Manchester City Council Item 8 Planning and Highways Committee 14 February 2013 Application Number Date of Appln Committee Date Ward 100783/JO/2012/N1 24th Oct 2012 14 th February Miles Platting And 2013 Newton Heath Ward Proposal Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Approval F09340, and subsequent approvals to extend the range of A1 retail goods to be sold from the premises. Location Former Focus DIY Unit , Reliance Road/ Oldham Road, Newton Heath, Manchester, M40 1EZ Applicant PMB Holdings Limited, C/O Agent, Agent GVA, 81 Fountain Street, Manchester, M2 2EE, Description Site The application relates to a vacant retail warehouse building (Formerly occupied by Focus DIY), its associated car parking and servicing area and a cleared area which previously contained a Petrol Filling Station. The application site is located on the western side of Reliance Street and to the immediate north of Oldham Road in the Miles Platting and Newton Heath ward of Manchester. The existing building and surrounding land is in a dilapidated state and is enclosed by high level palisade fencing. The building is currently vacant and has been since Focus DIY went into administration in 2011. The application site sits part in and part on the edge of the defined Newton Heath District Centre. To the front of the site facing Oldham Road is a cleared area which until recently contained a Petrol Filling Station which was approved under planning reference 30853 in March 1988. A condition of that approval allowed the sale of a number of retail goods from the petrol filling station and included amongst other things confectionery, soft drinks, tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes. To the eastern side of Reliance Street opposite the application site is an area of industrial units; the north of the site is bounded by the recently opened Oldham Metrolink Line; to the south of the site on the opposite side of Oldham Road is an area of grassed open space with a part two part three storey red brick building forming offices and retail space; and to the west is a new residential development of houses and flats on the site of the former L’Oreal building. This residential development is progressing on site although is not yet complete. Application proposals The application seeks to vary a historic condition attached to the use of the building to extend the range of retail goods that can be sold. The current approval dating from 1979 allows for the sale of DIY related goods however subsequent applications and appeal decisions in 1982 and 1998 have extended the range of goods that could be Manchester City Council Item 8 Planning and Highways Committee 14 February 2013 sold to include furniture, carpets, live pets, pet products and use as a grooming parlour as well as DIY related products. Members of Committee will note that a report relating to a separate planning application for proposed external works to improve the building, car parking area and boundary treatments has also been prepared and is on the agenda for determination by Committee planning reference 100782/FO/2012/N1. Planning History Application No: F09340/N1 Proposal: Erection of a single storey warehouse for the display, sale and distribution of D.I.Y. goods, timber, and home improvement materials, with car parking and service area at side. Approved 07/02/1979 Application No: F13471 Proposal: Change of use from D.I.Y. Centre for storage and retail sale of furniture and carpets. Refused 30/07/1980 Application No: F14766 Proposal: Change of use of 16,295 sq. ft. of floorspace to permit their use for the retail sale of furniture and carpets, the balance to be used for DO-It- Yourself/homecare and storage. Refused 04/02/1981 Application No: F15949 Proposal: Change of use of premises to storage and retail sale of furniture and carpets. Refused 11/06/1981 Application No: 21224 Proposal: External fascia cladding to front elevation. Approved 20/03/1984 Application No: 054097/JO/NORTH2/98 Proposal: Variation of condition no.2 attached to planning ref. F09340 to allow sale of live pets, pet products and use as a grooming parlour. Approved 04/06/1998 Application No: 30853 Vacant land corner of Oldham Road/Reliance Street, Newton Heath. Proposal: Erection of new petrol filling station on vacant land. Approved 03/03/1988 Consultations Local residents were notified of the proposals no responses were received. East Manchester Regeneration – Do not object subject to conditions restricting the sale of convenience goods and trading hours as indicated in the application submission. Environmental Health – Have commented on this application and the application relating to external works to the building (reference 100782/FO/2012/N1) they recommend a number of conditions be attached to any consent relating to delivery and servicing hours. Manchester City Council Item 8 Planning and Highways Committee 14 February 2013 Highway Services – Have commented on this application and the application relating to external works to the building (reference 100782/FO/2012/N1). They comment: The applicant has submitted a Transport Statement this provides a concise analysis of the key issues associated with the application proposals. It is acknowledged that extant traffic generation for the former DIY store and the Petrol Filling Station is substantially higher than the proposed use of a discount retailer and additional smaller retail unit. In addition there is provision of the new pedestrian crossing facilities at Dean Lane Oldham Road, the linkage to new residential and the district centre will be adequate for the proposals. Policy Core Strategy The Core Strategy Development Plan Document 2012 -2027 ("the Core Strategy") was adopted by the City Council on 11th July 2012 and is the key Development Plan Document in the Local Development Framework (LDF). It replaces significant elements of the existing Unitary Development Plan as the document that sets out the long term strategic policies for Manchester's future development, the Core Strategy is to be used as the framework that planning applications will be assessed against. There are a number of relevant polices within the adopted Core Strategy relevant to the consideration of the current application in summary these are set out below. Policy SP1 relates to the overarching spatial principles which will guide the strategic development of Manchester to 2027 these include: - Beyond the Regional Centre and the Airport, the emphasis is on the creation of neighbourhoods of choice, providing high quality and diverse housing around district centres which meet local needs, all in a distinct environment. - The City is covered by regeneration areas including the City Centre. All development should have regard to the character, issues and strategy for each regeneration area as described in the North, East, Central and South Manchester and Wythenshawe Strategic Regeneration Frameworks and the Manchester City Centre Strategic Plan. - Development in all parts of the City should:- Make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods of choice including:- • creating well designed places that enhance or create character. • making a positive contribution to the health, safety and wellbeing of residents considering the needs of all members of the community regardless of age, gender, disability, sexuality, religion, culture, ethnicity or income. • protect and enhance the built and natural environment. • minimise emissions, ensure efficient use of natural resources and reuse previously developed land wherever possible. • improve access to jobs, services, education and open space by being located to reduce the need to travel and provide good access to sustainable transport provision. Policy DM1 of the Core Strategy states: Manchester City Council Item 8 Planning and Highways Committee 14 February 2013 All development should have regard to the following specific issues for which more detailed guidance may be given within a supplementary planning document:- • Appropriate siting, layout, scale, form, massing, materials and detail. • Impact on the surrounding areas in terms of the design, scale and appearance of the proposed development. Development should have regard to the character of the surrounding area. • Effects on amenity, including privacy, light, noise, vibration, air quality, odours, litter, vermin, birds, road safety and traffic generation. This could also include proposals which would be sensitive to existing environmental conditions, such as noise. • Accessibility: buildings and neighbourhoods fully accessible to disabled people, access to new development by sustainable transport modes. • Community safety and crime prevention. • Design for health. • Adequacy of internal accommodation and external amenity space. • Refuse storage and collection. • Vehicular access and car parking. • Effects relating to biodiversity, landscape, archaeological or built heritage. • Green Infrastructure including open space, both public and private. • The use of alternatives to peat-based products in landscaping/gardens within development schemes. • Flood risk and drainage. • Existing or proposed hazardous installations. • Subject to scheme viability, developers will be required to demonstrate that new development incorporates sustainable construction techniques. As set out within the issues section of this report below, the application proposals are considered to accord with policies DM1 of the Core Strategy. There are four further Core Strategy policies that are relevant to the consideration of the application. Policies C1, C2, C4 and
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