t 1-.- S (1 il.ilK 3b I ' I v i "A 1 K I lM ,v ""1Ti'r,l?TP'-.-ks'..7V'- j . 'ItMKJu - i HBSI "V Volume XYII No. 95 LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1880 Price Two Cents. SEW AliVEJtTJSEXESTS. CLOMIXG. seven o'clock in the evening. The figure the spheres" and the mythical story of MEDICAX. ?iaiuastrr fntrlligmccr. makes what Is called a "square," although unon arc woven : the patterns in the cloth CHRISTMAS GOODS IJELOW COST its sides range from 13 to 10 degrees 'in of gold. Tho cloth of gold itself is the con- CHRISTMAS GOODS 1IEI.OW COST ! length. CHRISTMAS GOODS IJKLOW COST ! TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 21, 1880. Three of its stars are in the con- ception of the symbolism of nature which HOLIDAYS AT stellation Pegasus, while the fourth, at the the poet here presents. THE northeastern angle, is in Andromeda. The Time holds the scales, in one scale Day RATHVON & FISHER northern star on the western side is Sclicat in the other Night. As that to the west THE STAR CLUB. the southern star is Markab, both in Peg- sinks with the Sun, that to the east brings Are selling on their entire stock of READY asus. Scheat makes a small but beauti- up the stars. As these rise the noet hears co;t. Al-- o WANAMAKER'S, MADE CLOTHING below ful isosceles triangle to the west, with two me -- music et tiio spheres," of wmch HOSTBTTER'S JOHN 'TIIKSE MOST ANCIENT AND VENER- stars of like brilliancy in the breast and the "Saraian" sage, ABLE II EATON'S." Pythagoras, taught CELEBRATED FURNISHING GOODS. fore leg ofthe Winged Horse. The south his followers. Pythagoras held that the ern star on the eastern side, also in Pega- priueiple of life was in the centre of the CHESTNUT, THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS, FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY 1st sus, is Algenib, while the northern star universe, a central fire surrounded by Second Meeting Tho Constellations North- Alphcratz is in Andro.mcda, as has been Moon ern CroNR Harp Eagle Great Square Earth, Sun, and the five planets, BITTERS AT COST. of Pegasus The Uull Pleiades said. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Sat- THE AND CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. H jades Orion Loagfel-low- 's Aline carried some forty-fiv- e degrees urn, the only ones known to ancients, Poem, the CLOTHING made to order in the prevailing Etc. south through Scheat and Markab will fix These eight made the octavo and their styles and at medium prices. The Star club Lad its second meeting Formalhaut, a bright lone star in the distances from one to another were HOLIDAYS. last night and the list of con- Southern Fish, while another line carried thought to correspond to proportions rilllE G1IFTS. is good ad- the There is nowhere in Phlladelnhlaso varied a buy Holiday Gilts early stellations ami individual stars was a less distance through Alphcratz and Al- "Eo-lia- n : early ; ami the COR. XOirril QUEEN ami OKANCSE STS., of the musical scale hence the great collection of rich goods as hero such as min- vice The best trade is bet increased to twenty-six- , including genib on eastern Square ers, mothers, brothers, sisters lovers, look for trade carries off the best things. the side of the lyre" of the poem with its 'seven- a little later. JOHN WANAMAKEK. LANCASTER, PA., Kotne of the most striking constella- will pass near Diphda in the tail of the fold bars" with ''chords of air and frets There Is un end even of Gilt". Our collection tions in titc heavens. Au interesting paper Whale. of lire." The heavenly bodies with their Is large enough ami rich enough, one would WRIUUT'S PERFUMES. Mr. VLFRED is probably the most also was read by J. D. Pyott on the Returning to the Eagle already known, celestial inhabitants were supposed to per There is no civilized nation In the Western suppose, even for a less frugal eitj' than Stuart Hemisphere in which I lie utllit v et llostcttcr's Philadelphia. These gf)Oils am are now at the lasting et all the agreeable perfumes; none of RATHVON & FISHER.. Sun and Moon, in themselves, and their ntSar the western horizon, and carrying a form a dance, with choral accompaniment, foreign ones it. is very rich, Stomach Kilters as n tonic, eorreetive and height of theirglorv. Thcchoiccstof them are the approach It relation to the Earth. In order to pre- line almost due cast across the heavens, around fire. be- anti-bilio- medicine, is ap- ; strong full of life; it isagieeable to more this central It is to this not known and lierc; others will conic of course but the and MERCHANT