Thursday, March 23,1995• Vol. XXVI No.107 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Maya Angelou lecture Keenan begins Diversity Week scheduled for April Guest speaker Special to the Observer (no reserved seats) for ticket holders only. Questions can be Delores Huerta Maya Angelou's lecture, directed to the Saint Mary's whieh was originally seheduled College Box Office at 219-284- stresses action for October but was canceled 4626. By EDWARD IMBUS due to health problems, has Angelou, a poet, educator, bnen rescheduled for Saturday actress, best-selling author and Associate News Editor April 8, at 7:30pm. The loca­ civil rights activist, has been Delores Huerta, the co­ tion has been hailed as one of the great voic­ changed founder of United Farm Work­ es of contemporary African­ ers union, has "a message to f r o m American literature. get out." O'Laughlin Among the highlights of her Auditorium Speaking in the first event of career as an artist is the poem Diversity Week, sponsored by to Angela "On the Pulse of Morning," Keenan and Lewis Halls, Athletic composed for President Bill Huerta stated that minorities of Facility Clinton's inauguration. America have continually been whieh is Angelou has been nominated subject to massive discrimina­ located on Angelou for a Pulitzer Prize for "Just the north tion, and "society still has a lot Give Me a Cool Drink of Water of racism." end of the Saint Mary's cam­ 'fore I Die," the National Book That racism, she said, can be The Observer/Cynthia Exconde pus. Award for the autobiographical seen through several facts, such Delores Huerta, co-founder of United Farm Workers, spoke at the Cen­ Saint Mary's will honor all "I Know Why the Caged Bird as that Native Americans have ter for Social concerns yesterday. She spoke on racism as part of tickets whieh were distributed Sings," a Tony award for her the highest mortality rates in Keenan Hall's Diversity Week. earlier. An additional number acting in "Look Away" and an of tickets will be available for society, that people of color are cuts in welfare programs, say­ minorities, such as the Asian Emmy for her role as Kunta "convicted more often and Saint Mary's faculty, adminis­ Kinte's grandmother in ing that minorities were being Exclusion Act of California, given harsher sentences for trators, and staff (two tickets "Roots." blamed for problems they did which prohibited Asian immi­ felonies," and the disparity in per person) on March 23-24 . Angelou currently teaches at not create. grants to own land or to marry elected offices, such as those in Saint Mary's students may also Wake Forest University is "Immigrants pay $500 billion whites. Huerta said it was un­ Congress. receive one ticket per student North Carolina, where she was in taxes, but get $97 billion in conscionable to pass the law, with lD at this time. "At the rate we're going, we'll return, most of which has gone especially when coupled with awarded a lifetime position as have gender and ethnic balance Ti\~kets for the general public the first Reynolds Professor of to refugee programs," rather strict immigration controls that in 350 years," she said. will be available on March 28. American Studies. than to the immigrants who allowed only one Asian woman Huerta criticized the educa­ Tickets will be limited to two Angelou believes in social paid the taxes initially, she said, for every 50 Asian men, usually tional system for "institutional­ per person. change for the betterment of also noting that "The savings coming to America in their izing racism in schools, ... and All tickets, which are free, those who have yet to share and loans went broke, and so teens. giv[ing] only half an education." are available at the Saint fully in the American dream. did Orange Country (of Califor­ Native Americans have also She advocated ethnic studies Mary's Box Office, located in Today, she continues her work nia), but not by immigrants or been subject to racism, accord­ programs to be required in all ()'Laughlin Auditorium from and lectures throughout the welfare mothers." She pre­ ing to Huerta, who stated that schools to allow minorities to <Jam. to 5pm. No phone orders country and abroad, sharing dicted that cutting public assis­ several groups of Native Ameri­ learn about their particular will be taken. the African-American experi­ tance programs would brings cans, such as the Arawak Indi­ contributions to history and end The night of the event, doors ence and educating her audi­ more homelessness and more ans, became extinct due to both "the incredible amount of igno­ will open at 6:30pm. There will ence on the human condition. crime. active