Breast Cyst Aspiration JAMEE H. LUCAS, M.D., and D. LINDSIE CONE, M.D. University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Columbia, South Carolina The breast mass is a clinical problem commonly encountered by family physicians. Fine-needle and core biopsy techniques require training and cytopathologist support. O A patient infor- In contrast, breast cyst aspiration using a 21- or 22-gauge needle is a simple, cost- mation handout on breast cyst aspiration, effective, minimally invasive procedure. The technique is easy to learn and can be written by the authors practiced on a breast model. Breast cyst aspiration may be attempted in many women of this article, is pro- who present with a palpable, dominant breast mass. If clear fluid is aspirated and the vided on page 1989. mass resolves, malignancy is unlikely, and breast cyst is the probable diagnosis. In this situation, reevaluation in four to six weeks is appropriate; if the cyst has not recurred, only routine mammographic surveillance is required. Referral for fine-needle or exci- sional biopsy is indicated if the aspirate is bloody or extremely tenacious, if no fluid can be aspirated, or if there is residual mass after aspiration. Complications such as local discomfort, bruising, and infection are uncommon. (Am Fam Physician 2003; 68:1983-6,1989. Copyright© 2003 American Academy of Family Physicians.) reast lumps are a problem for the breast. These masses are usually well cir- which women commonly consult cumscribed and mobile; on palpation, they family physicians.1 Although fine- can be tender. needle biopsy is not difficult to Cysts are a common cause of palpable learn, additional training and breast masses in premenopausal women older Badequate cytopathologist support are required. than 40 years. They are relatively uncommon Consequently, family physicians frequently do in postmenopausal women who are not not offer this procedure, and referral for surgi- receiving hormone therapy.2 In women cal biopsy is necessary. The resultant delay in younger than 40 years, fibroadenomas and determining whether a mass is benign or other solid benign lesions are the most likely malignant increases patient anxiety. cause of newly discovered dominant breast Breast cyst aspiration is a simple, easily mas- lumps. tered procedure in which a needle and syringe It often is difficult to differentiate cystic are used to drain and diagnose a presumed from solid lesions by physical examination breast cyst. Differentiation of a cyst by this alone. Ultrasonography or mammography technique may reduce the waiting time for can help, but performance of either study diagnosis in select patients. Breast cyst aspira- involves a time delay and another appoint- tion is a safe, well-tolerated, and timely diag- ment for the patient. Thus, breast cyst aspira- nostic procedure that family physicians may tion is an appropriate first step in the care of be able to offer women who present with a women who present with a dominant breast new breast mass. mass suspected of being a cyst.3 [Evidence level C, consensus expert guidelines] Patient Selection See page 1898 for definitions of strength- Breast cysts usually form because of ob- Breast Cyst Aspiration Technique of-evidence levels. struction, involution, or aging of ducts within Potential complications should be discussed with the patient and informed consent obtained before the procedure is performed. Breast cyst aspiration is a simple, easily mastered procedure EQUIPMENT in which a needle and syringe are used to drain and diag- Breast cyst aspiration requires minimal nose a presumed breast cyst. equipment: povidone-iodine solution, alcohol swabs, sterile drapes, sterile gloves, a 21- or Downloaded from the American Family Physician Web site at www.aafp.org/afp. Copyright© 2003 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial use of one individual user of the Web site. All other rights reserved. Local (skin) anesthesia generally is not needed for simple breast cyst aspiration. 22-gauge needle with a semiopaque needle hub, a 5-mL syringe or specialized cyst aspira- tor syringe, and a plastic strip bandage. SITE PREPARATION The breast mass should be located and the area cleansed with povidone-iodine solution, followed by an alcohol swab. To reduce the risk of postprocedure infection, sterile drapes should be placed around the site, and sterile gloves should be worn. Local (skin) anesthesia generally is not needed for simple breast cyst aspiration. The procedure itself requires only one needle stick, rather than the multiple sampling sticks used in fine-needle biopsy. PROCEDURE The 21- or 22-gauge needle is attached to the syringe. A small amount of air is suctioned into the syringe to break the seal. The mass is immobilized between the index and middle fingers of the nondominant hand The Authors JAMEE H. LUCAS, M.D., is associate professor in the Department of Family and Pre- ventive Medicine at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Columbia, and program director for the Palmetto Health