vt«» Support Your United Fund THE WESTFfILD LEADER Of Westfield THE lEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATD WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY J b l I'hiPr J r,stiiKv I'ald £]GHTY-FIRST YEAR—No. 10 Ev«y Th5r*day WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, $ff|£SDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1970 Westlield, N. J. 32 Pages—10 Cent* League Rejects To Test Seeks Solution Request for Forum Leaf To Sr. Citizen On Family Living ^P™*™ Mulching Housing Needs A new leaf composting program KuitlKT .-study on PO>.S;1-MC' implementation of a senior citizens housing "A concensus has been democrats versial issue.1 The consensus of our has beeiy developed on an experi- project is asMirtd by Mayor James C. Moran's appointment of Alfred cally reached in the town of West- board is to reject your request, mental basis this fall to provide ix Linden Jr. of 102'i Kipley Ave. lo head an advisory committee to seek method of disposal for leaves gath- ways in which iidmit'.od needs for such housing couid be met and to make field on the subject of the family liv- .^onsensu3 issn jmportant word ered in the annual fall leaf collec- riicomniendulion.'i lo the Town Council. ing program, Mrs. Caroline Cordfe, (0 ^ , ]t meanfi agreement ——___^^Kr.,v, , tion lx.'gun lliLs week. Mayor James _ The need for a minimum 100-unit president of the League of Women 3mong a substalltial number of mem- ' ^""""^^-•tt'&A! Voters of the Westfield area, has ^ ep ^ o, . AsiVt^, C. Moran announced at a iriooling project was indicated in a report r resentaUve e member of Die Town Council Tuesday night. mad;; public Tuesday night which informed Malcolm Sawhill, president gh ^ a who, reaehed after sus. The town will use a section of Name Rev. Aiders had previously been submitted to Tamacjues Park west of Lamberts the mayor and members of the Mill Rd. to process [cares for "leaf Town Council by an advisory com- •mold" which will be roliirneit to the To Church Post miMra headed by Councilman Alex soil as part fo a cycle of nature. , , , Williams. In its study, tile group ( . , .'.».., , , . consensus 'has been democratically _H^^^^^^^_H__K_______B_______________H ____________•_• C> ;^-,r'.i -' J~' ' Leaves will be stacked in rows, liev. j;;,.k Allies has been det0,,mined ,,lal lh<.re is a nced aerated and provided moisture to e Presbyterian Church fo|. ,Qw jn(.om(. ,)|)l|si prirrtaril for In its letter dated Oct. 10, the board ,.eached in the u>wn of ,Westfield on ^^^^nBHH^H^^^^^H^^^^^P /,f' ?&||^%,,mi>, in WesMieUI states: assure decomposition. After .slirod- us associate minister thos,,„„e„ wii-„•.,h , $.1,00«,,.,,„0 o„,r. les. s amlIannua1 .l with s]:;eial responsibility for youth the subject of the family living pro- (8ffl||^^HflHH^H^^^^H^^^^^^^^K^^^^^^^^fi,-i,i'X'' ding, the leaf mold will be used income, but Lhe advisory committee ; and adults. Me is 31 years of age. "The board of (he League of Wom- gram We believe both sides of tlie H|^^^^_HM|^^p^^^^H^^^^^^^Ei_______________L^-^ throughout town in planting-beds ami roccmmeniled that a study group en Voters of the Westfield area has been amply heard, both ^^^^**eam^^M:^^^^^^^^^^^nt^^^^^^^B> -'M. .Mr. Alili'rs was recently returned contain professional people qual- jssue have i as a top dressing on lawn areas. Iron) Clertiiany where he served as discussed the request by the Con- formally and informally; and a de- The mayor said that a number of ified to deal with a search for a pastor of students ill Hamburg. In site. Financing, architecture, con- cerncd Parents of Union County to ,cis|on mad;c by our democratically „ •-., -,. -,,,.,, I^^^MIH ^^^M ^^^^^— members of PEP, a local anti-pollu- this capacity he. taught Bible and 'sponsor,a priogram for disseminat- chosen'Board of Education to retain wwa""H__l«t__w_________________________BJ!_»_«t.^___________l'^i tion group, have cooperated in de- strue! ion and law and added that theology lo upper school students it fell thai implementation of such ing information, on both sides of this . veloping the plan, which lie claims and led many student conferences a project "will present greal diffi- (family living-sex education) wntro- (Continued on page 4) TRAFFIC TALK: Mayor James Moran explains traffic problem at K0»l«-28 Circle to State Transports- is "a positive step in maintaining a culties, given tiic present scarcity tion commissioner John Kohl (right) and Stale Senator Matthew J. Rtnaldo (lefl) during lour of eastern service and protecting our environ- (Continued on page A) " ~~~~ Union County Friflay. Commissioner Kohl came to Westfield at Senator Rinaldo's invitation (or first-hand or suitable land in WestfieW and the ment at the least possible cost to our high cost of money." taxpayers." Named with Mr. Linden