Revival / Foothill Cities and San Diego, California 1998 International-QuarteLQIa_mpion The . /' ·., '~~~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ'" . " I", •/1 / Revival ~ll"l ,qlll_.L ',,1 1998 Gold M""ISPEBSQSA C1mmplm" ~. •••• IIII~ --- II" I ~rlr Michigan Jake ~'l~ "11,'1~' Bsa ....' !f j ".'(ir r' 1998 Tbird Place Bronze Medalist SPEBSQSA · ~ 1 ""1 I 1 ••••• r-r! ' 1\~l{;t~.... b'" "Jr:~( r' featuring Bank Street ~~~r( 1998 Fiftb Place Bronze Medalisl 5TEBSQSA II ,. ,an incredible lineup ofMedalist ... and our special guests... Classic Edition Barbershop 1998 Intemational Qnartet Cballlpion Quartets! Sweet Adelines Inlemational Metropolis 1998 Cballlpion abenefit for SingAmerica / SingCanada Pr/lllari(J' A Cappel/a's Harlllony Sweepslakes Sunday • November 15 1998 • 2:30 pm • One Show Only at the lIeuillal Blockbuster / Sony Entertainment Center on the waterfront 1 Harbor Boulevard Camden New Jersey (across the river from Philadelphia) Tickets: $22 / $28 I $35 On sale August 24 tllrough Tickemaster Philadelphia area 215-336-2000 Official Airline: US Airways Round-trip flights November 11-18 Lowest fares available No Saturday stay req'd 1-800-334-8644, refer to Gold File #47140697 Official Hotel: Four Points Sheraton Route 70 east at 1-295 Cherry Hill NJ 08034 1-800-257-8262 $79 single or double mention "Medal Madness" Stay for Ihc wholc wcckcnd ... comc on show on Sunday. Thc Ncw .Jcrscy Statc Rooms are being /leld for Friday and scc historic Philadclphia on Aquarium, adjaccnl to thc thcalcr, is a Friday & Saturday, Saturday, only twcnty minutcs from our great spot for family membcrs who will November 13 & 14, but will offer same rate for any days hcadquartcrs hotcl, and thcn lakc in Ihc not bc allending thc show. before and after. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the SPEBSOSA Harmony Foundation and Sing America I Sing Canada except for production costs and expenses SPEBSQSA The Vision Statement The Society is to be (111 c\'Cr-growing fraternity arbar­ bcrshop-styJe singers, le;tding the cause of encourag­ ~armonizer ing vocal music in our schools and COllll11unities. A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY Harmony Foundation Your clenringhouse for nil charitable activities, includ­ ing SingAmcricn, SingCanada, Hcartspring, the Heri­ tage Iiall i\'luseut11, the endowment fund and memorial giving, may be reached at (800) 876·S1NG, exl. 8447 Headquarters Office Staff 4 Atlanta was a blast! Stories and photos from the 60th-annual international convcntion. DARRYL FLINN. E:"\cclIlivc Dirl'clor nr, CUEG LYNE, Dirt."'1:torofr\lusic Educ:ltioll & &rvic~s 10 1998 quartet competitors FHr\NK SANTARELLI, CPA, CAE Posed photos. DiR'ClorofFinallce & AdminiSlr,l1ion GARY STAM1\1. CAE 20 1998 chorus competitors Hannon)' Foundation Execlltive Director Direclor of ExlemaI Affairs Posed photos. E \' NA U. 1\ lanaging I)irector of I\Iember Services 26 State of the Society Report BRIAN LYNCH, Public Relations Director JOHN SCHNEIDER, Events l\lmmgeriStafrCounsd Annual progress report from the Board Managcmcnt Council. TOi\III,\RIt. Librarian, Old Songs Librnry RUTlIIU,AZINA-JOYCE. j\luseul1l Curator/Archivist 32 Beat the winter blahs DAN DAILY, Publications Editor Join liS in Biloxi for the midwinter convention. JIL\I DEBUSL\IAN. l\lusie Specialist/Quartet Dcvelopment LANI DIETER, C&J Coordinator:Quartet Registry/IIC-DC' 35 Let's put on a show RUSS FOltIS. I\lanager ofl\ledia Production and Services Chapter craft tip from Mel Knight. LARRY GILIIOUSEN. Dircetor ofDcvclopment SCOTT HOGE, l\1:lllager oflnfonnation Systems JOE LILES. I\lusic Puhlications BETTY ;'IIAUSEN. l\kn.:handise Operations l\lanager BILL RASHLEIGII. l\lusic Sp;.."l,;ialisliYoulh Outreach HEED SAL\IPSON, Public Relations Specialist PATHICK TUCKEIl.