Scribe Swee+ftearf IMvwsily off Mdgaport Campus Waddy Vol. 23 —BRIDGEPORT, ^ CONN., FEBRUARY 21, 1951* No. 14 UB In Favor Of ROTC, Halsey Applies For Unit r i. rc_-j . ■ BENJAMIN RAUBVOGEL Last Friday afternoon President Halsey journeyed to Mitchel Field U nv iBi.n,a aPP,iC* ti0” ,0 r " * « ‘ •X“ » “ ” * * « Before leaving President w»i—y held a press conference with the Montanaro Proclaimed SCRIBE in which he revealed the results of the referendum held Tuesday and Wednesday of that LAURIE OLIVE, SCRIBE Sweet heart-for ’51, cele­ '51 Campus Sweetheart week. In reviewing the election brate* her second birthday on St. Valentine's Day. By BABBABA DYSON President .Halsey stated “We. are Blond, blue-eyed, and 2’6” tall, she has been picked The crowning of brown-eyed, unanimously by the members of the SCIRBE as by pleased withuthe reaction of the brunette Phyllis Montanaro “Cam- students amrYhculty and of the far the most lovable UB co-ed. She is a resident' of lpus Sweetheart of 1951’’ by Pres­ large percentage who voted, we Linden Hall and the daughter of Ray and Lee Olive. ident James H. Halsey climaxed Her father is a Public Relations assistant for the the evening’s festivities at the sincerely hope that our applica­ University. University’s annual Sweetheart tion will be accepted and look Dance last Friday at the Ritz forward to welcoming the Air Ballroom . Corps ROTC on campus.” A reply Phyllis received an enthusiastic from the Air Corps regarding the hand of approval from the 1,000 application is expected by late Heske, Hathewson Star students as she entered the ball­ April or early May. room preceded by. her court and The results of the poll are as Pat Kelly, “Campus Sweetheart of follow s: , 1950.” .Her attendants, Barbara In Molnar's lilionT STUDENT Sage, Maid-of-Honor; Pat Brown, Abby Elstein, Arlene Fleischer, Permanent’ Emergency Strongly Favor By DOM SAUNARO Barbara Rein$, Diane O’Hanna, 69% 7 6 * . F avor ............ Edward Heske, star of “State Street” in the recent per- and Pat Rogoff, formed an impres­ 1 5 * 6* formance of Campus Tmunder ’51, has been given the lead­ sive court. In crowning the queen, Indifferent . 1 * 4% : i Opposed ........ ing role of Laliom in UB’s Office o f Campus Production mid­ Pres. Halsey showed that his tal­ 2* i% Not Voting.-.. winter play “laliom,” to be presented March 2 and 3 at the ents reach further than speech 1 3 * IB* Klem Auditorium. making in his “Ode To A Queen.” FACULTY » Thé coveted role of “Julie” has *------------- r— --------------- —----------- . On this occasion which b so Permanent eminent Emegency Strongly Favor 42% der’s vivacious mistress of cere­ One cannot expect an old col- 51% — “ "X"4 “ c"'p” Reck Edits Helicon F avor ............ 1 7 * a 4 % monies, -Joyce Mathewson. Dawn logo president Indifferent 6% Anderson, a promising newcomer To speak la a manner half as 6* As DoadEne Nears Opposed ........ 9 * to the OÇP, has, won the part of eloquent 3 * Not Voting ... 26% ^Marie.” Both co-stars have lead- In a mid-season rush to get A s the Deans o r facu lty so In­ 2 6 * big roles as the young lovers of things complete,' a new staff has telligent. “ Liiiotn.” been elected to head the Helicon. Featured hi the supporting B ecause this coronation Is REVISED PROGRAM SET UP Joan R eck Was appointed editor, east wUl be some of OOP's qnito exigent regulars, including Pat Cole, while Dr. Sklare, Miss McGuire, I shall do my best to be cem- FOR REGISTERED NURSES * Irwin Heibman, Jaae Furet, and Mr. MilDiauser, all of the potent * James-Quigley Jr., Dom Sal- !• crowning our queen, so English department, are advisers. A new program whereby regia ueation. These examinations will hurt; Bide Levine, Robert magnificent. Other members of the literary tered nurses may apply their be given at the University M uch Probst, Charles Levine, Bor- magazine’s staff are Helen Baker nursing school training toward a 14 for those who qualify. Interest­ . nard Elsenberg, Alvin NUsou, I cannot help but be confident Arthur Toft, Roger Rubin, Fred B. S. degree In nursing was* an­ ed persons must «bntact Dean Leo Mnldoon, Billie Jane That yon will all be in com­ Jackson, Herman Glass, Leonard nounced by Miss Martha P. Jayne Prior to March L Eison, Stewart Baker and plete agreement Jayne, dean of the college of Fred Blumberg. Leopold, Charles Haywood, Grace token I pay her this compli­ If, as results of the test or Hendricks, and Hugh Lucas. Nursing at UB. Working behind the scenes will m en t: dicate that the nurse’s back­ It was announced that all short To participate in the program, be Dick Kahn, as