THE BERMUDA COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL ADVERTISER AND RECORDED. VOL LXXXV-NO. Ill HAMILTON, BERMUDA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1912. SINGLE COPY. 3d.—20s. PER ANNUM CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE I WHY SO FEW BIRDS ARE SEEN. > I TRICKS OF TRADESMEN FOR | Intarno+itnol Ps-lass,*.* J CHEATING CUSTOMERS. j ^161.13110113. UlCKet. International Postal Reforms The migration of birds, whereby even k Purchasing Chance Yon Should lot Miss | Little Things That Mean Many • Discussed. weak-winged species will fly thousands of miles from breeding to feeding Just received a large stock of high-class Spirits, Wines, Ale and Stout— Dollars in tbe Long Run. AUSTRALIAN ELEVEN TO PLAY grounds, is one of the most fascinating which we are selling at reasonable prices. ON STATEN ISLAND GROUNDS. Bosiox, Mass., Sept. 27.—M Thurs­ With groceries as high as they are of the unknown fields of science. Re­ Wright & Greig Special Old Scotch (Bottle) ______ 3/* day'? session the sixth order was cently, however, those who have adopt­ at present it is more than ever neces­ Two-day Match Against Gentlemen International postal reforms. In view do. da*. do. do. dm. (Pint) _ 2/a sary to see that one receives fair meas­ ed the science of bird-lore, or ornitho­ Ross Bros. Old Tom Gin (Bottle) _______ _,'- of AH New York—Team to Arrive of next conference of Posta' Union in logy, have determined that migrating ure. After all the oertions of state, 1913 there were advocated uaiversal Bass's Pale Ale and Guinness's Stout and city bureaus to stop petty pilfer­ Here Next Week for Practice— birds fly at far greater heights than had (bottled by Ross Bros Co., Liverpool,) 6d. per bottle or 5/- per doz penny postage, a fixed tax of five cen­ been imagined, and that the leason ing there is not so much danger from Fourth Visit of a Team from the Pilsener Lager Beer — — — — id. each, or 4/2 per dozen the use of false scales as formeily, but times oa short paid 'ettets, delivery to why migration has not been Antipodes—Previous Records. addressees of letters of foreign origin definitely mapped out is because it is there are other ways in which the deal­ even when the exterior of enve'opes invisible. er can cheat the housewife. is aot in conformity with the regulations THE MRAM LIQIOI ANI GROCERY STORE Scarcely second in interest and import- Most of tbe recent observations have Scales that are perfectly correct may tance to the baseball championship, at of the countiy ii destination, weight REID STREET HAMILTON sometimes be the medium of fraud. of samples of merchandise to lie in­ been made by special instruments, but least in the minds e.i American cricke­ until within a year or two accidental Sept. 8-13 eitf For example, some dcalcts place a sheet ters, is the coming visit of the Aust-a- creased to five hundred grams maximum, of paper on them apparently for the post parcels to uaiversafty ten kilo­ observations made of birds passing lian cricketers to this city, where they across tbe fields of -astronomical teles­ sake ol clcanlines.-. I "nder the paper are scheduled to play a two-day match grams, the desirability of creating a they will surreptitiously slip a few nails special class of pat eels with a maximum copes afforded the only basis. Extra­ again-i the Gentlemen Cricket Players ordinary as it may seem, there ire or a bit of lead when they think there of all New ^ irk, on the grounds of the of oae kilogium, parcels sent by special is no danger of their being caught. The rate t o be carried a quicker way, insur­ scores of authenticated records show­ platen Island Cricket and Tennis Club, ing birds flying at a height of two or scales are thus weighted down a trifle, .it Livingston, Staten Island, on Tues­ ance against delay of paice?s, and fixing ISLE OF WHITE and even though it mav be but a frac­ three miles, and records of five miles day, and Wednesday. October 1 .ind 2 responsibility foi delays. The order tion of an ounce it mav mean several *as approved. The seventh order was (secured by comparing the approximate In the Harbour of Hamilton. The Australian eleven sailed the desirability ef an Internal iona- cam- size of tbe bird with lunar features of ounces even pounds, in thc course of | ,;ngland on the steamship Oiympii known dimensions) have been noted, a whole clay's traelin Wednesday, thus bringing them to Xew ference oo prices and cost of living. A merchant may sometimes place Many opinions were expressed few- Birds are able to breathe air far more Vork in time to get their sea-legs off and rarefied than earth-dwelling animals, DELIGHTFUL