Grootaert Debruyn Demeyer 1

Grootaert Debruyn Demeyer 1

151 Agromyzidae Agromyzidae Luc DE BRUYN & Michael VON TSCHIRNHAUS Agromyzidae, or leaf miners are small to very small, generally grey to black or brown, sometimes partially or completely yellow, flies. Costal vein of wing extending to apex of vein Mi+2 or reduced to the apex of vein R4+5, broken at apex of Ri (then sub-costa developed throughout its length and merging with vein Ri before reaching costa) or some distance before the point where Ri reaches the costa (then sub-costa fading distally, ending in costa well separated of vein Ri); basai crossvein always present, poste- rior crossvein frequently lacking; anal cell present. On the head normally between three and six orbital bristles, lower fronto-orbi- tals inclinated or missing (Selachops\ postverticals divergent; vibrissae mostly present. Third antennal segment usually rounded, shorter or slightly longer than broad, sometimes elongated or with a sharp point, somethimes greatly enlarged in males. Tibiae with¬ out preapical bristles; mid tibiae often with one to three posterolateral bristles; for tibiae rarely with one posterolateral bristle. Fe- male 7 abdominal tergite and sternite fused and chitinised into a non-retractile sheath for ovipositor, the latter with family spécifie teeth for drilling. Larvae of all agromyzid species are internai plant feeders with a family spécifie morphology. Most species are miners in leaves where they produce a characteristic form of mine, in most of the cases a substantial aid in identifying the agromyzid (Hering, 1935a&b, 1936, 1937a&b; key for European species in Hering, 1957). Some species are stem-borers, or develop in roots, seeds or galis. One genus develops exclusively in the cambium of young and old trees. Most species are monophagous, a considérable num- ber are oligophagous, while very few are truly polyphagous (Spencer, 1990). The Belgian Agromyzidae fauna has only been treated poorly until now. Most publications were usually limited to faunisti- cal lists (Jacobs, 1906) or some observations (Meunier, 1905, 1910-11; van den Buel; 1936, 1938; Collart, 1938, 1942; De Bruyn, 1988). Due to recent révisions of the family (e.g. Nowakowski, 1962), mainly based on the morphology of male genitalia, older faun- istical records are unreliable. General détermination keys can be found in Hendel (1931-36) and Spencer (1972,1976). Some genera are treated separate- ly in Spencer (1964, 1966), Nowakowski (1973), Griffiths (1980), but a reliable identification is only possible with the large num- ber of special publications, not yet included in général works. references; Jacobs (1906); Meunier (1905, 1910-11); Hendel (1931, 1931-36); Hering (1935, 1936, 1937a, 1937b, 1937c, 1951, 1957); van den Bruel (1936, 1938); Collart (1938,1942); Spencer (1964, 1966a, 1966b, 1972,1973,1976, 1990); Nowakow¬ ski (1962, 1973); Griffiths (1980); von Tschirnhaus (1981); De Bruyn (1988). Phytobia Lioy, 1864 lamii (Kaltenbach, 1858) Dendromyza Hendel, 1931 verbasci (Bouché, 1847) Liomyzina Enderlein, 1936 macquarti (Goureau, 1851) Liomycina Enderlein, 1936 Shizukoa Sasakawa, 1963 carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848) * Hexomyza Enderlein, 1936 schineri nigra (Zetterstedt, 1838) (Giraud, 