MICHIGAN STATE 't HI II I ,?*£ •*4;^-^*V \-, ""^7 *'.»%^^i, .'***& BEAUMONT TOWER CHIMES ANNOUNCE GRIDIRON VICTORIES For November, Nineteen thirty-four Page 3 LISTENING IN • HOMECOMING the biggest • A PERUSAL of Coach Bachman's • "A COLLEGE can grow no faster event on the College campus during calendar last week indicated that the or finer than the loving ambition of the year—was a thrilling success on "knife and fork clubs" and the high its sons. Its successful work may at­ November 3. A program of tun, school football banquets were ready tract admiration. It will enlist heart-throbs and a final victory top­ to start in high gear. Thanksgiving friends. But the driving wheel of ped off a great day. Between halves Day, Christmas, and Christmas eve steady progress is the enthusiastic, were still being saved by the Spar­ untiring ambition of its Alumni."— in the WKAR broadcasting booth, the tan mentor for his family, but he William A. Jones, Amherst, '81. station announcer in quizzing C. Fred has already scheduled himself for a Schneider, '85, president of the Alum­ coaches meeting in New York City • "SET AT THE HEART of our ni association, asked, "What peculiar for New Year's Day with dozens of cultural life, the university must en­ significance has this day to Michigan speaking engagements scattered over joy, undisturbed by the clamor of State college alumni?" Prcxy Schnei­ the entire State for the next two the market-place, that serene detach­ der ably replied: months. "Bach" sounded a warning ment which alone can guarantee "Homecoming has become tradi­ the other day that he could start clarity of judgment and intelligent tional at all our American colleges with baked ham but some good fried decision."—President R. G. Sproul, and has been so closely associated chicken and an occasional steak of the University of California. with football that it is hard to tell would be swell for variety. Several alumni clubs, including Berrien coun­ which is the cause and which is the • STRIKING TRIBUTE was paid ty, Oakland county, and Toledo have effect, if there is such a relationship. to an outstanding alumnus when the requested the presence of "the Alumni Varsity club honored Ellis The charm of this beautiful campus ccach" for their annual meetings. in the fall, the association with old W. Ranney, '00, at a banquet held in friends, the enthusiasm of the under­ the Union Memorial building follow­ • THERE'S NOTHING particularly ing the Homecoming football game. graduates, the hospitality of the Col­ new about softball, or as it is var­ Ranney was an outstanding athlete in lege creates a setting for a real cele­ iously called, kittenball, indoor base­ the days when Michigan State's pro­ bration. Really, I think our alumni ball, playground ball, etc. An ath­ gram was in its formative stage. He who come back for this gala day re­ letic director tells us he played it as starred in football, basketball, and turn to their homes with their loyalty far back as 1891. baseball, being captain in all three quickened and with a sense that they sports during his senior year. In re­ are 'still' a part of the College." • A COLLEGE WOMAN, rightly cognition of his fine athletic record as mated, makes less trouble than all a student, and because of his many ether classes put together. — Judge contributions to the institutional and © SEVERAL changes have been Joseph Sabath, of Chicago. athletic progress of the College as an made in the covers of the RECORD alumnus, he was presented the this fall and from scattered alumni • HOW MANY college students "Distinguished Service Award", pre­ come letters of praise and encourage­ were pledged to fraternities and viously awarded to but two State ment. The editors deeply acknowl­ sororities this fall? About 75,000, grads. Nearly a hundred "S" men edge all these fine messages and will according to "The Fraternity Month." and close friends of Ranney attended continue to improve the magazine so Of this number, 50,000 were initiated, the banquet. long as this "changed alumni spirit" "and 25,000 will'fall by the wayside." keeps new memberships rolling in. • "I HAVE, I CONFESS, been The picture on the September cover somewhat amused by some of the was a campus vista looking toward statements that have been made that "The Coop"; the October scene was In This Issue colleges and universities are hotbeds taken from the northwest corner win­ of radicalism. I believe that any one dow on the top floor of the library who has had experience with them looking toward Beaumont tower, and who has seen the extraordinary while the picture on the current issue difficulty with which changes come was taken from President Shaw's of­ about in them could scarcely share fice window in the northwest corner in such a feeding. of the library in direct line with the "On the whole, it seems a fair gen­ Kedzie Chemical laboratory. eralization, subject, of course, to many exceptions and qualifications, that our • PRESIDENT ART HURD, of tin? system of higher education performs Central Michigan Alumni club, has the social function which it does per­ appointed B. R. Proulx, professor of form today more because of outside hotel management at the College, as Page than of inside pressures and in­ chairman of the fifteenth annual foot­ Listening In .3 fluences. It has been shaped, in ball banquet to be held in the Union, Spartan Band . ... 