11111411:1111111/111121111111:11 April 11, 1997 Vol. 25 No.4 Capital glebeWard honours their own at Whitton Awards BY FRASER ANDERSON for her service as a promoter of lo- The Capital Ward community cal artists in the region. came out in record numbers for the Rod Bryden, Chairperson and fifth annual Whitton Awards cere- Chief Executive of the Ottawa Sena- mony on March 6. Over 300 people tors, assisted in presenting the filled Assembly Hall at Lansdowne Sports and Recreation awards. Al Park to honour the hard work of the and Marilyn Gillich and Kenneth thirty-one volunteers receiving Ross were honoured for their dedi- awards. cation to one of our community's Following the cancellation of the best run programs- the Glebe Little City's volunteer appreciation cere- League. mony during budget deliberations Other winners were: Adelle several years ago, Councillor Jim Slegtenhorst and Fern Shea of Watson initiated the Whitton Ottawa East; Hilary Casey for her Awards, named after Ottawa's first involvement with the Ottawa Speed- female mayor and former Capital skating Club; and Bill McCauley for Ward alderman Charlotte Whitton, volunteering his time with the to recognize citizens who con- Ottawa Centre Minor Hockey tribute so much to our community. Association. "I always look forward to the Photo: Roger Lalonde The Honourable Mitchell Sharp, Whitton Awards" said Councillor Whitton Award winners at March 6 ceremony former Minister of Finance, at- Jim Watson. "They remind every- from Ottawa South, has contributed Culture awards. tended to help present the Business one of the dedicated people that his time and effort to the success- One of the recipients was Malak and Commercial Activities awards. make Ottawa, and Capital Ward, fui Brewer Pond naturalization Karsh, the distinguished photogra- Greg Best, owner of Bank Street such a great place to live and project. Penny is a founding mem- pher, known internationally for his Framing, was acknowledged for his work." ber of the Glebe Report community pictures which capture the heart promotion of Bank Street busi- Kate Greaves and Suzanne newspaper and is also a co-founder and soul of Ottawa and Canada. nesses and his work as Chair of the Watters, Student Council Co-Presi- of "Educating for Peace" which pro- Malak was the initiator of the popu- Glebe Business Group. Doug Casey dents at Glebe Collegiate Institute vides teachers with material on lar Tulip Festival in Ottawa and of the Glebe was also recognized for presented the Environment awards, peace education and conflict reso- helps raise funds for charities such Continued on page 11. which went to Wendy Earl, Penny lution. as the Alzheimer Society of Ottawa- Sanger and John Wright. Wendy, an Celia Franca, founder of the Carleton. Councillor Watson Ottawa South resident, is part of an National Ballet of Canada, co- Other arts recipients included runs for mayor initiative called Adopt-a-River- founder of the National Ballet Jacques P. Hamel for his work with On Monday, April 7, Capital Ward bank which helps preserve shore- School and co-director of the School Ottawa's Local Architectural Advi- City Councillor Jim Watson ended lines in the Ottawa area. John, also of Dance presented the Arts and sory Committee and Kate McGregor months of public speculation when he officially declared his candi- Great Glebe Garage Sale May dacy for the office of Mayor of Ot- 24 tawa. BY 'CATHRYN BRADFORD and ultimately, cash for your 10% (or more!) donations. The fun His campaign kickoff will take GLEBE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION household castoffs and treasures. continues into the evening as well, place at the Glebe Community It's hard to believe, with fresh Plus a tidy garage, of course! with many of the residents holding Centre, 690 Lyon Street at 2:00 p.m. If snow lying on the ground as I write you're new to the Glebe, you special block parties to coincide Sunday April 13. this, that it will soon be time for may wonder what happens on the with the Sale. the Great Glebe Garage Sale. But the day of the GGGS. Simply this: at an Registration is simple: fill in the early date is set for Saturday, May 24th hour, Glebe residents emerge coupon on page 2 of the Glebe INSIDE only a few weeks away! so it's from their cozy homes and set up Report, and drop it off at the Glebe Letters 5 time to start thinking of cleaning their displays of sale goods on Community Centre, 690 Lyon St. S. out the their lawns, driveways, or garage, attic, basement, etc. porches. Please write down special sale GCA 6 in preparation for our annual Shortly after, starting at about nine items this helps our publicity marathon sale. The sale will run in the morning, our community is and contributes to the success of Skate 12 9 from a.m. to 3 p.m. with a severe inundated with thousands of your Sale. A registration kit will Business 15 rain date of May 25th. garage-salers and scouts for an- be delivered to you in plenty of As in every year, all Glebe tique shops, looking for that ulti- time for the Sale date. Health 17 residents mate are invited to participate bargain or treasure. Bank Glebe Questions.... 