J . E 'J Tml01 .. Soc BHI T COL U\lIlI A 75 (1971'1 ). DE C 31. 1978 29 PRE-OVERWINTERING MORTALITY IN THE LARCH CASEBEARER, COLEOPHORA LARICELLA (LEPIDOPTERA: COLEOPHORIDAE), ON WESTERN LARCH IN NORTHERN IDAHO.I M. W. BROWN' AND D. L. KULHAVY' ABSTRACT During 1976, continuous sampling of t he same population cohort showed a 68% mortality in the pre-wintering larch casebearer. Co leophora laricella . in northern Idaho. The major mortality factors were density -independent; these were: premature needle drop caused by the needle diseases M eria laricis and H ypodermella laricis (18%); non-viable eggs (10%): and dis· lodgment of the eggs from the branch (10% ). Other factors were: predation. desiccation, ripening and fall of the needles, intraspecific competition. loss of larvae moving between needles, and larch-willow rust. !\,TlWOlCTION in larch and ranged from 1340 to 1365 m eleva­ The larch casebearer, Coleophora laricella tion. (Hi.ibner), is t he primary insect pest of western Four circular 0.02-ha plots were located larch, Larix occiden tatis Nutt. Originally found within each stand. One branch within 0.5-2.0 m only in the eastern European highlands on of t he ground was selected on each of six trees E uropean larch. L. decidua Mill., C. laricella is per plot. Three branches on each plot were ex­ now nearly Holarctic in distribution 1Schindl er posed to the sun, the other three were shaded. 1968). Each sample branch consisted of 100 spur­ Although researchers have investigated the shoots, counted from the terminal and includ­ biology and ecology of C. loricello (Webb 1953. ing secondary branches, or 100 casebearer eggs. Eid mann 1965, Sloan 1965), a nd a life table was whichever came first. A barrier was erected at prepared in Austria by Jagsch 11973), li ttle is the end of t he 100 spur shoots (or 100 eggs). known about pre-overwintering mortality in The larch casebearers on these 48 branches western North America. Limited data only ar e constituted our population cohort. The branch­ available on egg mortality from predation, dis­ es were selected prior to oviposition to mini­ logdment a nd failure of the egg s to hatch mize sampling bias. IBaird 1923, Sloan 1965. Denton 1972). Preda­ We sampled the same population cohort six t ion , fungi. desiccation, autumn needle fall and times beginning 1 July 1976, to ascertain the intraspecific competition cause mortality dur­ degree and the cause of mortality in C. lori­ ing the larval mining stage IJung 1942, Webb cella . Counts were made on individual spur 1950, Sloan 1965, Jagsch 1973). shoots to follow the development of individual The purpose of our study was to identify casebearers. The first two samples were made the mortality factors in the egg, mining and biweekly, and a t four-week intervals thereafter. autumn casebearing stages of the larch case­ Samp li~g continued until the fir st week of bearer, in northern Idaho. November when the larch needles had yellowed and begun to fall. By this time, nearly all the METHODS larvae had migrated to overwintering sites Two sampling areas were established in on the branch. Notes were made on the sapling stands of western larch with moderate probable causes of mortality. to heavy casebearer infestations. Stand 1 was located 7 km northwest of Troy, Latah County, Our cohort samples differed from the in a Th uja pticalal Pachistima myrsiniles samples used for other lepidopteran needle habitat type IDaubenmire and Daubenmire miners IStark 1958. Jagsch 1973), in that we 1968) : it had 18% Istems per hal larch and sampled a single cohort during the period, and ranged from 850 to 975 m elevation. Stand 2 thus avoided destructive sampling. Our method was located 35 km southwest of Lewiston, Nez permitted the incorporation of more observa­ Perce County, in an Abies grandisl P. myrsin­ tional data and a more accurate accounting ites habitat type: it had 45 % (stems per hal for the population decline. Halfway through the sampling period one I Published with the approval of the Director, Fore!:it, Wild­ life and Hange Experiment Station as Contribution No. 13 1, exposed sample branch was vandalized. Mor­ Uni versity of Idaho. Moscow. This research was aided by a tality of the mining and casebearing stages on Grant-in-Aid of Research fr om Sigma Xi. The Scientific the missing branch was estimated by averaging Research Society of North America . ~ College of Forestry , Wildlife and Range Sciences. Univer­ the mortality percentages from the other two sity of Idaho. Moscow. Idaho 83843. exposed branches on the plot. 30 J. E1\TO~10L . Soc. BH IT COLUMRIA 75 ( 1978) . OF-c . 