SATCKDAT. JUNE 8,1988. ftrW B L V l m attrifrstnr ^m nhtg UrntOi A\XRAOB DAILY CXaCULATION tor tko BseaUi of May, INS THE WEATHBB 1985, at which tima sha was triad Wayne Womer, secretary of the Williams, are Charles Jacobbon and not an agent of the NBA but was Foroeoot of U. ». Weathot BatMi Connecticut Tem^ranee Union, will the Diamond Shoe Stores, Inc., Peter acting at the request of tha other and acquitted. Bortfoivi SUES LOCAL MAN Lost Larga Bom ABwrrrowN supply the pulpit at the South Meth­ GriUo and the Spencer Shoe Stores, defendants. 5,519 odist church Sunday, June 16. Rev. Inc., V. C. Tongren, owner of Ton- On August 31, ahe aald.sbe was Another result of her arresL atie + DANCE + MsHOwr of tlM Aofftt Oloadjr witk rain toalght, prob­ alleges, was Uiat aba found heraelf IB^mad Mr*. Jeremiah Maher, Mr. Leonard C. Harris will be in attend­ gren’B Shoe store and Kies Shoe arrested on a warrant charging her A T T H E Bnroo* of OIroatolloM ilanrlirBfrr Surning ralb ably mdlng Toeoday mornliig; slow­ unable to conduct the Norwich store m tt Ml*. Harry Hilton. Mr. and Mra. ance at the Southern New England ON FRAUD CHARGE store; David Nowlck, Harry Drapkln with violating the itinerant vendor ly rhiing toreperotw e Tnesdsy. successfully and was forced to liqui­ tte e Pe if” . Arthur Shorti, Mrs. Methodist Conference In Taunton, and the ’Thom McAn Shoe store; A. law as a result of a complaint sworn Abelman and the Abelmaa Shoe date it about January 1, with the Qfrttud* Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Mass. to by Williams, acting under a jk>w- RAINBOW VOL. UV., NO. 214. Oaont* Johnson, Mr*. Lawrence store and N. Eugene Smith. er of attorney signed by the other resultant losa o< a targe sum of (OtaaotM Affverltotog ee riog* 10.) money. Business In her WUUmantie Bolton, Connectient WUHniantlc Road MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. JUNE 10, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) Om laiai Mr*. Fannie Waterman, (korge H. Williams Accused Mrs. Prottas In her complaint said defendants. She was taken from her PRICE THREE CENTS Mr, and Mr*. Nelaon L’Heureux, she lived In New London for a long atore, she alleges, by an officer dur­ and Stafford Springs stores also suf­ Mnsie Featured by ■m— joaia KeatinF and Hr*„ Eliza- MAY COMPROMISE time, attending the public schools ing a time when >t was crowded with fered, ahe said. MILT LEWIS and HIS ORCHESTRA DIRECTING NRA taeth Phelan attended the State Con- of Conspiracy Against there and had several friends In Nor­ customers, friends and employees . Prottas said he was arrested on Trnttfn at the United Spanlah War wich and New London. and forced to ride through the the same charge September 1, 1934, Saturday Evening, June 8th, 1935 f DUCE ROLES COST MILLIONS Venice? No, Manhattan—Kansas Vatarans in Hartford yesterday. It SEWER QUESTION Norwich Shoe Dealer. She owns and operates shoe and atreeu in a poUca car. The newa of » t o ^ » r « e y on tee Ticketa 25 cents. to aaipoetad that all members of the her arreet was publlshod in two Nor­ part of WUltama and the other de­ clothing stores in WUUmantie and fendants. Other Expenses Outside of the local camp and Auxiliary will attend Stafford Springs, she said, and last wich newspapera and her reputation s o n PEDAL ON ON TRAIL OF THIRD KIDNAPER tha ceremonies this .iftemoon and in New London, Norwich, Willlman- General Administration of Charging George H. Williams of .August 21, at a sale conducted by evening. Selectmen Inspect Jarvis the Norwich towi, constable, pur­ tlc and Stafford Springs thereby 578 (Dodes, Also Are Noted. Manchester with frauulcntly repre- was damaged. sently himsiilf as an agent of the chased the business of the George WATKINS BROS., PRESS AHACKS Twenty-one pupils, member* of Tract— Expect to Come to NBA in an alleged conapiracy with W. Kies Company, 118 Main street, Acted MaUdoaaly New York, June 10.— (A P )— the Sunday school elaase* of Mr. and seven Norweih shoe dealers, which Norwich. The defendants acted malidoualy Inc. — W ANTED The cost of administering the AFTER TWO OF PALS CONFESS Mr*. Clarenc* Wilaon of Holl street, forced her to liquidate her bualneas, Leased Norwich Store and by. false Infoimation caused the NRA in toe two years sndlng tandered them a surprise party at v/arrant to be issued, Mrs. Prottas toU month to placed at 808,884,- An AgreemenL M i* . Sadie Pmttas of Wllllmantlc She leased the etore from the Nor­ 2 WOMEN TO DISTRIBUTE LITERATURE HOUSE T d ls Editors to Bo More their home Thuraday evening. Mr. wich Savings Society, swore and said, and as a result of their action Rob*t K. Anderson 696 by toe National IndustrW haa filed suit