91F- California State Library Sacramento 9, California artan Bally Gr eks, ncrease the SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Gr ver Fall `1,vo the ,I 42 s \ 1 11.1FinINI 1. Till fitilMl. %PHIL 14, and F raterredy is . I rerages and lud- ern Perry Resigns Latin Day Speaker p .06 fc..titftir.:p4,s, ,S,CS..09 utti 'as 11 inter piartct itt and increased turf fall figure, awl Kappa kappa (..i.P11141.1 . Council Names Chiefs lead- 111. lit a miii .1 1.7!", .1%rt.tp.. siznis 4 lit liiternit I. head the tiaternit. taipling, 1.1m.i Kappa moved up 11'41.111 .4 fall platter 1,.o-ition of sixth 0 - Of P.R., Spartacamp 41. w:t.'h a I 7'(.! averaer Th i'a last goat-ter'. hie' st,' 2 . student 4 .minci I !. esterdio, appointed a Public !Mat ion- circupprvi tlowlY to till lie Rushees Must 2 ,nimittre 111,41/111.111. Spartacamp director and a -Spartan from pu,ItIon :WAIF ct by Simms kappa, 2 the start.' hand -hook editor. ’:..--..tior to Impure, I ’ JC1.11, IN it..',. Wu, 0 %ern Perr%. publie relations committee head. tendered hi, Submit Greek 2 re- ianation and the council appointed Jeri., Nielllartlyk. The "par- tall tioautio AS,/ Aga'. ria.e t Daily was in error yesterdays Preferences 1641 :1,11":444. lit the snroritim s'.,ting applieations must be open 4041 .11 I .111 to 1114 il.04I’Illne*, . min:mum ot one week before rushee s must eta n ii Pan- 4 merican s preten.rice list h) noon I ast 401.111,1 mwerall it34:4, ,poointment can he made. tort., ' 111er...1,141 11111 notch., to 1 mit tim Blackwell, head of the ree- ....rordin.: to Ruh, -ii Martin 10 tom the II n’ groups turf., 4, reation program at Spartacamp Dar Obser red saciate dean of student.. male 11.01111111.. 11111111111fd t,, :4 winter quarter, was named new The list tillIst spec-a. the Ihne I wont a.erace camp director for next year. mal. t'd-crk societies in wl-urh th, sJS .1 ... i IL. is lreshman class represen- ith Tradition rushes is most interested No pal ticular tram is to he followed bet '1,0x II"' 1."1451 i. .. on the council. Blackwell The college's traditional obser the list must he legible to 1.39. a , i; I:' a ill resign his council post. ance of Pan-American Day a ii 11, 1.1t. 1.11N(.111-1X iviturr: Rushee, will stop at Pootri Bib pertor to 'ow appointment for the office take place today with a speech. a ... Ask.. heifer understanding tomorrow atternoon Isla-reit 1 30 Roh,qt . I to ; he made at his class meeting luncheon, a showing of colored and 4 o'clock to pick up theii hids Of ncil . "It should be understood slides and an exhibit in the Libra -I ..on accepting fraternitiPC grad.... appoint..., will serve for a scheduled to highlight the oc- Ili,: lge- ry .!,’it must sehct at that tone lege trends pha .,1.." Art Lund, student body casion. according to Mrs. Mildred 'CI 1111114.17 ,11(11 I I,. ilo he prefers and 111..4 the average.. a Fp- ''t -Thus' it almost iS Winters, assistant professor of his- . others lb.' fall ti play- 41" . tory. A fourth function, the lans III to Dean Martin. the sons. st phanie Presseller as nam- lleet 15'7 ing of Latin-American melodies on , !i-ement Ilee,STIO I ci r Who.... am eci editor of the lialent band - college chimes, has heen can- 1; (11 I the is that o. !,. oh Moine ir '. , hook. "Spartan lion. the start." D's celled because the fluid in the I 101 o in.., qding the high."- i a..sistant editor %%Ili be chimes has given out Fin- Ile added that 0 He,lu' a I. lei male organiz.,I . apuo'nted to assist on this book- for - A meeting of !I. entire Campus Chi Dr. 4. Langdon White, fiaternity initial, , thr was not ianked let Nlonday. Chest Commit \\Ill he held to mer chairman of the Geography Thus? have a minimum cor Alpha, ; 1!1 other council action. the Rev- Delia rt mint at Stanford. u ill Vednesday. Al' at 7 pin. it weilthi in 1! rado point average of 1 11. Butter the Mot ris Auditorium, vey Phil's Board requested that an speak on "Background to ti, on clear standim ! ' 1m: cording Betando, solmeil nip okay be given $236.88 almady Under...! a nding of Latin to Don minimum grade point \ dmayyvt in the t ions chairman. for a booklet telling the ca" in the alusie Building I on - 1 during the quartet pi. eeedue 151`14. I.. history. of Revelries. Mrs. Joy crrt Dail at 11:30 :1-m The regular meeting of the ('all: ,.. t 