PreparingPreparing forfor thethe WorstWorst DisasterDisaster PreparednessPreparedness andand RecoveryRecovery ofof DigitalDigital MaterialsMaterials BestBest PracticesPractices ExchangeExchange 20122012 BonnieBonnie WeddleWeddle NewNew YorkYork StateState ArchivesArchives OverviewOverview z DisasterDisaster planningplanning z PracticalPractical protectiveprotective measuresmeasures z DisasterDisaster responseresponse andand recoveryrecovery AA fewfew questionsquestions .. .. .. .. DoesDoes youryour organizationorganization havehave z AA disasterdisaster managementmanagement plan?plan? z AA continuitycontinuity ofof operationsoperations (COOP)(COOP) plan?plan? IfIf youryour organizationorganization hashas aa planplan z HaveHave youyou readread it?it? z DoDo youyou knowknow wherewhere toto findfind it?it? IfIf youryour organizationorganization hashas aa planplan z DoesDoes itit includeinclude youryour organizationorganization’’ss electronicelectronic businessbusiness records?records? z DoesDoes itit includeinclude thethe digitaldigital culturalcultural heritageheritage materialsmaterials youryour organizationorganization holds?holds? DigitalDigital disastersdisasters z AnyAny disasterdisaster thatthat affectsaffects paperpaper oror filmfilm maymay alsoalso affectaffect electronicelectronic mediamedia z PaperPaper andand filmfilm maymay survivesurvive disastersdisasters thatthat completelycompletely destroydestroy electronicelectronic mediamedia z HighHigh--capacitycapacity electronicelectronic mediamedia ++ highlyhighly localizedlocalized disasterdisaster == largelarge--scalescale datadata lossloss FireFire oror highhigh heatheat z CanCan ruinruin hardwarehardware andand storagestorage mediamedia z Plastic starts melting at 125 °- 150 ° F z InternalInternal hardhard drivesdrives mostmost likelylikely toto survivesurvive BuildingBuilding collapsecollapse z MediaMedia maymay survivesurvive relativelyrelatively unscathedunscathed z MediaMedia maymay bebe destroyeddestroyed beyondbeyond allall hopehope ofof recoveryrecovery z SubstantialSubstantial delaydelay beforebefore salvagesalvage andand stabilizationstabilization beginsbegins WaterWater z MostMost commoncommon typetype ofof digitaldigital disasterdisaster z MayMay damagedamage mediamedia directlydirectly z MayMay serveserve asas aa conduitconduit forfor electricityelectricity z MayMay bebe accompaniedaccompanied byby contaminantscontaminants z MayMay promotepromote growthgrowth ofof moldmold z MayMay accompanyaccompany otherother typestypes ofof disastersdisasters z Used to fight fire z Used to keep down dust from collapsed structures z If burned or crushed media get wet, treat as water- damaged HumanHuman risksrisks z MayMay bebe internalinternal oror externalexternal z ManyMany differentdifferent typestypes z Unauthorized accessing of data z Unauthorized alteration or destruction of data z Unauthorized destruction of media or hardware z Theft of media or hardware z Damage to or destruction of facilities z Carelessness DisasterDisaster planningplanning DevelopDevelop disasterdisaster managementmanagement planplan z AA goodgood planplan z Identifies most important business records and cultural heritage content z Analyzes risks to content z Determines how to reduce risks z Outlines how to respond if disaster strikes z Increases chance of safe, speedy recovery process IdentifyIdentify vitalvital recordsrecords z SupportSupport youryour corecore businessbusiness operationsoperations z DocumentDocument youryour rightsrights andand assetsassets z Open contracts z Building project records z Transfer agreements and deeds of gift IdentifyIdentify prioritypriority contentcontent z IfIf forcedforced toto choose,choose, whatwhat wouldwould youyou save?save? z Content documenting citizen rights and assets z Property records z Student records z Employment or service records z Mission statement and collecting policy priorities z May be content created by your parent organization z May be content held by few other libraries z May be content that supports ongoing faculty/staff research z May be content generated by key creators (e.g., Governor) AssessAssess geographic/climaticgeographic/climatic risksrisks z StormsStorms z FloodFlood z EarthquakeEarthquake z WildfireWildfire Do your research! Homer Simpson: Oh, Lisa, there’s no record of a hurricane ever hitting Springfield. Lisa Simpson: Yes, but the records only go back to 1978, when the Hall of Records was mysteriously blown away! The Simpsons (“Hurricane Neddy,” 1996) AssessAssess sitesite risksrisks z InIn oror closeclose toto floodplainfloodplain z CloseClose toto aa stream,stream, river,river, oror coastlinecoastline z CloseClose toto oror belowbelow seasea levellevel z BelowBelow levieslevies oror damsdams z LargeLarge treestrees nearbynearby z