In the Shadow of the Big Boys De Vecchi and other pioneers of the automobile in Milan AISA Associazione Italiana per la Storia dell’Automobile MONOGRAFIA AISA 126 I In the Shadow of the Big Boys De Vecchi and other pioneers of the automobile in Milan AISA - Associazione Italiana per la Storia dell’Automobile 2 Foreword Lorenzo Boscarelli 3 The De Vecchi Foundation: creating a Company Archive Alberto De Vecchi 5 De Vecchi Automobili and the Milanese industry Donatella Biffignandi 15 Ecla, History of a Brand Donatella Biffignandi 16 Giuseppe Ricordi: he was the first Gianni Cancellieri 19 Register of the minor automotive manufacturers active in the Milan area from the origins to 1925 by Donatella Biffignandi and Lorenzo Boscarelli 27 The Milanese coachbuilders, from coaches to motor cars Alessandro Sannia MONOGRAFIA AISA 126 1 Foreword Lorenzo Boscarelli he final decades of the 19th century saw the comparison with any other Italian area, had a key Tdevelopment of new and very different tech- role in the process and gave life to innumerable nologies, such as electricity, the telephone and the small companies dedicated to the new product. internal combustion engine, as well as many other Milan was the starting point of the automobile’s which radically changed the quality of life for many growth in Italy, but in a few years’ time Turin took people in a very short time, particularly for the upper its place. This was mainly due to Fiat, which – led by classes. Moreover Europe, after the Franco-Prussian Giovanni Agnelli’s (and his management’s) industrial war of 1870, enjoyed a period of relative peace, so vision – put in place the technical, organisational and much so that the period came to be known as “la financial resources needed to develop rapid growth belle époque”. and dominance of the home market. This vision was Not surprisingly, in the years and decades after the completely different from the one most of the other very first automobiles – made around 1890 in Ger- motoring pioneers of the time had. many and France – the new vehicle created very These differences of approach and goals taken into much interest and stimulated engineers, entrepre- consideration, the consequences of which were neurs and investors to dedicate their ingenuity, pas- soon clear, we have to admit that the potential of the sion and financial resources to its development. motor car – the amplitude of which, at the begin- The numerous ventures of that period, dedicated ning of the century, was grasped by very few due to to the production of automotive chassis and bod- its limited spread – was understood by the very few ies, show the pioneers’ enthusiasm rather than their operators who decided to apply themselves as manu- rational ability to analyse the challenges. Hence very facturers, attracting great energies of work, passion many of those ventures had a very brief life. But the and creativity. outcome is not so important, and they testify how Some of these pioneers were able to understand the the automobile has been able to attract so many dif- sheer vastness of commitment needed for the com- ferent talents and to stimulate them to pursue their panies’ development after the first artisanal phase. projects or their dreams. This was the case with De Vecchi, which started as a Milan offered the ideal environment for the develop- vehicle manufacturer and became a producer of com- ment of those artisanal enterprises – very seldom ponents, reaching a high level of specialisation which based on an industrial vision – thanks to its know- allowed it to last for a long time, maintaining an ar- how, financial resources and dynamism, aided by chive rich enough to be turned into a Foundation. the relative closeness of centres at the forefront of Thus, from technical and entrepreneurial begin- the new technologies north of the Alps. The great nings, a cultural initiative which keeps those far away growth of manufacturing activities, which had no early years alive has been developed. Lorenzo Boscarelli, president of the AISA and an automotive historian. 2 The De Vecchi Foundation: creating a Company Archive Alberto De Vecchi he “Fondazione De Vecchi & C. – Milano” was a circle: from the automobile to the motor car via Tborn four years ago after an idea shared by me the humble spring. From small bespoke production and Matteo Bravi, a fourth generation cousin. A to huge series; from personal contact with early “Founder” with me was Marco De Vecchi, senior colleagues to wider human relations with Mollacciaio member of the family and a direct player in the most employees or the multitude of workers for SICAM recent phase of the family companies’ activities. and its associated companies. Matteo and I are the two links between the family’s From these ideas we have created the Foundation, third and fourth generations: I am the younger calling it “Fondazione De Vecchi & C. – Milano”. As grandson of Giuseppe De Vecchi and Matteo is we were keen to resurrect the name and logo of our his eldest great grandson. Together, we steer and family’s industrial