PORTLAND DAILY " MARCH 18, 1882. ESTABLISHED JOE «. ,862-TOL. 19. PORTLAND. MONDAY teORNIKG, A Brutal Contest. WANTS. MEDICAL. THE PBESS. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, THE BUYERS GUIDE. MISCELLANEOUS__ Published every day (Sundays excepted,) by tho The Smyths' Disgust at a Newspaper Wanted. MONDAY MOKNINO, MAIM II 13. in the Report. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., TRADE CBRCULAR. SITUATION as salesman, to travel A states of Vermont ami New Hampshire, by a in a At »7 Bxchanoe St., Portland. yotng man who has had 12 years experience MAR. 20. & CO’S country store. Best of references given if desired. ELECTON, MONDAY, [Our Continent.] NPLELLAN Vt. Terms: Eight Dollar* a Year. To mall subsenb DRESSER Address JOHN E. CLEMENT, Barnet, — The between Jones and Brown ers Seven Dollars a Year, if paid In advanoe. RETAIL TRADE marll prize fight I’Olt TIAYOU, STRONG was just over, and it was Tally reported in the THE MAINE STATE PRESS Man Wanted. evening paper. Mr. Smyth was lying on the None hut a OF mo take care of horses cow and garden. the ts published every Thursday Morning at $3.60 PORTLAND, ME., F. LIBBY sofa when Mrs. Smyth picked ap journal SALE. A tirat-class men with tlrst-class references need CHARLES a BOOK if in advanoe at $2.00 year. for the of over It. year, paid Address J. C., this office. marlldlwf purpose glancing not to visit Port apply. FACTSt inch of tho 25P*Partics prepared “X see there has been another disgusting Rates of Advertising : One space, land, order from tire follow- The Tariff Commission. engtli of column, constitutes a “square.” may poods Farmer and Wile said Mrs. Smyth. “Isn't It hor- first week; 76 cents per ing classifications with perfect reliance Wanted; prize fight,” $1.60 per square, daily ol Hooks Now Unsold, tlie ensuing bill after insertions or less, $1.00; continu Ill Order to Close Out tlie Stock mo carry on my farm in Deering, are The tariff commission having rid for two brutes to pound each other In that week after; three that their orders will he promptly at- with A great many people asking other day after first week, 60 cents. L year. I want a man thoroughly acquainted comes up ing every tended to. Satisfaction or and a been several times passed over, way?” Half three insertions or less, 76 cents; guaranteed farming, raising vegetables, a<_<l what troubles Brown’s squar«?, 'najketmg,to EijBlvlJJtilS particular 60 cents per week after. moner refunded. woman equally competent. Apply for consideration in Congress this week, and “Disgusting,” said Mr. Smyth. one week, $1.00; Street. Iron Bitters is for. one-third additional. We would announce the Continuance of onr Sale or JOHN C. GERRY, 167 High good Special Notices, GERRY, marlld&wtf there is of a warm over it. “And it is disgraceful for a decent paper to Under head of “Amusements” and “Aucnow tiioi.s.garden Portland, March 11th, 1882. prospect fight Field and &c. so much to it. The Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three inser- AuKicn/rrBAXFlower Seeds, Fertilizers, It will cure Heart Disease, Paral- The reasons for opposition to it are not at devote space describing tions or less. $1.50. WM. C. SAWYER & GO.. 5, 7 & 9 Preble St. two columns F Partner Wanted Con- The bill is one which would report is to long.” Advertisements Inserted in the “Maine State fin* y-i-, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, all weighty. watches, <100 or 700 to engage said Mr. “I’ll write Press (which has a large circulation in every part AmericanJewelry Silverware, Clock**. Arc. a cap! al of dollar?, Rheumatism, commend itself to all reasonablo “Outrageous,” Smyth. of the for for first inser- in an and paying business. .imption, Dyspepsia, naturally State), $1.00 per square GHAS. H. LAMSON, 201 Middle street For One Week WITH established goo.l to the editor tomorrow protesting against hit and 60 cents for each sobs uent Longer. marlOdtf Address “M.” Press Office. and all similar diseases. believe in tariff or no tion, per square Neuralgia, men, whether they insertion. A FOTfVECARIES: Drug*, Fuinta, Oil*. sending such stuff into respectable families.” to ii Pratt’s Astral Oil. for it a thorough investiga- Address all communications Agts. tariff; proposes if I were I see that the W. W. WHIPPLE & CO., 21 Market Wanted. It.