CloseClose toto forestedforested areaarea z OtherOther potentialpotential hazardshazards nearbynearby z Chemical plant z Railroad tracks z Terrorist target AssessAssess buildingbuilding risksrisks z PowerPower failurefailure z FaultyFaulty wiringwiring oror transformertransformer z LeakyLeaky oror burstburst water,water, steam,steam, oror sewersewer pipespipes z GasGas lineslines z FlatFlat oror leakyleaky roofroof z LeakyLeaky windowswindows z BlockedBlocked guttersgutters AssessAssess humanhuman risksrisks z TamperingTampering z VandalismVandalism z TerrorismTerrorism z CarelessnessCarelessness AssessAssess digitaldigital--specificspecific risksrisks z MediaMedia failurefailure z AccidentalAccidental deletiondeletion z MagneticMagnetic fieldsfields z LossLoss oror thefttheft ofof hardwarehardware oror mediamedia z TamperingTampering z VirusesViruses andand TrojanTrojan HorsesHorses z UnauthorizedUnauthorized disclosuredisclosure DocumentDocument essentialessential resourcesresources z FireFire extinguishersextinguishers andand hoseshoses z GasGas andand waterwater turnturn--offoff valvesvalves z ElectricalElectrical systemsystem andand alarmalarm shutshut--offoff switchesswitches z EmergencyEmergency responseresponse kitskits InventoryInventory physicalphysical assetsassets z HardwareHardware serialserial numbersnumbers andand staffstaff assignmentsassignments z Floodwater may sweep computers off desks z First responders may unplug computers and move them around z Fans,Fans, generators,generators, andand otherother equipmentequipment thatthat mightmight bebe neededneeded inin thethe wakewake ofof aa disasterdisaster CompileCompile responseresponse resourcesresources z DisasterDisaster managementmanagement planplan z Keep a copy in a secure offsite location! z KeyKey contactcontact listslists z Staff, first responders, recovery vendors z Keep a copy with you! z InformationInformation aboutabout nearbynearby emergencyemergency sheltersshelters z RecordsRecords relatingrelating toto hazardoushazardous materialsmaterials z PhysicalPhysical assetsassets inventoryinventory z MapsMaps andand buildingbuilding plansplans z InsuranceInsurance recordsrecords WhenWhen youryour planplan isis completedcompleted z ConductConduct tabletoptabletop exerciseexercise andand reviserevise planplan asas neededneeded z DistributeDistribute planplan andand traintrain staffstaff z ReviewReview planplan periodicallyperiodically ForFor moremore informationinformation z New York State Archives, Preparing for the Worst: Managing Records Disasters z http://www.archives.nysed.gov/a/records/mr_pub82.shtml z Northeast Document Conservation Center, Disaster Planning z http://www.nedcc.org/resources/leaflets/3Emergency_Managem ent/03DisasterPlanning.php z Council of State Archivists, Emergency Preparedness Initiative z http://www.statearchivists.org/prepare/index.htm z Johanna Wellheiser and Jude Scott, An Ounce of Prevention: Integrated Disaster Planning for Archives, Libraries, and Records Centers z Available from Society of American Archivists, Amazon.com, and other vendors PracticalPractical protectiveprotective measuresmeasures ReduceReduce immediateimmediate risksrisks z AvoidAvoid keepingkeeping hardwarehardware andand mediamedia z In basements or attics z Directly on on the floor z Directly under pipes z ImproveImprove securitysecurity z Keep media and hardware secured ReachReach outout z Press building management for improvements z Small changes may make a big difference z Educate them about your holdings z Establish relationship with local first responders z Educate them about your holdings z Ask them how to further reduce risk z Consult local and state emergency management offices z May have helpful resources and connections z Conduit for federal disaster assistance z EducEducateate them re: ssalvagealvage of cultural heritage materials z Cultivate partnerships z Other state agencies may have essential resources AssembleAssemble disasterdisaster responseresponse kitskits z GeneralGeneral suppliessupplies z DocumentationDocumentation z Gloves suppliessupplies z Heavy-duty work z Preprinted forms z Surgical z Notepads z Extra records storage boxes z Pens or pencils z Industrial fans z Camera z Plastic sheeting z Waterproof tape z Portable sump pump z Permanent marker AssembleAssemble disasterdisaster responseresponse kitskits z DigitalDigital disasterdisaster suppliessupplies z Gallon-sized zippered storage bags z 45-gallon or larger plastic trash bags z Lidded plastic storage containers z Clean, lint-free cotton cloths z Several gallons of distilled water CreateCreate backupsbackups z It is easiereasier andand cheapercheaper to recover digital content from backup media z MakeMake suresure youryour backupsbackups
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