Upper Respiratory Infection (URI/Common Cold) Kathly M. Jean-Gilles, MSN, RN, RRT-NPS, FNP Gregory A. Wagoner, MD, MBA n upper respiratory infection (URI) generally refers to the common cold. Infection may involve any of the airways and air passages above the lungs, Aincluding the bronchi, trachea, throat, nose, and sinuses. Other ailments included in this category are acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, pharyngitis, and acute sinusitis. The common cold, the most frequently URIs generally last about one week. One in acquired illness in the USA, is caused by more than four people will have symptoms for 2 weeks or 200 known viruses. Rhinovirus causes the largest longer. When these signs and symptoms are focal, number of viral URI’s, but other etiologies include: particularly severe, or persist for longer than two Viral Exanthem. • parinfluenza virus; weeks, clinicians must evaluate for more serious This fine reddish • adenovirus; conditions such as tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis, macular rash is diffuse and typical of • coronavirus; pharyngitis, or pneumonia. many viral illnesses. • coxsackievirus; The common cold must be differentiated from This man developed • echovirus; and streptococcal pharyngitis, or strep throat, which a URI several days • respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). requires early antibiotic treatment. As noted in the later, which resolved within one week. chapter on streptoccal pharyngitis, early treatment Photo by URI is a self-limited illness, generally resolving of strep throat can prevent rheumatic fever but not Howard Koh MD on its own without major complications or specific the glomerulonephritis caused by immune complex treatment. A thorough review of the published deposition. People with streptococcal infection information indicates that antibiotics are rarely may show a higher fever (to 104°F/40°C), and the beneficial. physical examination may show tender anterior cervical lymph nodes and large inflamed tonsils with Symptoms gray-white exudate. Cough is often absent in strep Typical symptoms of an upper respiratory throat but almost always present in URI. infection include nasal discharge and congestion, coughing, sneezing, headache, sore or scratchy Complications throat, chills, and general malaise. Some people The common cold rarely leads to secondary experience burning eyes and pressure in the ears bacterial infections that require antibiotic treat- and sinuses. Adults rarely have fever with URIs, ment. Persistent signs and symptoms, including and when present the fever is often less than 101°F progressive dyspnea (shortness of breath) and the (38.3°C). Children can experience fevers as high as production of purulent sputum, may indicate a 102°F (38.9°C). specific bacterial infection (tonsillitis, otitis media, The Health Care of Homeless Persons - Part 1 - Upper Respiratory Infection (URI/Common Cold) 165 sinusitis, pharyngitis) that requires treatment with confirm Streptococcus presence. antibiotics. Direct complications of the URI, such as bacte- rial bronchitis, sinusitis, and otitis media, need to Prevalence and Distribution be identified and treated with the proper antibiotic. Upper respiratory infection is the most Clues to the occurrence of secondary bacterial infec- common and the most expensive illness in the USA, tion include: representing 9% of the practice of the average family • fevers over 101°F (38.3° C) in adults and physician or pediatrician. Each year, adults get an 102°F (38.9°C) in children; average of 2-4 colds, while children get an average of • green or yellow purulent drainage from the 6-8 colds. Although most cases are mild and usually nose accompanied by headache or facial last about a week, colds are the leading cause of lost pain; days at work and at school. • cough that produces green or yellow spu- URIs are very common because large numbers tum; of viruses are able to cause these signs and symptoms. • pain in one or both ears (more than a Because the human body does not develop effective sensation of pressure). immunity, these organisms cause reinfection of These symptoms often show the need for humans. Adults with children in the home have laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis. Useful more colds than those without children, presum- tests include a throat or sputum culture, a sinus or ably due to the children’s exposure to a wide variety chest x-ray, and a complete blood count (CBC). An of organisms at school. Cigarette smokers have the elevated white blood count almost always points to same incidence of colds as nonsmokers, but the something other than the common cold. illness is usually more severe in smokers. Children of smokers have a higher incidence of URIs than Treatment children of non-smokers. The common cold is caused by viruses and should never be treated with antibiotics. Taking Transmission antibiotics unnecessarily can lead to antibiotic Upper respiratory infections can be transmitted resistance, a potentially dangerous situation in by direct contact, infection from surface particles, or which infection-causing bacteria become immune inhaling