GSPublisherEngine Fig. 1. Distribution of towns with the Magdeburg Rights in Ukraine 41 Novgorod-Siverskyi Lyuboml Volodymyr-Volynskyy Sokal Dubno Belz Ostrog Berestechko Rava-Ruska Brody Busk Zhovkva Kremenets Zolochiv Komarno Sambir Berezhany Rohatyn Terebovlya Halych Buchach Bar GSPublisherEngine Fig. 2. Location of towns with the highest possible historical, cultural and natural
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