6A » Thursday,October 6, 2016 » KITSAPSUN MONEY LIFE WEDNESDAY MARKETS MCGRAW,HILL ON TOUR INDEX CLOSE CHG DowJones Industrial Avg. 18,281 x 112.58 TimMcGraw and Faith Hill arego- Nasdaq composite 5,316.02 x 26.36 ing on tour together forthe first time S&P 500 2,159.73 x 9.24 in adecade,country music’smost T-note,10-year yield 1.70% x 0.01 Oil, light sweet crude $49.83 x 1.14 famous married couple revealed to Euro(dollarsper euro) $1.1212 x 0.0015 fans Tuesday evening in Nashville. Yenper dollar 103.64 x 0.83 Hill and McGraw announced their SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM Soul2Soul World Tour 2017,which AmericasMarkets.usatoday.com RICK DIAMOND,GETTY IMAGES kicksoff April 7inNew Orleans. Nation &World Watch MATTHEW EVACUATIONS BEGIN: From Gannett and wirereports vWashington: Obama ‘LESSTHAN 24 HOURS TO PREPARE’ hails start of climate deal President Barack Obama welcomed the newsWednesdaythat the Paris Category 3storm agreement on climate changewill take effect in amonth as ahistoric could strengthen achievement. as it nears US Obama, speaking in the Rose Garden, said that if nations followthrough on their commitments under the agree- J.D. Gallop,John Bacon ment, “history maywell judgeitasa and Elizabeth LaFleur turning point” for the planet. He said that while there is still much USA TODAY Network to be done, the agreement will help to delayoravoid some of the worstconse- MELBOURNE, FLA. Authorities quences of climate change. The agree- in Florida and South Carolina ment commits rich and poor countries to began evacuating hundreds of takeaction to curb the rise in global thousands of people Wednes- temperatures. dayasHurricane Matthew roared closer to the U.S. after vChicago: Agency created leaving apath of destruction to probe police misconduct across Haiti and Cuba. Tropical storm conditions Chicago’sCity Council voted Wednes- are expected to reach parts of daytocreate anew agencytoinvestigate the Florida coastbyearly police shootings and major misconduct Thursday, intensifying to hurri- allegations,amove that Mayor Rahm cane conditions in some areas Emanuel and his allies say is critical to later in the day, the National bolstering trustofthe embattled Chicago Hurricane Center warned. Mat- Police Department. thew had top sustained winds The new agency, the Civilian Office of of 120 mph, aCategory 3hurri- Police Accountability,will replace the In- cane, Wednesdayafternoon and dependent Police Review Authority. could strengthen in coming That group had been criticized for mov- days,the center said. ing too slowly in its investigations and “People have less than 24 RAMON ESPINOSA/AP rarely finding wrongdoing. hours to prepare,” Florida Gov. Awoman sits amid the rubble of her home Wednesday, destroyed by Hurricane Matthew The ordinance also creates adeputy Rick Scott said. “Having aplan in Baracoa, Cuba. The hurricane rolled across the tip of Cuba overnight. inspector general’sposttomonitor the could be the difference between Police Department and the oversight life and death.” with 6,000 ready to join if need- system. At least11deaths have been ed. Schools and government of- attributed to the powerful fices along the coastwere shut vFresno, Calif.: Water storm as it has marched across down. conservation drops off the Caribbean this week, at Scott said tourists and resi- New figures WednesdayshowCalifor- least five of them in Haiti. dents should evacuate vulnera- nians’ summer water use up by more There were no initial reports of ble areas as soon as possible. than athird since the same time last deaths in Cuba. The city of Ba- “If you made adecision not year,making water regulators worry racoa, near thesoutheastern tip to leave,wecannotsend some- some areas have abandoned drought- of Cuba,suffered extensive one to risk their lives to save time water savings since the state lifted damagefrom storm surgeand yours,” Scott said. “Wecan re- mandatory conservation orders. high winds. build ahome, we can rebuild a “We’re at yellowalert,” said Felicia Wednesdayafternoon the business,wecannotrebuild Marcus,chairwoman of the state Water storm wasabout 70 miles south your life.” Resources Control Board, as the board of the Bahamas,heading north- South Carolina Gov. Nikki released August figures showing conser- westat12mph. Haley ordered evacuations for Florida, Georgia, South Caro- LEAH VOSS/THE STUARTNEWSVIA AP parts of Charleston and Beau- vation by cities and towns dropping. Tanner and Debbie Hrobak of Port St. Lucie, Fla., install California is heading into apossible lina and North Carolina de- fort counties and said 315 buses clared states of emergency storm shutters Wednesdayahead of Hurricane Matthewat were available to shuttle resi- sixth consecutiveyear of drought with Billy Bones Bait-N-Tackle South in Stuart, Fla. uncertainty of what this