TAILOR?. sent the complete numerical list in our col- which will pass a little to the notth of the lief preciated. While it is a medicine lor all choicest are going. persons, probably, than any other perfume. Shakspearc makes reference in the nil climate), is especially ; himj dccIl-2-.v- d umns we give herewith it suited to What in equally to the purpose, buyers are t nil imve is nexi in popularity mis a coudensed report Great Square of Pegasus, we place in suc- Merchant of Venice, in the familiar lines: the complaints generated by the weather, be now as many as can be comfortably is singularly powerful and lasting. White of lists presented at both meetings. cession ubout Ro-- c upon our list those ancient constel- " Look .lesdea. Sec how the floor et heaven ing the purest and best vegetable stimulant in nerved, and the throng will lie denser every is delicate and lasting. AVc We keep odors all llnt-clas- s suggest to all persons who arc in- lation, Taurus, the Bull, the mighty hunt- U thick inlaid with pattens of bright gold; the world. fair day till Christmas. the preferred of the - Druggists WAXAMAKKK. pe runners, such as Luhih. llailey, Atkin- terested in this work and the number er, Orion, and follow in There's not the smallest orb that thou behold- For nulutliv nil and Dealers fo JOHN the Dogs that his whom apply ter Almanac Tor l.-- son and Coudray ; but of Alkrkd Wkiuht's we will be very large winter est llostcttcr's keep all. this that they' tram. Rut in his motion like an anscl sinus. flVULET FURNISHING. Bring an unnerfumed handkerchief; and FALL prc.sc.rve these reports, and take hold of We reach first a cluster of faint stars in Still iu!riti U the young-eye- d cherubim ; JL Sachets, tidies, lamp-shade- von shall have a sample of any odor you wish. OfllHG the list now at its begiuuing. The follow the Such harmony is in immortal souls! boxes, in nllu and plush, embroidered and neck of Taurus, the Pleiades or "Seven Rut whilst this muddy vesture of decay JOHN WAXAMAKKK. ing is a report of the Stars," known to everybody. They minted. First circle, northwest from the center. AT rise Doth grossly close us"ln we cannot hear It." KIDNEY W0KT. JOHN WANAMAKKR. Remarks of air. J. P. MoCaskey. about the middle el beptcmbcr at 8 First circle, southwest from the centre. DRESS GOODS. " Dian's circle light and near" is the i'ki:ma.kntl cukes (10I.ORKD just received, are away The purpose of the Star Club, as I un- o'clock in the evening and are then to he Moon, the sun bciug sacred to her brother ACES. in : French Camel's hair, 47 inch, derstand it, is simply enjoyment not secu during the entire night. About the KIDNEY DISEASES, I" ."() ; down prices that Apollo. " Onward to vaster and wider J lluchesse vest with I'oint medallions, $0.75 and .t& ; French cheviot suiting, silk and H. GBRHART'S evanescent enjoymeut, iunocont though fifteenth of January, at the same hour, LIVEK the same may lie .seen elsewhere at $70. wool, 45 $0.7 ; French foule, nil wool, 28 rings," beyond the successive orbits of the (O.Mi'LUMS, JOHN rt'AXAMAKEK. Inch, j it be, which passes with the hour and they are on the meridian, due south i'roai I'OXSTIIUTIOX A.D 1'II.KK. centre. inch, 0.i. nearer planets, until aged Saturn, the Vine counters, southwest from the Ily looking out for such opportunities a lady leaves nothing behind it ; much less that the zenith; about the middle of April most distant, is reached and the "thunder may often save halt. which, passing, leaves but vain regret for they arc very near the horizon, so. after WANAMAKEK. 'Morii MiMnt, of his bass " is heard. Tho "music of Dr. U. II. Clark, Vt., C1LOCKS. JOHN they re- South Hero, s.iys. "In $1SU., all gaaraiileeil. Nine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. time misspent and opportunities wasted. are lost in the rays of the sun ami the spheres " is now a solemn march with cases of Kidney Troubles it lias acted like a JOHN WAXAMAKKK. It is rather of the kind one gets from wan- main invisible for soma two months, after a deep charm. It has cured many very cases el" City-ha- ll square meaning underlying it. Greatest ld !iitranct!. 1I,ACK GOODS. MONDAY, OiTJDKi? IStli, 18S0. dering in pleasure grounds on glad June which they reappear in the East early in Piles, and has never tailed to act ellieiently. wanting any of the following will ofall the ''kindling constellations" comes Nelson Falrclnld, of St. Alhaus, Vt., rivs. rjpOYS. lie obliged Silk and days, the perfume of whoso roses pervades the morning before the sun rises.
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