![Arxiv:1907.10061V2 [Hep-Th] 14 Aug 2019](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Extended Eigenstate Thermalization and the role of FZZT branes in the Schwarzian theory Pranjal Nayaka, Julian Sonnerb & Manuel Vielmab aDepartment of Physics & Astronomy, University of Kentucky, 505 Rose St, Lexington, KY, USA bDepartment of Theoretical Physics, University of Geneva, 24 quai Ernest-Ansermet, 1211 Gen`eve 4, Switzerland [email protected] b julian.sonner, manuel.vielma @unige.ch f g Abstract In this paper we provide a universal description of the behavior of the basic operators of the Schwarzian theory in pure states. When the pure states are energy eigenstates, expectation values of non-extensive operators are thermal. On the other hand, in coher- ent pure states, these same operators can exhibit ergodic or non-ergodic behavior, which is characterized by elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic monodromy of an auxiliary equation; or equivalently, which coadjoint Virasoro orbit the state lies on. These results allow us to establish an extended version of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) in theories with a Schwarzian sector. We also elucidate the role of FZZT-type bound- ary conditions in the Schwarzian theory, shedding light on the physics of microstates associated with ZZ branes and FZZT branes in low dimensional holography. arXiv:1907.10061v2 [hep-th] 14 Aug 2019 1 Contents 1 Introduction2 1.1 Summary of results . .4 2 Pure states in Liouville and the Schwarzian8 2.1 Boundary Liouville theory and Schwarzian coherent states . .8 2.2 Descending to the Schwarzian . 12 2.3 Boundary conditions as States of the theory . 14 3 Semiclassical results 16 3.1 One-point function and effective temperature . 17 3.2 Semiclassical OTOC and chaos conjecture . 19 3.3 An alternative derivation . 22 4 Exact results 25 4.1 Computations between ZZ branes . 25 4.1.1 Bilocal one-point function ⟨ZZSV`(x; x¯)SZZ⟩ ................. 25 4.1.2 Two-point function of light operators ⟨ZZSV`2 (x2; x¯2)V`1 (x1; x¯1)SZZ⟩ . 28 4.1.3 Heavy-light two-point function ⟨ZZSV`H (x1; x¯1)V`L (x2; x¯2)SZZ⟩ ..... 30 4.2 Computations between ZZ and FZZT branes . 32 4.2.1 Bilocal one-point function ⟨FZZTSV`(x; x¯)SZZ⟩ ............... 32 4.2.2 Bilocal two-point function ⟨FZZTSV`2 (x2; x¯2)V`1 (x1; x¯1)SZZ⟩ ...... 33 4.3 Computations between two FZZT branes . 34 4.3.1 ⟨FZZTSV`(x; x¯)SFZZT⟩ ............................. 34 5 Discussion 35 1 Introduction The Schwarzian theory, namely the theory defined by the path integral C {f(τ),τ}dτ S Dµ(f)e ∫ (1.1) where {f; τ} is the Schwarzian derivative and Dµ(f) is the appropriate measure on Diff(S1), plays a key role in various different recent developments in low-dimensional holography. It appears as the low-energy description [1] of the SYK model [2,3], as well as related tensor models [4{6]. It can also be shown [7{10] to arise in two-dimensional gravity theories, notably in the JT model [11,12]. Furthermore it allows one to establish results on thermal properties of eigenstates and more general pure states in 2D CFT [13{21]. In all these situations the appearance of the Schwarzian is intimately related to conformal (Virasoro) symmetry and 2 its breaking [1,3,7,22]: an action of the type (1.1) arises as the universal