-; wonderful curative is "I would you. fight PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Sqnare power tion of the matter and a wise and impartial care of took near New Orlears.” Chemical*, farmer who understands tfce dairy because it and cli- plaoe Cumberland imply purifies on the obtained from and APOTHECAKlttM;Imported Perfume*. Soaps, Toilet Articles &o \ stock. Address FARMER, report evidence by “I heard it was to do so. Does the paper Maine. marO-dlw* thus at entertainments" GUPPY, KINSMAN & ALDEN, 473 Conjjresf Will Remain the Same, Center, nches the blood, beginning and trustworthy men. Those Prices competent say who whipped?” The Careful a ihe foundation, and building up Prrpn to sell our elegant pictures by who are to a protective tariff ought ‘There were fifteen rounds. Both men APWTIIK4AKY;tion of Presc the opposed WANTED—Ager.tsof the Ciartield Family, published under U;c drives out all disease. be- PORTLAND THEATRE. system, to welcome an of what they were in fine couditiou. and Jones won the NEW And we advise our customers to call at once before the directions of Mrs. Gariield; the only authorized pie- exposure HI I'HU rOliKAPHY ture: free to that work. For further and its Frank Curtis .Proprietor & Manager. samples agents lieved to be its injustice inexpedien- t088.‘ by LAMSON, opposite Falmouth Hotel. becomes broken. particulars, address J. II. BUFFORD’S SONS, art stock established Rheumatism, who favor it must see that “Doesn’t it the names of the trainers?” Absolutely permanent Photographs a specialty. publishers, 39 Federal St., Boston; A Lady Cured of cy. While they give 1830. marWim 1880. wise in “I don't see them.” A BTI8T8’ A Baltimore, Md., May 7, the system, however policy, MATERIAUg,Architects’ much shattered present ±A. Engineers’ Picture Frames, Art Goods My health was by and in “I wonder who they were. I’ll look in the ONE ONLY. Supplies, Bloat'd Wanted in Private Family. when I commenced works many injustices, WEEK CYRUS F. No. 693 St Rheumatism practically DAVIS, Congress Brown’* Iron Bitters, and 1 New York Herald in the morning. It will YOUNG gentleman would like board and taking not a few instances defeats its own aim. March 13th. & Blank Rooks. in eastern had strength enough to at- tell.” Commencing Monday, Stationery pleasant room in private family scarcely ? Clark’s A tend to household duties. The bill for a commission, which is in the into the at and BOOKS. Circulating library. McLELLAN & part of city, vicinity of High street preferred. my daily “‘Jones jumped ring 11.30, C0.r the third bottle and I FRANK B, CLARK, 616 Congress St. DRESSER, References given. Address Box 576, Post Office. lam now using of neither side to the controversey, Brown immediately followed him.'.” am daily, and I interest and Fine Custom mch7 dlw* regaining strength Mrs. Smyth here relapsed into silence, read- Shoes, Work, recommend it *0 alL to The is for Ladies and Gents, to Measure. cheerfully ought therefore pass. passage to herself. BOOTS I cannot say too much in praise ing WHITNEY GAlTEIt SHOE 222 Middle St. STREET. half- Co., No. 47 EXCHANGE at( WANTED. of it. Mrs. Mary E. Brashear, doubtful, however. Parliamentary delays “Well, go on,” said Mr. Smyth, sitting WHEELOCK marG on the sofa. “Who does it JOS. F. and 8hoes: Fine and Medium Goods at __ YOUNG MAN from 17 to 18 of age who 173 Prestmanst. inter- way up say years are so many and tedious, and private Bootslow prices. J. H. WET HE KELL & CO., A would like to learn a retail business, one who whipped?” learn to be a to that Supported by a Se’cct Dramatic Compauy in the Successors to CYRUS LOWELL, 225 Middle St. TIIOISAND YARDS is quick and active and would like Disease Cured. ests are so often preferred public, ’Bets were freely offered against Jones, from AVilkie Collins' Celebrated SEVERAL salesman. Address this office. martJ dtf Kidney powerful Drama and Fine A, Christiansburg, Va., 1881. this measure may very likely be with few takers. Just as the men faced each “Tlie Frozen entitled Confections, important Ntwel Deep,” J 1. F. successor to from kidney disease, other a cry was raised that the Sheriff was com- C^ANDIES LORD, Suffering out of the by the crowd of bills Allen Gow, 566 Congress Street WANTED. from which I could get no relief, I pushed way ing, whereupon the crowd scat’ ”— tried Brown’s Iron Bitters, which concern. down on Makers and for housework of little general “Pshaw!” said Mr. Smyth, lying Upholsterers GOOD capable girl general cured me completely. A child of Dealers in Fine and Medium Furniture. 101 Free street. the sofa again. “No fight after all. Pity the CABINET A Apply at mine, recovering from scarlet fever, DEANE BROS. & 183 & 185 Middle mcli7 dlw* was not to some conclusion.” SANBORN, St had no appetite and did not seem to the thing brought LIEUT. RICHARD A movement is on foot to secure pas- continued Mrs. WARDOUR, be able to eat at all. I gave him Iron ‘But,’ Smyth, reading,” Manufacturer and Importer Wauled. the results. that all was a false and the combatants be- CIGARH.of Harana Cigars, Wholesale and Retail. OPENING AND SELLING BY Bitters with happiest sage by CoDgress of a bill directing ‘it alarm, rfud Mechanical a suitable for a first- J.
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