Fumbble kills thhe Vandali/s— C l. R ed SoOX capitalilize on errrorfor wiuin — Q l — - K . ' - A r k mm a o B i t t r - : “~l'ullertan:33;nr J ’ ------- 8 ~ Wjmmingf22“ i TTISfli VtaWSUxte O --- * S 5 1 Tis. ^ S c o r e nii€ itt;I3 £ m B m o E ~~ ' ■ A g v y k w ' H I s i i M 7 S * 81st year, No. 292 T w in Fal=alls, Idaho Sunday,OS l ctobeng, 1986 {atheir f p T ^A r y a irrNaftions"CTOS5S“b u r rr a n g ■ | H T M e d i a c<: a d r e cc o v e r s e v e n t Byly JA N E ROBISON Tin7mes-yVew's wryfer JE R O M E - In th e rich,.-ch,.- fertile fields o f southern * . diihor In th e bucolic posture;ures southwest of Jerom e, 20 eoplffi>set fire lo a huge, woewooden cross -v the Christian ymbol of peace, brotherlyt lo\love, hope and forgiveness — andnd then watched as It wenttu up p In flam es. ------ -- ------- --------------- Aa a cadre of stale and naUn a U ^ l m edia ly ^ s oti hand to ecord the event, memberss oToTthe Church bf Jesus Christ Chtihrlstlan-A ryan Nations, dededicated the field to Uie whi^hite su p rem acist m ovem ent. Grbiwds shohow support- • J : fo£uhlty agagainst racism ' durtng tw o dedemonstrations' rln Falls S ee stories3 an.>agfriBT'c "We consecrate this grourround lo your s a c re d trust," j salelid lhe Rev. Richard Butler,ler, head of the Aryan Nations Chuhurch, as the 21-foot pineI crccross, wrapped in burlap and iakcdjp.dicself-buritcdagBlnsalnsLUiehlack sky___________________ 1 7The-cross-waS'Jlt-by-Gharllarles-Tate.-^whose-son-David— ^— - * Talate is serving a prison senterntence in M issouri (o r killing a tatepatrolman:....................- 0Only o ne m an wore a whiiwhite, hooded robe of the Ku ' Klu:iux K lan, Bob M ansker of Weiser, A handful of hien wei/ere dressed In camouflageage outfits and three sported ,4 harandguns on their hips. Bulul llthe press from Denver, Sail .ake C ity, Seattle, Boise and Spokane and local media oututnumbered the congregalit;ation, who were so few they fallailed lo fo rm an unbroken line around the cross, The 30-minute event wasas Ithe third cross lighting on thehe Jero m o . farm of John E.E . IMiller, who said he was the [■ader for theA T yanN allonsnsforthestateofldaho.— f( ----------- -- S a lu rd a y ’s_cross burningig \was tb mark the .eslablsh- _ le h i fl w h i r 6S-oni O i n g g glom~on~earth~TOllga~ure~Ngr^ n r j iwesl Mountain Republic'blic-Aryari Nations and lo j reparc for Christ's return,urn. Miller said. The Aryan hurch has designated Idaho,Ida Washington, Oregon, ! 'Moi[odiana: and-^Wyoming:as-Uii;.thc-lnstJ)n3tiQn:Qt--the, great - ............ ti«l-N*w«priotoMNDVAnEKZ whIhlle hope. Five pots were_ere_ lit to sy m b o lize the five Aryan N ations menembers and partlcip;ipants, including a rob<obed clan member. leleft, circle a burningig cross 'during Saturdirday’scerem onyi. • See ARYANAN on P ag e A2 < y < ________________ iPMAM Inlerveiventionisl escalation of the11 I . .. ByFILADBLFOALlL E MAN------ , 2d States.