Cryptanalysis Techniques for Stream Cipher: A Survey {tag} {/tag} International Journal of Computer Applications © 2012 by IJCA Journal Volume 60 - Number 9 Year of Publication: 2012 Authors: M. U. Bokhari Shadab Alam Faheem Syeed Masoodi 10.5120/9721-4187 {bibtex}pxc3884187.bib{/bibtex} Abstract Stream Ciphers are one of the most important cryptographic techniques for data security due to its efficiency in terms of resources and speed. This study aims to provide a comprehensive survey that summarizes the existing cryptanalysis techniques for stream ciphers. It will also facilitate the security analysis of the existing stream ciphers and provide an opportunity to understand the requirements for developing a secure and efficient stream cipher design. Refer ences - Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl. "Understanding Cryptography: A textbook for students and practitioners", 2010 Springer p. 7 ISBN 978-364204100-6 - W. Fischer, B. M. Gammel, O. Kniffler and J. 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