-KELI.Y. World Hannony&kmbcrship DEE VESJ::VICK, Assistant to the Executive Director KJnK YOUNG, l\lusic Sp,:x:i:llisl 28 Charitable Services Harmony Foundation donor report. Society Headquarters 30 PR Basics-Let's get famous! SPEBSQSA Meet a barbershop hero. 6315 Third AVClIlle 36 Reaching out KClIoshll, WI 53143-5199 School programs, harmony camps. Telephone (414) 653-8440 Toll-free (800) 876-SING (1464) 38 From the Archives FAX (414) 654-4048 0' 654-5552 Meet the Pittsburghers, 1948 champion quartet. E-I1111il {name)@spebsqsa.org 42 Chapters in Action Ex: Jack Singcr = [email protected] Orner I-lours: 8 a.lII. - 5 p.llI. Flag Day anel other activities. Monday-Friday (Crlltral Tilllr) 44 News About Quartets Web Site: Opening ceremonies, anthcms. http://www.spcbsqsa.org 46 Chapter Eternal, Men of Note, In Memory September/October 1998 Second quarter reports. Volume LVIII, No.5 52 Swipes 'n' SwapS-bargains for barbershoppers TIlt· HUfmOl/izt'1' (USPS No.577700) (ISSN 00 I7-7849) is the official publication of the Society for the Preserv:ltion and EneOllragemem ofRarber Shop Quartet Singing in America. Inc. (SPEUSQSA). It is published in lhe 1I\0nths ofJanuary. J\larch, l\1:lY. July. Septemberalld Noyembcrat7930 Sheridan Road. Kenosha. Wisconsin 53143. Periodicals postage paid tlt Kcnosha. Wisconsin. and at additional mailing offices. Editorial and '1\lvcrtising offices are atlh\.'" Society headquar­ ters. Advertising rates available upon rcquest. Pllblisher as­ "It's not just for officers anymore" sumes no responsibility for rctum ofunsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Postmaster: send address eh:lnges to editori:ll offices of The HtWIIlOI/i;;('I', 7930 Sheridan Road, Kenosha. Wisconsin 53143 at least thirty days before the next publica­ tion date. A portion of each member's ducs is :lllacated to . :.. cowrthe magazine's s\lbscription pric". Subscription price to non-members is 52] yearly or 53.50 per issue; for"ign sub­ scriptions art' 53] yearly or S5 per issue (U. S. funds only). Front: Revival posed with the Hugh Ingraham Memorial Trophy and individual ASCAP DI99S by the Society for the Presen'ation and Encourage­ ment of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America. Inc. trophies. Back cover: the Alexandria Harmonizers and Prime Cut. September/October 1998 tflalfnonizer • by Darryl Flinn, Executive Director SPEBSQSA Board of Directors Ed Waesche, Society Presilient 6 Vistil Lane, Melville, NY 11747 Chllck Watson, Sotirty Exrcuth"r Vice President 784 ~lcCall Court, Columbus, OH 43235 Ken Fletcher, Society Treasurer 4241 21st Avc. W, 11100, Seattle \VA 98199 Tim Hanrahan, Society Immediate Past PresIdent 215 Hedgecock Court, Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Darryl Flinn, Sotiety Executive Dircctorffloard Secretary ex oj)/cio Jim Bagby, Society Board Member 8714 E. 57th Terrace, Kansas City, ~IO 64129 The "hook" Don Challman, Society Board i\lrmber 916 Tanglewood Dr., Shoreview, MN 55126 Gcne Courts, Society Board Member 2544 ~fadison Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45208 Bob Cox, Socie!)' Board i\lrmber 5578 Kayak Way, NE, Salem, OR 97303 Earll lagn, Society Board Membe.