-hesald... ......... r u s h t o) J i n i s h ^— _ — T/,e-^ssoc/afetf-Pre5re s Thee 1Foreign Mihlslry said FiF rl- that proceedings againalnsl ____ ___I j O t y y t - - --•MANAGUA.----NI nfus-would-^egih-Monda^ a t i o f f ^ Nicaraguan leader icd, ^ T t i a j o r l e g i s l s called P re sid e n t Reiteagan "the god- ^ his-decision corresponds father" Saturday anand said Reagan irm determinnllon of the go T he gav(avel came down for the year's r had In effect sen lerenced American ) a i d t o C c ■ By CLIFF HAj\S ient_of_Nlcafagua_lo provi' „ ' p n t r a s cnatc al.a:14.p;m-EDT. The- - M o - — i-.The Associiiled P ress— ...:-_ln:theScnj he- -.Eugene_Hasenfus.to rarrying out of the guarante . HousGfplloillowed suit a l9 ;3 3 p .m . ___ 2 ^rovIng Jioo million "S d TByJOANNE.QMAI' j " Eugeneoe IHasenfus. who Irtiie lone uotlvq— One—wordi” - -aaid- le process." Iha.ministry sa incssagclcT(he U.S. t;mUasJassy--------Tlx WfiHitngtuuPuPos r ’iy- - "^r-----------s w Tlyorror' Ol''a ’OlM 'emgiit plane. — ■" Maloritv Leader Bob Dole. • ||i/> nnft tl»» outh P o ngrr>grn«;«; holntffdly Senate Mt |?j_______:aJpPJ1_5t£DjQfiLU) m agua : ------------------------------- ............adjourned S a tu rd a y , -om-one day after -a • R-Kan . - wwhen-asl<ed"{o^8um_;.up.Jfie^ he^. ^presldent.-Rcagan... r r r “ “Wjw w w o t o n -*! V licadlong rush to comjjmpletc a stag- work of CoiC o n g ress.----------------------- ------------- death— sentence inot only o f ’'mI tlhal way. II has been‘ a Judiciary Commit 4hfc._ Central-::InteUigence _____ ' legislation and “This CtCongress;"in all'probablllty.iy. '' NIcaraguahT b'ut als ?d^or~thc prisoncr“Hasenfi Jce - Deportment' Agency. • gerlng'load of-m ajor Ie -asked tne- Jusuc : barely two weeks befor;forc the Nov. 4 will be rerremembered for tax reform,m, citizens, like Misleilers Cooper and to go to judicial proceedings in tl Friday to na^c,- in Conyers Jr., _ D-Mlch., -electio n s........- ---------------------------- balancing-ig.our-dcfense necds agalnslisl Sawyer, and alsoso -signing the qulckcsi:csllimepossil>le,’’ltsald. _----------- aecu lo r to-invesUg Jo h n ,. the dcm anands for fiscal restraint, andnd prison sentence ..., Ifor Hasenfus,” _ Hasersei^fus. 45. of M arinetlc, Wl5 It of R e a ^ n ait« • roan: o~f: the'H ouse JudlcTafy ' . ■ “^4or-HsHna!nabUlty-lo-find-a^uccessful-ful------- the-Nicaraguairpresesldent-saldiira— wlH-bebe-l'ried-beford-a^-^eoplc Somocista Tribunal." creaU e,-t6ld reporters the Ethior form ula lo solve the conUnulng pro-ro- nationally b ro ad castst speech. Anll-Soi Ntoragunnre^u: our national deficit,” said 93 lo prosecule those accus(iSS v erar^ t Act requires nani- _____ —_ ■ Final a r" *t T 1 0 r i S ° iL _____ „Hascnfus-Jvas_cai intcrrevolutlonaryactlvliyrty:-------------- sam e afler a rebel supply | said Foreign - Relation6ns - .Commltlee mucoodtmduct charges are “not of Wesl Virginia. down over southerern Nicaragua. Goverk-ernmcnt officials have sa ;• and' effort and- some Mon- staff, membera saBal4 they.'jwould. wholly-y - unsubstantiated” by II, William J. Cooper.;r. Identified a s Hasenfunfus would