description of such effects in all instances mentioned. In this paper we provide a universal description of the behavior of the basic operators of the Schwarzian theory in pure states. The philosophy behind our exploration of such effects is encapsulated in the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) [23, 24], reviewed for example in [25], and applied to the context of CFT in [26, 27]. In order to understand the thermalization of unitary closed quantum systems, this approach proposes to study the properties of eigenstates or typical pure states of the associated Hamiltonian and the degree to which operator expectation values in these states approximate those in thermal ensembles. The particular relevance of this approach to quantum thermalization in holography stems from the fact that the boundary dual of black hole formation and evaporation is one of thermalization in a closed quantum system, as demonstrated in detail for three-dimensional gravity in the series of papers [14, 16, 20]. Returning to the case at hand, namely theories of the type (1.1) we find that their basic operators { the bilocals O(τ1; τ2) { can have ergodic and non-ergodic behavior, i.e. they either approximate thermal ensembles well, or fail to thermalize, akin to the known behavior across a chaotic-integrable transition. Which behavior ensues depends on the parameters of the theory as well as the state, but is universally classified by elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic monodromy, (or equivalently, which coadjoint Virasoro orbit the state lies on). This allows us to establish an extended version of the eigenstate thermalization hypothe- sis (ETH) [15,20] which includes the usual notion of ETH for simple operators, and extends it to more complex operators, in particular including out-of-time-order correlation functions (OTOCs)1. Our argument proceeds along two closely related lines: firstly we give semi- classical arguments directly in the Schwarzian theory, based on the relationship between (1.4) and the coadjoint orbit theory [29, 30]. Secondly we use the relationship between two- dimensional boundary Liouville theory and the Schwarzian theory to provide exact results, whose semi-classical expansion coincides with the previous analysis. A crucial novel ingredi- ent in our story is the inclusion of effects of FZZT branes [31,32] in the Liouville description, which descend to certain coherent states in the Schwarzian, as we shall explain. Effects of this type have recently been pointed out to arise in the study of the late-time behavior of a certain matrix model designed as a topological completion of JT gravity [33]. In this context FZZT type states are related to the late-time ramp behavior seen, for example, in the spectral form factor [34{37]. As we show here, these same effects are also seen to play an important role in understanding ETH in theories of the type (1.1). This paper is structured as follows: the rest of this introduction consists of a summary of the main results. Section2 describes how to construct the Schwarzian path integral from two-dimensional Liouville theory. This kind of construction has already been exploited 1For an argument leading to a similar notion of extended ETH from the point of view of black-hole interiors, see [28]. 