18 as vendors in the Sale, which is Street itself is packed with shop- On a final note: this is my last sponsored by the Glebe Community pers visiting our wonderful shops. year as Coordinator of the Garage Arts 24,25 The Sale Association. All we ask in return continues everywhere Sale. If you would like to wear the Books 32 is that you register for the Sale, until mid-afternoon, when hope- crown as Garage Sale King/Queen, and that you donate at east 10% of fully most of the goods will be sod. please get in touch with me at 234- Next Deadline your proceeds to the Food Bank. In Anything that is left can be do- 3198. You should be familiar with return, you will receive all the nated to the Ottawa Neighbourhood the community's geography, a good April 21, 1997 publicity that a garage sale with Services, who will be diverting organizer and communicator, cre- 10,000 potential vendors can their fleet to our community on that ative, and able to tra' vel many miles Quote of the month muster, a spot on our Garage Sale day. The Food Bank will also be in a single day fuelled only by en- Until you do what you believe in, map, an advance donation bag for sending their volunteers around thusiasm and a neighbourhood you don't know whether you believe the Ottawa Neighbourhood Services, during the afternoon, to collect the child's lemonade. it or not. Leo Tolstoy NEWS Earth Day activities FOR YOUR ONE STOP SHOPPING IN THE GLEBE Earth Day is the biggest environ- chance to plant, view the Butterfly mental event in the world. Since its Garden and learn about the INNISS PHARMACY inception in 1970, Earth Day has restoration project that ECOS has striven to raise environmental been involved in since 1990. 769 BANK ST. (AT SECOND AVENUE) awareness by encouraging acts of ABORIGINAL TALK TEL.: 235-4377 FAX.: 235-1460 local stewardship. Each year, mil- Gordon Williams, an elder of Cree lions of Canadians join in solution- descent, will give two short talks at Your one stop Pharmacy shop becomes your... based activities aimed at improving 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. on the their "own backyard." aboriginal ceremonies relating to one stop health shop RMOC KICK-OFF SUNDAY the earth and the use of the sacred April 16 Clinic APRIL 20 Day elements. 4 Cholesterol The week begins with the Ottawa CHILDREN'S ACTIVITY AREA 0Glucose Lynx baseball game on April 20. Childrens' activities will operate 0Blood Pressure Patrons who wear green to the game from the gazebo, where children can will be eligible for spot prizes. make environmental crafts, enjoy Please call for an appointment Contest entries for the High School face painting and play on the Cos- Mural Contest will be displayed mic Adventures portable play area. and the Salvation Army Blue Bag-It ECOFORUM Hot Bright Spring Colours Now in stock those hard to find Program will be there to collect An EcoForum inside Brewer Wet 'n Wild Gordon Fraser Graduation cards used clothing. Arena will allow local organiza- Lip and Nail Colours RMOC EARTH DAY CEREMONY, tions to showcase environmental is- $1.49 Jamieson B Complex 50 90 caplets $9.99 TUESDAY APRIL 22 10 - 11 AM sues and conservation initiatives, Pepcid AC 10mg tablets 18 The Earth Day Ceremony, held at including an Alternative Trans- Timed release Vitamin C 1000mg $6.99 Bonus 120's $9.99 RMOC headquarters, will provide a portation Display. Monistat -3 venue for Mayors and politicians in MURAL COMPETITION WINNERS ovules $11.99 the RMOC to offer their personal Local high schools will be invited Monistat-7 The eyes have it AO-SEPT 360m1 $7.99 environmental to submit 4'x8' murals on envi- cream or suppositories commitment for the an In a Wink Neutralizer 360 ml $6.99 upcoming year. Rideau Valley ronmental theme. They will be $11.99 Middle School students provide displayed at the Lynx Game on entertainment. The Regional De- April 20. Winners announced on SINCE THE TURN OF THE CENTURY THIS HAS BEEN partment of Health will launch its April 27. Prizes awarded by A PHARMAC Alternatives to Pesticides Cam- Mountain Equipment Co-op. OPEN: WE ACCEPT: paign. To find out how you can take part MON-THURS 8:30-6:00 PM VISA ECOFESTIVAL AT BREWER FRIDAY 8:30-7:00 PM MASTERCARD in Earth Day Ottawa, call 733-TREE SATURDAY 9:00-6:00 PARK, SUNDAY APRIL 27 PM DEBIT CARDS (733-8733).
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