30 mail. aint Chi .. Mitchell Weiss made the request Follouing the talk, a luncheon' pus (last will be held todayii 1 iiith a I 7.3 Jel explaining that a "misunderstand- tood featuring Latin American will Room 24 at 3:30 p.m., Miss Ulrich 'Ft/0,4,1y ic4.1% ing" took place about initial ap- be served in the college cafeteria.; announced. Tickets (yo on Sale 1 W:144, royal of the money. From 2 to 3:15 p.m., coloied! There are 480 students slated iii Sig re ch. 44 the St an Croonquist st udeitt court me slides on "Venezuela's Present In -:help solicit for the drive. accord- ATO t 45 1 chief justice, received the council's i For `Mood Indicro' 7o1- dustry" will he shown in Room 20 ing to Betando. Farb student will Dolf. Si I 145 I I' apinoval election dates. May I S the of through the courtesy of Dr White.. ht. Oen a list of narnes at the' Four hundred bids tor "Mood In Kpp Alph PI '.4 ay. 1-6. De inforMed the council that Having worked in Venezuela for meeting 011 the 20tli and through cligo annual Junior I' rran three election precincts will be set several years, I the week of April 25-29, will make 'go on sal.. in the (hit.: to !Phi Sigma K 7 4 op in order to "increase the per- contacts by phone or in per- :morow 11,0h Bush, class ti. .. ,.1 P Alisk The S pa rtan Spinners ortg- their 41 centage of students voting... 11111101111C., , Delta Upokau 12 inally V1 .-re scheduled to dance con 140 Preliminary totals after the first "This i the second time- in On. 12 during the' assembly, hut t heir ' -loan general chairman Ch. A 4 will he print- that the 15) da.. of ballot casting performance has been cancelled. ter the Campus Chest, said in an ItitorN of the coll..ite 4 ler, ed in the Spartan Daily the next interview yesterday. 'This person- Junior l'r has toren held omet iAIPEPa T." local According to Mrs. Winters, who Bush said. CI morning and broadcast over h, 81 solicitation idea is a new one,. sole 1h..limits." cc g iadio stations the same 'light. and with the intricate network of -rho. setting this ar is the whit.,4e.f program, San JOS+. State has tak-! Castle.. ))))) I minify tub, and solicitor, it should la a hie sue - en the lead in the state college the date is April ??.- Sotoroy to4als I cecs.. Connell Makes observance of Pan-American Day Phil 11.a... has been ...elect. I to KKP 71 jun,,I., h,id silk, furnish the (towels with thytles s Sigma Kppi, 60 In Speaker , The cost ell the es ...nine soil., is 4.01. 65 Laws 9 Policy SDX uardiohe problems this ; $1 73 Bids ale expeeted to be sold KATAi 46 IHaving 67 us Petitioning the Student Council spring Want to match those poi- ihrooeholit next a...is in the (nil le 14111,(1 A pr, -1.10n1 pare% - 44;0.. :G.., 30 tor recognition, establishment of a pl.- slacks" Vii v simple. Just reo S1 t -laws COMMIt tee, and discus- sey over to the Junior class run held Mond -it to infoint the public ;D.H. 32 ve sion it a membership drive and mag. sale today from 9:30 a ri the affair is open to all students, IACht0' Si e*- .1e,obility standards for member told 9 p.m at 124 N Market S. informed. Omeg 40 ). 1 orcanizations were the main topics 2 of discussion, in the Council of Se; Aeademic Societies meeting last ,. 4 eieht. Public To Get Salk Vaccine les, Art Winterling, president of the lea, newly formed society, extended a WASIIINGT4iN April 13 t !Poi gin recen mg their I lest inoctila. 411 i 1 r formal invitation to membership in With the. strok. of pen, Oveta tion Monda) Cotruntinist ae..c.s. the society to Alpha Eta Sigma. ('i tp f fohh) put the govei-riment's ,tionalisth.ld tlatotl ON accountants' honor society. and Pi approval run the ne.. Salk polio, SWIENCE ElfelliTS. Cul Men Sill/ Sin said Omega Pi, business education so- vaccm. SAN FItANCISt'o, Apill 13 lintintSt hart massed ?taint), ciety. lIer signature rase the go-ali.ad . I 'I'. Thr... start ling de%101P- 1which could Is hur led ae ments in man s lonstant fight for Jack Flicks, Psi Chi representa- lelease of long-aveiiited vaccine' mere losed yes- tive, was elected chairman of the to the general public. hetti r health InINF..Tk.1A %TATO'. Cali . tioda) at the annual meeting of II -taus committee, to formulate Salk 'silt .a.entually receria.i sAi 'Ft A 111 7's*Tt April 13 .1 I .
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