Page 105 TITLE 23—HIGHWAYS § 127 are subject to the last sentence of section Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate 133(d)(1) 1 or to section 104(f) or to section and Defense Highways shall be twenty thou- 133(d)(3). The maximum amount that a State sand pounds carried on one axle, including en- may transfer under this section of the State’s forcement tolerances, and a tandem axle set-aside under section 133(d)(1) 1 or 133(d)(2) for weight of thirty-four thousand pounds, includ- a fiscal year may not exceed 25 percent of (1) the ing enforcement tolerances and with an over- amount of such set-aside, less (2) the amount of all maximum gross weight, including enforce- the State’s set-aside under such section for fis- ment tolerances, on a group of two or more cal year 1997. consecutive axles produced by application of (c) APPLICATION TO CERTAIN CMAQ FUNDS.— the following formula: The maximum amount that a State may trans- fer under this section of the State’s apportion- W=500 lllllLN +12N+36 ment under section 104(b)(2) for a fiscal year + N¥1 , may not exceed 50 percent of (1) the amount of such apportionment, less (2) the amount that where W equals overall gross weight on any the State’s apportionment under section group of two or more consecutive axles to the 104(b)(2) for such fiscal year would have been had nearest five hundred pounds, L equals distance the program been funded at $1,350,000,000. Any in feet between the extreme of any group of two such funds apportioned under section 104(b)(2) or more consecutive axles, and N equals number and transferred under this section may only be of axles in group under consideration, except obligated in geographic areas eligible for the ob- that two consecutive sets of tandem axles may ligation of funds apportioned under section carry a gross load of thirty-four thousand 104(b)(2). pounds each providing the overall distance be- tween the first and last axles of such consecu- (Added Pub. L. 105–178, title I, § 1310(a), June 9, tive sets of tandem axles (1) is thirty-six feet or 1998, 112 Stat. 234, § 110; renumbered § 126, Pub. L. more, or (2) in the case of a motor vehicle haul- 106–159, title I, § 102(a)(1), Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. ing any tank trailer, dump trailer, or ocean 1752; amended Pub. L. 109–59, title I, transport container before September 1, 1989, is § 1401(a)(3)(B), Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1225.) 30 feet or more: Provided, That such overall REFERENCES IN TEXT gross weight may not exceed eighty thousand pounds, including all enforcement tolerances, Section 133(d)(1), referred to in subsec. (b), was re- except for vehicles using Interstate Route 29 be- pealed by Pub. L. 109–59, title I, § 1113(b)(1), Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1172. tween Sioux City, Iowa, and the border between Iowa and South Dakota or vehicles using Inter- PRIOR PROVISIONS state Route 129 between Sioux City, Iowa, and A prior section 126, Pub. L. 85–767, Aug. 27, 1958, 72 the border between Iowa and Nebraska, and ex- Stat. 901; Pub. L. 93–87, title I, § 152(3), Aug. 13, 1973, 87 cept for those vehicles and loads which cannot Stat. 276, related to providing Federal aid for highway be easily dismantled or divided and which have construction only to States that used at least amounts been issued special permits in accordance with provided by law on June 18, 1934, for such purposes, applicable State laws, or the corresponding max- prior to repeal by Pub. L. 105–178, title I, § 1226(d), as imum weights permitted for vehicles using the added by Pub. L. 105–206, title IX, § 9003(a), July 22, 1998, public highways of such State under laws or reg- 112 Stat. 837. ulations established by appropriate State au- AMENDMENTS thority in effect on July 1, 1956, except in the 2005—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 109–59, which directed inser- case of the overall gross weight of any group of tion of ‘‘under’’ after ‘‘State’s apportionment’’, was ex- two or more consecutive axles on any vehicle ecuted by making the insertion after ‘‘State’s appor- (other than a vehicle comprised of a motor vehi- tionment’’ the second place it appeared, to reflect the cle hauling any tank trailer, dump trailer, or probable intent of Congress. ocean transport container on or after September 1999—Pub. L. 106–159 renumbered section 110 of this 1, 1989), on the date of enactment of the Federal- title as this section. Aid Highway Amendments of 1974, whichever is § 127. Vehicle weight limitations—Interstate Sys- the greater. tem (3) Any amount which is withheld from ap- portionment to any State pursuant to the (a) IN GENERAL.