• •• Hill's Pet Nutrition Sales VENOOR(S): CClN'IR1'.\CI' #: 6~2018 A'IT/\CHMENI'S: ----------------------- May 2, 2018 DATE: ------------------- INITIAL(S): ___;,__,,1ra/.... LEITER: v Addendum le_tter PRICE OJAN:;E: ,, '<i,., , .. ,. • • l VENDOR(S): Hill's Pet Nutrition Sales CONTRACT: 06A.:._2018 ATTACHMENTS: Award List DATE: February 13, 2018 INITIAL(S): GJF:np:ep LETTER: AWARD PRICE CHANGE: f - • Page 1 of 1 Ela'ine Peterson - Contract#0GA-2018-Dog/Cat Food and Supplies From: Elaine Peterson To: Michael Pastore; Mildred Menendez; Nancy Pratt; Paul Loraso; Annie C ... Subject: Contract#06A-2018-Dog/Cat Food and Supplies The above contract has been awarded to: Hill's Pet Nutrition Sales Click to add a signature 11111111 Page 1 of 1 •" - • Recipients: 5 Response Pending: 5 Annie Curry Response Pending Michael Pastore Response Pending Mildred Menendez Response Pending Nancy Pratt Response Pending Paul Loraso Response Pending Attachments: User: 1, System: 2 Send Options: 1111111 ~.~Q~. ~~-: I -0 ~ . PORCH. ASING DIVISION - BIDDERS LIST AND TABULATIONS W~~ . CQN-ni.t'cT NO.: l.oA- - c,LJUf 2? . · OPENINGDATE: ~~(7 8 ~ !). Ii ,- J NO CONCLUSION SHOULD BE DRAWN UPON REVIEWING THIS DOCUMENT · ~ -liJ= ·., · SUBJECT: (1 r11a · · · · · REQUISITION NO,: · o2 - .(2l} f 'f: L>.' r= mk- I BIDDERS --,-,. _ I DAT}i:_SE~T I VIA I INITIAL ·.. 1 RE~ElVED j'($) TOTAL and DISCOUNT DESCRIPTION, DEPOSIT, ETC. 1 NAME \:\:, d, ,Ss Pia:t: ~· ::...J~f..,? ; ,~ ~r,. " .~ & ½-%,.\.-roN ADDRESS4-0C) ~ ;:S---L /' ea/, M ~ ,.,, ·, .? •. :, ·. , o 0Xcc.. c\<'s ~k?,o ( . )/~; · ,~ ,::::::- /) .P _/ ( E-Mail- ________________ MBR ___ "· of TELE.# ~br ---------------- PU r . FAX# C E<.'.J ~ ,9 ~:)a.~ ·- :n~ss,e-~ t£7;~ M MBR /I)/; E-MAIL ~\°""e..$-..~:-r~\}j._)~ l{S TELE,.# PU FAX# =RESS Sf~~ ';r!~ a~ MBR E-MAIL TELE.# __.:..._ _____________ PU t)b FAX# - NAME ,~ ,~~ ~ M ADDRESS /")\?)~n1 ¾(f"9' = MBR E-MAIL ~/-) TELE.# ________________ PU FAX# CONTACT PERSON PURCHASING DIVISION - BIDDERS LIST AND TABULATIONS CONTRACT NO.: ~~~018 OPENING DATE: ~ '~', NO CONCLUSION SHOULD BE DRAWN UPON REVIEWING THIS DOCUMENT · SUBJECT: _:__ REQUISI;ION NO(~if= ________ -~-:2-0 [~ INITIAL I RECEIVED I ($) TOTAL and DISCOUNT I DESCRIPTION1 DEPOSIT, ETC. I MBR TELE.# 7/#-- 737-~~/ ~/4/giPU Af5 FAX# ~ -----,--,.--,----,,.....---,,~~-#,..,..,..__ CONTACT PERSON e) NAME .ADDRESS M MBR E-MAIL TELE~.# PU FAX# ---------------- CONTACT PERSON NAME .ADDRESS M MBR E-MAIL TELE.# PU FAX# ------------------- CONTACT PERSON NAME .ADDRESS M .MBR E-MAIL TELE.# PU FAX# ---------------- CONTACT PERSON • Pagel of 1 Recipients: 4 Acknowledged: 2, Response Pending: 2 Michael Pastore Response Pending Mildred Menendez Read Nancy Pratt Response Pending Paul Loraso Read Attachments: User: 1, System: o Send Options: file:///C:/Users/annicur/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/5AEC4990TOH_DOMTHALL_P... 5/4/2018 • • May 2, 2018 HILL'S PET NUTRITION SALES ATTN: KATHY REEVES 400 W. 8TH STREET TOPEKA, KS 66601 CONTRACT # 06A-2018 A-D-D-E-N-D-U-M DOG/CAT FOOD TERMS: 02/13/2018 - 12/31/2018 EXTEND THRU: 12/31/2018 To Whom It May Concern: Please add the following items to the above referenced Contract, effective immediately: Item #8439 PD z/d Ultra Allergen Free Canine 25Ib. Bag ............... $65.51 Ea. Item #8599 PD r/d Canine 27.5Ib. Bag ....................................... $53.10 Ea. Item #2566 HA Pup 28Ib. Bag ................................................ $42.96 Ea. Item #2091 SD Pup HG 40lb. Bag ........................................... $36.37 Ea. This correspondence is to be made part of original Award letter and it is understood that all other specifications and conditions remain unchanged. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation. ' Very truly yours, GORDON J. FOX PURCHASING DIVISION GJF:PL Cc: M. Pastore, Director, Animal Shelter & Control Division M. Menendez, Administrative Ass't N. Pratt, Buyer P. LoRaso, Ass't to the Director of Purchasing Contract #06A-2018 COUNCIL MEMBERS DOROTHY L. GOOSBY TOWN- OF HEMPSTEAD- EDWARD A. AMBROSINO BRUCE A. BLAKEMAN ERIN KING SWEENEY ANTHONY P. D'ESPOSITO Office of the Comptroller DENNIS DUNNE, SR. SYLVIA A. CABANA PURCHASING DIVISION . LAURA A. GILLEN . TOWNCLERK 350 FRONT STREET, HEMPSTEAD, N. Y. 11550 SUPERVISOR DONALD X. CLAVIN, JR. (516) 489-5000 Fax (516) 483-6353 RECEIVER OFTAXES KEVIN R. CONROY, CPA TOWN COMPTROLLER GORDON J. Fox PURCHASING DIVISION May 2, 2018 HILL'S PET NUTRITION SALES ATTN: KATHY REEVES 400 W. 8TH STREET TOPEKA, KS 66601- CONTRACT # 06A-2018 A-D-D-E-N-D~U-M DOG/CAT FOOD TERMS: 02/13/2018 - 12/31/2018 EXTEND THRU: 12/31/2018 To Whom It May Concern: Please add the following items to the above referenced Contract, effective immediately: · Item #8439 PD z/d Ultra Allergen Free Canine 25Ib. Bag ............... $65.51 Ea. Item #8599 PD r/d Canine 27.5Ib. Bag .................. : .................... $53.10 Ea. Item #2566 HA Pup 28Ib. Bag ................................................ $42.96 Ea . Item #2091 SD Pup HG 40lb. Bag ........................................... $36.37 Ea. This correspondence is to be made part of original Award letter and it is · understood that all other specifications and conditions remain unchanged. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation. GJF:PL • - Page 1 of 1 Paul Loraso - SKU Information ................................. l From: Kathy Reeves <[email protected]> To: Paul Loraso <[email protected]> Date: 5/1/2018 3:30 PM Subject: SKU Information HI Paul SKU #8439 PD z/d Ultra AllergnFreeCanine 251b bg Cost per bag $65.51 SKU #8599 PD r/d Canine 27.51b bg Cost per bag $53.10 SKU #2566 HA Pup 281b bg Cost per bag $42.96 SKU #2091 SD Pup HG 401b bg Cost per bag #36.37. We appreciate your business. Kathy Kathy Reeves Corporate Sales/Specialty Accounts 866 660 1052 x4902 file:///C:/Users/PAULLOR/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/5AE887FCTOH_DOMTHAL. .. 5/2/2018 • Page 1 of 1 Paul Loraso - Re: Fwd: SKU Information Hills Pet From: Caprice Ambroise To: Paul Loraso Date: 5/1/2018 3:49 PM Subject: Re: Fwd: SKU Information Hills Pet I say OK. > > > Paul Loraso 5/1/2018 3:34 PM > > > 1 Hi, Just spoke to Kathy Reeves. Here is the info on the items that are not on contract. Please approve and send back with an ok. Thanks ............................. - ....................................... _ ............................ - --- > > > Kathy Reeves <[email protected]> 5/1/2018 3:29 PM > > > HI Paul SKU #8439 PD z/d Ultra AllergnFreeCanine 25Ib bg Cost per bag $65.51 SKU #8599 PD r/d Canine 27.Slb bg Cost per bag $53.10 SKU #2566 HA Pup 28Ib bg Cost per bag $42.96 SKU #2091 SD Pup HG 40Ib bg Cost per bag #36.37. We appreciate your business. Kathy Kathy Reeves Corporate Sales/Specialty Accounts 866 660 1052 x4902 file:///C:/Users/PAULLOR/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/5AE88C84TOH DOMTHAL... 5/2/2018 COUNCIL MEl\fBERS DOROTHY L. GOOSBY - - EDWARD A. AMcr:osINO TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD BRUCE A. BLAKEMAN ERIN KJN(',SWEENEY. ANTHONY F.O'ESPOSITO 'Office of the Comptroller . DENNIS DUNNE, SR. SYLVIA A. CABANA PURCHASING DIVISION LAURA A. GILLEN TOWN CLERK 350 FRONT STREET, HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. 11550 SllPERVISOR DONALD X. CLAVIN, JR. (516) 489-5000 Fax (516) 483-6353 RECEIVER OF TAXES KEVIN R. CONROY, CPA TOWN COMPTROLLER GORDON J. Fox DIRECTOR OF FINANCE February 13, 2018 Hill's Pet Nutrition Sales . Attn: Kathy Reeves, Sales Rep. 400 W. 8th Street Topeka, KS 66601. Contract#06A-2018 Term: February 13, 2018 to December JI, 20 I 8 Yearly Requirements for: Dog/Cat Food and Supplies Tel. #785-368-4902 Fax #877-473-8384 . E-Mail NIA Fed. LO. #742855767 To Whom It May Concern: Your Contract proposal for the above is hereby accepted in accordance with all the specifications and conditions contained therein. · No cash discount is offered. f Delivery will be made within ten (10) days upon receipt of signed Purchase Order. Prices shall remain firm for the entire Contract period. Deliveries will be made upon the issuance of Purchase Orders, signed by the Director of Finance. The Town will not be liable for payment unless a signed Purchase Order ·is issued. •' ' Orders must be delivered in full within specified time. No partial deliveries will be accepted. The price bid will remain firm for one (1) year after starting date of Contract. After this period; if the price should increase or decrease it is required that you give notice, in writing, to the Director of Finance if any change in price with proper documentation. · LIST AWARD \. HILL'S PET NUTRITioN-sALES GROup·r - ANIMAL FOOD Estimated . / · Annual Utl I T . Code Description Form Size Quantity Price .. PRESCRIPTION DIET " . '$ 1...1 • ~7 . \ . :-.· . A ~ 5670 aid® Canine/Feline Ur.gent Gare · Can 24 x5_ 1/2 oz cans ..; cases l."I. ;;J.'-f )(. S-.,S- o--?: c.~"'s s 10012 cld® Multicare Oanine Urinary Care Chicken Flavor: Dry 27,5 pound bag 3 bags f. SS _1'1 .p!! <' bo..~ c 7003 did® Canin~ Skin/Food Sensitivities Duck Formula Can 12 x 13 oz cans 3 c;:ases ~ ~'1 _s0 o 7004 d/d® Canir,e Skin/Food Sensitivities S~lmon Formula Can 12 x 13 oz cans .3 cases :It 9'l .30 19 E • 7005 d/d® Canine Skin/Food Sensitivities Venison Formula Can 12 x 13 oz cans 3 cases JJ; ·::i.i. 1 _F 5343 . did® Canine Skin/Food Sensitivities Potato & Duck Formula Dry. · 17 .6 pound bag 3 bags ~55"; 1'7_. G 53413- · did® Canine Skin/Food_ Sensitivities Potato & Salmon Formula Ory 17.6 pound bag ,3 bags '¢5'5. 1'7 y 5"3'-f~ did® Canine Skin/Food Sensitiyities Potato &Veniion Forrm,ila Dry 17 .6 pound bag 3" bags · 1: 5'5'; 17 S346 did® Canine Skin/Food Sensitivities~& ~~rm~la · f7~/S,.!a,on Dry 1~~'$11:. 3 bags :ta.,'7 .',f J 7007 h/d® Canine Heart Care Can 12 x 13 oz cans 3cases s~s.~· K 8617 hid® Canine Heatt Care Dry 17.6 pound.bag 3 bags 9 t+t.f ,12.
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