December 18, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1183 In supporting the TEAM Veterans Care- globe and died on a Friday afternoon while re- A WORD OF THANKS TO GEORGIAN givers Act, DAV states: fueling his Toyota van, preparing to go . PARLIAMENTARIAN AND OSCE ‘‘Family caregivers are the unsung heroes somewhere. PA PRESIDENT GEORGE for thousands of severely injured veterans, as Chuck loved life. He was always headed to TSERETELI they not only perform complex medical and personal care tasks but are often the lifeline the next adventure—whether that was driving of many ill and injured veterans to lead dig- the Alcan Highway almost 50 times, ferrying HON. RICHARD HUDSON nified and independent lives. However, mis- aircraft across the continent, driving across OF NORTH CAROLINA management of the VA’s Program of Com- North Africa with his young family at the end IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers of the Algerian war, or sailing across the At- Friday, December 18, 2020 has, in far too many instances, caused the lantic. He believed in the best of human na- improper disruption or termination of bene- ture and was never cynical about the future. Mr. HUDSON. Madam Speaker, during this fits family caregivers need to support their challenging year I have periodically taken the veteran.’’ He was unafraid to try new things, but he didn’t always succeed. Lately, it was his re- floor to update my Congressional colleagues I support this bipartisan legislation because peated failures to master his ‘‘smart phone’’ on my continued work with our friends and al- it provides needed support for veterans who with 89-year-old fingers. lies across the Atlantic as we confront the can least afford to be without it, those disabled challenges facing Europe and beyond. This Born to Charles Sr. (Pappy) and Kathleen in connection with their service to our country. has included not only the direct impact of the Agnes (Nana) he, along with brother Richard I urge all Members to join me in voting to COVID pandemic itself on public and eco- (Dick) Sassara, grew up between Miami, the pass S. 2216, the TEAM Veteran Caregivers nomic health but also in regard to ongoing Panama Canal Zone, and Los Angeles. Meet- Act. issues like Russian aggression, the violation of ing his true love Ann at University HS in Los f human rights in Belarus and other countries, Angeles, the couple married while Chuck at- and the common threat all countries face from DON FOWLER tended UCLA. Upon graduation they had a terrorism. discussion; go back to Panama or see Alas- Today, I take the floor to praise one of our ka? In the spring of 1955, they drove north in HON. JOE CUNNINGHAM best friends and allies in these efforts, George a VW bus to build a life and help bring a new OF SOUTH CAROLINA Tsereteli, who is stepping down as President state into being. In the early 60’s Chuck ran IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly—the for the State House and quickly became the Friday, December 18, 2020 OSCE PA—as a result of leaving the par- Majority Leader and Finance Chair. In these Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise liament of the Republic of Georgia. During his roles he championed such important work as tenure as President, I have significantly deep- today to recognize the wonderful life of Don the 1964 Equal Rights Amendment, Women’s Fowler. ened my engagement in this valuable forum, Rights, and the creation of University of Alas- including being appointed by President Don Fowler fervently worked at improving ka Anchorage. His peers in the Legislature in- and molding the South Carolina Democratic Tsereteli earlier this year to serve as chair of cluded Nick Begich, Willie Hensley, Ted Ste- the OSCE PA committee dealing with security party to be inclusive, inspiring, and of strong vens and me. The group of us were often moral ground. He served as chairman of the matters. competitors, often allies, and after session George Tsereteli is a true leader. During his S.C. Democratic Party and Democratic Na- ‘‘happy-hour’’ compatriots, bound together by tional Party. Fowler served 30 years in the time as President of the OSCE PA, he has circumstance, a common purpose and shared spoken out forcefully against the violation of United States Army, was a member of the values. We were great friends and had great Washington Street United Methodist Church, the Helsinki Principles which guide relations respect for one another, whether we agreed or between OSCE countries and emphasized the and was a lifetime member of the NAACP. disagreed on the politics of the day. We need Fowler loved