be chargcd Mo in C o n g~gress ' frustrationion" have produced "several •n in g begin laklng-swovom id^RlUons availableable evidence. "I think we hA ‘I'e p la n e 's pilot, and W allace d ay wilA'llh violating laws governlr : The Washington Postosl- .'milestonesICS • that ■ many of , the r of Magnolia, the mzmaintenance of order arand -from persoM.w liingll 40. glye.'t(^>caD meetnectthal relatively low-level ,J: Blaine Sawyer Jr. Umony on additioiional,.atlegBlIo'ns. requiremrem en t," h e sa id . • m em b erss and many congressional Ark., died In the e raash. s publics)c security. WASHINGTON -— The B9tn ob serv ers Iday *hal the counten rs never thought«posslble." Earlier, the NicIlcaraguan gov- The; UU.S. E m bassy asiced a del: yere aaid he Is “in the pro­ . Congress’ last majcm jor ,00 Ions H ouse SptSpeaker Thomas P. O'Neill ;iady or contras, have bt ■‘{} ernment turned do'lown a U.S. ‘re - so Haseisenfus' attorneys could siac of putting the cdse : as 11 neared adjourournmcnl In- j r ., D-Maslass., had said in a farewell gunrunnlng, d ngi lram.c^.n|i.i anil .^'gni,r‘ ayesl lo postpone IHasenfus’ trial the caseise. ____________________ ier” with newsmedia ____ '~~T?l0dCdtipproV 8rO'1 r!~------________ istnlemcnt; .I'J-i"— ~~TTinngy Itntndgfim^f ’ : — Contlhirin'gappr jjj------- rortwtyWekr---------- — ~ ........y ui'im-mei- U-.S.—Attun iey-G ener. S h ortlyy beforeI adjournment. Dole in Bell said F riday hc woullould The movM - folIt ^Sfi^^rgwcTOnvenFacS^ ..' ■for flacal 1987.' aI 5!JS76 bUUoa and B y rd all Bul Ortega Inslsslstcd Hasenfus Griffin 'd made the customary call d Hasenfus, bul Uiat he hehod that.-.private^.COIeo n lracto rs ap> ' vloiaUnging a June. 1984 la w b ao n in g .«sptodtog bin to pay Im___ wQuldirecelve a falolr irfal despite defend ?ay.lor_l^l_ -lo Prcsldo;dcnl Roagan 4nformlng him- ■tspokento the defendant. - - - parently-have. .usc< il.aid to Uie.contrajs except. : governmental operaiirotlons. The ,hot cona Us the approval of U.JJ.S. aid for the ‘ notyets inaress had completed its or-thc.chargcs.arc-read_Mo)M o n ^ airfields In Honduduras M d 'com-.f intelligen -------- Tmeaaufer‘U»'f~TargiiTgMt~Hingie b usiness fo '— —rcbelsrThe-funding-g-was-conlalned—— Aftor- ; forlTieyear. the defense has three daysyrs ito m"efcraV'alrpbrlS'ln Tinoney bill e v e r econsidered. -wc've ] lis In the omnibus spcpendlng bill ap- day- the cotilrias ' ^iMUi' ' ‘T hle e credibility of. the ad- e Just aboul wrapped up this ire its case. The trial1 is supplying- Uje ' was signed by/ President session of nk proved earlier byf Congress ond prepare tration in this Instance de- of Congress. ... Wc • think luled lo last from eight tolo i10 ^weaponsanameaic ■ -Ucagon salurday.l y .- I f w as w(»'vc had )le' signed S a tu rd a y by-Reagan. B ' scheduh ■'on- Its' c a n d o r-a u a -T ia h e F - id a pretty good year," Dole They also come ' needed because CorCongress did loidtheprc tb Uie law .” th e .1 1 D em d^r 3 rc sid e n t.
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