· 1217 Stmtford Dr., Richardson, TX 75080 Ric Haythom, Society Board ;\Irmber ave you thought lately how it was It wasn't until months later, when we were 4124 Flintridge, Dallas, TX 75244 John Krizck, Society Hoard ~Iember that you became a Barbcrshoppcr? invited to attend an Akron barbershop chap­ 13615 Debby St., Van Nuys, CA 91401 What was the "hook" that finally ter meeting, that we learned that barbershop Brian O'Leary, Sodrly Board Mrmber H P.O. Box 3174, Wobum, /'.fA 01888-2074 convinced yOll to become a part of our be­ quartets do 110t include a piano accompa­ Charlie Rose, Society Board ~lember loved society? nist. After listening to several chapter quar­ P.O. Box 7885, Rocky l\lollnl, NC 2780-l Dale Schulz, Society Board i\lembrr I ask for two reasons. First, this might tets thrill and delight us, our quartet was 10608 Waters Forest Dr., Dubuque, fA 52003-9667 be a good time to say thanks to whomever asked to sing. I still remember it as being John Walkcr, Society Board ~lemhet· RD #1, Box 990, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403 made the difference for you. Also, thinking cruel and unusual punishment to stand up through how you got hooked and how much in front of that bunch of Derbytown Aftiliatc Organizations we get from this wonderful barbcrshopping barbershoppers and sing our first a cappella AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF MEN BARllfRSIIOP SINGERS (AAMRS) Steve Grimn, Pre.idcnt. 3 Ch:ul1ilJ}' PlJc~. way of life may help you to "hook" a new chords. There have been many since then. I{obina, Qu~ll5bnd 4226. AuslrJlia member or two, yet this year. Let's harmonize. @ BARBERSHOP IN GERMANY (BinG!) 1\lanrrcd Ad.:ulls. Prc.idcm. Schw:anenwall 37. When 1 was a teenager and in 111)' first 44 I35 Oortnllll1ll. Gmmll)' quartet, we would sometimes sing in our BRlTlSII ASSOCIATION OF BARBERSHOP SIKGERS (BMlS) Chas Owcn, ChJin113l1. I Orchard Wa}'. Uo\ingdon. basement. \Ve had onc of those giant old HerLS HP3 OJD, Uniud Kingdom conversion furnaces that a family of four DurCH ASSOCIATION OF BARBERSHOP SINGERS (DABS) JohJn Kru}1. Pre,idenl, Coh'mba #13. could have comfortably lived in. We would Ilssd,lcin H02 110. The Nethul3l1d. notice that singing certain chords would get IRtSH ASSOCIATION OF BARBERSHOP SINGERS (lABS) Mark Elmes. Ollirmal1, Fir Hill How... MonkstOlI1l, a fantastic response from the furnace pipes. Count}· Cl'rk, Ireland We could also get the doorbell chimes to ring NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATION OJ' UARllERSllOl' SrNGERS (NZABS) Neil Elhenon. Prc.ident, 955a Beach Road. when we sang in the hall, and we could Tor1>a)', Auckbnd. New Zealand sometimes get a reaction from the dishes and SOCiETY OF NORDIC BARDERSHOI' STNGF.RS (SNOBS) Bmgl Tha)'sen. Pre>id~nt, R)'il\". 25E, glassware in my mother's china closet. S·191 63 Solknluna. Sweden You've got to know that we didn't know SOUTHERN PART OF AFRICA TONSORIAL SINGERS (SPATS) Glen Billson. Presiden!. 100 Entabeni Ro~d, Paradise VillIe)', an overtone from an overshoe, but we knew Republic ofSouth Africa there was something going on that we needed to do again and again.
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