SIDELINES Tuesday, November 26, 1985*5 Features/Entertainment Chamber Singers' strength is in their diversity of talent By KELLY ANDERSON "Thev audition for the Concert visited by the singers on December Sidelines Staff Writer Choir and if I feel they have the 6. Under the direction of Dr. type of voice to be in the Chaml>er Also during the December, on Raphael Bundage, the MTSU Singers, one audition will surfeit for the 8th, the Chamber Singers, Uni- Chamber Singers succeed in send- that." Bundage commented. versity Chorus, Community Con- ing spine-tingling shivers down the The Chamber Singer's strengths cert Choir, and the University Band listeners' back. are. according to Bundage. in their will perform a program entiled The MTSU Chamln*r Singers is diversity. "White Christmas" at 3 p.m. at comprised mostly of up- "Choirs are not like sport teams Wright Music Hall. perclassmen and graduate stu- where you've got strong running This is Bundage's first year dents Most of the 24 members are hacks or whatever, You build a good teaching at MTSU. Before coming vocal majors, with the exception of instrument, like a uood pipe organ. to MTSU he was attending the i me or two, according to Bundage or a good piano, it s always there, Eastman School of Music. While at An avid rock fan may have prob- it s just the matter ol getting it to Eastman, he was the assistant to lems listening to a whole concert. perform the right literature. Bun- the director of the Eastman because the Chamlnr Singers per- dage explained Chorale and the Eastman-Roches- form classical literature by great ter Chorus. composers. For example, the stu- "Most choirs rehearse whatever dents may sing pieces by Bach, they are doing and that S all they Also, while finishing his docto- Beethoven. Mozart and Brahams are rehearsing at that particular rate at Eastman, he was the con- "We figure as long as they are in time. The chamber choir works ductor for the Eastman Chamber college they need that good train- more like a repertoire choir. Thev Singers. Currently. Bundage lx-- ing. And then when thev leave hen work on several different programs longs to the Atlanta Symphony we know that the) have had at least at once, commented Bundage ( honis and is studying privately some good training, Bundage Three performances during the with Robert Shaw, the director of explained month of December constitute the the Atlanta Symphony Chorus. groups upcoming schedule. The The Cahmber Singers are cho- "1 really enjoy it [teaching at sen, during the August audition, Chamber Singers will perform at MTSU.] I m getting used to every- What A Life! — So goes also the title for the Divinyl's new album, produced by Mike Chapman, Gary from the students picked to sing in Nissan on Decembei 5 The Shel thing MTSU has some ver\ Langan and Mark Opitz. The songs on What a Life! look at all aspects of life including sex, relationships, the ( Concert ( Tioir. bwille RealatorsAssociation will l» talented students. Bundage said power and disappointment. Events The students involved in the Continued frvm !>''•-• '""' committee receive pa> foi their "There is a lot of responsibility work, however, there are othei be Musician Profile: Colour Field with this job Tina Turner's nchts. as well B) CHRIS BELL the) ve broken up, changed their to the Rock News on MTV to try Three, you might want to listen to people were counting on us fro Sideline* Assistant News Editor \ major benefit from working on named or tired half their members and figure where are thev now! The Colour Field. zeralik said. the committee is the development For major shows, such as the It seems like just when you dis- We The band is comprised of Terry of skills necessan for working with and replaced them with dwarves "- <f you like the Specials or Tina Turner concert, approxi- cover a British band you like. Then you have to start listening- their spin-off group. Fun Boy Hall and Toby Lyons from Fun Boy other people. mately 150 committee memlx'rs Three, and Karl Shale and Gary are used. Thev work as stage hands, "I've learned patience, tolerance Dwyer, formeriy of Teardrop ushers, ticket-takers, security per- and how to deal with situations.' Explodes. sonnel, box office workers, hospi- Frozeralik said. When these bands were together tality workers and ticket sellers. Working on the committee also in the early '80s they played an in- The students are able to select provides job experience which can teresting blend of pop and which job areas in which thev lx- applied toward future employ- Jamaican ska (a forerunner of re- would like to work. ment. ggae) that helped move English Students usually lx?gin their An additional benefit of Special rock into today's more danceable membership on the committee bj Events Committee work is learning style. working as ushers. Then, after thev to ncept responsiblity. The Colour Field's first album. have gained some experience, the If you don't do your job," one Virgins and Philistines, explores a new memlx-rs of the committee- committee memlx'r said, more '60s sound, complete with a move up into other jobs. "everyone knows it." choppy organ. The workload varies from job to Anv student can lx;come a The themes of their songs are, job. Ushers and ticket-takers may member of the Special Events like many English bands, politics only work for five hours per show, Committee, so long as he or she is and love. While this may seem a while box office personnel mav a student in gcxxl standing. All that weird combination, it's worked be- work longer. is necessan is that the student fill fore. The band also proves it's Hep David Ivy. chairman of the com- out an application form, which can with a cover of "Hammond Song," mittee s stage crew, gave yet be obtained from the Student Prog- done first by those wonders of na- another example of workload. ramming office. ture. The Roches. "Sometimes I've gone to Murphv The student's name is then Their press release says the band Center at 6:30 a.m. on the day of added to the waiting list and it usu- is after musical quality, not a show and worked until 3 or 4 a.m. ally takes approximately one year fashionability. The music world the next morning," Ivy said. to be accepted as a member. could use it. Got a Case of the Hungries? D'Lites Now Delivers... Call 890-8249 To place order simply call D'Lites in Murfreesboro at 890-8249. ALL DELIVERY ORDERS MUST TOTAL S6.00 or MORE (COUPONS NOT INCLUDED). IF YOU ARE USING A COUPON, PLEASE INFORM OPERATOR AT TIME YOUR ORDER IS PLACED (LIMITED AREA DELIVERY.) BURGERS SPULYTACULAR ' * Lb. 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