for $25,000 damages Conference Board. •nd Mr*. Wilson were Induced to go against Willlamii and the Norwich filed a tax list on the goods and fix­ ahe became nervous and depressed. Funeral Director TO HOUSE, 9 TO 12 MORNINGS out for a ride and upon returning to Alexander Jarvis, who la develop­ tures, renovated the store, hired She said the case was continued in Moderate in What They This amount, toe board re­ CHINA TO BOW Woman Arrested in Salt Lake ing a tract of land between East men in Superior Court at Hartford. ported yesterday, represents Preserve Constitution their heme found the rooms lllled Oauaed Her Arrest salesmen, advertised and bought Norwich City Court until Match, Funeral Home. Nothing to sen. 3 hours’ work— $1.00. State age and dth gueats. The evening was spent Center street and East Middle turn­ new stock, she claims. only toe general odmlnlstraUve pike near the end of Walker street, Mr*. Prottas alleges that Williams 142 East Center Street nationality. Start immediately. Say About Britain Over expense of toe NRA and it$ 6T8 City While Trying to P iss •ylng game* and refreahmenta of and tha Norwich dealers caused her Mrs. Prottas said that on August TO JAP ORDER adwichea, caka. cookies and lemon- and his attorney, William J, Shea, codes. Additional costs not In­ will submit to the Selectmen in the to be arrested on a charge of violat­ 21 George Williams approached her Telephone: cluded in toe total ore toe ex­ New G . O. P. Battlecry I was served. Mr. and Mra. Wilson ing the Itinerant vendor statute, of and fraudulently reproeented himself East Africa Affair. Weyerhaeuser Ransom received many beautiful and \iscful near future a compromise proposal Office 5151 — House 7494 Address Box R Herald penses of code formation, out­ whereby, if it Is accepted, the town which she subsequently was acquit­ as an agent of the NBA. Thereafter, Bring YourShde lays of individuals attending IN THE NORTH glfU. will be given a right of way through ted In court. Her hueband. Abraham for two wcek.s, the complaint alleg­ code hearings. litigaUon expen­ BiU, Leads Police to' Her Prottas, of Wllllmantlc, also has ed, Williams visited the store dally Rome, June 10.— (A P )—Premier Former Gov. Frank O. Lowden of Illinois, Miss Lillian O. Grant of Cam­ several proposed streets of the tract Troubles To Me ditures for ■ code enforcement, for sanitary sewer line*. filed actions for 110,000 damages ’’and, by threats of having said store ^ Mussolini ordered Italian newspapers additional ooet of manufacture Tells Grass Roots Convention Our Govern­ bridge street, is attending a reunion The tract was Inspected early last against the same men. He claims closed and < by his false representa­ Her Troops Start to Evacu­ Husband — Gives Name of her class at L'sSiUc College, today to continue to moderate the under toe codes and business night by the seven selectmen. that he. too, was falae<j arrested as tions as agent or cmployoo of the Prices Reasonable bitterness of the attacks on Great men’s time spent on toe codes. ment’s Essentials Are Being Anbumdale, Mass. Ocorge Waddell, clerk of the board, a result of the conspiracy to close NBA, caused the said plaintiff con­ Britain in connecUon with the Itoio- The great bulk of toe coat U I of Leader of Gang. Mr. Jarvis and Mr. Shea. Comple­ his wife’s business, that the arrest siderable expense and worry by In­ SCHLITZ We’ve gone to great made up of code authority ex­ ate Areas Designated by Challenged. The June meeting of Every Beady tion of negotiations for laying the caused him to become nervous and ducing he plaintiff to not only Bthioptan dispute. Ready Qrcle, King* Daughters, will TONIGHT penditures. given in toe report sewer mains have been pending for 111 and that his reputation was In­ change her form and manner of ad­ expense to install a Aluough he did not command the be held at the C. B. Loomis cottage SELW ITZ BEER prees to suspend its onU-Britlsh oa $71,704,406. The a d i^ is - Tokyo; Means Japanese Springfield, III., June 10.— (A P )— more than a year as the Selectmen jured. vertising and display of signs but tratlve expense of the recovery Frank O. Lowden, "elder statesman” Salt Lake City, June 10.— (A P )— In Bolton on Tiiesday, June 11. The and Mr. Jarvis failed to agree on Shoe Rebuilding and SOMETHING DIFFERENT! modern microphone comment entirely, the Premier, act­ Propert.v Attached also the arrangement and manner of and odminiatration Is placed at of the Republican Party, told mld- Announcement that the death penal­ meeting will open at 2 o’clock. All the amount of work to be done bv ing through his son-in-law.
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