infectious viral particles. Young children to the effects of certain antibiotics. Unnecessary may serve as the reservoir of these infections, passing antibiotic use also increases the potential for adverse infection to one another at school and into homes. drug reactions. Symptomatic therapy remains the URIs are thought to spread when infected people mainstay of common cold treatment. cough, sneeze, or rub secretions onto their hands. Drinking plenty of fluids will help prevent They then pass the disease to others who infect dehydration from coughing and low-grade fevers. themselves when they rub their eyes or touch their Bedrest, if the shelter setting permits, can help noses or mouths. with the general fatigue that accompanies a cold, Infected people may also sneeze or cough hasten recovery, and minimize transmission of the infected droplets into the air. The droplets can then virus. Saline gargles can reduce the pain of a sore land directly on other people’s mucous membranes throat. Decongestants such as pseudoephredrine or on surfaces (such as toys) mouthed by others. (SudafedTM) are designed to decrease nasal secre- Secretions generally lose their infectivity if allowed tions and decrease the swelling of sinus passages. to dry, but they can stay infectious for hours or even Patients should not take decongestants for more days on skin, nylon, and surfaces such as stainless than 3 to 4 days to avoid a rebound of symptoms. steel and FormicaTM. Cough preparations containing suppressants such as dextromethorphan, codeine, or terpin hydrate Diagnosis can help reduce a cough. Aspirin, acetaminophen Patients usually recognize the typical symptoms (TylenolTM), or an anti-inflammatory agent such as of the common cold and diagnose themselves. ibuprofen can help with general achiness. Aspirin Clinical examination does not help to identify the should not be used in children under 18 years specific virus. It is important to rule out strepto- because of the risk of Reye syndrome. coccal infection by throat culture if this diagnosis is Inhalants, such as cromolyn sodium or the considered in the differential. Either throat cultures intranasal use of ipratropium, may improve cold or one of the “rapid-strep” tests can be used to symptoms also. Both therapies are generally 166 The Health Care of Homeless Persons - Part 1 - Upper Respiratory Infection (URI/Common Cold) The Health Care of Homeless Persons - Part 1 - Upper Respiratory Infection (URI/Common Cold) 167 well-tolerated and shown to reduce the severity of occurs when infected people touch secretions from symptoms and/or reduce the duration of illness. their noses or throats and then touch other people’s Other treatments, such as vitamin C, echinacea, hands, other objects, or surfaces. Crowded shelters or zinc, have not been consistently shown to be can promote the spread of many infections, espe- beneficial to cold sufferers. cially when children are present. No specific treatment exists for the common Prevention and Control cold. Certain measures can relieve the symptoms, The common cold evades prevention, cure, and such as: treatment. Researchers have tried many methods, • bedrest for fatigue; such as vaccines, nasal interferon, ultraviolet light, • fluids for dehydration; and high dose vitamin supplements. None of these • saltwater gargling for sore throats; studies has yet proven conclusive for the general • medications including Tylenol for aching population. or SudafedTM for nasal congestion. The best way to prevent a cold is to avoid contact People who have fevers over 101°F (38.3°C), with the virus. In a shelter, viruses can spread easily coughs that produce sputum, or green or yellow within a large group of people. To curtail transmis- discharge from the nose or throat should see a health sion, shelters should be well ventilated, and guests care provider. These might be signs of a more severe and staff should have the basic tools of hygiene illness. readily available. For the common cold, this means Good hygiene can help prevent the spread of an adequate supply of tissues and receptacles for cold viruses. Shelters should be well ventilated and their disposal. Both guests and staff should be have an adequate supply of tissues, soap, and paper aware of how the use of tissues can limit the spread towels for guests and staff. E of viruses. Hand washing is an additional preventa- tive step. Use of a disinfectant such as phenol (as contained in LysolTM) may decrease transmission of virus left on hard surfaces. Parents and caregivers should discourage chil- The authors of this chapter gratefully acknowledge the dren (and other adults) from touching their eyes and invaluable contribution of Joan Lebow, MD, who noses. Careful handwashing with warm water and authored this chapter in the original Manual. soap is also especially important before preparing, serving, or eating food. Complications Occasionally, upper respiratory infections are associated with subsequent complications, especially in immunocompromised patients. Sinusitis caused by either bacteria or virus can occur in association with a URI.
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