INDEX TO THE NEWCASTLE MORNING HERALD AND MINERS' ADVOCATE 19^^ PublishecJ by NEWCASTLK PUBLIC LIBRARY The Council of the City of Newcastle New South Wales. Australia 1984 N.M.H. INDEX 1. 1944 ABATTOIRS ACCIDENTS AND FATALITIES Mr. Scully lees Abattoir 1,1:2 Youth fell under train at Hexham 3.1:1 Manpower and abattoirs ; Newcastle, Maitland Man rescued child frora harbour 3.1:2 comparisons 6,1:2 Cigarette as anaesthetic : shark spear in "Rationing raeans little hardship" : Abattoir foot 6.1:2 Manager's view 11,1:2 Killed in crane accident 6,1:2 Council again interested ; Carbonising Plant Fell down hold of ship 8,1:2 at Abattoir 20,1:2 Boy buried by earth fall 29,1:3 Council refused permission : enter smallgoods Fell 15 feet from cliff 14,2:3 production 20,1:2 Shot while rabbit hunting 25,2:2 Melbourne Alderman to see Abattoir 27,1:2 Fatally burned at Steel Work* 28,2:2 Company gave up £10,000 : Maitland Abattoir Dragged by trara, escaped 2,3:3 15,3:4 Boy fatally shot in his home 20.3:2 'Bottled up' on Abattoir : Mayor resents Five injured in sulky accidents 22.3:2 charge 23.3:2 Miner killed at Homesville : buried by earth Dried mutton plant to reopen soon 24.3:2 27,3:2 New Chief Engineer at Abattoir 30,3:2 Midnight tram smash : Drivers' lucky escape Abattoir loan 6,4:2 31,3:1 Trades Hall Officials to inspect Abattoir Put work before safety : victim of explosion 7,4:4 at Ice Works 1,4:8 Union Officials visit Abattoir 19,4:2 Troop train in smash : four killed, 27 Union Official critical : Labour Council injured 13,5:4 visit to Abattoir 20.4:3 Fatally injured at Steel Works 26,6:2 Union Officials irapressed : hygiene, Woraan falls to death over cliff 30,6:1 treatraent at Abattoir 21,4:2 Wallet missing from cliff : Police seek Strike at Newcastle Abattoir 4,5:2 green panel van 1,7:2 Bottleneck at Abattoir : more cold storage Horse drags raan to death 18.8:3 space wanted 4,5:2 Five boys hurt : found unexploded bomb in Abattoir men ignore order to work 5.5:2 bush 21,8:2 Union Officers will advise resuraption at Lay in drain all night : boy falls 35 feet Abattoir 6,5:2 (Stallard) 23,9:2 Five vote raargin for strike continuance at Man killed by bu« at Mayfield 15,12:1 Abattoir 8,5:1 Council, Union to raeet on Abattoir strike AGRICULTURE 9.5:2 Work tomorrow is Federal order : Council Best season in 28 years 7,1:2 refuses Abattoir reinstateraent 10.5:2 Farraers want ammunition 5,2:4 Abattoir men vote to end strike 11,5:2 Farmers blame city for daylight saving 23,2:2 Few minor issues : adjustments at Abattoir Support million people : 25,000 raore farmer* 12,5:2 5.4:3 Union wants more labour at Abattoir 1.6:3 Farmers' alarm at raine water : appeal to Raise output, cut overdraft : Abattoir Minister 6.5:6 problera 15.6:2 Good rain in Hunter Valley ; still hope for Seniority before efficiency ; Abattoir crops 25.5:2 employee* claim 6.7:2 "Hang him!" Farraers' President censured Granted for three months : special payments 23.8:4 to slaughtermen 13,7:2 Farraing for Army : success in North, Central Inquiry move fails : cast-plus systera at Australia 7.9:4 Abattoir 13,7:2 Farraers want cheaper water 4.10:2 70 per cent drop in Abattoir killings 2,8:2 Need rain to keep season good 6.10:3 Dismissals likely at Abattoir 8,8:2 Fewer sheep, raore cattle 19,10:6 Newcastle raeat problera eases : but killings Land probleras before Agricultural Committee down at Maitland 9,8:2 26,10:6 Meat acquisition plan to cease ; but sales Fodder shortage "alarraing" : Riverina supplies will be watched 11,8:2 down 588,000 tons 30,10:2 Meal and shower rooms at Abattoir : "unfit Mechanisation will stay on Hunter farms for pigs to live in" says Union Official 31.10:2 11.8:3 Worst fodder shortage in 25 years 2.11:2 More Abattoir freezing space 24,8:2 Moving stock to coast : Singleton farmer* £5,000 amenities scherae 31,8:2 short of feed 29,11:5 Abattoir loss in raeat dispute 31,8:2 Federal grant refused : extend cold storage AIRPORTS 31,8:2 Want more raeat on hoof for Abattoir 5.9:2 Aviation officer to in»pect : deraand for Country meat works : Mr, Lawson sees threat airport improvement 12,8:2 26.10:2 Mayor asks for survey : site for aerodrorae 1,200 sheep not killed ; Judge tells men to 16,8:2 resume 15.11:2 District Park only site ; Aid, Dunkley on Abattoir profit was £17,101 16,11:2 aerodrome 17,8:2 Nature raay solve Abattoir dispute 16.11:2 Aerodrorae at Cockle Creek : suggestion to Abattoir men expected to resume today 16.11:4 Mayor 23,8:4 Two tusks meant double rate 17.11:2 Plans for airport 2,9:2 Abattoir short of haras 23.11:2 Fads about District Park : how larger Impressed by Abattoir 21.12:2 runways would affect sport 5,9:2 Oppose claims in court : Abattoir decision Investigate airport facilities 16,9:4 reversed 21. 