Music 10 Weekly CENTS Volume 7, No. 16 Week Ending June llth. 1967 I N ~IDE BOILING GRiii AND IVIRLYB THIS WEEK'S ISSUE U BI NI INTORONTO CRADDOCK KIDS RECORD Toronto: Are the Everly Brothers still on top of the pop scene? Can they pu sh themselve s back up to the milli on seller BRUNER JOINS RPM record bracket? Will the new generation accept the Kines of Ille 1951 pop •a? - MATHIS TO O'KEEFE It doesn't really matter if the present generation of record buyer AIRPLANE #1 accepts the sound of t he Everly Brothers or not, but they will. Their STONE MEETS ISLAND current Warner Bros single "Bowling Green" took off in Canada before the MESSER TOURS CANADA major outlets in the U.S. realized the potentia l of this great disc. The disc, ELLIE VS MONTREAL wh ich is number one at both Toronto radio s tations, and number 39 on the PETTY IN CANADA RPM 100 (national standing) has brought out Toronto's young sophis­ PAUPERS TO MONTEREY ticates and c reated a whole new breed of singles buyer. George Offer, Gen­ RPM REVAMPING eral Manager of Apex Records, who distributes the Everlys disc was almost overwhelmed at the fantastic response that the release created. It has been difficult to keep the re­ SIR JOHNA cord in stock. When Monday J une 5th came AND RCA ,INK around it was evident to Embassy Montreal: RCA Victor announces th at mana er Claude Gilbert that he had they will be distributing the Sir John bargained well at $6500 for the week A label, throughout Canada. The engagement and perhaps the Everlys Sir John A Record Company is headed felt they accepted to readily. The up by the popular Ottawa a rea radio reason was the capacity house, which must be close to 500, and with booze The Everlys have• a very soft sidemen travelling with them. An and cover, the take must have been and subtle southern manner about electric guitar man, a bass man and .pretty cool and besides there must them and were in command of the a drummer. have been another 1000 lined up out­ situation from the beginning. They Are the Everly Brothe rs s till side waiting for the second show. didn't offend their grown-up audience on top of the pop scene? Can they When The Everlys hit the (the oldest must have been 30) with push themselves back up to the stage, it was like a madhouse. The the Beatles, Beach Boys, Byrds or million seller record bracket? Wi ll gals who were teenagers back in any of the preferred sounds of the the new generation acc~ pt the Kings 1957, had been off the screaming bit teenyboppers. They concentrated on of the 1957 pop era? The answers for a long time, and it took a little hits, mostly their own and many of all have to be YES, at least here in prac tice and a little nerve (booze) to the hits made famous by the giants of Toronto, and they've got six days of gargle out a welcome to the some­ ten years ago. But The Everlys solidly packed and screaming Embassy what surprised Southern, now,Gentle­ create those hits with the "in" crowds to prove it as well as the men. sounds of today. They have three hottest selling record in many a moon. RCA Victor's Vice President and General MAMAS & PAPAS TO LEAD TH E HAMILTON'S Manager, George L. Harrison looks on as Sir John A' s John Pozer signs on the dotted line. PARADE OF STARS INTO TORONTO'S MAPLE LEAF GARDENS personality, John Pozer (CJET on Aug 23. Whether you're a hard NU-SOUL Smiths Falls). Pozer has had much Toronto: The Maple Leaf Gardens core rock and blues fan or just in­ are set for a summer-full of frantic Hamilton, Ont: In recent weeks the music in ­ success with record releases of late .terested in intelligent dumb animals, and has several powerful and talented pop activity. Kicking the season off dustry has been hearing rumours of a new you can blow your mind at The Mos­ Ottawa groups readying material for will be the heavies of the pop record sound coming from this industrial city. Hamil ­ cow Circus when it hits the Gardens release. Among them are Don Norman s cene, The Mamas and The Papas. ton is wel I known throughout Canada as the from Sept. 26 right through to prac­ Steel City and so it is fitting that this new and the Other Four and Those Naugh­ Showtim e for them is 8:30 PM July 1. tically ice time, Oct. 1. But just be­ sound is being hailed as the "Steel Sound Of ty