
APS SCIENCE 2017 August 2018 Advanced Photon Source Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne, IL 60439 USA www.anl.gov • www.aps.anl.gov APS RESEARCHSCIENCE AND ENGINEERING HIGHLIGHTS FROM2017 THE ADVANCED PHOTON SOURCE AT ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY ANL-18/14 ISSN 1931-5007 August 2018 ANL-18/14 Argonne National Laboratory ANL-18/14 • SSN 1931-5007 • August 2018 The Advanced Photon Source is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility operated for the DOE Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. About Argonne National Laboratory Argonne is a U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. The Laboratory’s main facility is outside Chicago, at 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439. For information about Argonne and its pioneering science and technology programs, see www.anl.gov. 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ANL-18/14 ISSN 1931-5007 August 2018 APS SCIENCE 2017 RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE ADVANCED PHOTON SOURCE AT ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY Argonne is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC. The Advanced Photon Source is a DOE OffICEOF S CIENCE user facility operated for the DOE Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. TABLE OF CONTENTS IN MEMORIAM: GOPAL K. SHENOY, A FOUNDER OF THE APS 2Welcome 3The AdvAnced PhoTon Source uPgrAde ProjecT 5 APS OrgAnizAtiOn ChArt 6AdvAnCed PhOtOn SOurCe ChrOnOlOgy 7ELECTRONIC & MAGNETIC MATERIALS 8reveAling ion migrATion for imProved PerovSkiTe SolAr cellS And ledS 10 The AnomAlouS BehAvior of rh-doPed Sr2iro4 clArified 11 TiPPing The BAlAnce To A QuAnTum SPin liQuid 12 STriPed nAnodomAinS creePing in nominAl ATomic lAyerS of ferroelecTricS 14 A neW TWiST on PhASeS of mATTer 15 conTrol of mAgneTic couPling And dimenSionAliTy By chemicAl SuBSTiTuTion 17 confirming The Jeff=3/2 ground STATe in A lAcunAr SPinel 18 deTermining The ABSorPTion BAndgAP inhomogeneiTy of PBSe QuAnTum doTS 20 PreciSe lAyer groWTh in A SuPerlATTice conTrolS elecTron couPling And mAgneTiSm 22 uSing elecTric fieldS To efficienTly conTrol memory 24 high-SPeed ShockS induce A PhASe chAnge in cAlcium fluoride crySTAlS 26 STudying STrAin 27 A TAnTAlizing STudy of liThium TAnTAlATe 29 ENGINEERING MATERIALS & APPLICATIONS 30 unrAveling The elecTronic ProPerTieS of AcTinide comPoundS 32 keePing li-ion BATTerieS from fAding AWAy 34 mAgneSium rechArgeABle BATTerieS AdvAnce 36 deTecTing nAnoScAle inTermediATeS in li-ion BATTery mATeriAlS 37 A nAnocomPoSiTe Anode for BeTTer BATTerieS? 38 underSTAnding Sodium-ion BATTerieS’ SluggiSh PerformAnce 40 Peering inSide BATTerieS WiTh X-rAy viSion 42 geTTing inTo 3-d PrinTing 44 mATeriAlS ThAT Shrink When heATed 45 meASuring melTing PoinTS under PreSSure 46 STrong, STiff, And ineXPenSive: cArBon fiBerS BuilT WiTh Boron 48 STreSSing over neW mATeriAlS 49 neAreST neighBor BehAvior Behind non-cuBic ScAling lAW for meTAllic glASSeS 50 WhAT hATh iron (And oTher ionS) WroughT? 52 hoW heAT moveS 54 imAging PolycrySTAlline defecT dynAmicS under Working condiTionS 55 coPing WiTh STrAin in meTAl hydrideS 57 cArBon cluSTerS And The deTonATion of high eXPloSiveS 58 The mechAnicAl ProPerTieS of 3-d-PrinTed Polymer mATriceS during fAilure 60 ProBing nAnoScAle microSTrucTurAl evoluTion mechAniSmS in Aluminum AlloyS By 4-d X-rAy nAnoTomogrAPhy 62 hoW fAr cAn Thin filmS STreTch? 