BATHUVGI ALL THE YEAR. his finger tip carelessly , n the scales get Inmiliar with our local conditions reasons of tea eased price** amongst i when weighing goods In -.pile of thc which education and higher standard but it is practically a new- idea that Water Sports of every description. and atmosphere. They will put in all such great heights are reached. It has apparent carelessness that finger is their spare time practicing on the of living were popular views. Fist's pressed down firmly enough to make remedy is standardization of goM. been suggested that minor physiologies 1 (SEE THE WATER SLIDE.) grounds of the Xew Vork Yea-ran changes permit birds to make lull use a slight difference in the weight. But Cricketc-L- Association at Manor field The Congress approved of a confercace Restaurant. Buffet. Afternoon Teas. these slight differences are not all on this subject. At tbe Congress tb< •rf this rateficd air, but this view is not Stolen Island, so as noi to interfere widely accepted. Lobsters from the Water. slight when a month.- grocery bills .in- with the prepanitini of the wicket at I taken into consideration. motion of Legrande favouring genen At these great heights the speed of STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM. the Staten l.-land Cricket and Tennis arbitration between conntties as c i'- flight appears to be greater than in thc Another trick is to get thc customer CM grounds at Livingstone, Siaten culated to promote peace and prevent denser air near the ground. Tbe Bungalows and Tents. into conversation regarding the weath­ Island, when- the match will be played. atrocities of war-, tbe motion being American golden plover seems to hold er and so on. Her attention is drawn Chairman |. S Bretz, of the com­ seconded by Sir John Bingham, repre­ the record for long-distance flights, and irom the si ales, and before sbe realizes mittee in charge of the arrangements senting England, was approved unani- in this flight a speed of from 150 to 200 it her goods are lifted from them, and reports a nig advance sale of tickets for mousfy. At the banquet givea after miles aa hour is maintained. Tbe ISLE OF WHITE COMPANY are being wrapped up As be wraps the much, more than enough .llready the ptesentation to President Taft plover leaves Nova Scotia for South them the dealer announces the price ;<) cover the guarantee given to the '.ist night the key note of all the speeches America and scorns to make ase of tin- W. H. WINGATE, Manager. and the weight, adding an ounce or Australian team, and other i \nenses was world peace- President Taft, in coast line at all. In tbe event of ad­ May 4 1912. eitf more to the actual weight and extra of thc match, so that mot only a large the best speech made recently, saw verse winds or exceedingly stormy pennies to the price. Tbe customer gate is assured, and that also a large in otganized trade tbe hope trf ending weather, which cannot be dodged by hesitates to ask to have the stuff weigh­ gallery will foil JW ill- iv, , days' plav warfare. Other speakers were Gov­ ascending or descending to other strata ed over, as she did not look at the something that has not been seen bef„re ernor Foss, Fitzgerald, Begg of the rf the air, tbe plover may make a land­ scales herself. The only thing for her in Xew Vork city. There an-, however, London Chamber, and tbe Italian ing on some of the West India islands, to do is to weigh it when she gets home main- good reasons for ihi- interest Ambassador, ty hen shaking hands wkh and in rare cases on tbe Bermudas, bin on her own scales, and then notify the among the two thousand active cricket Sir Thomas Wadson, the Piesidcnt generally tbe 2,500 miles flight is ac­ dealer politely that there has been a players of Xew York City, and their REFRESHING mistake. When he realizes that the was specially cordial, and said be had complished direct, and always within large following, chief among them being wished often that time permitted his one day and night. Tbe Pacific golden customer has scales at home hc will, the fact that the All Xew York team going to Bermnda. Fron Friday to plover likewise finds its way annually if he has common sense, not allow such i- ilu -i congest one that could possibly Tuesday delegates will be ta,ken to from Alaska to the Hawaiian islands, a Stone Ginger Beer Syrup "mistakes" to occur again. be scire ted, and also, because of the vaiioas" industrial plants and wit? matterof 2,4O0,miles,thetnpagain usual Limetta Cordial A dealer should mark the weight of international reputation of the famous be generally entertained.
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