Library, Public .........X The “Advertiser” Stands for the Best Interests of Belmar fKHKH«HKHKBKHKHKHKHKHW Q!KW0 MWHHmHKHKHKKl^ BOTH FOR a £J J1<HKH5<BKBKBKBKHJ<KHKHS<H3 CHKHKHKHSCHKHJ<KKJ<H3<KKHH3 Vol. XXV., No. 31, Whole No. 1985. BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1917. Single Copy Three Cents REVIVAL OF HORSE RACING CHARLOTTE WINS RACE HOME GUARD OFFICERS ONE CHAPTER FOR COUNTY Belmar Is Host Monmouth County Redeems Its Rep­ First Boat to Cover 10-Mile Course Appointments Made on Merit by Various Red Cross Chapters May be West is Loyal to To Big Throng utation in This Sport. in YaCht Club Handicap Commandant Bamford Combined Into One. President Wilson Monmouth county has redeemed its Nine boats contested for honors This week a number of appoint­ There will be a meeting in Long HOT WEATHER SENDS CROWDS reputation for horse racing. The in the 10-mile handiCap l’aCe on ments were made by Commandant BranCh next Monday night to Con­ DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMIT­ TO RESORT meeting at Freehold was phenomenal Shark river last Saturday afternoon. Bamford in the Home Guard. This sider Combining all Red Cross Chap­ TEEMAN MAKES STATEMENT in many ways. One day it required The raCe was one of the season’s follows the praCtice of the regular ters in Monmouth county into one Hotels Have Filled Up During Past sixteen heats to decide three raCes, series under the direCtion of the army where all positions are filled with headquarters Centrally located, Col. Amidon, Who is Visiting in Bel­ with no heat slower than 2:14 and after demonstrated merit and not by probably at Long BranCh. Newton Week and Some Had to Turn Away Belmar YaCht club. There was a mar Tells Advertiser Editor That three heats equalling the traCk rec­ strong northwest breeze w'hen the election due largely to popularity. A. K. Bugbee, Chairman of Shark Kansas is Backing Wilson Solidly. Guests at the Week-end. ord of 2 :10%. raCe started, but it was very shifty The men appointed have shown River chapter, is delegate to the There are two prinCipal reasons and died down when the race was by their work and reward for at­ meeting from that organization. Dr. Col. S. B. Amidon of WiChita, Kan., Sizzling hot days are sending un­ for this revival of Monmouth Coun­ half finished so that the boats whiCh tendance their qualifications for the J. W. Hassler, Chairman of the exeC­ is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. precedented hosts to the seashore and ty’s raCing reputation. One is at­ got a favorable start were lucky. offiCes assigned. These appoint­ utive committee, is alternate, and it McGregor, Seventh avenue and A Belmar activities are assuming large tractive purses and the other is effi­ Clifford Miller’s “Charlotte” sailed ments do not fill half of the posi­ is probable that others will attend street. Col. Amidon, who is a law­ proportions, with the expectation of Cient management. Horace P. Mur­ by Joe Redmond, won the raCe. The tions available. Additional appoint­ inCluding representatives of the yer in his home city is National Dem­ an August population whiCh will phy Was the raCe secretary, and he “JaCkie,” owned by Samuel E. Hun­ ments wrill be made from time to Spring Lake Branch. ocratic committeeman for Kansas swell the present hotel population has a reputation for being the most ter and sailed by James Redmond, time as others qualify. On account of the extremely hot and was one of the committee who several times its present size. At all suCCessful in the county. was seCond and William E. Siemon’s Battalion Staff—First Lieutenant weather the meeting of the exeCutive notified President Wilson of his the hotels there were big week-end A wonderful raCing suCCess is also “Wiljuan,” sailed by Clarence Stines, and Battalion Adjutant, F. V. Thomp­ committee of the Shark River Chap­ nomination last year. crowds and some of them had to guaranteed at Monmouth fair whiCh Came in third. son, M.D.; Battalion Sergeant Major, ter Tuesday night was very brief. The Colonel is a very entertaining turn away guests. There have been opens at Red Bank on Labor Day. The famous “Mildred,” with Cap­ Harry R. Cooper; Color Sergeant, Bills were paid and Mrs. Thompson, conversationalist and on Wednesday many arrivals this week who will Nine $1,000 purses are offered for tain W. H. Carpenter at the helm, Paul Galluccio. Custodian, reported on money re­ gave one of the editors of the Ad­ remain until Labor day or after and the same Classes as at Freehold. Mr. was in the race for the first time in Company A—Captain, Donald Ster­ ceived and turned over to the treas­ vertiser some interesting faCts. He the proprietors are receiving daily Murphy, the