Ritributlon Weather nttwe 7 ajn-, «} BEDBANK Today , g temperature both 19,025 *QPI, II. dear tonight, Ugh fa JTi, Outlook lor Friday lair ncwmr TimixMniBH-m. mt and warm. Set weather, pat* J. Dial SH I -0010 luiud tall!ir. limit; taranta rmUy. *ran4 ci*» Fonts* VOL. 85, NO. 41 Bit (uk ud u AdiUUaul MaUIni OHitM. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Censure PROPOSED RARITAN,BAY BRIDGE Action Is MONMOUTH RAPID TRANSIT TERMINAL Reds Ride in Armor Planned ROCKLAND Rains Clear West Berlin Streets BULLETIN Checkpoint Charlie to the Soviet The Soviet switch from buses to Ing their wall through the divided War Memorial two miles away BERLIN (AP) — VS. mili- less comfortable but safer ar- city a year ago. Council Charges and back without incident. tary police today held up three mored vehicles came a night aft- The U.S. Army stationed an Soviet armored cars for at least American military police and er a Russian soldier was bloodied ambulance staffed by three Amer- Dinkelspiel With 20 minutes as they tried to en- West Berlin motorcycle policemen in a bus stoning during the most ican soldiers at Checkpoint Char- ter the America,!. - :tor of West tailed the Soviet convoy while it violent outburst in West Berlin lie with orders to go to the aid Violation of Act Berlin. was in West Berlin. since the Communists began build- of refugees wounded on the East Berlin side of the wall if it ap- LONG BRANCH — A move to pears the Communists will not censure City Councilman Edgar By CARL HARTMAN render aid. « K. Dinkelspiel for allegedly vio- BERLIN (AP) - Soviet War Allied commandants in West lating the state Faulkner Act by Memorial sentries were sent into Berlin stressed that the ambu- writing a letter opposing action West Berlin in armored cars lance team will not help East taken by a majority of the coun- Tuesday night, but heavy rains Germans flee to the West cil was under council study last cleared the streets of the West U.S. officials in Washington night Berlin demonstrators who had hope there will be no occasion to The motion accusing Mr. Din- stoned the Soviet sentries in buses dispatch the ambulance through kelspiel and asking a vote of in three previous nights. the wall, but the officials are con- censure was made by Council- TO HE* tMLMD Showing no arms, the three So- sidering undisclosed countermeas- nan Milton Untermeyer and was viet armored cars and a Soviet ures should the Communists keep seconded by Councilman Samuel staff car made the trip from the ambulance from entering East Marks. A vote was delayed, how- Berlin. ever, when Councilman Vincent G Ronca asked the city legal Zone Suit The Allied commandants In Ber- department for an opinion lin also spoke of other steps to Whether Mr. Dinkelspiel's ad- halt violence at the Communist mitted letter-writing was illegal. wall but did not disclose them. The letter was directed to the Lily-Tulip Stationing the ambulance was state Division of Local Govern- an obvious Allied effort to placate ment July 30 while it was con- West Berllners angered by the •idering a request by the coun- shooting Friday by East German c:' for approval to float $142,000 Offers To border guards of a young refugee In bonds to finance several local trying to scale the Red wall. The ImprovementsJThe council action youth fell back Into East Berlin had been by majority vote with territory and East German guards Mi. Dinkelspiel the lone dis- Negotiate left him there to bleed to death senter. while West Berlin police and Would Be 'Honor' American troops looked on from HOLMDEL — There does not The councilman acknowledged the West. seem to be much chance of its he had written to the division The incident touched off four happening, but Lily-Tulip Cup urging denial of the request. He successive days of. violent anti- Corp. has offered to negotiate- said he was bound by pledges Communist—and sometimes anti- out of court—its zoning suit to "hold the line on taxes" and American — demonstrations, in against Holmdel. (hat to be censured by the group SCATTERED RETURNS — Ralph Johnson, 110 Woodland West Berlin. condemning him would "be an Mayor James H. Ackerson Is Ave., Keansburg, driver of Pepsi-Cola truck, tries to In Washington, Secretary of honor" rather than an insult or somewhat noncommittal about tidy up after 35 cases containing 840 empty bottles State Dean Rusk pressed for a disgrace. the offer, but he has indicated meeting of the four-power com- (See CENSURE, Page 2) he feels the township has already slipped out the tide of the truck as it rounded the Pearl mandants in Berlin in a 20-mlnute done about as much "compromis- St. jughandle near White St., Red Bank, yesterday. The