63 SOFT MATERIALS & LIQUIDS 64 roll uP, roll uP your AmPhiPhileS 66 gel formATion reveAled 68 diBlock coPolymer melTS mimic meTAllic AlloyS When ThermAlly ProceSSed 70 unrAvelling The mySTery of nAnoPArTicle-reinforced PolymerS 71 melTing A Solid BeloW The freezing PoinT 72 An unuSuAl PAcking ArrAngemenT of SofT SPhereS 74 rePulSion BreedS frAgiliTy in meTAllic liQuidS 76 ArOund the APS: AwArdS & hOnOrS 77 CHEMICAL SCIENCE 78 converTing meThAne gAS To liQuid meThAnol The BAcTeriA WAy 80 modifying meThAne Quick And eASy 82 Why zinc mAkeS PlATinum A BeTTer cATAlyST 83 A Word (or TWo) ABouT PlATinum 84 hoW A cATAlyST mAkeS room for hydrogen 86 A cATAlyST for SuSTAinABle PoWer APS SCIENCE 2017 87 LIFE SCIENCE 88 SloW-moTion unWrAPPing of dnA giveS A Peek inTo nucleoSome diSASSemBly 90 PAcking And unPAcking our dnA SuiTcASe 92 hoW Some ProTeinS funcTion on A moleculAr level 94 STrucTurAl chArAcTerizATion of The groWTh-ring lAyerS in TeeTh 96 dAtA 97 STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 98 deSigning An AlTernATive To oPioidS 100 STrucTure-BASed cATTle vAccine could PoinT To A humAn rSv vAccine 102 A moleculAr mechAniSm for AcTiviTy imPorTAnT in cell diviSion And cAncer develoPmenT 104 A PoTenTiAl neW TArgeT for cAncer TherAPy 106 PAving The WAy To develoPmenT of neW AnTi-cAncer TherAPieS 110 iT’S Been A long, STrAnge TriP for lSd 112 hoW BAcTeriAl circAdiAn clockS Tick 114 BAcTeriAl ASSASSinS WiTh PoiSoned lAnceS 116 Pink-BeAm SeriAl crySTAllogrAPhy for microcrySTAl mX 118 hoW AnTicAncer drugS enTer cellS 119 lighT cAn mAke ThingS hAPPen 121 hoW mulTiPle ProTeinS coordinATe for The conTrolled releASe of neuroTrAnSmiTTerS 122 BreAking uP An inSulin duo To WATch iT reuniTe 124 hoW rnA PolymerASe “melTS” douBle-STrAnded dnA To iniTiATe gene eXPreSSion 126 A PoTenTiAl neW TreATmenT APProAch To helP fighT PArASiTeS 128 idenTifying The firST SelecTive hAT inhiBiTor 130 inSighT inTo The evoluTion of PhoToSynTheSiS 131 ENVIRONMENTAL, GEOLOGICAL & PLANETARY SCIENCE 132 WATer loSS in rockS mighT Trigger eArThQuAkeS 134 An eArTh-Bound Amino Acid ThAT mAy Be common in ouTer SPAce 136 The cAuSe of SeiSmic AniSoTroPy in The loWermoST mAnTle 138 TeASing ouT iron'S STrucTurAl SuBTleTieS 140 hoW oXygen infilTrATeS urAnium dioXide 142 dAtA 143 NANOSCIENCE 144 nAnoScAle 3-d STrAin imAging WiTh A SimPlified coherenT diffrAcTion TechniQue 146 oBServing The groWTh of voidS in oXidizing iron nAnoPArTicleS 148 hoW A viruS eArned iTS nAnorod-SynTheSizing STriPeS 150 Shedding lighT on nAnoScAle energy diSSiPATion 152 nAnocrySTAlS melT in The glAre of lighT 154 A neW WAy To mAke nAnocrySTAlS 156 cATching The drifT of nAnoPArTicleS 158 diverSe nAnocrySTAlS form STABle colloidS in molTen SAlTS 160 Single-crySTAl cArBon nAnoThreAdS mAde under uniAXiAl PreSSure 161 Bridging The gAP in duAl meTAl nAnoWireS 163 NOVEL ACCELERATOR & X-RAY TECHNIQUES & INSTRUMENTATION 164 SPoTTing crySTAlS And non-crySTAlS in one ShoT 166 Achieving BeTTer reSoluTion for X-rAy microScoPy WiTh A mulTilAyer lAue lenS 167 mAPPing elemenTAl comPoSiTion And SurfAce ToPogrAPhy WiTh SynchroTron X-rAy ScAnning-Tunneling microScoPy 168 mAking X-rAy TrAnSiTion-edge SenSorS ShArPer 170 An energy-reSoluTion record for reSonAnT inelASTic X-rAy ScATTering 172 A PoliShed APProAch To imAging inTegrATed circuiTS 174 reAl-Time dATA AnAlySiS And eXPerimenTAl STeering AT The APS uSing lArge-ScAle comPuTing 176 reAl-Time BeAmline dATA AnAlySiS uTilizing high-PerformAnce comPuTing 178 The APS dATA mAnAgemenT SySTem 180 The APS modulAr dePoSiTion SySTem 181 ACCeSS tO BeAm time At the AdvAnCed PhOtOn SOurCe 182 tyPiCAl APS mAChine PArAmeterS 182 APS SOurCe PArAmeterS 184 ACknOwledgmentS ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY In Memoriam: Gopal K. Shenoy, a Founder of the APS We are truly saddened to note the passing of dr. gopal k. Shenoy, world- renowned materials scientist, Argonne distinguished fellow, and a driving force, with the late dr. yanglai cho, in bringing the Advanced Photon Source (APS) to Argonne. Throughout his long and illustrious career, gopal had a pro- found and lasting impact on synchrotron x-ray science, both in his brilliant re- search, and in his central role in the creation and evolution of our marvelous APS. But beyond his scientific contributions, and throughout his professional
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