Richland Family Practice Residency, also in Columbia. Dr. Lucas received her medical degree from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, and completed a family medicine residency at Pal- metto Health Richland Memorial Hospital, Columbia, S.C. She is a fellow of the Amer- ican Academy of Family Physicians. D. LINDSIE CONE, M.D., is associate professor in the Department of Family and Pre- ventive Medicine at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine and director of medical information services for the Palmetto Health Richland Family Practice Resi- dency. Dr. Cone also is director of hyperbaric medicine services for Palmetto Health FIGURE 1. Breast cyst aspiration technique. Richland, as well as for the residency program. Dr. Cone received his medical degree (Top) The cyst is immobilized between the from the Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine, Charleston, and index and middle fingers of the nondominant completed a family medicine residency at Palmetto Health Richland Memorial Hospi- hand. (Center) The syringe is held like a pencil tal. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians. by the dominant hand as the needle is Address correspondence to Jamee H. Lucas, M.D., Palmetto Health Richland Family inserted into the cyst. (Bottom) The thumb of Practice Residency, 3209 Colonial Dr., Columbia, SC 29203 (e-mail: jamee.lucas@ the dominant hand pulls up on the syringe to palmettohealth.org). Reprints are not available from the authors. aspirate the contents of the cyst. 1984 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN www.aafp.org/afp VOLUME 68, NUMBER 10 / NOVEMBER 15, 2003 Breast Cyst Aspiration (Figure 1, top).To reduce the remote risk of pneumothorax, a rib may be palpated, the When breast cyst aspiration is performed, surgical or mass may be moved to lie over the rib, and the radiologic referral is necessary if no fluid is aspirated, the rib may be used as a guard before aspiration is aspirated fluid is bloody or unusually tenacious, or there performed. is residual mass. The syringe is held like a pencil by the dom- inant hand while the needle is inserted into the center of the mass (Figure 1, center).The fin- gers of the dominant hand slowly walk up the nonbloody aspirate is obtained and the cyst syringe, and the thumb pulls the plunger up to resolves completely. However, follow-up is aspirate the contents of the cyst (Figure 1, bot- imperative, because the false-negative rate for tom).In the case of a “dry tap” (i.e., no fluid is the procedure may be as high as 15 to 20 per- aspirated), needle placement should be cent.5 With appropriate follow-up, the false- adjusted to ensure that the cyst was not missed. negative rate becomes negligible.6 Once the mass has been aspirated, pressure Further evaluation is required for breast on the plunger is released, and the needle is cysts that remain palpable after aspiration, withdrawn. The risk of hematoma formation contain bloody or unusually tenacious fluid, can be decreased by applying local pressure at or subsequently refill. In these situations, the aspiration site once the needle has been patients should be referred for biopsy, even if removed. The biopsy site is then covered with the mammogram is normal.3,6 [Reference 3— a plastic strip bandage. Evidence level C, consensus/expert opinion; reference 6—Evidence level B, observational EVALUATION OF ASPIRATE study] Cystic fluid is seldom colorless. It is typi- In summary, after-care and follow-up cally white, yellow-green, brown, or frankly include the following3: bloody. If the fluid is nonbloody and watery, 1. Palpation of the cyst after aspiration to and the mass completely disappears with ensure complete resolution. aspiration, the fluid can be discarded, and the 2. Reevaluation of the patient in four to six patient can be reassured that the mass was weeks to be certain that the cyst has not cystic. Routine examination of watery, non- refilled. bloody cystic fluid is not indicated.3,4 [Refer- 3. Referral of the patient for surgical biopsy ence 3—Evidence level C, consensus/expert if there is refilling or residual mass. guidelines; reference 4—Evidence level B, Possible complications of the breast cyst descriptive study] aspiration technique include discomfort at Surgical or radiologic referral is necessary if the aspiration site, bruising, localized infec- no fluid is aspirated, the aspirated fluid is tion, small hematoma formation and, rarely, bloody or unusually tenacious, or there is pneumothorax. No evidence shows that aspi- residual mass. A physician trained in fine- ration of a breast carcinoma spreads cancer needle biopsy techniques may proceed to cells or worsens survival.7 sample a solid mass and send the sample for Breast cyst aspiration does not appear to immediate evaluation. Bloody aspirate should increase the number of false-positive mammo- be sent to the laboratory for evaluation, but grams as long as the mammographer has additional biopsy will be needed.
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