Year 3 (III). 20. The coinage of Syria under Persian occupation (610-630). Abbreviations used are (tc): this coin; (Ppc): Pottier 20.4. plate coin; (Pcc): Pottier categorisation code. P. (Rev.) 4a (tc). 6.52 gms. 000. Class I; Consular bust of Phocas. 1994.14. Year 2 (II). 20.1 (15.82).* P. (2004) 2.3 (tc). Year 4 (II/II). 11.87 gms. 140. 507.95.1 20.5. P. (Rev.) 8b.2 (tc). 8.51 gms. 180. 3 1935.13. Class II(1); Phocas and Leontia (m). Year 2 (II). 20.2. P. (Comp.) 3.8 (tc). 10.09 gms. 010. 190.06.2 20.6.* Pcc 7, 4a-1. 8.25 gms. 000. 1600b.11. 20.3. P. (2004) 3.2 (Ppc). 9.01 gms. 020. 322.90. 278 20.7. 20.11. P. (2004) 8 (tc). P. (2004) 10.4 (tc). 6.76 gms. 330. 8.19 gms. 210. 429.93. 359a.90. (Þ III Year 9 / /¡). 20.8.* P. (Comp.) 8c.1 (tc). 6.87 gms. 200. 1042.06. 20.12. P. (2004) 13.1 (Ppc). 15.27 gms. 220. 516.95. Year 5 (Š/III). 20.9.* P. (2004) 10.2 (tc). 13.55 gms. 230. 578.96. 20.13. P. (2004) 13.2 (Ppc). 13.37 gms. 190. 517.95. 20.10. P. (Rev.) 10.5 (tc). 8.56 gms. 010. 1549.11. 279 Class II(1); Phocas and Leontia (m). Year 9 (Þ/III/¡). 20.17. P. (Rev.) 14.2 (tc). 13.12 gms. 140. 5 1583.11. 20.14. P. (2004) 13.3 (tc). 11.48 gms. 090. 359n.90. Year 8 (Þ/II). 20.18. 20.15. P. (2004) 15.1 (Ppc). P. (Rev.) 11a.2 (tc). 9.34 gms. 090. 8.27 gms. 220. 518.95. 1952.13.4 Class II(2); Phocas and Leontia (M). Year 7 (1/I). 20.19. P. (2004) 15.1 (Ppc). 9.19 gms. 330. 519.95. 20.16.* P. (2004) 14 (Ppc). 9.00 gms. 000. 636.99. 280 Year 14 (X/IIII). 20.23. Pcc 22a.3. 20.20.* 10.48 gms. 050. P. - . 2062.14.7 14.48 gms. 220. 1996.14. Year 15 (X/III/II). 20.24. P. (Rev.) 22b (tc). 7.07 gms. 220. 1581.11. 20.21. P. (2004) 16.3 (tc). MIB x35. 10.18 gms. 000. 298.89.6 20.25. P. (2004) 22.1 (Ppc). Year 20 (XX). 7.13 gms. 160. 530.95. Year 8 (1/II). 20.22. P. (Rev.) 17.2 (tc). 8.60 gms. 340. 1932.13. 20.26. P. (2004) 26.1 (Ppc). MIB x33. 8.13 gms. 070. 426.93. Class IV(1); Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (m). Year 4 (II/II). 281 Class IV(1); Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (m). Year 8 (1/II). 20.30.* P. (2004) 32.2 (tc). 5.16 gms. 270. 470.95. 20.27. P. (2004) 26.3 (tc). 8.16 gms. 090. 523.95. 20.31. P. (2004) 32.4 (Ppc). Class IV(2); Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine 12.46 gms. 040. (M). 367.90. Year 4 (II/II). 20.28. P. (2004) 29.1 (Ppc). 7.70 gms. 200. 359p.90. 20.32. P. (2004) 32.5 (tc). 5.81 gms. 150. 457.95. Year 5 (II/III). Year 8 (1/II). 20.29. P. (2004) 30.1 (Ppc). MIB x32 (plate coin). 10.40 gms. 200. 524.95. 20.33. P. (2004) 32 (Ppc). 9.72 gms. 040. 527.95.8 Year 7 (1/I). 282 20.34. 20.38. P. (Rev.) 34a (tc). P. (2004) 37.3 (Ppc). 8.43 gms. 000. 7.99 gms. 000. 1519.10. 415.92. 20.35.* KYZI. 20.39. P. 34b (Pcc 8A-f2). P. (Rev.) 38.3 (tc). 7.92 gms. 070. MIB x34. 2083.15. 11.38 gms. 190. 724.01. 20.36.* P. (Rev.) 35a (tc). 8.69 gms. 240. 20.40. 1644.12. P. (2004) 39.1 (Ppc). 10.43 gms. 040. 653.99. 20.37. P. (2004) 37.1 (Ppc). 20.41. 9.90 gms. 260. P. (Rev.) 42.4 (tc). 525.95. 5.51 gms. 270. 797.02. 283 Year 12 (X/II). Class IV(2); Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (M). Year 12 (X/II). 20.42.* P. (2004) 43.3 (tc). MIB x39. 9.19 gms. 55.84. 20.46. P. (2004) 49 (Ppc). 9.05 gms. 090. 526.95. 20.43. P. (Rev.) 44.7 (tc). 11.18 gms. 040. 1951.13. 20.47. P. (2004) 51 (Ppc). 8.13 gms. 200. 522.95. 20.44.* P. (2004) 48.2 (Ppc). 10.60 gms. 320. Year 13 (X/III). 432b.93. 20.48.* P. (Rev.) 52.15 (tc). 8.80 gms. 200. 9 960.04. 20.45. P. (2004) 48.1 (tc). 8.61 gms. 000. 359k.90. 284 Class IV(2); Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (M). Year 13 (X/III). 20.49. P. (2004) 52.2 (Ppc). 8.17 gms. 230. 528.95. 20.53. P. (2004) 59.1 (Ppc). 10.46 gms. 220. 520.95. 20.50. P. (2004) 52.3 (Ppc). 6.78 gms. 000. 529.95. 20.54. P. (2004) 61.3 (tc). 9.86 gms. 090. 521.95. 20.51. P. (2004) 54.3 (tc). MIB x30. 7.61 gms. 010. 359b.90. 20 nummi; year 11 (IX). 20.55. P. (Rev.) 66.1b (tc). 