'RAM" DOES A LITTLE 'TAR HEEL" EDITOR SECOND STORY WORK BODES EVIL PAGE 3 THE PAGE 4 Vol. 23 NEW YORK, N. Y., OCTOBER 9, 1942 No. 3 Rams To Feather Tarheels Tomorrow Great Outdoors' EDITORIAL Indoor Rally This Afternoon To Be Motif of There was sorrow on Rose Hill last week and many a glass For Polo Grounds Opener of "extra-dry" was moistened by Fordham tears. It all started Mission Dance last Saturday when Paul Douglas brought us the story of Twin Rallies To Be Held North Carolina a group of our classmates wilting beneath a strong sun and a During Lunch Periods Unbeaten in Two Games, "Stardusters" Feature stronger football team. The Tennessee onslaught resulted in the most crushing defeat a Fordham team has suffered since In Cafeteria Boasts Strong Line "Sweet Swing" Music, it first climbed to a top-ranking position among the nation's The North Carolina victory trail Says Via Cava football squads. Two pre-North Carolina game ral- leads the Tar Heels into the Polo We personally were cheered by the warm demonstration lies will be held today at lunch- Grounds tomorrow to help raise the time rather than the usual haphaz- curtain on the '42 Fordham home Joseph T. Via Cava, '43, Chairman Senior C accorded a group of our still-battered warriors on ard one that has heretofore been season. With two wins in two starts, of the Harvester Dance, which is their return to class Monday morning. They had fought the the main sustenance of the Fordham Tar Heel hopes are high to put the spirit. to take place next Friday, has an- good fight, and lost—but they were still our team. We were boot to the Rams and continue on Prefaced by an earnest appeal to the rapidly diminishing list of un- nounced that an glad, too, that some of the students were able in some slight the student body to show the sports- defeated and untied teams. Tomor- outdoor motif ' - , ' measure to express their feeling for the boys who had played manship, loyalty, and appreciation row is the fifth renewal of the north- has been decided themselves out so valiantly for Fordham, that ordinarily would be rendered south duel and the Carolinians figure upon by the Dec- to a victorious team, the rallies will orations Com- Today and tomorrow the whole school will have an op- be held in the cafeteria in Keating mittee. portunity to tell the boys that we're still with them all the Hall during each of the two lunch Willian N. St. hours. John, '43i who way. This afternoon there will be a rally for the North Caro- has had much lina game. We think every Fordham man who possibily can Johnny Stevens and Bill Grant dug deep into their ancient bag of experience in de- make it should be there. We'd like to hear the cheers boom signing and PXP- tricks and came up with the rather cuting see ni c out in the Polo Grounds tomorrow, as we've never heard novel idea that if a separate and backgrounds, is them before. We know they're still our team. Let's tell them complete rally was held for the two in charge of about it, upper classes in their own lunch the Decorations period and then another rally, just as complete and just as important Committee. The Tom Doyle settings of all were held for the two lower classes dances run by the Class of 1943, in- an hour later, a complete mobiliza- cluding last year's Junior Prom, were Doyle Appointed As Get In The Scrap' tion of that thing called "Fordham originated by St. John. Between spirit" might be achieved. now and Friday, he and his associates Each rally will begin at about will undertake the task of trans- Head Prefect of Metal Drive Will twenty minutes past the hour and forming the Gym into a section of will go on for about an hour. At the ''great outdoors," with the aid of Senior Sodality the first rally, Stevens and Grant picket fences, trees, and other props. Open Monday will lead the festivities and will in turn persuade the seniors and the Also figuring importantly Friday According to an announcement by juniors to sing "The Ram," or to will be Robert C. Lenk, '43, and Wil- "Metal" will be the magic word liam J. Bulger, '43, who will be in Rev. Robert L. Ryan, S.J., Moder- indulge in a few cheers, and finally ator of the Senior Sodality, Thomas next Monday and Tuesday when will present several members of charge of the lighting for the dance. the entire university goes all-out to Both these men acquired experience M. Doyle has been appointed Pre- the varsity including Stan Ritinski, fect of that organization, while the "Ram a Jap Steve Filipowicz, Joe Sebasteanski, in this line during last year's suc- with Fordham cessful production of the "Eumeni- posts of Assistant Prefects have Sammy Ososki, and maybe a couple been filled by Lawrence H. Reilly, scrap." On Oc- of others. des," in which they served as elec- tober 13th and tricians. John R. Bronzo, and James F, "TANK" MARSHALL Hayes. 