Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival BUSH ST WEBSTER ST NIHONMACHI LITTLE FRIENDS Tateuchi Auditorium BUCHANAN ST 3 4 5 6 JCCCNC HOTEL (the Center) 11 BUCHANAN LAGUNA ST 1840 Stutter St. SUTTER ST PAPER TREE & CRAFTS ARTS FOOD BAZAAR NONPROFIT 14 12 FILLMORE ST 1743 Buchanan St. JACL 10 1840 Sutter St. SAPPORO BEER 15 HOKKA NICHIBEI KAI NJAHS NEW PEOPLE 16 1684 Post St. 1746 Post St. SAPPORO BEER 8 WEBSTER ST SAPPORO BEER SAKURA 360 STAGE STAGE NONPROFIT BOOTHS 13 UPPER POST ST POST ST Kinokuniya 9 info Bookstore UNION BANK 2 Community Room 1 JAPANTOWN HOTEL KINOKUNIYA JAPAN CENTER PEACE PLAZA KABUKI THE SEQUOIAS MALL WEST MALL 1625 Post St. 1400 Geary Blvd. AMC KABUKI 8 JAPAN CENTER 1881 Post St. EAST MALL 7 PEACE PLAZA STAGE 4/20 @ 6:30PM Sakura Room GEARY BLVD Friendship Reception $35 for Dinner & Show Detailed schedule of events for locations 11 though 16 are available on the back page. LOCATION TIME SATURDAY, APRIL 13 TIME SUNDAY, APRIL 14 TIME SATURDAY, APRIL 20 TIME SUNDAY, APRIL 21 1 AMC Kabuki 8 6:00 2019 Cherry Blossom Queen Program Night Don't Miss the MIKOSHI PURIFICATION CEREMONY on 1:00‐1:30 Bakamen Odori (Dance) Visit the J!NS Eyewear Booth and 1881 Post St Admission $35 Online or $40 at Door APRIL 20th at NOON . 1:45‐2:15 La Sakura Ladies (Chorus) WIN a PLETHORA of PRIZES! Doors Open 5pm/Program Starts 6pm 2:30‐3:00 Hanayagi Ryu (Dance) The Ceremony Represents Rites that bring 3:15‐3:45 RIHAKU (Calligraphy) Purchase an EXCLUSIVE CHERRY BLOSSOM CASE Peace and Harmony to Area of the Festival and that of the 3:50‐4:20 Rakugo by Yanagiya Tozaburo lll (Comedy) and ALL PROCEEDS go towards the Spirits Embodied in the Mikoshi. 4:30‐5:00 WAWAWA Kimono Kitsuke Mai (Kimono Dance) CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL. Union Bank Community Room 11:00‐5:00 Northern California Japanese Sword Club (Display) 11:00 Northern California Japanese Sword Club (Display) 10:00‐4:00 Mataro Kimekomi Handmade Doll Exhibit 11:00‐5:00 Mataro Kimekomi Handmade Dolls Exhibit Japan Center East Mall JCCCNC ‐ Classroom 1 11:00‐5:00 Washi Ningyo (Handmade Paper Dolls) 11:00‐5:00 Washi Ningyo (Handmade Paper Dolls) 11:00‐5:00 Shoyukai Calligraphy 11:00‐5:00 Shoyukai Calligraphy JCCCNC ‐ Classroom 2 11:00‐4:00 Shishu (Japanese Embroidery) 11:00‐4:00 Shishu (Japanese Embroidery) 11:00‐4:00 Karuta Card Game (Game, Japanese Poetry) SUPPORT THE CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL! JCCCNC ‐ Gym 2F 12:00‐1:00 Japanese Music Institute (Music, Shakuhachi) 12:00‐12:30 GenRyu Arts (Music, Taiko) 11:00‐4:00 Washi Ningyo Exhibit (Handmade Paper Dolls) RAFFLE TICKETS are $2 ea or $10 for 6 ($2 OFF) (Japanese Cultural & Community 1:00‐2:30 Minyo Minbu Festival (Japanese Dance, Folk) 12:30‐1:00 CHIE (Music, Voice & Piano/Japanese & English) 11:00‐12:00 Wesley Ukulele Band (Music) sfcherryblossom.org/raffle Center of Northern