31. 1978 TABLE I. Pre- overwintering mortality factors for the larch casebearer in northe rn Idaho, 1976. Number Factor Number d as x Age alive at responsible dyin g percent Interval beginning of x fo r d during x of 1 x 1 d f x d x x x x 100q x Egg 3122 Non - viable No -hatch 142 4 . 6 Empty 116 3 .7 Abnormal 48 1.5 Total 306 9.8 Predation 98 3 . 1 Needle Cas t 176 5.6 Needle Rust 36 1.2 Dislodged 10 0 .3 l Unknown 304 9 . 7 930 2 9.7 Mining 2192 In- t ransit 245 11.2 Larvae Needle Cas t 380 17 . 3 Needle Rust 17 0.8 Intraspecific Competition 55 2 .5 Needle Drop 114 5 . 2 Dead 71 3 .2 2 Unknown 222 10.1 1104 50 . 3 Fall 1088 Needle Cast 19 1.8 Casebearing Needle Dr op 11 1.0 Larvae Dislodged 6 0.6 Dead 7 0.6 Unknown 3 36 3 . 3 79 7 . 3 Entering 1009 To t al Mortality 2113 67 . 7 Wi nter 1 Mostly dislodgment 2 Mostly in- transit mortality 3 Mostly needle drop and dislo dgment J. E"ITO\IOI.. Soc BR I T . COL U ~ IRI A 75 (19781. D EC. 31.1978 31 HESLLTS De ns ity-Inde pe nde nt Factors Approximately two-thirds 167.7%1 of the co­ Needle-cast fungi. M eria laricis Yuill. and hort died between oviposit ion and the aLtain­ H ypodermella laricis v. Tub .. caused a decline men t of the overwintering stage (Table 11. of 18.4% in the cohor t by inducing premature Nearly 30% of t he egg s did not hatch for needle drop. Meria laricis was t he more im­ various reasons and of those that did. more portant. Nearly a ll branches were infected. than one-half of miners failed to form a case. Several branches. completely defoliated. had More than 7% of those forming a case d id not the entire resident casebearer population survive t o winter. Density-dependent factors destroyed. Needle casts were most abundant accounted for 4.9% mortality. whereas density ­ in the lower crown. independent factors were responsible for Non-viable eggs. 9.8% of the cohort (2 9.7% 62.8% mortality (Table II) . of the eggs). were divided into three categories: TABLE II. Summary of pre- overwint ering mortality fac t ors acting on the larch casebearer, northern Idaho, 1976 . Stage No _ Percent l Factor Affected Killed Mortality Density-Independent Needle Cast e , ffi,C 575 18 _4 No n-viable e No - hatch 142 4 _6 Empty 116 3.7 Abnormal 48 1.5 Total 306 9 _8 In- transit m 245 7_9 Needle Drop m,c 125 4 .0 Dead m, c 78 2 _5 Needle Rust e , m 53 1.7 Dislodged e,c 16 0 _5 2 e 304 9_7 3 Unknown m 222 7 .1 4 c 36 1.2 Density- Dependent Predation e 98 3_1 Intraspeci f i c Competition m 55 1. 8 Total e ,ffi , C 2113 67_7 1 , e = egg stage, m = mining stage, c casebearing stage 2 Mostly dislodgme nt 3 Mostly in- transit mortalit y 4 Mos tly needle drop and dislodgment 32 J . E NTO~ IOL. SOl B RIT. COI.U MBIA 75 (1978), D EC. 3 1, 1978 no-hatch, empty and abnormal. No-h atch eggs The va lu e of 3. 1% predation (6.9% including had normal shape and color. but simply failed eggs classified as empty) was considerably to hatch. Empty eggs were pale and trans­ less than had been previously reported (15% lucent when first observed, apparently lacking by Webb 1950; 5-40% by Eidmann 1965: 22% normal contents. Abnormal eggs were either by Sloan 1965; 16% by Denton 1972). Mites small and withered, or desiccated. and t rue bugs we re the most important preda­ Mining and casebearing larvae s tiLl attached tors, with a large red mite, B della musco rum to the needles during au tumn needle fall Ewing. apparently t he most im portant in Idaho accounted for a 4.0% loss. Larvae in t hi s (Denton 1972). Webb (1953) considered t hat category either failed to form a case or were predation was an important biological control attached to a needle rather than a branch for factor of C'. laricella. Predation was difficult overwintering. to ascer tain. but possible predators (spiders, Larch-willow rust, caused by Malampsoru predaceous mites, t rue bugs, and thrips, Aeolo­ paradoxa Diet. and Holw. , caused a 1.7% mor­ th rips sp. ) were present on our sample branch- tality in t he same manner as needle casts. This es. rust affected only the egg and early mining Failur of the eggs to hatch was a major stages. cause of mortali ty. Jagsch ( 1973) attributed Some eggs and casebearing la rvae were dis­ egg morta li ty to hatching difficulties: E idmann lodged by mechanical disturbances.
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