Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10998-8 - The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth Steven J. Dick Index More information Index 2001: A Space Odyssey,46 of, 207–219; philosophical presupposi- tions of, 24–25; philosophy of, 23–34; A Case of Conscience, 157, 239 policy for, 263–284; policy framework, alchemy: as analog for universal biology, 121 278–281; public and, 308–321; research ALH84001, 22, 42–43, 57, 73, 287 and exploration, 269–270; scope of, 1, 32; alien: as other, 310–311; uses of, 311–317 search methods, 117, 265–270; society Alien Encounter,46 and, 249–260; theology and, 222–231, Allen Telescope Array, 15 233–242; universal biology and, 117; uni- Almar, Ivan, 291 versal natural laws and, 23 altruism: communicating, 148–149; cultural Astrobiology Roadmap, 4, 117, 125, 232, evolution and, 78, 135–138, 183; SETI 250, 259, 261, 262 and, 135–138; spectrum of, 45 astroengineering, 169 amino acids, 98, 100, 118 astroethics, 156, 212 analogy, 46–52; as method of argument, astrosociology, 301 46–47; culture contact, 48–50; decipher- astrotheology, 156, See also theology ment/translation, 50; discovery of life Augustine, St., 228, 231 and, 21, 46–52; extraterrestrial intelli- Avatar, 217 gence and, 286; Goldilocks Principle of, Aztecs: as contact analogy, 48 51; life on Mars and, 84; microbe, 47–48; plurality of worlds and, 25, 27; SETI and, baptism: extraterrestrial, 157, 233–242 325; theology and, 226–231; universal Barker, Peter, 151 biology and alchemy, 121; worldview, Barthes, Roland, 310 51 Bartholomew, Robert, 41 anthropocentrism, 3, 27, 32, 66, 77, 96, 97, Baxter, Stephen, 290, 292 155, 208, 218, 256, 286, 300, 306; moral Beauchamp, Thomas, 254 status and, 209 Benedict XVI, Pope, 233, 239 Apollo: and planetary protection, 279 Benford, Gregory, 310, 320 Appadurai, Arjun, 128 Billings, Linda, 247, 338 artifacts, SETI and, 18, 57, 290 biology: classification in, 122; evolutionary, artificial intelligence (AI), 156, 189; alien 155; universal, 65, 78, 113–124 superintelligence as, 190–194; artificial biosignatures, 5, 7, 10, 12–14, 18, 45, 261, morality and, 168; consciousness and, 269 194–199; See also postbiological Black Cloud, 216, 219 intelligence. Blish, James, 157, 237 Asimov’s laws of robotics, 168 Bostrom, Nick, 156, 190, 199–200 Association of Space Explorers, 290, 294 Boucher, Anthony, 237 asteroid impacts, 52, 58, 84, 91, 288, 290, 294 Bowler, Peter, 29 astrobiology: bioethics and, 207–219; cross- brain: big bang to big brain, 97; computa- cultural studies of, 299–306; definition of, tional, 197; consciousness and, 177, 194; 249; media and, 308–321; moral subject evolution of functions, 98; functionalism © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10998-8 - The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth Steven J. Dick Index More information 350 Index and, 198; human enhancements, 191; communication, interstellar, 143–153; and non-uniqueness of, 107; inevitability of, bodies in motion, 148–149; and geome- 178; octopi, 102; size of, 100–101; struc- try, 146–147; and idea of infinity, ture in vertebrates, 99–100; vertebrate, 144–145; and mathematics, 143–153; and 102–103 physical bodies, 147–148; and technology, Brin, David, 46 144 Brownlee, Donald, 32 complexity, rise of, 327–331 Bruno, Giordano, 113, 159 complexity science, 333 Buddhism, 299, 320; extraterrestrial computational neuroscience, 198 life and, 300–306; nature of Confucianism, 301 reality and, 304; time connectome, 202, 204 and, 304 consciousness: alien, 189–204; and aware- Burgess, Anthony, 240 ness, 161; artificial intelligence and, Burstein, Michael, 240 189–204; hive, 213; nature of, 156; the- ories of, 156 Callisto, 87 Consolmagno, Brother Guy, 20, 157, 339 Cameron, James, 217 Contact, 46 Cantril, Hadley, 41 CONTACT conferences, 293 Capra, Fritz, 300 contingency versus convergence, 96 Carey, James, 308 Conway Morris, Simon, 178 Centauri Dreams, 293 Copernican presupposition for astrobiol- cephalization, 99–100 ogy, 24, 25, 34 Cepheid variable star, 18 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 3, 26 Chaisson, Eric, 247, 338 COPUOS. See United Nations Committee Chalmers, David, 194 on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Chambers, Robert, 27 Cortes, Hernan, 48 Chardin, Teilhard de, 160 cosmic evolution, 51, 327–331; and natural China: culture contacts, 48 selection, 165–166; and values, 155, chlorophyll: and life, 14 159–170 Christianity: as cultural imaginary, COSPAR. See Committee on Space 129; extraterrestrial life and, 222–231, Research 233–242; human dignity and, 225; idea Crichton, Michael, 46 of progress and, 140, 300, 302; moral Crick, Francis, 118, 124 status and, 216; science and, 181 Crowe, Michael, 25, 27, 40 civilizations, extraterrestrial: Kardashev, 18, cultural evolution, 131; and altruism, 