1861) latigenis (Hendel, 1931) Melanagromyza Hendel, 1920 Amauromyza Hendel, 1931 Limnoagrorriyza Mal loch, 1921 Redia lioy, 1864 nee Filippi aeneoventris (Fallén, 1823) Cephalomyza Hendel, 1931 cirsii (Rondani, 1875) Trilobomyza Hendel, 1931 leucoptera (Czerny, 1909) Irenomyia Nowakowski, 1960 cunctans (Meigen, 1830) MelarwphytobiaHenng, 1960 Campanulomyza Nowakowski, 1962 Calalpomyza Spencer, 1977 (subge- Ophiomyia Braschnikov, 1897 nus) Tylomyza Hendel, 1931 AnnimyzellaSpencer, 1981 (subgenus) Stiropomyza Enderlein, 1936 Siphonomyza Enderlein, 1936 flavifrons (Meigen, 1830) Aulomyza Enderlein, 1936 labiatarum (Hendel, 1920) Siridomyza Enderlein, 1936 Agromyzidae 152 Solenomyza Enderlein, 1936 Praspedomyza Hendel, 1931 Stirops Enderlein, 1936 Triticomyza Blanchard, 1938 Triopisopa Enderlein, 1936 amoena (Meigen, 1830) Carinagromyza Sasakawa, 1954 artemisicola de Meijere, 1924 curvipalpis (Zcttcrstcdt, 1848) brunneicornis Hering, 1936 proboscidea (Strobl, 1900) bryoniae (Kaltenbach, 1858) prominens (Becker, 1908) solani Hering, 1927 achilleae Hering, 1937 mercurialis Hering, 1932 maura (Meigen, 1838) * citrulli Rohdendorf, 1950 asteris Kuroda, 1954 congesta (Becker, 1903) bicornis (Kaltenbach, 1869) leguminosarum de Meijere, 1924 pinguis (Fallén, 1820) minima Hendel, 1931 pulicaria (Meigen, 1830) parva Hendel, 1931 centaureana Hering, 1936 Agromyza Fallén, 1810 nigripleura Rydén, 1956 trifolii: authors Mesonevra Lioy, 1864 Slomacrypolus Enderlein, 1936 demeijerei Hering, 1930 Stomacrypeolus Enderlein, 1936 dianthicola (Venturi, 1949) Domomyza: authors eupatorii (Kaltenbach, 1873) alnibetulae Hendel, 1931 orbitella Hendel, 1931 flaviceps Fallén, 1823 flaveola (Fallén, 1823) nigripes Meigen, 1830 * lutea (Meigen, 1830) * agrosticola Hering, 1927 fulvella (Rondani, 1875) viridominalis Spencer, 1957 melanorhabda Hendel, 1931 potentillae (Kaltenbach, 1864) * pascuum (Meigen, 1838) * spiraeae Kaltenbach, 1867 pusilla (Meigen, 1830) * sanguisorbae Hendel, 1931 fasciola (Meigen, 1838) leucomaculataVimmet, 1931 sonchi Hendel, 1931 stackelbergi (Frey, 1946) erici Rydén, 1952 Angara (Meigen, 1830) * violae (Curtis, 1844) reptans Fallén, 1823 * taraxaci Hering, 1927 rondensis Strobl, 1900 ocellaris (Hendel, 1920) nigrifemur Hendel, 1931 Cerodontha Rondani, 1861 veris Hering, 1951 Cerodonta, emend. rufipes Meigen, 1830 Odontocera Macquart, 1835 buhriella Hering, 1954 Ceratomyza Schiner, 1862 Micromma sulfuriceps Strobl, 1898 Philippi, 1865 Crastemyza Nowakowski, 1967 montana Hendel, 1920 Dizygomyza Hendel, 1920 (subgenus) Phylagromyza Hendel, 1920 (subge¬ Phytoliriomyza Hendel, 1931 nus) Xyraeomyia Frick, 1952 Icteromyza Hendel, 1931 (subgenus) Lemurimyza Spencer, 1965 Poemyza Hendel, 1931 (subgenus) Pteridomyza Nowakowski, 1962 XenophytomyzaVrey, 1946 (subgenus) Nesomyza Spencer, 1973 Butomomyza Nowakowski, 1967 (sub¬ melampyga (Loew, 1869) genus) impaiientis (Brischke, 1881) bimaculata (Meigen, 1830) variegata (Meigen, 1830) * basilaris (Meigen, 1838) laterella (Zetterstedt, 1838) flavocincta (Strobl, 1880) Metopomyza Enderlein, 1936 denticornis (Panzer, 1806) * ornata (Meigen, 1830) * meigenii (Fallén, 1823) elegantula (Zetterstedt, 1848) nigritarsis {Meigen, 1830) limbatella (Zetterstedt, 1848) acuticornis (Meigen, 1830) confinis (Meigen, 