technical direc­ Qaeen -yon have stabilised a ground is adequate, these results stories, poems, or essays must be registered nurses must satisfac­ tor; Larry Pas tore, lighting; with the nursing school record submitted by March 15. Printing torily. pass a test based on their Qiarlie Kellogg, general stage For all UB queens subsequent? training and experience. Thè use will be combined to give sixty will get underway and the maga­ academic credits toward a B. S. ménager; Fred Mills, assistant of these tests, fpr .such credit is zine will be on sale about four degree in nursing. The applicant stage manager; and Erwin Bras­ Now- as an year head I place promoted and developed by the weeks later. will then undertake two yean ier. props. Dorothy Derüs ward­ _____ Continued on PAGE National League of NUrsing Ed- robe; and Fred Blumberg, make­ study in the College of Nursing up. on a full .time basis,” declared *The play “Llllom” has been per­ Dean Jayne. formed by many college -groups . ,‘Tt, as results of the test or ■throughout the country. Liiiotn Falk Appointed Adviser in the nursing school transcript, Is a shiftless ne’er-do-well char­ students a n found tq.be deficient acter Who works intermittently as in special areas, additional work a barker for an amusement park To Foreign Bound Students can be taken to gain proficiency. carousel. He is gifted .with such charms, however, that many By JAYNE FAYE* of all available information; he Commissioits m Navy young women are easy victims. Pres. James H. Halsey has June to continue bis studies in ¡—Among T— ——these girls —is « Juljfe, J ! wiiuiuwhom »wed Dr.; Eugene it Falk to 'f® ta able to guide and advise Strasbor^ Germany. he eventually marries. Learning t o *• Hataonbetween UB and the • ta lg tu ito are contemplating With' reference to these new t l l R t H a ic filw it tan jihrimm « « Ihp f*nilanaioot n ■■ — sr_m. .. ___ » A new program enabling stu­ that he is. about. to become - *I the Commission oh International foreign Furthermore, he study. duties, Dr. Falk said, “lien and dents who have received a Bach- father, and in ^eed’ of- funds, Co-operation in Education. toQ adapt tU l th in ^ tt condi­ women who wish to go abrand tor tor’s degree to apply tor a com­ LUiom‘ . - -participates . .. • ---- ------ in —a highway. ,w imp ' Ik e Commission1 —is..»'■■■Itust.u com£xMed Uiaá tions as they extit at Ufe. robbery, but is outsmarted in the euch outstanding personalities as serious study find themselves fac­ mission upon graduation has been 1 Universities in ih ta j| h )e announced by the Navy. ***“attempt. “ “ * Rather than submit.. to land, Austria, and ItU y are avail­ ing many problems. One .of tip tonnst. Luían stabs himself, and1 Lowell Thomas,fw «—. On. Williamwimam uU Sedoh ed » have held math, in­ able for foreign studies. Dr. Falk most serious is that of academic cluding trigonometry, may enter to * * J» later made to pay for «ta n ; and several college «kU s will also hr able to obtain infor­ credit How"can they make their the General Line’Officers train­ his petty crimes an earth un- ecutives. It has been formed to mation -on other ; untaeraUtaa not time caimt to the bat advantage ing. Unse who have majored in vides the*basic theme of this dra advise students wbo svish to go airendy mentioned. asured by the credit they get tosile u d moving story. •taped for serious study S Q .. business, fitft wffl be firo ’rihnyT*.-. •** íúbíBT’í W vÂJÜ sbiüb '4At the present time, UB _ shoukfgjetr'I dsh’Fexpect - an otocer** represented h» Firance and Ger­ reports that irhbar *dve aU the problems, but I lion in the supply tang; to «ga£ what it will coot, many. ' John Rhssias " In. studying ■l n— r k a n n - * -— - - “ : * a A_____ ; ~s*~J . /« a . i *tor-w e on ficheduM^and advises IfiSrhmm'iW (19-271 may apply - how best to learn the language, ta Dijon, Paul Kjrtdhdk. - and Students to obtain, their. tickets valnsliie infosmation which I , New York at “ to ■ other pertinent . questions. Arthur Songhurst in to th ose -JtavR,« Pòh wat ba.in restir t W elii k ^ leave the statestaed.” l o g t T w » T H E S C R I B I S I . 1 * 5 1 . iTillinghast Had' New Building CONTY'S ¡Being Erected at Horace Mann 30 PARK PLACE An arts, craft, and music center to be named “Tillinghast Hall” in honor of Dr. Charles C. Tllliaghaat, will be erected at NEAREST CAMPUS Horace Mann School, New York City, this year. RESTAURANT Dr. TUUagbast, professor of education at UB, was principal Sf Horace Mann School for thirty years, prior to his retirement THE BEST IN last June.
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