4 other words, more largely by the de­ Saturday evening, December 15. Spartans Gain Michigan sires of students, of parents and of Committee of alumni in cooperation Championship 5 public opinion generally, in its main with the Lansing Junior Chamber of Heppinstall Has Big Day 6 objectives and purposes, than by Commerce are now at work, and out­ Ottey Again Wins I. C. 4-A Meet 7 those of its faculties .... side of Coach Bachman a noted sports Changed Spirit Thrills "Our system of higher education, writer is being asked to address the Homecomers 8 considered as a whole, is to-day one outstanding high school guests and Mortar Board Replaces Sphinx ;, 9 of our most definitely motivated, varsity squad after the banquet. Dick Hoffmaster Succeeds Chief 9 least flexible and highly static of our Remington, of the Detroit News, will HOMECOMING . 10 social institutions." Harry Woodburn present his All-State team and make Chase, president of New York uni­ the awards on this occasion. "Close Beside the Winding Cedar 12 versity. Alumni Affairs .... 13 . JXH MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE RECORD Published monthly throughout the college year for the alumni and former students of Michigan State College by the M. S. C. Association. Member of the American Alumni Council. GLEN O. STEWART, Editor Entered at the posfcoffice as secont -class ma tter, at East Lansing, Michigan. Membersh p in the M. S C. Association, includ ng sub- srription to the RECORD, $2.50 per year Address all communications to the M. s. C. Association, East Lansing, Michigan. Vo ume 40 NOVEMBER, 1934 Numbe r 3 Spartans Gain Michigan Championship Title In Most Successful Gridiron Season: Win Over Powerful Detroit Team • COMPLETING a successful home football schedule, in the game which might be labeled "Nott and Detroit" the Spartan grid machine eked out a tight victory over for passes and trick laterals filled the game with sus­ the heavy University of Detroit team at the home sta­ pense and thrills which appeared at times to be all but dium on November 17. Entering the game as heavy disastrous for the Spartans. Detroit threatened many favorites, the light Spartan team took good advantage of times in the late periods but seemed to lack the scoring an early break and scored a lcne touchdown and con­ punch for the State line held on each occasion and im­ verted for the extra point which turned out to be the mediately kicked out of danger. The longest kick of margin cf victory for the home team. the game came from the toe of Doug Nott who, standing The largest crowd to witness a State game at home on his own 22-yard line kicked to State's 11-yard line. since the dedication of the stadium in 1924 when the State never threatened after the first touchdown play. University of Michigan traveled to East Lansing and Statistics showed that State was outplayed by far, but handed the Spartans a 7-0 defeat, was on hand for the they won. Detroit game. More than 18,000 fans filled the stands and the end bleachers which were erected for this game. • ON OCTOBER 20, Coach Bachman took thirty-three All available seats and boxes in the stadium proper of his picked men and journeyed to Brooklyn, New York, were sold early in the week before the game and over' to tackle the Manhattan college eleven for the first time, 700 applications and checks were returned due to the State was rated high in the East but the public was sell-out. waiting to see what a western team could do to Chick The game opened with State kicking off to the Detroit Meehan's Jaspers. Michigan State won 39-0. Manhattan men on their 30-yard line. The Detroit safety man let started the game without the services of its star back, the ball go while lineman Wagner recovered on their 25- Jce Gallagher, a 200 pcund scphomore back. State opened yard line, and due to the free ball rule State took pos­ their scoring with Reynolds intercepting a Jasper pass session of the ball. On the first play Warmbein was and racing 63 yards for a tally.
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