— foregoing provisions shall lapse if not released (1) No funds shall be apportioned in any fis- and obligated within the availability period cal year under section 104(b)(1) of this title to specified in section 118(b)(2) of this title. any State which does not permit the use of (4) This section shall not be construed to The Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Inter- deny apportionment to any State allowing the state and Defense Highways within its bound- operation within such State of any vehicles or aries by vehicles with a weight of twenty combinations thereof, other than vehicles or thousand pounds carried on any one axle, in- combinations subject to subsection (d) of this cluding enforcement tolerances, or with a tan- section, which the State determines could be dem axle weight of thirty-four thousand lawfully operated within such State on July 1, pounds, including enforcement tolerances, or a 1956, except in the case of the overall gross gross weight of at least eighty thousand weight of any group of two or more consecu- pounds for vehicle combinations of five axles tive axles, on the date of enactment of the or more. Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of 1974. (2) However, the maximum gross weight to (5) With respect to the State of Hawaii, laws be allowed by any State for vehicles using The or regulations in effect on February 1, 1960, shall be applicable for the purposes of this sec- 1 See References in Text note below. tion in lieu of those in effect on July 1, 1956. § 127 TITLE 23—HIGHWAYS Page 106 (6) With respect to the State of Colorado, ve- term ‘‘freight container’’ by the International hicles designed to carry 2 or more precast con- Standards Organization in Series 1, Freight Con- crete panels shall be considered a nondivisible tainers, 3rd Edition (reference number load. IS0668–1979(E)) as in effect on the date of the en- (7) With respect to the State of Michigan, actment of this subsection. laws or regulations in effect on May 1, 1982, (d) LONGER COMBINATION VEHICLES.— shall be applicable for the purposes of this sub- (1) PROHIBITION.— section. (A) GENERAL CONTINUATION RULE.—A (8) With respect to the State of Maryland, longer combination vehicle may continue to laws and regulations in effect on June 1, 1993, operate only if the longer combination vehi- shall be applicable for the purposes of this sub- cle configuration type was authorized by section. State officials pursuant to State statute or (9) The State of Louisiana may allow, by regulation conforming to this section and in special permit, the operation of vehicles with actual lawful operation on a regular or peri- a gross vehicle weight of up to 100,000 pounds odic basis (including seasonal operations) on for the hauling of sugarcane during the har- or before June 1, 1991, or pursuant to section vest season, not to exceed 100 days annually. 335 of the Department of Transportation and (10) With respect to Interstate Routes 89, 93, Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1991 and 95 in the State of New Hampshire, State (104 Stat. 2186). laws (including regulations) concerning vehi- (B) APPLICABILITY OF STATE LAWS AND REG- cle weight limitations that were in effect on ULATIONS.—All such operations shall con- January 1, 1987, and are applicable to State tinue to be subject to, at the minimum, all highways other than the Interstate System, State statutes, regulations, limitations and shall be applicable in lieu of the requirements conditions, including, but not limited to, of this subsection. routing-specific and configuration-specific (11)(A) With respect to all portions of the designations and all other restrictions, in Interstate Highway System in the State of force on June 1, 1991; except that subject to Maine, laws (including regulations) of that such regulations as may be issued by the State concerning vehicle weight limitations Secretary pursuant to paragraph (5) of this applicable to other State highways shall be subsection, the State may make minor ad- applicable in lieu of the requirements under justments of a temporary and emergency na- this subsection through December 31, 2031. ture to route designations and vehicle oper- (B) With respect to all portions of the Inter- ating restrictions in effect on June 1, 1991, state Highway System in the State of Ver- for specific safety purposes and road con- mont, laws (including regulations) of that struction. State concerning vehicle weight limitations (C) WYOMING.—In addition to those vehi- applicable to other State highways shall be cles allowed under subparagraph (A), the applicable in lieu of the requirements under State of Wyoming may allow the operation this subsection through December 31, 2031.
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