politics and he loved people. linkages between these principles. That in- more of that spirit of bipartisan friendship, not cludes condemning the Russian invasion of His years of educating spanned over five dec- less. ades and his teachings will be passed down Ukraine and other neighbors, including his by his beloved students for many decades to As an aviator Chuck flew commercial, multi own country of Georgia. That also includes come. engine aircraft and was an IFR rated pilot that condemning the violation of human rights that For none of us lives for ourselves alone, flew 161 different types of aircraft, logging is today so brutally evident in Belarus but has and none of us dies for ourselves alone. If we over 25,000 hours in planes as small as the in fact been an ongoing issue there as well as live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die Breezy to as large as the four engine Lock- in Russia and far too many other OSCE coun- for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we heed Constellation. As a sailor he crossed the tries. True peace, in his view, requires respect belong to the Lord. Romans 7:8. Atlantic, made passages from Miami to Los for human rights. At the same time, George Don Fowler lived to serve his loved ones, Angeles, sailed solo from Seattle to Whittier worked with parliamentarians from across the his community, and the party he cherished, Alaska, and made several dozen trips to the OSCE region, respecting their more specific and he now rests in Heaven. My thoughts and Bahamas and beyond, finishing with an off- concerns on a variety of issues, from combat- prayers are with his family, friends, students, shore passage from Florida to the Carolina ting corruption to environmental protection, and anyone that was lucky enough to know Outer Banks with son Charlie, nephew Rick and giving them a venue to raise these issues the legend of Don Fowler. and friend Michel Bourquin in 2017. As a writ- in this multilateral forum. f er, his memoir ‘‘Propellers, Politics and Peo- In this sense, George Tsereteli represents ple: Chuck Sassara’s Alaska’’ is a testament his country well. He understands that, if the TRIBUTE TO CHUCK SASSARA to his skill as a storyteller and the craft of put- international community is to assist Georgia ting others first, in narrative and in life. with the challenges it faces, Georgians must make their contribution to security and co- HON. DON YOUNG He is survived by his proudest achievement: OF ALASKA operation across Europe, the OSCE region his sons Charlie and Richard, grandchildren and beyond. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tyler, Rachael, and Annalyssa, and his George Tsereteli is also a true friend of the daughter-in-law Mary, Mimi Bourquin, his Friday, December 18, 2020 United States and of the Congress. He keeps nephew Rick and his wife Amy, their daughter Mr. YOUNG. Madam Speaker, I rise to pay in close contact with me and other Members Katy, niece Lisa and her daughters Alexandria tribute to a long-time friend and a great Alas- from both sides of the aisle. George does the kan, Chuck Sassara, who died this Fall at the and Gabrielle, and his sister-in-law, Ellen. same with our colleagues in the Senate. When age of 89, just weeks before turning 90, after Most of all, Chuck will be survived by the he visits the United States, George never fails living an incredible life. Chuck was born in De- raucous and wonderful stories he told to to reach out. In between, despite his heavy troit, Michigan on Oct 19, 1930, and we lost a friends over coffee and beer, the lives he schedule, George is always available when we great friend and Alaskan spirit on September saved, and the spirit of Alaska he imbued in need his input. In his speeches, George regu- 25, 2020. Chuck was an Aviator, Husband, everything he touched. All of us who knew him larly recognizes the good work done by the Father, Grandfather, State Legislator, Sailor, rest comfortably knowing he’s somewhere on U.S. Helsinki Commission. Advocate, Author, Businessman, Athlete, Sto- a broad reach, steering by starlight, and re- Finally, George Tsereteli understands that it ryteller and, an amazing Character. He is united with his beloved Ann. We love Chuck, is not only diplomats or parliamentarians who known and loved by thousands around the sail on and Godspeed. contribute to positive change. He has engaged VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:03 Dec 19, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18DE8.014 E18DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS.
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