Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1960-1964 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 10-17-1963 October 17, 1963 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews Part of the Christianity Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Arkansas Baptist State Convention, "October 17, 1963" (1963). Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1960-1964. 222. https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews/222 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine at Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. It has been accepted for inclusion in Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1960-1964 by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Arlansa~ Baptist OCTOBER 17, 1963 'today in your home, your church, your community, as compared with f~ve year~ ago! Well, go on from here. We're out of space and personally speaking the ball ~as dQne stopped bouncing l ~~~~A~ 7~e dtJet~eet,l,9 dall 1\ /fY fellow church member :aob Crafton, of Cen­ lV.ltral Chur.ch, North Little Rock, tells about a IN THIS ISSUE:- young surgeon who undertook to operate on a man for the removal of a ping-pong ball the man had ) . swallowed. Inste~d of one incision, the surgeon UTSIDE forces which would use the church for made half a dozen, at widely scattered points over 0 their own ends come under scrutiny in a series the patient's chest and abdomen. of articles by the Christian Life Commission. The Soon after the operation(s), an old, experi­ first of these provocative discussions is on page 8. enced surgeon came by on an inspection tour. When he saw the multiple approach of the neo­ GNORANCE is too expensive-it costs too phyte, he took him aside and. asked: ''Why in the I much for a church not to sen~ the story of its world did you make all those incisions',., mission work into the homes of its members. The "Well, Doct'' replied the young fellow, "you whys and wherefores are set forth editorially on see, that is just the way the ball bQunced l" pages 3 a,pd 4. You'll enjoy too, an editorial revue I don't remember what it was Bob was illus­ of tfie spa.ce-age. musical, "Space is So Startling," trating with this story, but the expression, "That's which follows. the way the ball bounced,'' is one we hear a lot • t from time to .time. It is usually used to refer to N Arlmnsan has been signally honored 'as a some untoward set of circumstances, something I Southern Baptist leader. He is Jay Heflin of that had not been on the day's agenda and which Little Rock, selected as one of 35 from the conven­ was not desired. ti~n to attend a Baptist seminar on the United Most of our days seem rather routine....:...they be­ Nations an:d foreign policy in New York. The com­ come, '' oh, so daily,'' as the maid said. But in the plete story is on page 11. Also in the Arkansas news 'course of a few months or years, there is many a sections are reports on J. I. Cossey Day at Southern surprise package for the most of us. College and the dedication of a new building of Fortunately, not all of t:Q.e surprises are un­ Central Church, Magnolia. pleasant, for we have many ''ups'' with the . ''downs.'' COVER story, page 9~ Some, day when you don't have mq.ch to ·do but feel sorry for yourself, sit down and think back over the last five years of your life. Where were .MEMBER: you five short years ago T What was your job, what Southern Baptist Preoa Aaa'a were you doing T Regardless of whether you had Associated Chureh Preoa any long-range plans for yourself then, how have Evan~relieal -Preea AN'I!. things gone for you in the pas~ing· years! The usual thing · is to evaluate everythil;tg in October 17, 1963 Vol. 62, Number 41 terms of dollars· and cents. Okay, go ahead and do Edit01·, ERWIN L. MCDONALD-; Litt.. D: that and get it out of your system. How much Associate Editor, M:Rs. E. F. STOKES have you made in the last five years! What did you Managing Editor, MRS. TED WooDS do with it, what -do you have to show for it Y Field Representative, J. I. COSSEY Now, think a little harder and dig a little deep­ Secretary to Editor, MRS. HARRY GIBERSON er, what kind of person are you now compared Mail Clerk, MRs. WELDON TAYLO& 401 West Capital with what you were like five years ago! Have you Little Rock, A.rtr.a­ Published weekly except on July 4 and n-ber a. mellowed any, are yo~ any more patient, any . Second-class postage paid at· Little Rock, An-- Individual oubseriptlon, $2.26 per year. Church Budget, 14 eents per ...,.. kinder, any more understanding! · pr $1.68 per ·year per church family, Club plan (10 or - .... annually in advanee) $1.75 per year. Subscriptions to ,........ How many friends do. you have today com­ address, $3.76 per year. · Advertising rata - ......-L pa,red with five years ago? Artjcles carrying the author's by-line do not n~ """"'"' the editorial policy of tbe - ­ Abbreviations used in ereditin~r news items: BP Baptist P..-: CB ~ What is your place of influence and leadership. Bulletin ; DP Dally Preoa ; EP EnJ18<!1ir:al .._, Page Two ARKANSAS BAPTIST Arlansa~ Baptist--------EDIToRIALs ~ Arkansas Baptist Hospital, Little Rock. Scriptural and inspirational materials of the Arka~sas magazine are aimed at meeting the needs of the 1 Baptist giving hospital patient: For a Day of Hospital Admission, For. a Day of Waiting, For a Day of Treatment, HE giving of churches affiliated with tb,e Ar­ For a Day of Rest, For a Day of Recovery, For a T kansas Baptist State Convention for Southern Day of Convalescing, For a Day of Hospital Dis- ' Baptist Convention causes the first nine months of chalge. · th~ current calendar year shows an increase of 12.57 · No indication of the frequency of publication is percent over that for the first nine months a year found except ''Flail 1963, '' on the cover, ·which ago acco;rc,ling to statistics released recently by. the would seem to indicate it is to be a quarterly. This Executivel Committee of SBC. This . was consider-. would seem. to be often enough for a new number · ably above the 9.63 per cent increase for the South- in this field. No~ many people are r~admitted in ern Baptist Convention as a·who~e. less than three months after being a hospital pa­ Only one state convention, Alaska, showed a de­ tient. crease for 1963 as over 1962, the Alaska total. gifts Although there has been a great growth of being 11.55 per cent below the state's gifts for a Southern Baptist publications and some may be ye.ar ago. , ' ' · · trying to do the job that is cut out for the Baptist Ohio with an increase this year of 43.47 per state. convention newspapers and magazines, this cent, was far ahead of any other state. magazine, we-believe, would be meeting a need not For the month of Sf:lptember this year, Arkan­ now b~ing met by any publication already in exist­ sas showed 'a .gain to SBC Cooperative Program of ence. We wish Editor Guy and his associates well 5,.29 per cent over 'September a ye-ar ago, while 14 in this new service venture.-·ELM ' state conventions showed losses and the total for • the SBC was 6.17 per cen't less than the toal for Guest editorial September ~ year ago. For September. this year, Arkansas showed a Ignorance too expensive gain of 53.26 pe:r cent in designated gifts .to SBC causes ov~r September f:t year -ago. This compares . It costs too much for a church not to send the with an SBC gain in designated gifts of 1.43 pe:r story of its world-wide mission work into the homes cent over Septemb~r of 1962. of its members. Sometimes cb,urches quibble over This certainly 'Speaks well for the fine sense of the pittance which it costs to send the state paper. stewardship of the Baptists of Arkansas.-ELM Consider what it costs a church not to do so. Every wise farmer knows that the seed must be planted and the crops cultivated 1f there is to be a New Baptist paper 1 bountiful harvest. It costs too much not to do this. Every succeessful contractor.knows that it is too HE first ~ss_ue of a .ne.w Southern Baptist pub­ expensive not to plan a building or bridge in advance T lication-the 16~page, 5% by 7Y2-inch Baptist and get the complete picture before those who are · HOSPITALity, for Fall 1963-has just been dis­ to put the structure into final form. It costs too tributed. :F'eatured on the all-color cover is a color­ much not to have a plan. ful arrangern,ent of Thanksgiving pumpkins. Every ' thriv.ing commercial enterprise knows· Editior T. Sloane Guy Jr., administrator of that it must get the story of its products in printed Southern Baptist Hospita~ New Orleans, .and sec­ forin into the homes of its, prospective customers. retary of the Baptist Hospital Association states It costs too much not to do this. in ~he introducti~n to the new magazine that it is Would that the children of light were as the chil­ prepared.
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