? . l o O f a G Part 9 The Monthly Journal of the INSTITUTE OF METALS and METALLURGICAL ABSTRACTS CONTENTS ECMNIK Institute News and Announcements Institute of Metals and American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Personal Notes Local Sections News International Association for Testing Materials 746. The Scientific O rganization of W orks. Autumn Lecture. By P. Chevenard 435 747. Methods for the Examination of Therm al Effects due to O rd er-D iso rd er Trans­ formations. By C. Sykes and F. W . Jones 469 748. The N atu re of the Solid Solution of A n ti­ mony in Lead. By N. W . Ageew and I. W. Krotov 493 Appointm ents Vacant and Required 502 Metallurgical Abstracts 337- 384 SEPTEMBER 1936 Copyright Entered at Stationers* Hall From our wide range we are able to supply refractory mat­ erials of high quality suitable for most industrial purposes. In our various works, which are modern in design and equipment, care is taken in every stage of manufacture to ensure that our products are maintained at a uniformly high standard. For fuller particulars, as, for our Pamphlet, No. 1■ 'B tU E B E L t; SCOTLAND Are you anxious when you test T When you are working to a strict specification, can you witness the tests with a tranquil mind, knowing that you have “ plenty to spare,” or are you conscious that your results are likely to he on the border line? \ our analysis may he right, your foundry technique beyond criticism, and yet your results may he only just passable, whereas your competitor sails through with flying colours. The difference is the difference between virgin metal and reinelted scrap. For reliable castings use VIRGIN METAL. BRITISH ALUMINIUM Co. L id . HEAD OFFICE: ADELAIDE HOUSE. KING WILLIAM STREET. L0HD0M.E.C.4. Mtt>hone Mł/ii-o* Hon it 35 tN 1 8 0 7 4 : CRYOllTf B ilG A il LONDON IONDON W ABiNOUS! ' ItNMIAGHAM 4 : MANCHESTER 3 ' U tO S . J MUSTTX, I K iW C A S T U OK TY M I ’ G U SG O W O i y 21 P w l « »0*4 NW.I Slrert 274 H o n S l.lw iilt U.lburn Hout* u * LASTING MIRROR-BRIGHT DRY BRIGHT ANNEALING WITH SAVING IN OPERATING COSTS Typical bell type bright annealing furnace installation. Uutput ou tons perweek or copper wire. Enquiries lo ELECTRIC RESISTANCE FURNACE CO. LTD. ELECTRIC FURNACE COMPANY LIMITED ELECTRIC RESISTANCE FURNACE CO. LTD. 17 VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.1 TELEPHONES, ABBEY 4171 (5 lines) TELEGRAMS, ELECTRIFUR,P H O N E ,L O N D O N ' Lindum iv BRASS, COPPER CU PRO-NICKEL ALUMINIUM- BRASS W E also make Sheet and Strip in Brass, Copper, Bronze and Nickel Silver, etc., Extruded Rods and Sections, and also “ DURALUMIN ” of which we are the sole makers. Jam C S i/OOlllSVoinpanij'liiiiitd AR.GYLE STREET WORKS, BIRMINGHAM,7. Telephone: EAST 1221 (P.B.E.). Telegrams: “ Booth, Birmingham.” Cables: Lieber's 5 letter. A.B.C. 6th Edition. Bentley’s Second Phrase. W estern Union, V For the economical production of tubes with absolutely uniform wall thickness we supply t u b e e x t r u s io n PRESSES of vertical or horizontal type, also the required power water plants consisting of pressure pumps and accumulators, the latter of the electrically controlled, com­ pressed-air loaded type without any pistons or floats, for which the HYDRAULIK Co. owns patents in all countries of the world. British Agents: Aabacas Engineering Co., Ltd., 10 Canning Place, Liverpool, I vi SHEETS, CIRCLES, MATTINC IN 98-99 °/o PURE METAL ROLLED MANGANESE AND SILICON ALLOYS ALUMINIUM CORPORATION LTD. WELLINGTON HOUSE, BUCKINGHAM GATE, LONDON, S.W.I Telephone: Whitehall 7665 & 7666 Telegrams: Fluxode, Sowest, London Vll ELECTRIC FURNACES MADE IN ENGLAND These are typical examples of the manyG.E.C.furnaces now used in various branches of industry. The number installations is in­ creasing rapidly. Users find that G.E.C. Furnaces prove highly profit­ able, ensuring low working costs as well as being com­ pletely dependable, precise in operation and simple to control. Top view shows the pouring of a charge Ifrom the capacity ing furnace at the works of Jonas & Colver (Novo) Ltd., Sheffield. Middle view, three furnaces for general heat treatment at the works of John Lang & Sons, Ltd., Johnstone,Glasgow. Lower view, G.E.C. installation for bright annealing by the Grünewald process at the works of J. J. Habershon ''’¡sag® & Sons, Ltd., Holmes, Rotherham. Manufacturers THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Head O ffice: Magnet House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2 viii THE IDEAL ZINC-BASE DIE-CASTING ALLOYS The various grades of “ Mazak” are manufac­ tured accurately to patented formulae. Advice will be gladly given as to the alloy best suited to any particular problem. “ Mazak” alloys are made only by National Alloys Limited. NATIONAL ALLOYS LIMITED