coming winter ahead of the mostpowerful dents to Greenville, 200 miles —the rainyseason in the state —will do storm to rock the Atlantic basin northwest. Ann Wright, execu- to ease the historic dry spell, officials since Hurricane Felix killed tropical storm warning or threatening inundation.” tivedirector of the American said. more than 100 people, mostiN watch. Awarning means the Scott warned residents to Red Cross of the Upstate, said Nicaragua, in 2007.Evacua- storm conditions are expected prepare for power outages and shelters were being provided. vNewYork: Security tions were underway in Florida within 36 hours,awatch means evacuations. Amandatory evac- Wednesday’sevacuation was Council backs next UN chief and South Carolina. the conditions are possible uation of BrevardCounty’s bar- estimated to include 250,000 “Residents and visitors within 48 hours.OnWednes- rier island began at 3p.m. people, notcounting tourists, Portugal’sformer Prime Minister An- should takeevacuation orders day, the more sobering warning Wednesday, Satellite Beach City Haley said. Hundreds of thou- tonio Guterres won the Security Coun- seriously,” Federal Emergency wasexpanded from Miami to Manager Courtney Barker an- sands more could be evacuated cil’sunanimous backing Wednesdayto Management Agencychief W. Daytona Beach. nounced on the city’s Facebook Thursdaywhen plans call for become the nextU.N.secretary-general, Craig Fugate said. “This is ama- “The combination of adan- page. The evacuation also in- evacuations in Georgetownand winning plaudits for his strong jor hurricane that has the po- gerous storm surgeand the tide cludes MerrittIsland, low-lying Horry counties. leadership. tential to cause significant will cause normally dry areas flood-prone areas and mobile Contributing: Rick Neale, The veteran politician and diplomat, harm to life and property.” near the coasttobeflooded,” or manufactured homes. Florida Today; Donna Isbell- who served as the U.N.’s refugee chief un- The entire eastcoastofFlor- the hurricane center warned. Scott said 500 National Walker,The Greenville, (S.C.) til December,topped all six informal ida wasunder ahurricane or “There is adanger of life- Guard members were called up, News polls in the council after his performance in the first-ever question-and-answer sessions in the 193-member General Assembly. Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Chur- Man accused of stealing secrets kin, the current Security Council presi- dent, said the Security Council would The contractor’s government daybyThe New York Times. he did nothave authorization to hold aformal voteThursday. NSA contractor arrested secretly affiliationwas notidentified in Six of the files,according to retain the materials at his resi- vSweden: Nobel winners court documents,but afederal the court documents,“appear dence or in his vehicle,” the after raid on home lawenforcement official said to have been obtained from complaint states. develop smallest machines that he worked with the Na- sensitiveintelligence” pro- Martin worked for BoozAl- Three scientists won the Nobel Prize tional Security Agency. The offi- duced in 2014. len Hamilton, the same firm in chemistry Wednesdayfor developing Kevin Johnson cial requested anonymity “These six documents were that employed Edward Snow- the world’ssmallestmachines —1,000 USA TODAY because he wasnot authorized produced through sensitive den, who in 2013 stole vast times thinner than ahuman hair but to speak on the matter publicly. government sources,methods caches of classified information with the potential to revolutionize com- WASHINGTON A51-year-old Martin wasarrested in secret and capabilities which are criti- about government surveillance puter and energy systems. government contractor with ac- on Aug. 27 after asearch of his cal to awide variety of national programs and later provided Frenchman Jean-Pierre Sauvage, cess to highly classified infor- Maryland home, two storage security issues,” the four-page them to reporters. Scottish-born Fraser Stoddart and Dutch mation has been charged with sheds and vehicle turned up a government complaint states, Snowden, who fled the coun- scientistBernard “Ben” Feringa share stealing sensitivedocuments mix of classified paper docu- adding that their “unauthorized try and wasgranted asylum in the $930,000 prize for the “design and and digital files. ments and digital files stored on disclosure reasonably could be Russia, reacted to newsofMar- synthesis of molecular machines,” the Harold Thomas Martin III of multiple devices.Among the expected to cause exceptionally tin’sarrestWednesday, writing Royal Swedish AcademyofSciences said. Glen Burnie, Maryland, was material, according to court grave damagetothe national on Twitter that it was“huge.”
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