USOO7442541 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7.442,541 B2 Tsubaki et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 28, 2008 (54) B-GLUCAN-CONTAINING FAT AND OIL FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS COMPOSITION AND NOVEL MCROORGANISM CAPABLE OF EP O 2223O2 5, 1987 EP O 236 124 9, 1987 PRODUCING B-GLUCAN EP O 859 061 8, 1998 JP 54-138115 10, 1979 (75) Inventors: Kazufumi Tsubaki, Tokyo (JP); JP 62-6692 2, 1987 Hiromu Sugiyama, Tokyo (JP); JP 62-11 1681 5, 1987 Yoshikazu Shoji, Tokyo (JP) JP 62-201901 9, 1987 JP 3-229702 10, 1991 (73) Assignee: Adeka Corporation, Tokyo (JP) JP 3-272663 12/1991 JP O5-345725 12/1993 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this JP 6-92441 11, 1994 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 JP 6-340701 12/1994 JP T-51080 2, 1995 U.S.C. 154(b) by 222 days. JP 09-103266 4f1997 JP 10-167972 6, 1998 (21) Appl. No.: 10/519,379 JP 10-182477 7, 1998 JP 11-2792.04 10, 1999 (22) PCT Filed: Jun. 18, 2003 JP 2001-245657 9, 2001 JP 2001-247566 9, 2001 (86). PCT No.: PCT/P03/07739 JP 2001-323.001 11, 2001 JP 2002-241784 8, 2002 S371 (c)(1), JP 2002-306.064 10, 2002 (2), (4) Date: Dec. 27, 2004 JP 2003-159011 6, 2003 (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO04/001053 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Lachance, et al. Yeast 1997, 13, pp. 225-232.* PCT Pub. Date: Dec. 31, 2003 Yurlova, N.A., Mokrousov, I.V., de Hoog, G.S. “Intraspecific Vari ability and Exopolysaccharide Production in Aureobasidium pull (65) Prior Publication Data lulans'. Antonie von Leeuwenhoek. 1995, 68, pp. 57-63.* I. Navarini et al., Structural characterization and solution properties US 2005/O2551.26A1 Nov. 17, 2005 of an acidic branched (1->3)-B-D-glucan from Aureobasidium pull lulans, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Oct. (30) Foreign Application Priority Data 1996, vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 157 to 163. K. 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CI2N I/02 (2006.01) A61 K 47/00 (2006.01) * cited by examiner AOIN 63/OO (2006.01) Primary Examiner Cecilia Tsang (52) U.S. Cl. ................... 435/254.1; 424/93.5; 424/439; Assistant Examiner—Aaron J Kosar 435/41; 435/72; 435/243; 435/261 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Young & Thompson (58) Field of Classification Search ....................... None See application file for complete search history. (57) ABSTRACT (56) References Cited A B-glucan-containing fat and oil composition contains B-glucan of microorganism origin or basidiomycete origin. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The B-glucan-containing fat and oil composition has f-glu can uniformly dispersed in a food without worsening the 3,827,937 A 8, 1974 Kato et al. texture, taste etc. of the food. The novel microorganism can 3,912,591 A 10, 1975 Kato et al. efficiently produce 3-glucan which has a high activity and 4,769,363 A * 9/1988 Misaki et al. ................. 514/54 favorable qualities as B-glucan of microorganism origin as 4,965,347 A 10, 1990 Misaki et al. described above from less expensive saccharides such as 5,019,514 A 5, 1991 Bocket al. Sucrose at a high production speed. 5,480,662 A 1/1996 Boode-Boissevain et al. 6.426.201 B1 7/2002 Morgan 4 Claims, No Drawings US 7,442,541 B2 1. 2 B-GLUCAN-CONTAINING FAT AND OIL uniformly mix f-glucan with materials of processed foods by COMPOSITION AND NOVEL the method (1) or (2). Processed foods having fB-glucan added MCROORGANISM CAPABLE OF thereto by the method (1) or (2) suffer from impairment of PRODUCING B-GLUCAN texture or reduction of commercial value, such as uneven baking. TECHNICAL FIELD The methods (3) and (4) are advantageous in that B-glucan can be incorporated into processed foods relatively uniformly The present invention relates to a fat and oil composition and that the B-glucan content in processed foods can be containing B-glucan originating in microorganisms or basidi adjusted freely. However, the extracted and purified B-glucan omycetes. The fat and oil composition of the invention has 10 has problems arising from its high water absorptivity. If such B-glucan uniformly dispersed in fat and oil. Added to a food, B-glucan is added as such to, for example, a dough mix etc., the composition provides the food with uniformly dis containing wheat flour as a main ingredient, and the mix is persed B-glucan having bioregulatory functions and also with kneaded together with water, the B-glucan forms lumps to enhanced taste, texture, and