California) 2:30‐3:30 Theatre of Yugen (Drama, Theater, Noh, Dance) 1:00‐2:00 Kazuma Ishikawa Kai (Music, Koto) 12:00‐1:00 Azama Honryu Seifu Ichisenkai USA (Dance, Music) 1840 Sutter St 3:30‐5:00 Masaru Koga & Friends (Music, Jazz) 2:30‐3:30 Seiha Koto/Sangen Masazuka‐Kai (Music, Koto) 1:00‐3:00 Yosakoi Dance Project GRAND PRIZE: 2 Round Trip Tickets to Japan 4:00‐5:00 Chorale May & Ensemble Shiki (Chorus) 3:00‐3:30 Eden Aoba Taiko (Music, Taiko) Courtesy of JAL and 2 Night Hotel Accommodations Courtesy of Kintetsu International Discover Treasures of Japantown through the Cherry Blossom Scavenger Hunt and WIN PRIZES EACH DAY 3:30‐4:00 Nishikawa Ryu Nihon Buyo (Classical Dance) 4:00 ‐5:00 SF Bay Area Theatre Company (Dance, Music) Additional PRIZES: 2 Round Trip Tickets Anywhere in North Visit sfcherryblossom.org/special‐events/cbfscavengerhunt/ Download the App GooseChase or Join the Children's 7:00 ‐10:00 SF Taiko Festival (Music Concert) America ‐ Courtesy of American Airlines, or 1 TOTO Washlets Scavenger Hunt by Visiting the Scavenger Hunt Home Base at the JCCCNC or Festival Info Booth. Admission $35 (Adults), $30 (Students/Seniors) and Many More Prizes! JCCCNC ‐ Issei Memorial Hall 11:00‐5:00 Ikebana Exhibit & Demonstration (Flower Arrangement) 11:00‐5:00 Ikebana Exhibit & Demonstration Flower Arrangement 11:00‐4:00 Bonsai/Suiseki (Bonsai Trees/Stones) Exhibit 11:00‐4:00 Bonsai/Suiseki Exhibit (Art, Bonsai Trees) Peace Plaza Stage 11:30‐12:30 San Francisco Taiko Dojo (Music) 12:00‐1:00 San Francisco Taiko Dojo (Music) 12:00‐1:00 SF Taiko Dojo & Grass Valley Taiko (Music, Taiko) 11:00‐12:00 SF Kendo (Martial Arts) 12:30‐1:00 OPENING CEREMONY 1:00‐1:30 2019 Queen & Court Introductions 1:00‐1:30 Rosa Parks Elementary School Bilingual/Bicultural Program 12:00‐12:30 Enshin Karate (Martial Arts) 1:00 ‐1:30 Michiya Hanayagi & Michisuya Hanayagi Classical Dance 1:30‐2:00 Yamasho Kai (Music) (Culture) 12:30‐1:00 Shorinji Kempo (Martial Arts) 1:30‐2:00 Nihon Buyo Kiyonomoto (Classical Dance) 2:00‐2:30 Soko Joshi Dojo (Martial Arts, Judo) 1:30‐1:45 Tsuzumi Challenge by Willow Creek Academy (Music, 1:00‐3:00 GRAND PARADE 2:00‐2:15 Clarendon JBBP Tsuzumi After School Class (Music, Taiko) 2:30‐3:00 Ensohza Minyoshu (Dance, Music) Taiko) 3:30‐3:45 Bachido Ensemble (Music, Tsugaru Shamisen) 2:45‐3:15 Hakata Kai (Dance) 3:00‐3:30 Shigin (Poem Singing) 1:45‐2:15 Zanshin Dojo (Martial Arts) 3:45‐4:00 SF Awakko Ren (Dance) 3:15‐3:45 Essence with Masayuki Koga (Music) 3:30‐3:45 El Cerrito High School Japanese ( Dance, Soran Bushi) 2:15‐3:15 Japan Groups (La Sakura Ladies, WAWAWA Kimono Kitsuke 4:00‐4:45 Anime Dream Show ‐ Heroes vs Villains 3:45‐6:15 Northern California Naginata (Martial Arts) 3:45‐4:15 SF Wushu Team (Martial Arts) Mai, Bakamen Odori) (Music, Cosplay) 4:15‐4:45 Sakura Minyo Doo Koo Kai (Dance, Folk) 4:15‐4:45 Suio Ryu Iai Kenpo (Martial Arts, Japanese