(No. 7.) 1856. TASMAN I A. VOCABULARY OF THE ABORIGINES OF TASMANIA. Return to Address to His Excellency the Governor ; and ordered by the Council to be printed, 23 February, 1857. (No. 7.) I VOCABULARY I: Ii OF DIALECTS OF ABORIGINAL TRIBES OF TASMAN I A, BY 1/ (' JOSEPH MILLIGANll F.i.s., &c. I 11 Tribes about Mount Royal, English. Tribes from Oyster Bay to Brune Island, Recherche North-west and Western • . 11·, Pittwater. Bay, and the South of Tasmania. ',I Abscess Lieernena Lirnete Wallamale Absent Malurnbo Taggara Wakannara Abstain Miengpa Parrawe W annabea Tongh Abstract ( to deduct) Nunamara Accompany Tawe Tawelea }l[epoilea Acid (taste) No-Wieack Noilee 'Gdulla Acrid (taste) Peooniack Mene wutta or mene ruggara Add to or put Prolone Poggona nee W ughta Poilabea Across (to put or place) Prolon-unyere W uggara Ti.mgale Tienenable poi.p.gh Adult man Puggana Minyenna Pallawah Pahlea · Adult woman Lowalla Minyenna Nienate and Lawanna Noallea Afraid Tiarina Coitbyack Tiennawille Camballete Afternoon Kaawutto · N1mto-ne Kaoonyleah Aged, (literally rotten- Tinna-triouratick N aggataboye 'Gnee-muckle boned) Agile Menakarowa N arra warraggara Ah! !'.ff F'"-·~," Mile-ne! i .Air Oimunnia Rialannah 11 1· Altogether Nuntyerntick Mabbyle Muyanato Crougana Wughata ,I,111 .Aloft • :. ·I Amatory (rakish) Rinnyowalinya Lingana looa renowa Anger · Miengconnenechaiia Poine moonalane 'I\ Angle ( crooked like the Wien-powenya Wiena and Wiep.enna \ elbow) Ankle Munnaghana Munnawana Anoint Yennernee Ruggara Another Tabboucack Neggana Answer (to) Ouneeprape Oglmemipe and Oglm erape Ant, blue Pugganeiptietta Ant, small black, strong Ouiteitana Moyberry smelling · Ant, largest black, Tietta Tite venernous Ant, red body with Nowateita ~alla and Loattera black head and tail Ant-eater ( Ec!iidna Mungyenna Munnye ..• , .. ~ ' (No. 7.) 4 Tribes about Mount Royal, Tribes from Oyster Bay to Brune Island, Recherche North-west and Western. English. Pittwater. Bay, and the South of Tasmani,a. Apparition W urrawena, Krotto- Ria-wunawa mientoneack Aquiline (Roman nosed) Muunna puggawinya Maitingule Arm Wu'hnna Wu'hnna Ashamed Leiemtonnyack Lienute Aha ! you are sulky all Annyah ! Teborah ! Keetrelbea-noomena, of a sudden Peniggoinaree ! Ashes Tontaiyenna Toiberry Ronghtuly ne Ask Ongheewammeno Oglmamilee Onabeamabbele Asleep Tugganick Longhana N enarongabea ~ . Awake (to open the Cranny-mongthee I eyes) I Ditto W ennymongthee N unneoine-roidukate I Awake him, rouse him Lientiape Illetiape r Ay (yes) Narramuna Narrawa Narra baro Azure (sky) Noorbiack Warra-ne Loaranneleah Awake (rouse ye, get Lientable, tagga muna ! .N awate, pegratc, wer­ Takkawugh ne up) gho ! Babe Cottruluttye Puggata riela Rikente Bachelor Pugganara mittye Lowatimy Paponnewatte Back (the) Me-inghana Talinah Teerannelee-leah Backward Lenere Talire Kelabatecorah Bad (no good) Noweiack Noile Ee-ayngh-la-leah Bandy-legged Lackaniampaoick Rentrouete [leah Bandicoot Tiennah Tenghanah or teu.na-ne Lugoileah Mungoinah Bark (ofa tree) Poora, poora-nah vVarra Poora leah Ban·en (woman) Kaeeto Kekrabonah Lowa Puggatimy Lopiteneeba Ditto, ditto Nangemoona Loakennamale Baskets Tughbranah Trenah Tille Bat Peounyenna Lerynah Battle