![[Pennsylvania County Histories]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
5"^ 7 7V-. /" V- / y Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from This project is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries https://archive.org/details/pennsylvaniacoun84unse . c ... sentiment and was ever sura of the re¬ quired infipiration at the moment of his amrn oslf. need. While he was not deeply read in history, civil policy, law or genera! literature, knowing no art or science as a system, he was none the less equal to THTC PAtITimiN »'■ SOMERSET any emergency. Suoh was his native ecus rf '*\fO •* ;«» S EXCEP¬ strength and readiness at all poin's •’h».r TION' sL IHiR.-it TFR in a representative career of forty years in the State and National Leg is mores and the incidental contact with the great men in politics, he was never non • Bis Powers and AbHlttas—“A Man plussed by his defects of education. In Made on Purpose—Rfs Kind publio debate and conversation be was Complete In Bins ” remarkable for tact, blunt wit and ef feotive eloquence; besides, he had a voice and manner of declamation which injured the recaption of everything ho Rp«ol*l Correspondence of th > Times. uttered. , Somerset, Aprii 28.—I write to-dty WHO OGLB WAS. from a Doted locality, the seat of justice Alexander Ogle was a man six feet of a county noted f’< r its production of numerous distinguished men of one of two inches in height, finely propor¬ whom especial meniion is made. tioned, with great depth of chest. Ho Somerset county, which has no navi¬ was a man of oeurage and confidence, gable stream, is situated far inland and and at the age of forty five was th8 ac¬ for a long time was io an equal degree knowledged great man of the world lie out off from the advanced civilization lived in. He was a very singularly odd of the Atlantic coast and the sturdy en¬ man, not, a whit made np <. r aff-oted terprise of the Mississippi valley, yet not¬ and without an ii,ta of pretence in him. withstanding the limitation and re- He was honest as s?e:;l and as open as ■ raint of life under suoh circumstances daylight. Ha was all aliv;; every mo¬ there is no oouaty in the State more re¬ ment had its purpose and every action markable for the production of men of a determinate drift. Ho knew every¬ mark. Somerset, which lies among the thing, could do everything and took the mountain oounties of Pennsylvania, responsibility of everything Ha was spread over the juncriin of two ridges the patriotic politician of Somerset coun- of the Allegheny chain, which gives ! ty and for ha f a century did its think- Gen. Ogle’s theatre and i‘s people who I ir<g, managed i*s business, projected its cast the company for the drama of his public roads and every great improve¬ life were in such krer itg wi'h him as if ment in the policy of i s community. they had been made tor him and he for General Ogle was a Democra-—a them. Democrat in the besr significance of the Alexander Ogle wts an exceptionally term. I deem it pertinent to the sub¬ heroic charaoier, as wre Napoeon, ject ef this correspondence *o give a few Cromwell and Jackson. Doctor Wiiiiam extracs from a Fourth of July oration Elder in a sketch i f Lneral Ogle says: delivered by the General, which 1 e >pv ‘•He was not one of a litter. He was from the bock entitled “Periscopes on made on purpose, and his kind was Current Subjects, Extemporaneously complete in him. He was of a breed Treated,” by Dr. Wiiiiam Eider, pub¬ which leaves no heirs and ne- ds no suc¬ lished in 1854. The oration was deliv¬ cessor.” He was the patriot politician ered at. Offee Springs, a mile from the of Somerset oounty, the acknowledged town, in 1833. Ttie meering was made great man of the world he lived up of the people of the town and of the in. Although Bot an educated man, as Doiahborhood, mustered en masse. Ia ha owed nothing but reading and writing the course of hia remarks the General in his mother toDgue and simple arith¬ said: metic to the school, his instincts were “My dear fellows, you don’t under large and true, his feelings so honest stand it, but it is clear as light that the and earnest and ail his aims so jus; L *rd reigr.e'h and the devil’s a fool. I and