14 th, Fordham A rumor has been going the rounds Prefect Doyle is best known as will do its bit, that it's about time they won one on the campus to the effect that the President of the Senior Class, and a bit weighing Mullens to Direct of these games. Fordham has taken "Stardusters," who will provide the he is also a prominent member of over 2,000 three and the other ended up in a music for the affair, is strictly a the Harvester Club. At present, be- pounds, for the scoreless tie. This is the first well "jump" band. This has been strongly sides his Sodality activities, he is Bronx scrap Junior Prom Plans balanced Chapel Hill club to take denied by Chairman Via Cava, who engaged in his duties as a member drive. on the Rams. In the past, Carolina affirms that the outfit is definitely on Borough Pres- At their inaugural meeting last has either had great backs and a of the Ticket Committee for the weak line or good men up front and the sweet side. "However," he stat- coming Harvester Dance. ident James J. Tuesday the Junior class selected ed, "there will be a judicious sprin- nobody behind them. The Tar Heels Lawrence Reilly is noted for his Lyons will offi- those who are to be in charge of kling of fast numbers for swing fans." ciate at the col- 'have, a forward wall that averages oratorical activities, being now the the annual Junior Prom which this over two-hundred pounds and one Thomas M. Doyle, '43, Assistant President of the Council of Debate. lection cererno- Fr. cannon mes on Tuesday year is scheduled to take place on of the niftiest backfields in the south. Chairman of the Ticket Committee, He was also Prefect of his Sopho- The Southern boys come into announced that tickets can still be more Sodality and Assistant Pre- at three o'clock, while the faculty, Friday, December 4th. Robert J. Gotham loaded to the hilt with obtained from representatives, as fect of his Junior Sodality. Student Council, and the student Mullens, whose post' is General talent, experience and hustle. Last well as at the booth in the cafeteria. (Continued on page 6) body look on. Rameses XII will Chairman, must, besides administer- year down in sunny Carolina, the also be on hand to grunt his ap- Ram had its hands full with Citizens proval of the proceedings. Bronx ing the whole affair and seeing it to its successful culmination, audi- Pecora, Suntheimer and a little thorn collection trucks will rumble up to in the back called Hugh Cox. Hughie the southwest corner of Edwards' tion and contract for any orchestra is a lot of tailback for the Carolinians Hoskinson to Edit War Maroon Parade to pick up Fovdham's con- which is selected. He will also take and with Big "Tank" Marshall to tribution, for future delivery to Hit- pull out of his guard slot to block ler, Hirohito, and Company. charge of the four special commit- tees comprising: Tickets, Decora- for him, Hugh runs like a scared Devoted Entirely to Seniors To show his approval, Rev. Robert hare. Down in Carolina they tout I.Gannon, S.J.,President of the Uni- tions, Orchestra, and Publicity. Cox as the equal, if not the superior, Father Atherton Promises Seniors Real Yearbook versity, will return two German hel- The ticket committee will distrib- of George Stirnweiss whom all of Despite Accelerated Class Schedule mets of World War I vintage, now ute the bids for the dance and see you Ram fans will never forget. reposing in the Library, to their that there is a sufficient number George burned up the Polo Grounds The Fordham Maroon annual year ing an active part in the editing and original owners. The idea was available at convenient places about when he came here a few years back book, despite difficulties arising from publishing of the annual this year originated by Rev. Joseph B. O'Con- the campus. The committee will and practically held the Fordham the war situation, will be radically could get any information they nell, S.J., principal of Fordham consist of key men who are able to boys to a scoreless tie singlehanded. different in for- wished concerning the volume at the Prep, as a means of making the secure all possible bids from the Take Stirny, double him, add a mil- mat, size, and Maroon office which is housed in the Prepsters scrap-conscious.
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