Miemyenganah Mialungana Mungymeni ·Ieah Beard Comena purerlna.h Cowinne Comene-waggele Beardless Comena-ranyah Co-win-timy Cominerah leah Beat (to strike) Legganegulumpte Lugguna . Menghboibee rate Bean (coxcomb) Pugganatereetye Pallowah-tutte Papponne tughte leah Beauty (fine-looking Lowanna-elapthatye Ni.re-Iowa Noa noughanoatte woman) Ditto, ditto Lowanna-eleebana1eah Loa-minery Bark of-tree flapping Poorakunnah Lowarinnakunnah Bed (sleeping-place in· ·Oortrackeomee Orragurra wurina the bush) Ditto Noonameena Orragurm nemony Before Mealtetriangulebeah Pmngce Behind Mealtitta len-entitta Talina Belch (to) Luonna-kunna Loona kanna Eelly Tree-erina Lomate Big (large) Teeunna Papla Bill (bird's) Meunna Peegra Bird Puggunyenna Punna ' Bite Ralkwomma Rebkarranah Bitter Laieeriack Poina noily Blandfordia nobilis None in the Dutrfot Remine Black Maback or Mahanna Loaparte Blood (my) W arrgata meena Coccah Blossom Maleetye N annee Pm-illabenannee Blow-fly Mongana Monganah Blow ( with the mouth Loyune Loinganah , forcibly) Boil ( Furunculus) Lieemena Lieematah Bosom (woman's) Paruggana Parugganah Bosom (man's) Puggamenyera Parrungyenah or lia- timy Boy (small child) Malangyenna Puggatah Paw-awe Boy (large ditto) Cotty-mellitye Poilahmaneenah Bread Pannaboo Pannaboo-na Bread (give me some) Tienna miape panna­ Tiengana ma pannaboo Tunghmbibe tungaring~ boona alea Breast ( chest) Meryanna Toorinah (No. 7.) 5 Tribes about Mount Royal, Tribes from Oyster Bay to Brune Island, Recherche North-west and Western. Engli,sh. Pittwater. Bay, and the South of . Tasmania. Brook Manenge-keetanna Wayatinah Broqm (a besom) Perruttye Beroieah Brother (little) Nietta mena or nietar- Piembucki rana Brother (big) Puggana Tuantittyah Peegennah Brow ( forel:iead) Rogoona Roie-runnah Brushwood W eena-keetyenna Looranah B1ll'n (hurt by fire) Punna meena W uggatal1 Bury (to) Parrawe peangluntapoo Pomanneneluko Buttock Liengana Nunnah By and bye Piyere Gunnyem waubberaboo Buzz (like a fly; also Mongana Monganah name of fly) Come along» I want Talpyawadyno Tuy- Tattawattah Onganeena you enacunnamee I Call Ronnie Ronnypalpee Canoe ( Cattam&.rfu) Mallanna Nunganah • Nunghuna Carcass Miackbourack Miepoiyenah Cat (large native) 1,,J!~np~ Luyenna Lunna or Laboibe Cat ( small native) Prrngreenyeh Lapuggana Labaggyna Dr N aboi­ Catarrh Teachrymena Manah Teachreena [ neenele Catarrh Teaknonyak Tekalieny Teeakunny Ditto with DyspnrEa Takkaruttye Mannah larree P oorannacalle Caterpillar (small) Rianna Peenga CaveJ•n Lielle wolingana Poatina Caul Roongreena Meena or Loarinah Mena Lowallina or Cease (to) Myeemarah Parrawe Kuttamoileh Charcoal Maweena Loarra Chase (to) Rhinyetto Lerypoontabee Chirrup (to) Tetyenna Telita Chin Comnienna Wahba Chine (backbone) Myingana-tenena TUl'arunna Cider from Eucalyptus W ay-a-linah W ay-a-linah Circle Lowamachana Riawunna Claw (talon) K1ll'luggana Kuluggana Clay Pannogana Malittye Pappaiye Mallee Crazy (cranky) Tagantyenna or Mug- Tannatea Wayenoeele 01· Poieta­ j\ gana Puggoonyack nate or Kongatune or I Clean Pannyealeebna Mallea Kongatueele Climb (to) Kronye· K.roanna Clutch (to) Tiackboorack TigY.ola Cold Tunack Mati'Fne Come (to) Talpeyawadeno Tutta watta Ditto Tallya-lea