generous that he always found the kuow i ; in three sec-re yettrs and ten I truth and right by sympathy with their never saw the righteous forsaken nor -T * - > bis sat'd begging bread. •' S’rettjjjl 'your- which t have been laboring f< salves up in the light; swell year breams is at last fairly on foot. See that you in the upper air. If you go nosing keep it alive and make atswer the about in the dirt for a living aod glorious purpose of its es,abashment. j, dezing in the mud for enjoyment Yhrn’t clip it down to nothing by vonrj- the shadow of a l«»f wilt hide the who t beggarly economy. I wish to the Lord ! heaven form your eight. P;^s have no that you understood thinking as well a« prospects. The? grout when ifa«y foriablo and squeal whan they are hur you do eating and could feei an ompt;* \ «ud they don’t uudi-rstand the coune of head as paiulaliy as an empty stomach j tilings. And if any fine fellow here fic:s Can’t you understand that keeping : fos bri:titn rising he B rows who I saeao by money in your pockets 16 not saving the parable. * * * I was among tbr>‘« it ? A doihr in a buckskin purse won’t i grtvn hills, aar dear fellow ardsanr*, before .the oldent tvf you were horn, aod snipes abd breed a sixpence iu a hundred jenrajl night owls, did you ever rie’ec- any hnmbpg but employed wisely in the service ol! ia mt? If you did, cut - i*h it. I’m >8 the 8cnl or body it will bless the one and tiled of barkiag that I w>>uld like to make* glorify the other. If you caa’t see th. a bite. Try your teeth on this tough old policy of cdaoa'irn make a religion of hide, ye whiopersnapfers. There’s "food in roe that would ssonkeyon drunk as blazes it. Introduce your children there, fori for the rest of yonr lives and g ve your first every good thought h> m guardian aDge' peep of glcry that ev<?r orasned upon your to the dear little lambs. And don’t benighted souls. Didn’t I tell -your re* stop just where reading, writing and spcctable daddies that they were making ari'hmetis can be worked into dollar* fools of themselv s in tbe wsi«Sry iBSurrec tiotf? When Wa^hfng'- n came to Beiford and dimts. Carry *bem through and with thiiarmy the Allegheny Mountains over this sojdid world into God’s world! rocked under his fo» ste ep*,, the dinainuUvt —up to the cuc’c of the heavens where] man>kins that dsneed file - drunken tnonkew He si‘8, governing the universe by Hi* around their pig nut ifoertv-t^J* in the laws. Every discovery iu the truths of diatB Jod over there trembled ia their shoes till you ennid hear their toe nails jingle nature is so far into the counsel and I was a Democrat, a Jeflkr**niao D i;»oo!"»t. confidence of the Supreme Ruler. Only then, e* I am now, bot I wasn’t a detna the man who has the mind of God is i gogue, « coward or a broad mouthed brawls; God-like. Now. for heaven’s sweet' against my coastry, ia Uws and its GonssL- sake, educate your children. You may tution. talk stupidities about the salaries of FIGHTING FOR IMPROVEMENTS. public tfficers as you did against me for ' ‘‘Your grandmammas can tell yom voting a gentlemanly per diem to the' what a rumpus tkesa same ninnies raised memoers of Congress, but don’t cheapen i around me for the first wagon road over your schoolmasters till nobody but the mountains to Pittsbnrg. It weald bankrupt cobblers, cripples, consamp-' break up the pack horse men, f-nwoth, tives and such other incapables can be I and the tavern-keepers and the horse- got to serve you for very shabb’mess breeders would be rained. wb«a ouo of salary. Buy cheap store! wagon <son"d carry as much salt, bar goods if you like, for] Iron and brandy from Be Uitnore as a when they wear cut yen will know i : whole caravan of half-starved mountain and can replace them. Buy enything 1 f rames. cheap but cheap 'aient. Drn’t venture I “After a while, when the prosperity upon that speculation, for you ers n > I 1 they bad which they at first reacted judgeti of :ba article. The cniy way fori poured down upen them trom a spent, yiu to insure -he <xoeileooe of the vr they went crazy, and I was mrbbed tide is by liberality of the pr mium again for standing by Simon Snyder’s which you will off r for it.
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