APRIL 2014 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PASTORS Reflections on a ministry in prison: An interview with António Monteiro dos Anjos Mission to the Cities is an emphasis of the Seventh-day Adventist Church on sharing Jesus’ love and the hope of His soon return with people in urban settings. It envisions initiatives in more than 650 of the world’s largest cities, starting with New York City in 2013 and running through 2015. Comprehensive outreach activities will be as varied as the character of each city, and will include Life Hope Centers, church planting, community events, health seminars, small groups, and reaping campaigns. Please be praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Mission to the Cities: For the church members and church leaders working in these cities For the people yet to be reached with the Gospel For the world divisions and unions to develop strategies for reaching the large cities in their territories For the thousands of outreach activities and reaping events currently taking place For the strongholds of Satan to be broken, and relationships with Christ to be established For a list of cities and to join in praying for them, go to: www.MissiontotheCities.org and www.RevivalandReformation.org/777 CONTENTS Reflections on a ministry in prison: an 04 Letters 06 interview with antónio Monteiro dos anjos 05 Editorial Delbert Baker 26 Revival & Reformation This interview provides life lessons that transcend the 27 Resources experience of incarceration. 28 Dateline adventist mission: challenges from a 30 Practical Pointers 10 pluralistic world Yelena Muzykina How do we reach this current population since the MINISTRY® INTERNATIONAL EDITORS reconfiguration of the world’s religious space has changed International Journal for Pastors Chinese-Robert Wong 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Indonesian-Edwin T. Pandjaitan the status of global Christianity? MD 20904-6600 U.S.A. Japanese-Yukio Ebihara www.ministrymagazine.org Korean-Sung Sun Hong [email protected] Portuguese (South America)-Zinaldo “God’s chosen agency for the salvation Santos EDITOR Russian-Michael Kaminsky 14 of souls” : lessons from the preaching Derek J. Morris Spanish (South America)-Marcos Blanco ministry of ellen G. white ASSOCIATE EDITOR Spanish (Inter-America)-Pablo Perla Willie E. Hucks II Michael W. Campbell INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS TO EDITOR ADVISORS Because Ellen White believed that proclaiming God’s Word John Fowler, Clifford Goldstein, Myrna Tetz Mario Brito, Michael Kaminsky, Janos Kovacs-Biro, L. Chansanga Colney, Armando was an essential requirement for an Adventist minister, EDITORIAL SPECIALIST Miranda, Rudatinya M. Mwangachuchu, Sheryl Beck she rebuked those who did not have this gift and urged Daniel Opoku-Boateng, Jongimpi Papu, them to pursue a different livelihood. FINANCE AND Bruno Raso, Ángel M. Rodríguez, Hector TECHNOLOGY MANAGER Sanchez, Houtman Sinaga, David Tasker, John Feezer IV Ivan L. Williams, Ted N. C. Wilson babylonian mentality: with whom do 18 you bank? ADVERTISING SUBSCRIPTIONS Igor Lorencin Melynie Tooley 12 issues: United States US$32.99; Canada [email protected] and overseas US$47.00. To order: send God is preparing something qualitatively much better +1 301-787-2790 name, address, and payment to Ministry® Subscriptions, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, than Babylon, and He offers it entirely for free—the New SubScRiptionS/ Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600 U.S.A. Jerusalem. RenewalS/addReSS www.ministrymagazine.org/subscribe CHANGES [email protected] DIGITAL DELIVERY +1 301-680-6511 Print subscribers can sign up for digital deliv- in prosperity and adversity +1 301-680-6502 (fax) ery at www.ministrymagazine.org/digital TO WRITERS 22 Gordon E. Christo COVer We welcome unsolicited manuscripts. 316 Creative – Based on photo by A study of Jesus’ teachings indicates that He warned Before submitting, review the writers’ Adventist News Network about the perils of material prosperity. Read what the guidelines at www.ministrymagazine.org. LAYOUT Please send manuscripts via email to author believes to be these three perils. 316 Creative [email protected]. How to increase the power of your Co-hosts Anthony Kent 24 preaching through stories and Derek Morris www.MinistryinMotion.tv Kelvin Onongha Jesus told stories—simple and elegant—to reveal the MINISTRY® has been published PRINTER Pacific Press® Pub. Assn., monthly since 1928 by the Ministerial 1350 N. Kings Rd., Nampa, ID 83687 nature of God, the problem of sin, and God’s redemptive Association, General Conference of mission. He was the Great Communicator. Seventh-day Adventists.