4.92 gms. 030. 10 1938.13. 20.52. P. (2004) 59.2 (tc). 6.97 gms. 180. 652.99. 285 Class V; Justin and Sophia enthroned (M). Series 2. Series 1. Year 6 (1). Year 6 or 7 (U/I). 20.59. P. (Comp.) 69.2 (tc). 9.20 gms. 040. 20.56.* 964.04. P. (Rev.) 70.3 (tc). 10.03 gms. 090. 1931.13. Year 11 (X/I). Year 14 (X/IIII and X/III/I). 20.60.* P. 78.2a (Pcc). 20.57. 12.41 gms. 180. P. (2004) 79.1 (Ppc). 1437.09.11 9.68 gms. 180. 359j.90. 20.61. P. (Comp.) 78.6 (tc). 20.58. 9.82 gms. 170. P. (2004) 80.2. 946.04. 7.80 gms. 340. 371.90. 286 Class V; Justin and Sophia enthroned (M). Year 13 (X/III). 20.65. P. (Rev.) 73.6 (tc). MIBEC x7. 7.53 gms. 150. 945.04. 20.62.* P. (Comp.) 80.4 (tc). 10.65 gms. 180. 1921.13. Uncertain. Year 10 (X). Series 3. Year 8 (1/II). 20.66.* NIKO; A. P. - . 20.63.* 8.83 gms. 340. P. (Rev.) 72.5 (tc). 1362.08. 7.95 gms. 140. 1917a.12.12 Year 10 (X). 20.67. NIKO; A. P. - . 5.87 gms. 180. 1397.08. 20.64. P. (Rev.) 76a (tc). 6.47 gms. 040. 424a.92. Series 4. Year 9 (1I/II). 287 Class V; Justin and Sophia enthroned (M). Class VII; Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Martina. Year 13 (X/III). Year 12 (X/II). 20.68. KYZ; A. 20.71. P. (Rev.) 78c (tc). P. (Comp.) 90.1 (tc). 9.45 gms. 180. 9.65 gms. 190. 1970.13. 535.95. Imitations of Isaurian folles. Class VI(1); Maurice Tiberius (m). Year 3 (III). 20.72.* 20.69. P. (Rev.) AA2-4 (tc). P. (Rev.) 81a.2 (tc). 12.30 gms. 160. 11.48 gms. 180. 1608.12. 1411.08. Class VI(2); Maurice Tiberius (M). A secondary mint during the Persian occupation. Year 13 (X/III). Series 1 (m). 20.70. 20.73.* P. (Rev.) 86b (tc). P. (2015) 2 (tc). 11.43 gms. 180. 12.22 gms. 090. 1967.13. 544.95. 288 Series 2 (M with date arrangement G/II) – heavy Year 13 (X/III). module. 20.77. 20.74.* P. - . P. (2015) - . 6.47 gms. 200. 10.82 gms. 170. 531.95. 532.95. REFERENCES AND GENERAL NOTES This chapter, in addition to the coinage of the Syrian mint itself, includes a series of related coins examined and published, or intended to be published, by Henri Pottier (catalogue number 20.75.* 20.73 onwards). Further research is needed to P. (2015) 7 (tc). establish the relationship between the groups. For 12.78 gms. 180. the reasons explained there, coins of Class V 545.95. (Justin and Sophia) series 3 are catalogued as the products of a military mint (see chapter 9). Pottier, H., Le Monnayage de la Syrie sous L’Occupation Perse (610–630), Cahiers Ernest- Babelon 9, CNRS Editions, Paris, 2004. Uncertain issues of the Syrian or secondary mint (Abbreviation - P. 2004). (NIKO/à). Goodwin, A., Review of Pottier (2004) in the Year 3 (II/I). Numismatic Chronicle, 2005, pp. 406-409. Pottier, H., Le Monnayage de la Syrie sous L’Occupation Perse. Complément au Catalogue SP, Revue Numismatique 2010, pp. 447-476. (Complément; abbreviation - Comp.) Pottier, H., Révision (2015) (abbreviation - Rev.). 20.76.* P - . Pottier, H., Seventh century “barbarous” Folles: a 12.27 gms. 340. Secondary Mint in the Eastern Part of the 2017.14. Byzantine Empire under Persian Rule, Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East 4, pp. 17- 26, Archetype Publications (London), 2015. (Coinage and History 4; P. 2015.) Pottier, H. (private correspondence). 289 The Syrian mint. responsibility alone.) The Pcc omits the specific reference numbers allocated to obverse and The body, or bodies, that authorised and executed reverse dies. There are occasional references to the issue of these non-regular coins is sometimes “dies not noted in Pottier”, however. simply referred to as the Syrian mint. The output of the major Syrian mint, which Pottier believes Where there is no doubt as to the meaning, the may have been located at Emesa and which issued supposed dates of the coins – either the “regnal” coins during what is sometimes called the last year or an indictional date - are given in the entry.
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