ASSOCIATED WITH IMPERIAL SMELTING CORPORATION, LIMITED 95 GRESHAM STREET, L O N D O N , E.C.2 PHONE: METropolitan 9252 SOLE SELLING AGENTS: m orris ashby ltd., 17 Laurence pountney LANE, LONDON, E.C.4 PHONE; MANsion House 8383 GRAMS: Ashby, London ix Sheet metal cold rolling mills We Build heavy-duty cold rolling mills for all sheet widths. Demag rolling mills are equipped with special devices for adjusting the rolls and accordingly w o rk w ith maximum accuracy. DEMAG AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, DUISBURG, GERMANY For further particulars apply to E. HAFELS, 119 VICTO RIA STREET, L O N D O N , S .W .I X INCREASED CAPACITY WITH SAME DEAD WEIGHT aluminium alloys in excavator buckets and grabs By the use of aluminium-strong alloys in excavator buckets and grabs, it is possible to increase tlie carrying capacity by at least 25°/0, without any increase in dead weight. Automatically, the operating efficiency is thereby increased. Buckets made from aluminium alloy with a carrying capacity of 17 cu. yds. are actually in operation. NORTHERN ALUMINIUM Co. Ltd. BUSII HOUSE, ALDWYCH, LONDON, W.C.2 Telephone : Temple Bar 8844 (<? lin e s ) Also at BIRMINGHAM, MANCHESTER, BRISTOL and GLASGOW x i WARE THE THERMAL SYNDICATE LTD. Alumina W are (99-9% AI2Oa) is suitable for working temperatures Established over thirty years up to 1950° C. and is highly resist­ Head Office and W o rk s: ant to fused metals, oxides, and salts. Tubes, crucibles, boats, WALLSEND-ON-TYNE and other vessels will be found London depot: Thermal House, 12-14 Old Pye invaluable in metallurgical and St., Westminster, S.W.1 ceramic work at high temperatures. STERLING METALS LTD MW ¡STERMET; SAND & DIE CASTINGS SAND CASTING «O* REC O. N o. 529478 PRE.SUECTIVE TTPE GEARBOX AS SU**- RlllO TO THE ASSOOATEO EQUIP­ MAGNESIUM ALLOYS MENT CO ITO TELEPHONE : TELEGRAMS: COVENTR Y 8035 STERMET PHONE (3 LINES) COVENTRY COVENTRY % SIEMENS ELECTRIC FURNACES with FORCED AIR CIRCULATION The powerful circulation of heated air over the charge ensures a high degree of tem­ perature uniformity and entirely prevents local overheating. The Siemens-Betz fan used in this furnace has an efficiency of over 7 0 $ and can circulate the air in either direction. Advt. of Messrs. Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain) Ltd., Offices and W orks: Great W est Road, Brentford, Middlesex. Tel.: Ealing 171. Branch Offices and Agents: Glasgow, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham. • Bring your reference library up to date • • • A copy of our new Catalogue with details of Britain’s finest Precision Balances and Weights gladly sent free on request to any industrial or educational laBoratory. Please state whether interested in Chemical Balances, Assay Balances, or Both. Founded In London, 1849. L. OERTLING Ltd., 65 HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON, E.C.1 "AERAL" ALUMINIUM CASTING ALLOY The following are particulars for all existing B.S.I. and D.T.D. specifications which call for a definite elongation. B.S.I. D.T.D . AERAL 3L5 4LII L33 I33B I65 23! 240 264 272 294 Ult. Tensile Strength, tons/sq. in. 9 7-5 IO-5 II 9 IO II 12 II 14 CM per cent. Proof Stress . 3'5 3'5 3'5 7-5 5 3 64-5 8 11 Elongation per cent, on 2 in. .2 I'5 5 2'5 3 5 I'5 2 2 3 WILLIAM MILLS LTD. GROVE STREET, BIRMINGHAM, 18 x iv Cutting Lubricant S.1269 for working HIGH CHROMIUM STEELS An extract taken from a customer's letter recently received reads — "Your 'Maxima' Cutting Oil S.1269, as supplied for S.l and S.80 steel, compares very satisfactorily with -------- and we are of the opinion that we can increase the speeds of the machines with your oil, which should be a decided advantage." "Maxima" S.1269 is manufactured by an exclusive new process, and the following extract from our laboratory reports will serve to illustrate the ratio of efficiency under abnormal conditions of stress compared with ordinary types of straight cutting lubricants. Tests on some well-known cutting oils made by the Cornell Friction Testing Machine for the determination of the film strength of various oils under conditions of extra pressure:— Grade o f OH: Pressure in Pounds Attained Lab. Ref. Before OH Film Disrupted B.19 .................. 1010 M.869 .................. 1780 M .901.................. 2090 MAXIMA S.1269 2750 Manufacturers of Water Soluble and Straight Cutting Oils suitable for working every class of metal. Enquiries are invited and full information will be gladly given by our Technical Department. BARRETT, TAGANT & G0TTS LTD Corrisson Works, Wandsworth Bridge, London, S.W.6 and Chase Street Works, Red Bank, Manchester THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD FACULTY OF METALLURGY Professor .
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