12:2 Make second survey : Federal Officer and District Park 21,9:2 N.M.H. INDEX 2. 1944 AIRPORTS (Con't) AMBULANCES (Con't) District Park wanted for playing areas : Mr. Bower again President 12.10:2 protest against aerodrorae extension 21.9:8 Arabulance gets perrait : carnival at Swansea Eight possible sites : airfield survey 23.9:2 24.10:3 District Park not for bigger drome 27.9:2 St John Ambulance inspection 27.10:4 SportBraen against airfield extension 19.10:2 Arabulance Men want new shirts 8,11:4 No big development at District Park : Increase not granted : representation on aviation expert favours Hexham for airport Arabulance Trust 9,11:2 2,11:2 Gave First Aid under trara to pinned raan Extensions by Aero Club 1.12:2 18,12:2 ALCOHOL ANIMALS Warm beer raay be on sale soon 15.2:2 Red setter has litter of 15 2,2:2 Minister warns on poisoned liquor 19.2:2 Twin ducks frora one egg 17,2:2 No increased beer production 23.2:2 Feeding dogs in wartirae 21,2:3 No liquor on Anzac Day 21.4:2 Dogs dragged abattoir waste to Bar Beach Liraitation is extended : schooners of beer horaes 26,7:2 on Coalfield 15.5:2 Tirae off for glaraour 30,8:6 State liquor bill up : £58,000 raore for Merewether pigeon won 700 mile race 6,11:3 licence fee* 5.10:3 Chastised, "Scottie" will answer roll-call Tooth and Co. pay 13 per cent 22.11:3 today 28,11:3 Pet wallaby of R,A,A.F, Sergeant 19.12:6 AMALGAMATED ENGINEERING UNION ART A.E.U. banner for May Day 25.4:5 Portrait by Dobell wins Archibald Prize AMBULANCES 22.1:3 1,000 exhibits by children 25.1:2 Critici*ra of ambulance : Councillor adraits he Art gallery president opposed Dobell award was raisled 5.1:2 3.2:5 Shirt*, but not shorts for arabulance raen "Sun" Art Show opens today 4,9:4 17.1:2 Books, music, pictures : Mr, Evatt on City Arabulance covered 3,000,000 railes 17.1:2 cultural needs 5,9:4 Maitland first : Ambulance dress reform Missing painting again on view 19,9:3 20.1:2 Art Exhibition for Newcastle 30.9:2 Horae nursing of soldiers : St John Arabulance Art Society Exhibition 11,10:2 Scherae 21. 1:2 Art Exhibition at City Hall 16,10:2 Reciprocity araong arabulance* 10.2:2 Noted painters in Newcastle display 20,10:2 Lake Macquarie arabulance 10.2:6 Dobell says he painted characters well as New ambulance rule would be illegal 18.2:3 likeness 26,10:3 Flag for Arabulance Cadets 21.2:4 Dobell's painting : Court reserves decision St John personnel in march 28.2:2 27,10:3 Arabulance needs three new cars 9.3:2 Dobell pictures in art show 31,10:3 Long ambulance trips avoided 9.3:2 Lindsay painting not barred to children Ambulance is now M1211 25.3:2 2,11:2 Woraen drivers to go 13.4:2 "Court" not to be covered says Art Organiser Council helped ambulance : kept fleet 3.11:2 running 13.4:2 "Hypothetical storm" over Lindsay picture Ambulance started with borrowed car and £7 4,11:3 15.4:2 Newcastle reveals interest in art 8,11:2 'Slur on work' re*ented ; Arabulance Woraen Judge says Dobell's painting a portrait will resign 19.4:2 9.11:3 Arabulance chief defended 20.4:2 £1,000 surprise for arabulance 5.5:2 ATHLETICS Leads the state - Newcastle arabulance record 11,5:2 New Athletic Club forraed 31.5:6 Carbogen set expert : instruction for Lake Athletic carnival on •ports ground 28.9:2 Ambulance Men 11,5:4 Local schoolboy leaps into athletic note Arabulance Men get increase 17,6:3 2.10:6 Child's life saved by carbogen set 29,6:2 Lake Arabulance inquires about carbogen set AUSTRALIA - Air Force 13.7:2 Ambulance cars can't keep going 13.7:2 Veteran Airraen horae again 3.1:2 Arabulance work increasing 14.7:2 Air crew call up 14.1:2 Carried patient four railes 14.8:2 Has his wings (Rayraond Henry Moore) 22.1:6 Dungog wants own Ambulance Service 30,8:3 Has his wings (R.
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