same raCe secretary is several years. Mr. Carpenter gave ner; First Lieutenant, John L. Mc­ urer. Among the donations receiv­ wras asked if the West had not been notices for advance bookings. The in Charge of the raCes, and above all, all the other boats ten minutes’ start Cormack; Second Lieutenant, Court- ed were: Mrs. Sarah Johnson, $6 ; strongly opposed to war. He replied New Columbia hotel is especially ex­ praCtiCally the same horses are al­ and the “Mildred” came in but five land Heroy; First Sergeant, Harold J. E. Simonson, 85; Triangle club, that it had up to the time of Presi­ pecting a record Crowd for August. ready entered, so that a repetition minutes behind the leading boat. W. Kyle; Supply Sergeant, William $5; Mrs. F. V. Gibson, rubber stamps; dent Wilson’s address to Congress The oCean naturally has first Call­ of the Freehold suCCess is antiCipat­ Just before the start the “Athena,” Gassin; Sergeants, Edwin B. Con­ Miss Charlotte Miller, aprons and in whiCh he set forth the imposi­ ing of visitors and hundreds of peo­ ed. owned by J. C. Viemeister, had her over, Ennis B. Pierce, FranCis PorCh; water cooler; H. V. Mount, labor tions whiCh Germany had inflicted ple have been at the bathing beaChes Between heats an exceptional pro­ jib and goose-w’ing sails ripped from Corporals, Calvin Woolley, Lucius putting up shelves at headquarters. upon this country and told of Ger­ daily. The bathhouse proprie­ gram of big open air aCts will be luff to leeCh. Rev. Buttinghauser’s Davenport. About $150 has been given on card many’s conspiracy to set Mexico and tors are making up for the poor bus­ given, with spectacular aeroplane “Lily,” sailed by ihis son, had a pledges. other countries against the United iness of the early season Caused by flights, sustaining the reputation side stay broken after she had made COMMEND EXPRESSMEN States, but since that time the West rainy weather. Some striking bath­ gained last year in this line. a good showing in the first half of TAKING THE “BUMPS” had been very loyal to the President. ing Costumes are to be seen at the The offiCe will open next Monday, the raCe. ChurCh Gives Assurance of Its Ap­ Kansas has responded nobly to the beach. The bathing girl who for­ August 6, for entries in all depart­ The “Helen” sailed by Captain F. proval of Messrs. Dillon and Nay­ Unless the autoist slackens his Car call for men. WiChita, had a pop­ merly favored war notes in her nif­ ments. J. Walsh dropped out of the raCe lor Action Regarding Sunday Col­ to the very slowest speed when ulation of 78,000 and so many en­ ty garb is now showing partiality to after sailing five miles, being too far lecting of Baggage. crossing the car tracks on F street listed for serviCe in that city that floral designs. Daisy and sunflower SURF FISHING VERY GOOD in the rear to make a good showing. the occupants are apt to get a jolting only twenty-nine had to be drafted. bathing girls are immensely popular. At the prayer meeting of the First whiCh would shake the teeth out of Fort Riley is the largest fort in the The insignia of their attire is usual­ a stone Indian. Often a stranger Surf fishing is very good. On ac­ SHOWERS RRING RELIEF Methodist ChurCh on Wednesday country. The grounds have an area ly their Caps, w'hich lend themselves count of the baCkward season, or for evening the question of the Chris­ driving up or down the avenues is of 64.000 aCres, ond Colonel Amidon so well to floral garniture. not aware that the tracks are six, some other reason, the currents Jersey Coast Experienced Hottest tian Citizen’s attitude toward Sunday said fh-it there were now 30,000 sol­ The New Columbia. that should have Come muCh earlier was freely discussed by all present. eight or more inches above the pave­ Weather in Fourteen Years. diers there and 50,000 more were The New Columbia hotel ball in the season are only now apparent The discussion wras precipitated by ment until it is too late to slaCken expeCted soon. Every day carload room Saturday evening was well on this Coast, and with the warming the announCement of Mr. Dillon and speed. We have on several oCCa­ Showers Thursday afternoon and after Carload of soldiers are being filled with delighted dancers who of the water fishing is improving and Mr. Naylor that they had disContin­ sions seen people thrown from the night brought relief from the almost sent from the fort, but no knowledge made merry and seemed never to tire some very good Catches of fluke, king ued their express business on Sun­ rear seats of an automobile as if unbearable heat whiCh this seCtion of their destination is given to the of the newest dance seleCtions.
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