Confl.ux (crowd) Tirranganna menya Palabamabbyle Conflagration Kawalooc_hta Loiny or una paroina Conversation ( a g~·eat Rhineowa mungonagu­ Poyara kunna nuemena talking) nea poggana-karne Ditto Karnyalimenya Karnamoorialane Ditto Karnalfrya · Karnalare Cord ( a small rope) Metakeetana Mite Corpse ( a dead carcase) Myack boo1Tack Moye or mungye Correct Onnyneealeebye Nirabe Cough Tachareetya Mannaladdy Coxcomb ( a fine-look­ Puggana tareetya Pallawah tutty ing fellow) Ditto Puggatimy pena Pallawahpamary Cockatoo, white W eeanoobryna 'nghara ,Cockatoo, black Men~a 'nghay rumna Crevice or fissm-e in L1ellowullingana Riengeena rocks 'I Creek Manenya keetanna Liapota Cross . Oeilupoonia urapoonie Poire tungaba Crow Lietenna Taw wereiny Cry (weep) N aoutagh boUl'ack Moi-luggata Ditto Tagara toomiack Tarra toone Cut (to) Lowgoone Toagarah Cape Portlana (lan° Tebrycunna guage) l (No. 7.) .6 Tribes about Mount Royal, Tribes from Oyster Bay to Brune Island, Recherclw North-west and Western. English. Pittwater. Bay, and tho South of Tasmania. Creak (from friction of Temata kunna Retakunna limbs of trees) Dance Rianna riacunha Rialangana Dark Taggremapack N une meene larraboo Daughter Neantymena Loggatale meena Daylight Taggre marannye Luggaraniale Dead Mientung bourrack and Moye merack bourrack Deaf Guallengatick Wayeebede guanghata Deep (water) Loa Maggalangta Kellatie ,,,_.,,.,.... , Demon ¥!engip.y:!.), Ria warrawah noile Pawtening-eely le Demur (grumble) Kokoleeny konqua Den (of wild animals) Lienwollingena Riengena Poatina Depict ( draw a design Macooloona Pallapoirena in charcoal) Deplore ( to lament as Tagrunah kamuluggana Moaluggata at an Irish wake) Kannaproie Desire (to) Oonacragniack Poykokarra Desist (to) Parrawureigunepa Parawuree Dine (to) . Pooloogoorack Tuggara nowe Dirt (mud of a whitish Panogana maleetya Mannana Mallye colour) Dirt (mud dried) Pengana mtta Mannana rulle Dirt Pengana Mannana Dirty Mawpack Mawpa Displease ( to make Lieneghi miawero or Poinawalle angry) Kukunna poipuggeapa Dispute (to) Rinnea guanettya Kanna Moonalane Distant Manlumbera Kantoggana webbery Dive (to) Tone !unto Togana Lea-lutah Diversion (sport, play) Leenyalle Luggara Riawe Dizzy Monotantiack N ubretanyte ""·····"'Dog Kaeeta Panoine Dove (wild pigeon) Mongalonerya Moatait Draw (to pull) Ko-ulopu Menghana Dream N eacha puggaroamee N eaggara , , Drink Lougholee Nugara .,...:;-- Drop (water) Liemkaneack Mikany Drown Tong bourrak Tong Poyere Drowsy Tugganemenuiack N ueenedy Dry Rongoiulong bourrack Karnaroide Ditto Roungeack ' < Duck (gender not dis- V[~ek~nl!ya ~OJ!.u>lte tinguished) Dug Paroogualla Paruggana Dull (stupid dolt) Koullangtaratta Poyetannyte Dumb Manemmenena. Menawely Dung (excrement) Tiamena Tiena Dusk Kaoota Panubratony Dust Pughrenna, Dwarf W ugh wer1·a paeetya N uggatapawe Dysentery or Diarrhc:ea Tiaquennye Tiamabbyle East Bay Neck Lueenalang'ta Lueenalangl1ta Eagle Hawk Neck Teeralinnick Teralinna Eagle G,903,!~pgh;a Weelaty Eagle's nest Lieemunetra Lieewughta Ear Mungenna Wayee Early (in the morning Tuggamarannye N unawenapoyla at twilight) Earth (mould) Pengana · Mannena Earthquake W ughyranniack Munna
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