® Ministry is a Standard mail postage paid at Nampa, Idaho. peer-reviewed journal. (ISSN 0026-5314) SECRETARY Jerry N. Page Member of Associated Church Press. ASSOCIATE SECRETARIES Jonas Arrais, Robert Costa, Adventist®, Seventh-day Adventist®, and Willie E. Hucks II, Anthony Kent, Ministry® are the registered trademarks BIBLE CREDITS Scripture taken from the Holy BIBLE, New International VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by Derek Morris, Janet Page permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. Scriptures quoted from NKJV are from The New King James Version, copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas of the General Conference Corporation of MINISTERIAL RESOURCE Nelson, Inc., Publishers. Scripture quotations marked ESV are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Seventh-day Adventists®. Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996. Used by CENTER COORDINATOR permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. Cathy Payne Vol. 86 Number 4 © 2014 888-771-0738, +1 301-680-6508 www.ministerialassociation.com PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. LETTERS “I so wish we could educate our From a legal perspective the world was restored to favor with God (Rom. 5:18). members so that they respect the The atonement, or reconciliation, was completed on the cross as foreshad- boundaries of family life.” owed by the sacrifices, and the penitent believer can trust in this finished work of our Lord.” I now need to ask the question, Is putting pastoral statement, “This would have changed this 1988 publication correct? Or is the families first her entire eschatological framework, writer of the Q&A section on page 52, With reference to Roger Hernandez’s shifting both the antitypical scapegoat Ministry, October 1980, correct in writ- article (“When Your Ministry Gets in the from Satan to Christ and the antitypical ing, “the Passover feast is the festival Way of Your Marriage and Family”— Day of Atonement from the post-1844 primarily fulfilled at Calvary”? February 2014), it was insightful and era back to the Cross.” —Peter Williams, Eagleby, Queensland, Australia excellent. As the wife of a pastor, I fully I ask the question, Isn’t the Cross appreciate how ministry affects our where that emphasis should have the beast in lives. My husband currently pastors a always been? In the book Seventh-day Revelation 17 church; but for most of our married life, Adventists Believe . (1988 ed.), page I read with great interest the article he was a union conference director. We 106, Fundamental Belief 9 reads, “In by Ranko Stefanovic in the December spent many years camping with a small Christ’s life of perfect obedience to God’s issue (“The Seven Heads of the Beast child, traveling around the country every will, His suffering, death, and resurrec- in Revelation 17”). The subject is quite weekend, all in an attempt to minister to tion, God provided the only means of familiar to me, and for most of the article, the members. He loved youth ministries, atonement for human sin, so that those I agree with the interpretation presented. and I loved watching him enjoy serving who by faith accept this atonement may There is, however, one point that does his God as he felt called. have eternal life, and the whole creation not seem to gel: the eighth head. We He now is a pastor of a 700-member may better understand the infinite and seem to be stuck on papacy while all congregation. The demands are high. holy love of the Creator. This perfect along we have the interpretation given One lady actually told me, “You have him atonement vindicates the righteousness to us by Ellen G. White in The Great at home, you don’t need him at church,” of God’s law and the graciousness of His Controversy, chapter 15: this is atheism. when I suggested my husband indulge character; for it both condemns our sin It is quite simple, really. The “eighth” in Sabbath lunch at 3:30 with his family. and provides for our forgiveness. The is described as the beast that comes out I so wish we could educate our death of Christ is substitutionary and of the “bottomless pit” (KJV) or “Abyss” members so that they respect the expiatory, reconciling and transforming. (NIV) in Revelation 11:7 and 17:8. It is also boundaries of family life. The resurrection of Christ proclaims described as being of the seven (Rev. —Cathy Boldeau, United Kingdom God’s triumph over the forces of evil, 17:11, KJV) or belonging to them (NIV), and for those who accept the atone- which simply means that they all were the Scapegoat ment assures their final victory over sin in rebellious opposition to God. I was interested to read in the and death. It declares the Lordship of Who could deny that atheism is a ris- October 2013 [issue of] Ministry a con- Jesus Christ, before whom every knee in ing specter in the world? Sure, it is going tribution by Alberto Timm entitled heaven and on earth will bow.” to its destruction (v. 11). It seems that “The Scapegoat in the Writings of Ellen Furthermore, on page 315 of the the religious-political alliance is going G.
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