THIS WEEK IN TEXAS VOLUME 8, NUMBER 42 JANUARY 7-13, 1983 ~?-I>-~ 'S sl>-~ x,.?-\vi>-x,. ~?-o~ o~ I>-~ :-{~I>-\': o~x,. ~~0 01>-~?-S \.-~I>-\)?-" I>-\~ .\~:R~ ~~,,€ ~()/<o~ •.\.~1 'b-?)~()? ~I>-\'"~~/ . '. ~?J'b- \\?~ I>-~\) glng Dallas some of rtainment from the East and West coasts. It is a season of rich, refreshing expressions in gay dance, theatre and music. And all this from Community Productions. A Dallas COMMUNITY group providing gay men and women a viable alterna- COMMUNITY tive to explore, develop and affirm themselves as individuals and as a community, all through the arts. Now you have the chance to experience the gay arts at their best. Call 214-521-2037 or write: Commu- (S) nity Productions, 3331 Knight, Suite D, Dallas, Texas (S) 75219 now for our descriptive brochure giving you all PRODUCTIONS the information on upcoming events. PRODUCTIONS PAGE 2 TWT JANUARY 7 - 13. ~83 TWT JANUARY 7 - 13. 1983 PAGE 3 DANCE LESSONS ' 8:30-10:00 EVERY WEDNESDAY 705 RED RIVER AUSTIN 478-6806 PAGE 4 TWT JANUARY 7 - 13. 1983 Volume 8, Number 42 January 7 - 13, 1983 DALLAS INFORMATION ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES 11 TWT NEWS 31 BOOKS 39 PROFILE SIXTH TEXAS AIDS DEATH", ALIENATION LINDA CLIFFORD 55 HOT TEA REVIEWED BY BY DEAN MALONE NEW BARS, BOOKSTORES DAVID FIELDS 91 CALENDAR 34 MOVIES 46 PROFILE 95 GUIDE HONKEYTONK MAN AND PHYLLIS DILLER KISS ME GOODBYE BY ROB CLARK REVIEWED BY DEPARTMENTS GEORGE KLEIN 21 COMMENT 40 SHOWBIZ PUBLIC FORUM TUESDAY WELD, 27 A WOMAN'S PLACE SIGOURNEY WEAVER" SUNDAY, BY JUTTA BY JACK V ARSI 63 SPORTS JANUARY POOL TOURNEY", 44 ENTERTAINMENT 67 POETRY -TEXAS DANCE LESSONS VINCENT PRICE, • 71 STARSCOPE DENA KAYE ,,' JANUARY LOVESCOPE BY ROB CLARK 8:30-10:00 77 CLASSIFIED EVERY TUESDAY TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises, lnc.. at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006; phone: (713) 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photo- graph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orienta- 3912-14 CEDAR SPRINGS DALLAS 522-9611 tion of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $55 per year; $35 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas. Copyright © 1983 by Montrose Ventures, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement. news, arti- cle or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute PAGE 6 TWT JANUARY 7 - 13, 1983 TWT JANUARY 7 - 13, 1983 PAGE 7 \ \\nil THIS WEEK IN TEXAS NEWS~-- HOME OFFICE "Donald wanted to do everything he 2205 Montrose could to help educate, prevent others Houston, Texas 77006 from suffering, and convince others of (713) 527·9111 DAlLAS OFFICE the seriousness of the possible conse- 3409 OaK town Suite 206 quences of their lifestyle," said Dallas, Te)(0575219 McLaren. (214) 521·0622 "Persons wishing to help Donald's PUBUSHER/£DlTOR Chuck Patrick dream come true have been asked to FEATURESEDITOR'Siase DiStefano contribute to the Kaposi's Sarcoma TEXAS ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Rob Clark NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jack Varsi Houstonian Donald Smith-the sixth victim in Texas to die Committee," McLaren explained. Dona- of AIDS epidemic. TWT NEWS staff photo NEWS/SPORTS EDITOR ChUCk Patrick tions may be sent to P.O. Box 1155, POETRY EDlTORArr Tornoszewskl 3317 Montrose Blvd., Houston, Texas CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jim Boone. SIXTH TEXAN Harry Deutsch. Bonnie Dombroski. David F"*,s. 77006."Please specify that you are con- Weldon Grahame. Christopher Hart. Paul Herrera. DIE,S OF AIDS tributing for Donald E. Smith," TWT I'JOrold Hoye. George, Klein. Dean Malone?' JOseph Michael. Linda Parks. WJ. Quigley, HOUSTON - Donald E. Smith, 28, NEWS was reminded. Dennis Walker Smith's death from AIDS followed ALL OTHER $I/-or became the sixth victim in the Texas ART DIRECTOR Steven Douglas Fritz closely the sudden death of another PRODUCTION MANAGER Dennis Walker BOTTLED POPPERS Z for ~1 gay community to die of Acquired Im- ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow mune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) on Houstonian, Jim Jones, who succumb- GRAPHIC ARTISTS Thorn Bisping. Frank White. ed on December 4 from bilateral pneu- December 17,1982. He had been admit- Mardi Coleman. Fred Hinton. Cherokee. Sam monia. lVPOGRAPHERS WJ, QuIgley. LesHe Holmes N~W ANNOONCIN(i .