Boys. Herman and His Hermits will take fore the sawdust show there'll be the Soul". Leading in the huUaballoo surrounding over at 1:00 PM on Au g 9 and The Second Annual Toronto Sound Show Tijuana Brass move in at 8:30 PM Reporter : How 'wou ld you best descr ibe your from 10 AM to Midnight on Sept. 16. Sound ? NU-SOUL: Man , it 's like they ca ll it, steel , hard ma n, har d. Reporter: Cou Id you compar e it to the Toronto Sound? NU-SOUL: What soun d? Reporter : Would you call it sou l, rock, or possibly the English Mod? NU -SOUL: Well it's like we say, steel , hard . Sort of a rough , very hard soul sound. It is ·soul from the heart and not from the book . Reporter : Wou Id you say Yorkvi I le has influ · enced the Steel Sound? Nu -s ou L: No but we have heard one boy from Yorkvill~ who could handle the Steel Sound efficiently. We don't know his name but th is "Steel Sound" is a. new group known as he plays drums with the Paupers. (This report­ the NU -S OUL . er checked and found the Paupers drummer hai Is To aid in better understanding this from Steel Town Hamilton .) new sound and its youthful musicians an in ­ Rep orter: Do you expe ct to bring the Steel terview was set up with members of th e NU · Sound to Toronto? Photoirapher Pat Lacroix (L) talks to Denny Doherty of Th• llamas and · Papas In LA. SOUL, which follows . NU -SOUL: Why not? ~fl . ,.. THE CRADDOCK KIDS CUT Now about those Craddock kids. They Craddock kids made the Como show almost chart (which is indicative of the national were on the Perry Como show a couple of every newspaper in the United States gave picture) they dug up a Spencer Davis Group weeks ago, you know, but you'd never glowing reviews of their performance , which version of "Somebody Help Me" and put it on know it by the Canadian newspapers. Anyway, has made the Craddocks one of the hottest their "Battle". You know what? Somehow, the Craddock kids where really the Young items in the entertainm ent business, but some The Spencer Davis Group won . I wonde r if Canada Singers, plus one other kid and two very important people in the Canadian music th is Canad ian radi o station would consider adults, who were featured on "Canada", the pitting the Canad ian disc against the Br iti sh industry realized the potential of this talented one? Seems kinda fair , doesn't it? largest selling single record in the history of Toronto fivesome and have just completed one the Canadian record busin~ss. After the There's been some Canad ian action over at the Phonodisc camp. That great group from Ottawa , The Townsmen , have another disc out on Regency . It's called "He's In Town". Jimmy Paris has a single going for him on Star Shot entitled "Toronto" . Danny Coughlin gathered himself 35 Stratford kids and cut one of his own tunes "This Is My Country" and "I Love My Country" . of the most fantastic sounding record sessions Winn ipeg's Fifth came into Toronto ever cut in this country , and when their record the first part of the year and cut a sess ion . comes out , they'll be given full credit as the Then they seemed to drop out of sight unti I artists , they'll be paid a royality on each re­ just this week when they showed up wiih cord sold , not pieced off at $100 each , and maybe , just maybe , they' 11 be given the op­ portunity to appear on a Canadian television show and they may even make the Canadian dailies. Well, do we get letters, or do we get letters? After my remark about that other Toronto station not playing any Red Leaf records, I almost felt as important as EI lie. But listen , they don't care . They're a power­ house , you know. As a matter of fact , they're so big that they went out of their way to prove just how important they are. With The British Modbeat's Red Leaf single "Somebody Help Me" riding at No. 2 on the Canadian Hits WINNIPH'S Fl"H what could be a big one for them. It's on London , and the title is "Yesterdays Today" , and the flip is "Something You've got". Hey , you know who called me long distance , the other day? No , silly , on the telephone , Jesse Young of that fabulous Rea Victor group , The Youngbloods . Do I dig their new single "Euphoria", and is it taking off. WOW, like right across the country.
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