VOL. XXIL MASON, MICHIGAN, THUKSDAY, MAY .13, 1897. NO. 19. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Wall paper cheap at Kliumel's De The Michigan legislature lias fixed Meetlnfr of Citizens. the time of )ln;il adjournment at May A meeting of the citizens of Mason Hosiery sale Saturday at Mlils. * partmcnt Store. I',lw2 ;!lst. was held at the court house last Mon­ Mrs. Olara Owen lias a new wheel. Samuel W. Mayer lias been coinniis II. L, Brown lias purchased a new day evening for the purpo.se of taking New lining silks at Mills, •l,'5cayard. sinned as postmaster at Holt. Clough & Wari'cn piano of J. D. Van- action on two questions. The (Irst Henry Manley of Lansing has been May party at Rayncr opera house Etten. was the question of the Sund.ay Scliool tonight. gi'anted an increiise of pension. If you are thinking The Child Study Club will meet with Rally Day. Helen J, Olmstead of Lansing has of buying Co to Hacks' and get a gotid hair cut Mrs. C. E. Henderson Tuesday, Jlay W. L. Clark was chosen chairman been granted a widow's pension for \r> cents. * 18, 1897. ;uKl W. ,1. Adams seci'etai-y. J. T- A new plate glass front has been put Campbell was called upon to explain Ride a Monarch and keep in front. Judge A. E. Cowlcs of Lansing will in Geo, A. Earle's hardware store. the status of Rally Day. He stated For sale by Smith L'it Welsh. * deliver the Memorial Day address at Carriage painting in exchange for that the only places showing a desire Girl Wiinted for general housewoi'k. AVilliamston. Here is where you can see wood, hay or grain. PEUT WILCOX. to have the day were Lansing and l*p Mits, CiiAiiMss GitimN. Yesterday Justice Ferguson married Capt. H. H. ITorrick of the Gov Mason. After some diseu.ssion Harper a large variety to choose K"ew plate ghi.ss fronts have been •Tames Cullen and Miss Olive A. Bow­ Rccd moved that a committee of live Note the Ones Quoted Below ernoi''s Guard atLansing has resigned from and tlic put in the Jlalstead and Sweet blocks. ers, both of Ingham, be a])puinted to solicit among our bus •lames Little of Webherville has Large .assortincnt of hamniocks iit Lewis 0. Trumble of Lansing has inoss men and see if the necessary Wash Board, 10c been drawn as one of the jurors in the lowest prices iitKiiiiniel's Department been granted a patent on a window funds would be forthcoming. The (Y United States court at Detroit. J 10c shade and mechanism for opcriiting cliairai)pointed MayorC. W. VanSlyke, nim m h. Broom, Store. Ii)w2 b Wanted—A carload of assorted Kussell Whitmorc has a new bicycle, same. F. W. Webb, Dr, F, E, Thomas, W, E. Pork, per pound, 5c white potatoes, in trade. a present from bis grandl'atlier E. 0, C. ;r. Miller has sold to C, .L Rayncr Howard and ,1, F. Greve as such com­ * VANDICUCOOK CKOCHUY Co, mittee. The meeting then adjourned S^IO lbs. Rolled Oats, 25c llussell. his interest in the building on Ash Tlic same with Lansing ollicers broughtseven liohos street in which his harness shop was until Wedne.sdiiy evening In listen to Lost—Yesterday, a pair of nose •fHixod Candy, per lb., 5c to tlic county jail last Saturday forC' located. The harness shop has mov­ tlie re|)ort of the committee. gliisses. Jfindcr please return to L Wall Paper, noon. They came overland in a wagon. ed out. At tlic adjourned meeting the solic­ White Fisli, per lb„ W. Mills. Window Shades, Ingham county returns .10,72,'! school Rev, W, P. Hosken will preach at iting cominittec reported that enough 15c We undci'stand tiirougli the hank One Plug Tobacco, cliihli'cn and gets $,"),7ilO,.l2 primary the Presbyterian church next Sunday fiiiulscuuld bo ral.sod to defray the Tinware, that the Standard Cabinet Go. is whol­ scliool money. The rate is M cents per morning and evening. Subject in the expenses and the committee having We pay 7}^c cash and 8c in ly reliable. 