Swords) 3:15‐3:45 SF Okinawa Kenjin Kai (Dance, Music) 4:45‐5:15 Sakura Ren (Dance) 4:15‐5:45 Kendama (Game) 3:45‐5:45 Yosakoi (Ito Yosakoi, Kansas State Tasumaki Yosakoi, 4:45‐5:15 Oshiro Karate 5:15‐6:00 5:15‐5:45 World Oyama Karate Uzumaru, Pikes Peak Yosakoi, Yosakoi Dance Project NCCBF RAFFLE DRAWING 5:45‐6:15 SF Nipponto Society (Swords) 10Tecomai) (Dance) WINNERS ANNOUNCED 5:45‐6:15 Eden Aoba Taiko (Music, Taiko) Sakura 360 Stage 11:00‐11:30 Beyblade Competition (Family Friendly Activity) 11:30‐12:00 Bujinkan San Francisco Dojo (Performance) 12:00‐12:30 Sakura FIT (Fitness Activity) Be sure to catch J‐Town Culture Bearers' Post St 12:30‐1:00 Bujinkan San Francisco Dojo (Performance) 1:00‐1:30 5.1 Play and Tea Time Maid Cafes (Dance) 12:30‐1:00 Sakura FIT (Fitness Activity) Between Webster and 1:00‐1:30 Fashion Show 1:30‐2:00 Fashion Show 1:30‐2:00 Tsukino Mari (Music, Dance) * PAST * PRESENT * FUTURE * INFINITY Fillmore Streets 1:30‐2:00 Fashion Show 2:00‐2:30 Fashion Show 2:00‐2:30 TiA and Kohei Presented by First Voice & J‐town Task Force 2:00‐2:30 Lady Luna (Music) 2:30‐3:00 Yuzu et Citrus (Music, Dance) 2:30, 3:00 Cosplay on the Catwalk (Contest) *1/2 Hr. Ea. * Masaru Koga & Friends 4/13 3:30pm JCCCNC 2:30‐3:00 Bujinkan San Francisco Dojo (Performance) 3:00‐3:30 Cosplay on the Catwalk (Contest) 3:30, 4:00 NorCal YouTaite Alliance [NYA] (Music) *1/2 Hr. Ea. * Akira Tana & Otonowa 4/13 8:30pm East Mall Ste 520 3:00‐3:30 Cosplay on the Catwalk (Contest) 3:30‐4:00 Cosplay on the Catwalk (Contest) 4:30‐5:00 Ti@mi (Music, Dance) 3:30‐4:00 Cosplay on the Catwalk (Contest) 5:00‐5:30 Lovely Rushers (Music, Dance) * Mark Izu & Friends 4/14 3:30pm East Mall Ste 520 5:30‐6:00 JAMPS (Music) * SF BATCO 4/20 4:00pm JCCCNC Webster St Stage 12:00‐12:45 Playlist (Music) 12:00‐12:45 D'Groove (Music) 12:00‐12:45 Jest Jammin' (Music) 3:30‐4:15 Relative Key (Music) 1:15‐2:00 Soul'd Out Band (Music) 1:15‐2:00 Rendezvous (Music) 1:15‐2:00 Elima 5 (Music) 4:45‐5:30 Native Elements (Music) 2:30‐3:15 The Get Lucky Band (Music) 2:30‐3:15 The Aura Band (Music) 2:30‐3:15 Big City Revue (Music) 3:45‐4:30 Mystifiers (Music) 3:45‐4:30 Groove Foundation (Music) 3:45‐4:30 Hawaiian Royalty Music Hokka Nichibei Kai 12:00, 1:00, Nichibei Kai Tea Society (Ura Senke) Tea Ceremony 12:00, 1:00, Nichibei Kai Tea Society (Omote Senke) Friendship Reception @ Hotel Kabuki ‐ Sakura Room 1759 Sutter St 2:00, 3:00 $15 Admission *Each program runs half‐hour. 2:00, 3:00 $15 Admission *Each program runs half‐hour. April 19 (Fri) ~ Dinner & Performances by Japan Groups at 6:30 pm ~ $35 Cash or Check at Door Nihonmachi Little Friends‐ 1:00, 2:00, Omote‐Senke Domonkai (Tea Ceremony) 1:00, 2:00 Ura‐Senke Tankokai (Tea Ceremony) 1:00, 2:00 Urasenke Foundation (Way of Tea) Tateuchi Auditorium 3:00, 4:00 *Each program runs half ‐hour.
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