origins. manage the Foundation. We did this with two main objectives: to create a At the beginning there were… a truck and a suitcase: ‘virtual home’ – and possibly in the future a real the mythical 1914 truck, sole surviving De Vecchi one – where we could collect things and facts which vehicle, which has gone through many adventures represent our family’s history, and to develop new (having been abandoned, restored, badly stored initiatives which may revive that history, transmitting and then restored again), and an old suitcase which to the future those qualities and values of our contained the family collection of documents, forebears such as curiosity, experimentation, the will photographs and objects. From these artefacts a to ‘make things properly’, and generosity. wider and serious research began. We would like to pass this ‘values imprinting’ to new We needed to define the ownership of the truck and generations, whatever activity they will choose to also of a nice 1911 engine, another unique artefact pursue. from the automotive production, and grant them The Foundations Statute formally states these goals: some future visibility. “The Foundation will promote, safeguard, support and diffuse This was the starting point, the spark that turned our the heritage of technical knowledge of the Italian mechanical attention towards the family’s entrepreneurial history industry from 1900 to the present day... in particular the into the start of a project that had lain dormant in Foundation will protect, promote and diffuse the historical, the dusty drawers of our homes. This project could cultural and technical heritage of the companies of the De be described as: “A family, three companies in the Vecchi family which were active in that period of time via industrial century”. all those documents, products and objects which represent this The story has in fact gone through three industrial heritage, with projects and initiatives set to promote technical phases. The first, that of the “De Vecchi motor car” and scientific research and more generally business culture as lasted from 1904 to 1918. The second, from 1919 part of the cultural heritage of the Country.” to 1972, was that of the “Mollacciaio De Vecchi”, We therefore started by setting up an Archive, centred on springs (in Italian ‘molla’ = ‘spring’ and searching, collecting and professionally managing ‘acciaio’ – ‘steel’). This component was developed to the documents. the highest level of quality: from small technical From there we developed a co-operation with springs, ubiquitous in any mechanical application, to ‘Fondazione ISEC – Istituto per la Storia dell’Età furniture springs (mainly for mattresses) up to big Contemporanea’ where we have stored all the items springs for heavy loads and railway vehicles. Finally in our Archive. There we are in good company, with the third phase, from the 1950s to the end of the the Archives of companies such as Breda, Ercole 1980s, with the production of ‘spring pillows’ for Marelli, Bastogi, Italtel, etc. the automotive industry. We have gone round in The formation of an Archive is the first and fundamental step towards saving the historical memory, but it is also the most difficult, as entrepreneurs are always focussed toward the future and never keep and cherish their own past. Our goal Alberto De Vecchi, grandson of Giuseppe De Vecchi and President of instead is that of looking backwards in order to the De Vecchi & C. Foundation, Milan. launch ourselves into the future. Only if we succeed 3 in putting some life into the Archive will it repay us “The Foundation will actively organise, deposit and protect and give back its energy. the Company Names, Brands, Patents, Commercial Names Starting from here we would like to pursue some of parts and accessories for their possible exploitation, and to basic objectives: we want to be an ‘open’ Foundation, carry out, as an accessory and instrumental to the realisation networking and exchanging with others (such as of the Institutional Goals, commercial activities (for instance ISEC). Going back to our Statute: in Publishing) within the existing laws…” “The Foundation plans to identify and support cultural The Company Values and Entrepreneurship are the projects and initiatives of third parties, as long as they heart and soul of the activities of the Fondazione De share coherent cultural qualities, promoting and organising Vecchi & C. This is because we come from the world seminars, training courses, workshops, meetings: favouring of enterprises and the enterprise witnesses and lives publication of the relevant minutes and documents and all by its values daily; it trains and enriches people by those initiatives able to foster organic contact between the organising competences; it creates positive relations Foundation, the National and International organisations, between people and it is still the only social elevator their representatives and the public, also via the creation of in a static country such as ours.
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