and passive actions by a be general admission seating rance which perpetuates itself." Huerta cited several historieal pervasive white-supremacist She also denounced proposed examples of prejudice against attitude. Lecture series highlights foot washing rituals By LAURA FERGUSON designation of men only. Saint Mary's News Editor "The problem of the exclusion of women is a modern problem, The simple act of washing an not a historical one," she said. other's feet speaks, inspires The benefit of foot washing is and empowers the community to not just tell the story of to do as Jesus had done, Jesus' service to others but to according to Eleanor Bernstein do the story. According to CSJ in a lecture yesterday at Bernstein, it helps to shape our Saint Mary's. attitudes. "The mutuality of foot wash­ "We do it so we can grow into ing is about serving others and a way of thinking," she said. being served and bending over "Doing it helps to discover a is spite of status or position," proper way of being with each said Bernstein. other and being with God." The tradition of foot washing Bernstein also commented has been part of the human ex­ that foot washing is a menial perience for many years. Its task yet it is the last intimate The Observer/Cynthia Exconde earliest usage was as a sign of action Jesus performed with his hospitality to travelers and disciples before dying. guests after traveling on dusty "Jesus declared that the dis­ roads. ciples must imitate him as a Later it became an initiation servant if they were going to be rite as bishops washed the feet like him. They must do as he USS Bunker Hill docks in China of the newest church members. had done," Bernstein said. Monarchs have also washed Bernstein is the current di­ military relations with China navy," Smith said. U.S. Navy By RENEE SCHOOF the feet of the poor and offered rector of the Center for Pastoral after its army attacked demon­ officials know little about how Associated Press them alms, according to Bern­ Liturgy at Notre Dame. Her lec­ strators in Beijing on June 4, their Chinese counterparts op­ stein. Often there was one pau­ ture yesterday was the second 1989, killing hundreds of peo­ erate, and Smith said they QINGDAO. China per for each year of the monar­ in the endowed lecture series ple. Iligh-level talks resumed in hoped to learn more during the As a Chinese military band ch's life. honoring the Sisters of the Holy 1993, and Defense Secretary Bunker Hill's visit. played "The Star Spangled "It was a way for persons of Cross. William Perry visited China last It was the third visit since Banner" on shore, the USS authority to share their The Lenten series is spon­ Communist China was founded Bunker Hill sailed into port fall. wealth," she said. sored by the Center for Rear Adm. Bernard J. Smith, in 1949. Warships visited Qing­ Wednesday on the lirst visit by It wasn't until 1956 that foot Spirituality. commander of the Navy's Car­ dao's nuclear submarine base an American warship since washing was formally intro­ The next lecture will be in 1986, and in 1989 the navy China's 1989 crackdown on rier Group Five, called the duced into the liturgy. March 29 at 12:15 p.m. in Sta­ Bunker Hill's port call a friend­ made a port call at Shanghai a pro-democracy demonstrators. According to Bernstein it was pleton Lounge at Saint Mary's. ship visit and insisted there was day before Premier Li Peng Chinese sailors lined up on to be an action of'> a leader Paul Philibert will deliver his declared martial law in Beijing the decks of nearby destroyers nothing political about it. washing the feet of 12 men, lecture titled, "Foot Washing: A "I would say we regard the as a precursor to the military to welcome the ship. although there was no previous Lens for Spiritual Insight." The United States suspended Chinese navy as a friendly crackdown. ----------- -~ - ~- ~ ~-- ------------------ page2 The Observer • INSIDE Thursday, March 23, 1995 • INSIDE COLUMN • WORlD AT A GLANCE Turkish troops on offensive in northern Iraq I'll "We have urged (Turkey) to keep the DARKARJAN, Iraq K d tt kli k" h Turkish troops rolled past Kurdish vil- ur s a ac ur IS operation limited in duration and scope, do it lag~s Wednesd~y in a massive offensi:ve targets in Germany and to give full respect for human rights agamst a Kurdish rebel movement, rais­ and international law," Secretary of ing worldwide concern for civilians State Warren Christopher said to01orrow caught in the fighting. Wednesday in Paris. Air strikes and shelling continued for a In its first comment on the offensive, I am a procrastinator.
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