flavor. make non-uniform dough, which results in processed food The present invention also relates to a novel microorgan 15 products with reduced taste and texture and reduced quality. ism useful for obtaining B-glucan and a process of producing When B-glucan previously dissolved in water is added to a f-glucan using the microorganism. dough mix (mostly in powder form), the resulting B-glucan containing foods can have B-glucan dispersed therein rela BACKGROUND ART tively uniformly. In this case, however, dissolving B-glucan in water needs much time, the aqueous Solution takes on viscos Beta-glucans are material attracting attention for the utility ity, and it is not easy to obtain a uniform aqueous solution. because of their excellent bioregulatory functions that have Accordingly, to dissolve in water is an impractical operation recently been analyzed, such as lipid metabolism improving that impairs the workability on site. action, intestinal regulatory action, blood Sugar controlling It has therefore been awaited to establish a convenient action, antitumor effect, and immune enhancing action. 25 process for producing processed foods in which B-glucan of Application of Such material to a broad range of processed microorganism or basidiomycete origin is uniformly dis foods will bring extreme benefits, not only contributing to persed and to develop such a B-glucan material. enhancement of functionality of processed foods (addition of Beta-glucans activating the immune system include plant value) but matching the expectation of contribution to public cell wall components (see JP-B-62-6692 and JP-A-2001 health maintenance. Beta-glucans occur in a variety of organ 30 323.001), those present in the hymenia and the mycelia of isms, including microorganisms, basidiomycetes, and plants, basidiomycetes (mushrooms) (see K Sasaki et al., Carbohy chiefly constituting the skeleton of the organisms. Beta-glu drate Res., vol. 47, 99-104 (1976) and JP-A-5-345725), cell cans, for the most part, serve to make up cell walls. Beta wall components of microbial fungi, and those secreted and glucans are composed mainly of glucose polymers having at produced out of fungi. least two kinds of B-1-2, 1-3, 1-4, and 1-6-D-glucopyranose 35 It is generally well known that the cell wall components of bonds. any microorganisms contains 3-glucans and exhibit immune JP-T-2001-501996 studies B-glucans derived from grains enhancement. Among them yeast fungi (see JP-A-54-1381 15 and gramineous plants. Some B-glucans from grains and and JP-A-9-103266), lactic acid bacterial fungi (see JP-A-3- gramineous plants contain polyphenols, which can cause a 22970 and JP-A-10-167972), fungus of Aureobasidium (see coloration problem. Moreover, the B-glucans from these ori 40 JP-B-6-92441), etc. are known to be of high safety and high gins are expensive due to low original B-glucan contents, utility value as foods. which puts a limit on applicability to foods. Microorganisms that are known to secrete and produce Among microorganisms and basidiomycetes there are B-glucan out of fungi exhibiting immune system enhance strains which secrete the same B-glucan out of fungi as their ment include the genus Macrophomopsis, the genus Alcali cell wall component under Some cultivation conditions. The 45 genes producing curdlan (see Syokumotusen-i no kagaku, cell wall of microorganisms and basidiomycetes contain a Asakura Shoten, 1977, 108), and Aureobasidium pullulans large quantity of 3-glucan. (see Agaric. Biol. Chem., 47(6), 1983, 1167-1172 and JP-A- Beta-glucan of microorganism or basidiomycete origin, 6-340701). including B-glucan secreted out of fungi by microorganisms The B-glucans present in the hymenia and the mycelia of or basidiomycetes, B-glucan harvested from microorganisms 50 basidiomycetes (mushrooms) have high immune enhancing or basidiomycetes by isolation, extraction, purification or like activity, and some of them, exemplified by lentinan extracted means, cell wall components of microorganisms or basidi from the hymenia of Lentinus edodes, have been made use of omycetes, and fungi per se, can or could be added to pro as medicines. In general, however, production off-glucan by cessed foods, for example, as follows. (1) Culture fungi col the hymenia and the mycelia of basidiomycetes (mushrooms) lected from the culture of microorganisms or basidiomycetes 55 greatly varies depending on the growth or cultivation condi are added directly to raw materials of processed foods.
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