55, 63; nature of, 127–141; superintelli- 135–138; and idea of progress, 131–132; gence and, 189–204; technological, 16, and intelligence principle, 170; SETI and, 138, 143; Toynbee and, 50 132–135; Zen and, 305 Clarke, Arthur C., 3, 46, 160, 204, 287 culture, 127–141; and imagination, Cleland, Carol, 121, 156, 339 128–130; and natural selection, 161; and Clinton, President Bill, 43 normative aspirations, 161–162; and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 288 value, 161–162; as adaptive mechanism, cognitive science, 189 161; definition of, 308; intelligence and, Collins, Harry, 181 127–141; representations of alien life and, Columbian exchange, 48 308–310 Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), culture contact. See analogy, culture 270, 279 contact © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10998-8 - The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth Steven J. Dick Index More information Index 351 Dalai Lama, 320 exoplanets. See planets, extrasolar Dark Skies, 315 extrasolar planets. See planets, extrasolar Darwin, Charles, 3, 27, 96, 114; and the extraterrestrial life. See life, extraterrestrial Darwinian revolution, 96; Darwinian extremophiles, 10, 255 worldview as analogy, 51; morality and, 184; See also evolution, Darwinian. Fa-Tseng, 303 Darwinian presupposition for astrobiology, Fermi paradox, 324, 332 24, 25–31, 34 Finney, Ben, 292 Davies, Paul, 317 Flynn, Flynn, 237 Dawkins, Richard, 177, 185 Fodor, Jerry, 198 Dennett, Daniel, 160, 194 Forward, Robert, 292 Denning, Kathryn, 47 Foundation for the Future, 318 design argument, 33–34, 182 Francis, Pope, 238, 240 destiny: human and non-human, 231 Freudenthal, Hans, 143, 146 DeVito, Carl, 145 Fry, Iris, 7, 341 Dick, Steven, 25, 32, 250, 255, 259, 305, 340 functionalism, 198 Dick, Thomas, 40 Funes, Fr. Jose, SJ, 233 dignity: human, 156, 224–228; Christianity and, 224–225; non-human, 228–231 Galilei, Galileo, 43 discovery, 43–46; extended nature of, 43; Gans, Herbert, 315 multi-dimensional impact model, 70; Ganymede, 87 preparations for, 263–284, 291–295; sce- genetic code, 118 narios, 43–46, 57, 288–289 genetic fitness, 160 Drake equation, 293, 326 geometry: and interstellar communication, Drake, Frank, 14, 146, 324 146–147 Durkheim, Emile, 185 Gerbner, George, 313 Giant Magellan Telescope, 292 Earth: range of life on, 81–82 Goldilocks Principle of Analogy, 51 Eisenhower, Dwight, 294 Gonzalez, Guillermo, 33 Enceladus: life on, 11, 279 Goodall, Jane, 104 encephalization quotient (EQ), 100, 177 Goolish, Ed, 4 energy: complexity and, 327–331 Gore, Vice President Al, 43 energy rate density, 328 Gould, Stephen Jay, 178 ethics: and aliens, 156, 207–219 gravity waves, 17 Europa, 12; life on, 11, 21, 85–86 Grinspoon, David, 319 European Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), 16 Haldane, J. B. S., 186 European Space Agency, 1 Harrison, Albert, 69 European Very Large Telescope, 292 Heidmann, Jean, 309 evolution: cosmic, 327–331; Darwinian, 160, Herrigel, Eugen, 300 162, 164; morality and, 184; of intelli- Herschel, John, 39, 236 gence, 177–179; of nervous systems, 99; Herschel, William, 39 theory of, 26 history: method for analyzing societal evolutionary psychology, 161 impact, 38–43 evolutionary synthesis, 96 Hofstadter, Douglas, 47 Existence,46 Homo neanderthalensis,49 exobiology, 3, 250, See also astrobiology Homo sapiens,49 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10998-8 - The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth Steven J. Dick Index More information 352 Index Hooke, Robert, 48 science and, 181–183; See also Search for Horowitz, Norman, 250 Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Hoyle, Fred, 216 Intelligent Design, 7, 33–34 Hubble Space Telescope, 51 International Academy of Astronautics, 268, Human Genome Project, 1, 2, 52, 245, 260 291, 317, 319 Hume, David, 162, 208 International Astronautical Federation, 268 Huxley, Julian, 177 interstellar masers: and SETI, 18 Huygens, Christiaan, 43 interstellar probes, 294 hydrothermal vents, 86 Io: possible adaptions for life, 86–87 hygroscopic compounds, 85 James Webb Space Telescope, 13, 292 Independence Day, 288, 315 James, William, 152 infinity: idea of, 144–145 Jupiter: life on moons of, 11 intelligence: astrobiology and, 95, 106; cephalization and, 99–100; chimpanzee, Kanas, Nick, 46 103; cognitive domains and, 103; com- Kant, Immanuel, 113, 212 munication with, 143–153; complex 500 Kardashev Type II civilizations, 55, 56, 70 million years ago, 102; contingency vs Kardashev Type III civilizations, 18, 63 convergence and, 96; convergence of Kasting, James, 32 cognitive functions and, 99; culture and, Kaufman, Marc, 321 104–105; definition of, 95; dolphin, 103; Kepler spacecraft, 1, 10, 32, 269 evolution of on Earth,
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