session with Soviet, Ambassador ing" on the zone question as it truck was from the Pepsi-Cola Asbury Park bottling Anatoly F. Dobrynln. Dobrynin Regatta Set should. was noncommittal with newsmen According to Lily-Tulip's gen- plant; Patrolman Franklin White investigated. after the meeting. eral plant manager, Richard C. For Sunday Thompson, recent rumors that the company will withdraw the At Bayshore suit are untrue. "People might have gotten the ATLANTIC BIGHLANDS-Thls Seek Court Order idea because I have made it borough's second annual power- known that we -would be willing boat regatta, to be held here to negotiate—to try to come to Would Force Mayor ^fo Sign Qiecks Sunday, will feature hydroplanes, TRANSIT POSSIIIUniS -—Thinking of thefuture, tht Monmouth County Planning some compromise," the manager Jersey speed skiffs and skl-rac- Board ha I com* up with two possible programs to speed up transit for thi still told The Register. "But that does KEANSBURG — An overflow Mr. Kinlin and Mr. Lohsen (with He suggested that Mr, Lohsen Ing runabouts. rapidly-growing population of Monmouth County and its city-bound commuters. Ai not mean we plan to drop the crowd of 125 persons applauded Mr. Collichio dissenting) adopted and Mr. Kinlin use their money, The regatta is being spon suit- a spectator last night when he instead of the taxpayers', In the tored this year by the Lions Club shown in this map, ona would involve construction of a major railroad terminal at News told Councilmen Martin C. Lohsen litigation, but neither official took Wider the; auspices of the Amer- Raritan Township, betwaen Matawan and ' Mazlet, with parking spaces for about Mr. Ackerson said the idea of and T, Edward Kinlin they should a writ of mandamus which would him up on his suggestion. ican Power Boat Association. an out-of-court "settlement" was support'Mayor Louis T. Collichio force the mayor to sign the Borough Manager C. Bernard According to Joseph Julian, one 2,000 cars, naar tha junction of major highway!. This plan is being forwarded to news to him. in his refusal to* pay a Hazlet con- checks. Blum entered into the contract of the event's chairmen. Coast thV Railroad Transportation Oiviiion of tha New Jersey Highway Department for Lily-Tulip filed suit in Superior tractor's bills for work on the out- Both Mr. Kinlin and Mr. Loh- with Nero without council ap- Guard officials have given ap- studies. Tha other plan would involve construction of a bi-state bridge — about fall sewer line. sen admitted that the Nega bills proval, proval for the event and will pa< Court Jan. 30. The contractor Is M. M. Nero are "inaccurate" but they said trol tile waters during the com three miles long — across Raritan Bay, between Conaskonk Point, Union Beach, and The 125-acre I.ily-Tulip tract in Borough Attorney George E. Construction Co. The bills in council is obligated to pay them petition. the eastern short of Statan Island. The Port of New York Authority ii expected Centerville, south of Rt. 35, Is Ostrov ruled hut night that this zoned for 10-acre minimum lots. question are for $5,034 and $1,345. on a contractual basis. was illegal, and that Mr. Blum SO Entrants Eipected to be asked to evaluate this possibility. Both ideas are described as being in tha In December of last year, over They haw been approved by Use Own Money did not have the authority to More than 50 entrants are ex preliminary planning stage. council—but the mayor has re- Mayor Collichio immediately make the contract. pected to participate in the re- strong protests by Lily-Tulip, the Township Committee zoned about used to sign the checks on announced that he will fight the Mr. Kinlin and Mr. Lohsen dis- gatta this year. Last year some grounds that the bills are incor- attempt to obtain a writ—and agreed with the ruling, claiming 56 powerboats from 20 states en 250 acres of land, opposite Lily- Tuljp on the north side of the rect. declared that he will use his own that a resolution adopted several tered the races, which boasted In a stormy session last night, money to do it. months ago provided the man- the second highest number of con highway, for smaller lot size: a Another Bond Issue? seven-acre minimum for proper- ager with the necessary author- testants of any regatta held on ity. the East Coast. ty abutting the. highway, to a Mayor Collichio said he wished At a recent meeting of the Big Enrollment Prompts Thought in Middletown depth of 750 feet, and a three- acre minimum in the rear of the to warn the two councilmen what Lions, race officials pointed ou Schulz Investigationtheir actions meant.
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