3 h<latexit sha1_base64="fK80HKF1gda+YwqJHTsbB9pLKlc=">AAAB9XicbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q/qh69LBbBU0lE0GPRi8cK9gPaWDbbSbt0swm7G6XE/g8vHhTx6n/x5r9x2+agrQ8GHu/NMDMvSATXxnW/ncLK6tr6RnGztLW9s7tX3j9o6jhVDBssFrFqB1Sj4BIbhhuB7UQhjQKBrWB0PfVbD6g0j+WdGSfoR3QgecgZNVa67woqBwJJt645eeqVK27VnYEsEy8nFchR75W/uv2YpRFKwwTVuuO5ifEzqgxnAielbqoxoWxEB9ixVNIItZ/Nrp6QE6v0SRgrW9KQmfp7IqOR1uMosJ0RNUO96E3F/7xOasJLP+MySQ1KNl8UpoKYmEwjIH2ukBkxtoQyxe2thA2poszYoEo2BG/x5WXSPKt6btW7Pa/UrvI4inAEx3AKHlxADW6gDg1goOAZXuHNeXRenHfnY95acPKZQ/gD5/MH4+iSGQ==</latexit> | σ<latexit sha1_base64="FhS3nHv5kQgGiJXDCtoKNX++0xA=">AAAB73icdVDLSgMxFM34rPVVdekmWARXQ6YObd0V3bisYB/QDiWTZtrQJDMmGaEM/Qk3LhRx6++482/MtBVU9MCFwzn3cu89YcKZNgh9OCura+sbm4Wt4vbO7t5+6eCwreNUEdoiMY9VN8SaciZpyzDDaTdRFIuQ0044ucr9zj1VmsXy1kwTGgg8kixiBBsrdfuajQQekEGpjNyLerXiVyFyEap5FS8nlZp/7kPPKjnKYInmoPTeH8YkFVQawrHWPQ8lJsiwMoxwOiv2U00TTCZ4RHuWSiyoDrL5vTN4apUhjGJlSxo4V79PZFhoPRWh7RTYjPVvLxf/8nqpiepBxmSSGirJYlGUcmhimD8Ph0xRYvjUEkwUs7dCMsYKE2MjKtoQvj6F/5N2xfWQ69345cblMo4COAYn4Ax4oAYa4Bo0QQsQwMEDeALPzp3z6Lw4r4vWFWc5cwR+wHn7BHGrkDs=</latexit> c ⌧<latexit sha1_base64="mrki0GiWetYtIt90p/ws7WxL0jA=">AAAB7XicdVDLSgMxFM34rPVVdekmWARXQ6YObd0V3bisYB/QDiWTZtrYTDIkGaEM/Qc3LhRx6/+482/MtBVU9MCFwzn3cu89YcKZNgh9OCura+sbm4Wt4vbO7t5+6eCwrWWqCG0RyaXqhlhTzgRtGWY47SaK4jjktBNOrnK/c0+VZlLcmmlCgxiPBIsYwcZK7b7B6YAMSmXkXtSrFb8KkYtQzat4OanU/HMfelbJUQZLNAel9/5QkjSmwhCOte55KDFBhpVhhNNZsZ9qmmAywSPas1TgmOogm187g6dWGcJIKlvCwLn6fSLDsdbTOLSdMTZj/dvLxb+8XmqiepAxkaSGCrJYFKUcGgnz1+GQKUoMn1qCiWL2VkjGWGFibEBFG8LXp/B/0q64HnK9G7/cuFzGUQDH4AScAQ/UQANcgyZoAQLuwAN4As+OdB6dF+d10briLGeOwA84b5/01I9g</latexit> c f(⌧ ) <latexit sha1_base64="vcE7enhPQQgAuD+uicqyFraU2Xk=">AAAB8HicbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q/qh69LBahXkoigh6LXjxWsB/ShrLZbtqlu0nYnQgl9Fd48aCIV3+ON/+N2zYHbX0w8Hhvhpl5QSKFQdf9dgpr6xubW8Xt0s7u3v5B+fCoZeJUM95ksYx1J6CGSxHxJgqUvJNoTlUgeTsY38789hPXRsTRA04S7is6jEQoGEUrPYbVHtK0z8775Ypbc+cgq8TLSQVyNPrlr94gZqniETJJjel6boJ+RjUKJvm01EsNTygb0yHvWhpRxY2fzQ+ekjOrDEgYa1sRkrn6eyKjypiJCmynojgyy95M/M/rphhe+5mIkhR5xBaLwlQSjMnsezIQmjOUE0so08LeStiIasrQZlSyIXjLL6+S1kXNc2ve/WWlfpPHUYQTOIUqeHAFdbiDBjSBgYJneIU3RzsvzrvzsWgtOPnMMfyB8/kDH7+P8w==</latexit> c ⌧<latexit sha1_base64="mrki0GiWetYtIt90p/ws7WxL0jA=">AAAB7XicdVDLSgMxFM34rPVVdekmWARXQ6YObd0V3bisYB/QDiWTZtrYTDIkGaEM/Qc3LhRx6/+482/MtBVU9MCFwzn3cu89YcKZNgh9OCura+sbm4Wt4vbO7t5+6eCwrWWqCG0RyaXqhlhTzgRtGWY47SaK4jjktBNOrnK/c0+VZlLcmmlCgxiPBIsYwcZK7b7B6YAMSmXkXtSrFb8KkYtQzat4OanU/HMfelbJUQZLNAel9/5QkjSmwhCOte55KDFBhpVhhNNZsZ9qmmAywSPas1TgmOogm187g6dWGcJIKlvCwLn6fSLDsdbTOLSdMTZj/dvLxb+8XmqiepAxkaSGCrJYFKUcGgnz1+GQKUoMn1qCiWL2VkjGWGFibEBFG8LXp/B/0q64HnK9G7/cuFzGUQDH4AScAQ/UQANcgyZoAQLuwAN4As+OdB6dF+d10briLGeOwA84b5/01I9g</latexit> c ZZ reduce |<latexit sha1_base64="Uwl4cF92FxhWQYi9GE+tCTw5A+Y=">AAACBnicbVDLSsNAFJ3UV62vqEsRBovgqiQi6LLoxmUF+4AmlMn0ph06mYSZiVDSrtz4K25cKOLWb3Dn3zhps9DWA5d7OOdeZu4JEs6Udpxvq7Syura+Ud6sbG3v7O7Z+wctFaeSQpPGPJadgCjgTEBTM82hk0ggUcChHYxucr/9AFKxWNzrcQJ+RAaChYwSbaSefTzBXkMx7EkiBhywx4uei5OeXXVqzgx4mbgFqaICjZ795fVjmkYgNOVEqa7rJNrPiNSMcphWvFRBQuiIDKBrqCARKD+bnTHFp0bp4zCWpoTGM/X3RkYipcZRYCYjoodq0cvF/7xuqsMrP2MiSTUIOn8oTDnWMc4zwX0mgWo+NoRQycxfMR0SSag2yVVMCO7iycukdV5znZp7d1GtXxdxlNEROkFnyEWXqI5uUQM1EUWP6Bm9ojfryXqx3q2P+WjJKnYO0R9Ynz/hwJgZ</latexit>
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