• ted to Memorial Hospital in this city a TWT NEWS learned from Dr. Swinney of STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS EHGukich. month earlier on November 15. Scott TaylOr. Greg Havican. AI Macareno. the Baylor College of Medicine that Jim Hami~on. J. Robert Araya. Tom Davis. Burial was in Baltimore, Maryland on Carl Nell. Blase DiStefano December 22. Friends were encourag- Jones's eyes were donated to the col- *61-· -1*6 ed to participate in two memorial serv- lege as a result of a recent article in SALES ices to be held this Sunday, January 9. TWT NEWS. The eyes were subsequently EXECUTIVE SALES MANAGER ea~ • ea~ One service was scheduled for 11:OOam transplanted, one to an 18-year-old Jim Veteto Of(' • 0'( at St. Anne's Catholic Church. Mass woman and one to a 19-year-old man Advertising rates are available on request who were victims of an automobile ac- by telephoning the salesperson in your was to feature the choir with whom he nearest city. from 10am-5pm. weekdays, sang tenor. cident on December 26. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: A second memorial service was to be Of the six fatal AIDS cases in the Friday. one week prior to publication. held later the same day at 3:00pm at the Texas gay community, half have been AUSTIN Metropolitan Community Church of the caused by Kaposi's Sarcoma, two from Scott Taylor, . (512) 926-0253 ~~4~~ pneumonia and one from hepatitis. DALLAS Resurrection (MCCR) at 1919 Decatur, Richard Rogers, . (214) 521-0622 ~ WPE~ iI David T. McLaren informed TWT NEWS. FORT WORTH Anyone wishing to participate should Jerry Ca,ssidy , . (817)335-0742 AIDS CAUSES BLOOD HOUSTON contact (713) 939-1112. DONOR RESTRICTION Jim Veteto, ,(713) 527-9111 Smith was active in MSA bowling, be- SAN ANTONIO WE'VE S~IL\. 601IfAUJ ing a member of the Briar Patch team. HOUSTON - In the past, healthy Alan Gellman, ,(512) 492-6894 t'oVV~\\~,VAYtRS Because of his high-pitched cheer, he gay males had been able to donate CLASSIFIED DIRECTORS blood on a weekly basis at the Alpha Houston-Cheryl Chamberlain V\YES & cues was known to many as "Mr. Wonder- Dollas-Chuck North Therapeutic Corporation, 1520 Capitol OPEN ful." He also starred in a production of ACCOUNTING Doug Felix Pajama Game at the Jewish Commun- in this city. For their efforts, they receiv- OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Cheryl Chamberlain MONDAY-SATURDAY ~ CIRCULATION MANAGER LesHe Holmes ity Center. ed $40. DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Donlal Rogers JOAM-ll PM Smith was employed by Bechtel Pe- That has now been stopped, at least ASYLUM ENTERPRISES, INC. S\l~DAYS NOON-7PM troleum since May 1981 as traffic ad- temporarily, because of the recent AIDS The Corporation ministrator. However, his termination epidemic that is sweeping into Texas. PRESIDENT James D, Cagle "On December 20, 1982, a temporary VICE-PRESIDENT/TREASURERCharles M. Patrlc~ lflf~StMPLE resulted from his poor health and atten- SECRETARYJlm.D, Chappell :tt~~~ restriction was placed on all male dance record relating to his AIDS con- t c-t4> S dition. homosexuals, residents of Haiti and in- PAGE'ii PAGE 10 TWT JANUARY 7 • 13. 1983 TWT JANUARY 7 - 13. 1983 travenous drug abusers," Joel Miller, AIDS. It is known, however, that the assistant director of Alpha Therapeutic, syndrome causes a profound suppres- informed TWT NEWS. "The purpose is to sion of a critical party of the body's im- screen out those groups who have a mune system. higher incidence of AIDS," Miller ex- Commenting on GRNL's success, plained. "We want to continue to insure Steve Endean, executive director of safe products for public consumption," GRNL, pointed to the extensive use of he cautioned. the field network in securing support Because three infants have died of from key members of Congress. AIDS as a result of blood transfusions, While this initial victory is an impor- donors are being screened more care- tant step forward in gaining Congres- fully. The Center for Disease Control sional support for AIDS research, the ef- (CDC) in Atlanta reported one infant fort to obtain more funds for vital re- death resulted from blood transfused search must continue. "Our goal is to from a man who later died of AIDS. turn the ever increasing concern of the "Several hemophiliacs have also gay community about AIDS into effec- come down with AIDS," Miller told TWT tive political action," Endean explained TWT NEWS. NEWS. "- to Donors who have had hepatitis may To date, six gay males have died in still be eligible for plasma donation. All the Texas gay community from AIDS. plasma from Alpha is tested for hepa- titis in Memphis, TWT NEWS learned. CONGRESS DESIGNATES $2 MILLION FOR AIDS WASHINGTON, DC - The Gay Rights National Lobby's (GRNL) effort to increase funding for research on Ac- quired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) met with success during last month's lame duck session of Con- gress. Congress passed a Continuing Resolution funding the government for the rest of the fiscal year, which runs through September 30, 1983. In the resolution, $2 million was appropriated for AIDS research to be conducted by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
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