to the Previously, some of the leaves Says Board Aware _^_^ . new advisory group wore Council- : have been used for fill in certain man Williams, who will serve as liai- locations throughout town and others son with the council; Julian Couzens, have been stock-piled. "We have a local architect: C. W. Meyers, Of Parents' Desires MTA, Bd. of Ed. £J"*£ reached the point where the need builder; Archer Sargent, a former for the use of leaves for fill has councilman; and Lewis B. Everett, diminished, and in order to continue who had headed a church-oriented the present service of collecting, a study of senior citizen housing On Sex Ed. Course stalemate Remains in Evaluation different means of disposal has been needs begun two years ago. Mr. The desires of parents were duly again nt tho monthly public meet- sought," the mayor said. "In look- Linden is a member of the county jconsidercd by the Westfield Board ings of Hhe Board of Education by Mouiitalnsidc—ln a further attempt by Iho Public Employment Relations «joniilaiiiside — Dr, Levin B. Han- ing for a solution to leaf disposal, we planning board. had to keep in mind the cost. Dis- 1 oi Education before approval of a persons who oppose the program, t0 ciarjfy [0 the public the decisive Commission as a result of the im- igapj superintendent of schools, cx- Councilman Williams advisory 1 posal of the collected leaves at gar- revised family living-sex education (or favor it),' the board president stamJ taken ,by tile Boar(i 0[ Educa- passe between the board and the pressed disappointment at the Mid- •group, in a survey last spring, de- bage dump sites is feasible but program for kindergarten through stated. tion regardjng the impasse between Mountainside Teachers Association, die School's tmching staff's re- termined through responses of 145 costly because of transportation and sixtli grade, President Joseph A. Forty seven citizens appeared in ^om an(i ,he Mountainside Teach- ^Despite the fact that the report fusal to cooperate in a state pili»t residents that 73 percent of these dumping charges. There also was an McGroarty said on behalf of the person before the review commit- ers Association, Grant Lennix, pres- clearly states that the fact finder project lo evaluate middle schools, had incomes of $5,000 or lower and nine-inember board. tee, which also considered some idcnt of the board| issued ^ fol|ow. has no jurisdiction to rule on what At a meeting of the Board of interest in using tlie leaves in ;i cycle 43 percent earned less than $3,000 Parent .information meetings are 200 written commiunications con-jn gstatcm ent at a meeting Tuesday arc negotiable items, the Mountain- Education on Tuesday night at the o' nature." a year. With average rent feted at currently being hevd in the 10 ele- taming comments and questions. nigh[ at lhe Deerfje],) School: "The side board cf Education carefuly Deerfield School, Dr. Iianigsn ex- Preliminary iworlt on Brightwood $120, most commented that a lower mcnlary schools to brief parents on To date, the board has received 45 Mountajnsjae Board of Education has considered all of his recommenda- plained lhat Dr. West, county super- parkhinds included in an ordinance rent was the most necessary fea- the program. requests to excuse 66 of the 4,330 reeeivea and cxaminod the report tions. As stated in a letter to the intendent of schools, had chosen the introtbMfid'at the meeting. The bill, ture of a senior citizen project. "The board considered and de- (Continued on page 4> • of the fact finder who was appointed MTA, the board finds itself .in no Mountainside elementary school if approved following public hearing Of those who responded to the cided against discussion from the. '..-•. • .-..».* • position to accept ttiese bread recom- along with .80 other stUmmA year Oct. 27, will provide $8,000 for clear- DAVID N. POFNSETT ciuoslionaire, the average age was floor during these meetings because — — mendations because, under its inter- as a school system capable of stip- ing, earth work and soil investigation 72.8 years. Eleven are employed, of time required to review program -«-.-•» pretatlon of the law under which plying valuable information' in thein an area south of Liberty St. as 51 own their own homes, 64 rent an content and. to prevent each meet- Mlo VI \r_ IH 1 l_-k ' local school boards are constituted, !>Kot project which was initiated tothe "first step in a long range plan Historic Sites apartment, three rent a room and ing from becoming a platform for XT ldll llf A lit/ j. cannot divest itself or the respon- evaluate elementary schools, lor the park," the mayor said. 21 live with families. Sixty-four own repetition of comments, which have si'ailities that each member swore "The project," said Dr.
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