1830) Liriomyza MIK, 1894 tarsella (Zetterstedt, 1848) Agrophila Lioy, 1864 nee Boisduval nigriventris (Strobl, 1900) Haplomyza Hendel, 1914 nigroscutellata (Strobl, 1900) semivittata Antineura Meiander, 1913 nee Osten (Strobl, 1909) Sacken flavicornis (Egger, 1862) * 153 Agromyzidae fulvipes (Meigen, 1830) * albiceps Meigen, 1830 * occulta (Meigen, 1838) flavoantennata Strobl, 1898 iraeos (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851) rydeniana Hering, 1949 ircosr. error angelicastri Hering, 1932 ireos (Goureau, 1851) aquilegiae Hardy, 1849 luctuosa (Meigen, 1830) * calthophilaYlenng, 1931 effusi (Karl, 1926) chaerophylli Kaltenbach, 1856 morosa (Meigen, 1830) anthrisci Hendel, 1924 grossicornis (Zetterstedt, 1860) coniophila Hering, 1931 soenderupiFrey, 1950 (misidentifica- daucivora Hering, 1931 tion) aromatici Hering, 1931 conopodii Hering, 1943 Calycomyza Hendel, 1931 cichorii Spencer, 1966 artemisiae (Kaltenbach, 1856) cytisi Brischke, 1881 atripes (Zetterstedt, 1860) eupatorii Hendel, 1927 atripes (Brischke, 1880) flavicornis Fallén, 1823 * humeralis{\on Roser, 1840) glechomae Kaltenbach, 1862 bellidis (Kaltenbach, 1858) piceipes (van der Wulp, 1871) ilicis Curtis, 1846 * Paraphytomyza Enderlein, 1936 aquifolii Goureau, 1851 Aulagromyza Enderlein, 1936 lappae Goureau, 1851 R ubiomyza Nowakowski, 1962 lappirui Goureau, 1851 Phytagromyza: authors arctii (Kaltenbach, 1856) luteoscutellata (de Meijere, 1924) lonicerae Robinneau-Desvoidy, 1851 falleni (Rydén, 1952) xylostei Kaltenbach, 1862 lonicerarum (Frey, 1946) harlemensis Weyenbergh, 1870 lonicerae xylostei Hendel, 1932 Brischke, 1881 soenderupiana (Rydén, 1958) tridentata (Loew, 1858) minuscula Goureau, 1851 ancholiae Goureau, 1851 Napomyza Westwood, 1840 aquilegiae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851 NapomyzaCurtis, 1837 nigripennis Fallén, 1823 * Dinevra Lioy, 1864 obscurella Fallén, 1823 * albipennis (Fallén, 1823) * pubicornis Hendel, 1920 cichorii Spencer, 1966 ranunculi (Schrank, 1803) * elegans (Meigen, 1830) flaveola Fallén, 1810 fesliva (Meigen, 1830) flava Fallén, 1823 lateralis (Fallén, 1823) flavoscutellataVaWén, 1823 albipes Meigen, 1830 scutellata Chromatomyia Hardy, 1849 Meigen, 1830 praecox Meigen, 1830 asteris Hendel, 1934 vitripennis Meigen, 1830 horticola (Goureau, 1851) * terminalis Meigen, 1830 cucumidis Macquart, 1854 pallida Meigen, 1830 tropaeoli Dufour, 1857 maculipes Brullé, 1832 fediae Kaltenbach, 1860 incisa Macquart, 1835 linariae Kaltenbach, 1862 citrinavon Roser, 1840 pisi Kaltenbach, 1864 maculipes Zetterstedt, 1848 nee Brullé lactucae (Vimmer, 1926) cinereovittata Zetterstedt, 1848 milii (Kaltenbach, 1864) * ranunculi Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851 nigra (Meigen, 1830) * nee Schrank zeitersledtii cinereofrons Hardy, 1849 Schiner, 1864 ranunculi Kaltenbach, 1867 nee periclymeni (de Meijere, 1924) Schrank, nee Robineau-Desvoidy primulae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851 flavotibialis Strobl, 1902 islandica Rydén, 1953 Phytomyza Fallén, 1810 pentalinearis Kuroda, 1954 tenuipennis Singh & Ipe, 1973 affinis Fallén, 1823 * scolopendrii Goureau, 1851 agromyzina Meigen, 1830 elegans Goureau, 1851 similis Brischke,

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