5c and lOo Counters capita. morning "The Plant of Renown;" in the matter in charge was invited to ti-ade for Egg.s, The Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Etc., Etc. Be sure and read l,lie ad, of Allen- the evening "The Sea Hath Spoken," hold tlie county rally day in this city, has I'cdiiced itsground rate to Lansing mo i-e 282,'j.l, In this issue. He will be The May meeting of the Alaiedon to lU cents a talk. A meeting was tiion called for the VANDERCOOK at the Clark House barn, Miison, every Library A.ssociation, will be held |at purpose of taking action on the forma­ FORDUIRBY. You can save money by buying Friday during the season of ]8!)7, Mrs. Roy Stillnian's, Thursday after­ GROCERY COMPANY wall paper and window shades at noon, May 27tli. Tiic program is as tion of an anti-salonn league. L, W. Last Friday night about 10 o'clock Kimmel's Department Store. ]!)w2 follows; Mills was the presiding otllcor, with two men drove up to Gorwin & Den­ W, J. Adams as secretary. It was the AVanted—Aton of good fresh but­ ScflpUiroKcadlng. nis' grain elevator at Williamston, Music. scn.seof the meeting to iirocecd to the ter, for whicli we will pay cash, took two loads of tile and then vaniocS' Knil Call, Quotations Oenftnii, I'aiior, '•Menelli the World has Derived from organization of an anti-saloon law and * VANDEKCOOK: GHOCEKY Co. ed. the W. 0. T, U," Mrs, Lois Laylln order league. Several names were en­ Select Keading Mrs, Lizzie I'alon Bentley's biglO-cent tent show will At their semi-annual business meet I'aper, ".Sketch of Mrs, Wm. McKinKinleyley.",,,. rolled and a committee appointed to t $50.00 .Mrs, Letaatrlckland open at Nortli Aurelius next Satur­ ing the Ji. Y, P. U. elected the follow­ Berap lio.t. solicit names as I'ollows; C, .1, Ray­ day, May J,5th, Give Charley a rouser ing o/llcers: President, F. A. Bate­ Music. ncr, AV. C. Wheaton and C. M. Rhodes. INA Guii.ic, ri'ograin Cnmnilltoo. man; vice pi'csident, Clarence Bickert; Amotion was iidoptcd that the sec­ Crescent ii The DKMOCUAT'S family were the The state agricultural society owes secretary, Nettie Light; treasurer, retary correspond with some speaker recipients of a dolightrnl serenade Lansing creditors about *10,000, The Lydla Wallace. in view of having a public meeting to ast Monday evening. Thanks, ladies scheme to hold a fair In Detroit this Bicycles work up sentiment in favor of such a and gentlemen. Lansing congratulates herself that year having fallen through, the socie­ the cost of running lier new city hall league. Meeting then adjourned sub­ Epworth Leaguers will kindly take ty's ollicers would like to go to Grand elephant diminislics month by month. ject to the call of the .secretary, notice that a business meeting will he Rapids again. In order to do this they When the days begin to grow shorter held at MissCni'a Neely's,Friday cven- must settle with their Lansing cred- Bcnj. Thompson of Lansing has been The Culinary Art and colder the expenses will increase ng at .seven o'clock. tors. Recently the creditors olTered granted an incre;iscof pension. to be followed succcssl'iilly, calls for month by month. to take 15 cents on the dollar for their Nelson L. Huxley has been granted (Ine groceries, which are the onl.y ma­ Lansing is having a hard time with terials from which good ITiings can be Last Thursday Dr. Thomas, assisted claims. President Ball ofTered them an increase in his pension. Good hobos. It keeps her ollicers busy get­ produced, Tlio best of cofiks can do by Dr. Root, performed another ope­ $J,500 to cancel the debt, which would enough. nothing with poar materials. There's ting them in and running them over amount to about nine cents on the nothing on the long list, .staple and ration upon Mrs. Levi Eckhart for a Sunday evening the program at the to the county scat to jail. cancer of the breast. The first ope­ dollar. The proposition has not been fancy, farm and garden products, can­ Baptist church will be in interest of ned goods, butler, cheese, eggs, spices, A party of Leslie gentlemen will ration was performed last July. At icccpted. thcB. Y. P. U. flavors, extracts, sauces, jams, pre- ARE HIGH GRADE. leave the latter part of this month this writing the patient is very com­ One of the most prominent republi­ •sorvos, Jollies, sugars, teas, coffees, for Grayling where they will fish fortable. NextSimday Rev. IT. W. Powell will etc., that we do not carry the cream Dunlap Detachable Tires, cans In Livingston county declared, in begin the llfth year of his pastorate of of the world's products. The gospel down the AuSable to lake Huron. Thomas Sloan of Dimondale has re­ Any Style Handlebar, the presence of our reporter last Sat the Baptist church of tliis city. of health calls for good living, and we Charles Hollis is before .lustice ceived benellts from each end of the urday, that if congress passed the hoed the call. Any Saddle Made, AVork in the rank of Knight at K. Squiers two weeks from today, charg­ "return of prosperity." He has been Dingley tariff bill with its $2 a thous­ AVe do not fill up our space by quot­ j [ Cresent Patent Sprockets.
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